
Author Topic: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?  (Read 2520 times)

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #75 on: January 29, 2009, 12:44:24 PM »
You talk of god being the only one above you, but do you know god at all? Does god tell you, "Go forth and smite all who would do you wrong,"  does he nutpatch?

"Love others as well as you love yourself.”
"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

God dosnt want you to act like a thug and beatdown anyone who does you ill. He wants you to forgive them.
God is alll about forgivenes dude. And if he's the only one above you as you say, and he can forgive those lesser then him, why cant you?

I really hope ignoring the guy works...nice words Mew  :)

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #76 on: January 29, 2009, 01:22:06 PM »
Pride... that word can only go so far. I mean, is it really going to change you that much if you punch the guy? You still have your friends and once high school is over, you won't see that clown anymore. Your pride, in the end, is nothing more than an ego.

I remember having this one punk butt kid piss me off in high school to the point where I got arrested. I remember he was yelling insults to all the students out the window of the bus. I told him to stop and he called me some stupid name "Star Command". So I got up and punched him. I got ISS for a whole week.

The following year he made a joke saying he shot 2Pac on his anniversary day. So I decided to mess with him and say I was gonna beat his butt (was over the internet). I then saw him outside walking around cause he was scared of me. I talked trash to him for jokes... but the next morning it wasn't jokes cause he called the cops and I was arrested.

Now before these two things happened, this dude has done things to me in the past to escalade this. He stole my sisters Xbox controllers, bike and other things, he even threatened to hit my then girlfriend. He's done so much that it built up and wanted me to do that.

In the end, it wasn't even worth it. Cause later he moved to Florida and got hit by a car from someone he was talking trash to down there. Karma, right?

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #77 on: January 29, 2009, 01:26:57 PM »
You talk of god being the only one above you, but do you know god at all? Does god tell you, "Go forth and smite all who would do you wrong,"  does he nutpatch?

"Love others as well as you love yourself.”
"Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone."

God dosnt want you to act like a thug and beatdown anyone who does you ill. He wants you to forgive them.
God is alll about forgivenes dude. And if he's the only one above you as you say, and he can forgive those lesser then him, why cant you?

I see what ur saying but im only human theres only so much i can take.. And i do forgive theres a lot of ppl that i was about to beat up for talking to much but we are friends now.. Like i said it takes a lot for me to get angry so if someone gets me to the angry point then ur doing too much. As far as loving others i have been a lot more patient now that i really talk to god and all and i even pray for ppl who annoyme but still its something i cant do is get punked.

Oh And about the cops i dont like the way there putting my brothers life on the line talkin about he snitched on the shady mob gang... And my bro works around they area where they are hes pissed at da cops also.... Thats why i hate cops so dont ever say that i was raised to hate something i take that very personally cuz my parents never raised me to hate anything..
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 01:51:20 PM by Nutpatch »

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #78 on: January 29, 2009, 02:31:12 PM »
You talk of god being the only one above you, but do you know god at all? Does god tell you, "Go forth and smite all who would do you wrong,"  does he nutpatch?
Actually, yes he does, if you've read the Old Testament. Using religion as a justification for non violence can only go so far, especially because it's one of the major causes of violence in the world.  :|

As far as the topic, I really don't know anymore.

Things have changed so much since I've been in elementary/middle/high school, kids like to bring guns into schools now and every school is now required to have a small army of police and enough metal detecting equipment to make the county court blush.

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #79 on: January 29, 2009, 03:33:43 PM »

Things have changed so much since I've been in elementary/middle/high school, kids like to bring guns into schools now and every school is now required to have a small army of police and enough metal detecting equipment to make the county court blush.

which is why I stated that fighting needs to be a last resort. Nutpacth I understand that you are human we all are and there is only so much anyone will take before they lash out and that is fine but fighting should never be the first answer to any problem cause belive me I used to think the same way until I got my police record for fighting and was put in the holding tank for 8 hours and that was bad enough. So I will say again let your reason make the choice for you and not your pride cause I dont think you want to get punked in jail.

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #80 on: January 29, 2009, 03:50:27 PM »
Allot of yall put too much into your own stupid pride. So what if someone makes fun of you, it aint worth nothing.
Its just words, nothing to fight over.  Its stupid to care so much about your pride, you dont care if you get killed over it. Ya know, some cops would care, ive met some good cops and bad cops, they are people to, ya cant hate them all just because you were rased to hate them.
There's no point in me trying to convince you, its like talking to a brick wall. So go ahead, puch someone for talking smack to you, when you get killed for that then you'll beleve me.

im sorry no disrespect, but your from san pedro do you know about somebody talking smack and trying to kill you for standing up for yourself. i understand your point, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. regardless.

its not about having a backbone its about not getting into more trouble for trying to look like the hero. Most if not all schools have a "zero tolerance" level now which means any fight gets charges pressed and jail time(my family is going through that system right now) and then there is the "outside school" trouble which well no one wants. I have done my share of fighting won and lost some and from my experience fighting only leads to more trouble/abuse especially when it comes to school yard fights cause you can't look like the hero if you try and fight the bully and get beat up in the process and honestly the only time beating up the bully and the problem stops is in movies and elementary school.

its about having some backbone. for someone saying he has been in fights won some and lost some, you cant sit here and tell someone not too, thats making yourself into a hypocrite.

i can clearly see who has been picked on there whole life and didnt stand up for themselves. some of your comments show it.

why are people bringing "god" into this? dont waste your time with such non-sense, nobody cares.
any logical person who know violence is bad. god doesnt need to explain this to us, nor does the old testament. but not standing up for yourself is crazy. lol your going to ignore someone harassing you? come on now. its not pride, its saving your self a piece of mind. fighting is not the best way, but if its what he needs to do then let him do it.

i dont know why everybody is so uptight about this, we all have our opinions, nobodies is the right one, his is. im not hating on anybody for not wanting to fight, but nor would tell him not too, if he had too.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 03:56:29 PM by mastamasta »

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #81 on: January 29, 2009, 04:07:11 PM »
Actually, yes he does, if you've read the Old Testament. Using religion as a justification for non violence can only go so far, especially because it's one of the major causes of violence in the world.  :|

As far as the topic, I really don't know anymore.

Things have changed so much since I've been in elementary/middle/high school, kids like to bring guns into schools now and every school is now required to have a small army of police and enough metal detecting equipment to make the county court blush.

The old testament was for people living before the time of christ.
When he came down and died on the cross for our sins, we entered a new covanent, and were no longer bound by the old laws. Now all we have to do is accept jesus as the son of god, beleve in him and repent of our sins and we are saved. 

im sorry no disrespect, but your from san pedro do you know about somebody talking smack and trying to kill you for standing up for yourself. i understand your point, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do. regardless.
Ever have the FBI come and protect your life for 3 days because you and your whole family were being marked for murder by the local KKK?
No? Back off my life pall, you have no idea where ive lived and what ive gone though.

its about having some backbone. for someone saying he has been in fights won some and lost some, you cant sit here and tell someone not too, thats making yourself into a hypocrite.
By backbone you mean pride? Pride is empty.
And becides,  I said fighting was a last resort, for those extreme times.
Becides, a hypocrite is just an actor.

i can clearly see who has been picked on there whole life and didnt stand up for themselves. some of your comments show it.
Yeah ive been picked on allot, but i dont have to make things worse for myself by trying to get physical with someone, thats just stupid, you dont know who's packing weapons or not. Ive been in lots of schools were there were attacks with weapons, and shards of broken glass, and kids having to go to the hospital, all because of someones foolish pride.
Again, you dont know me, you dont know what ive had to go though.

why are people bringing "god" into this? dont waste your time with such non-sense, nobody cares.
Why us who are talking about it care, isnt it obvious?

any logical person who know violence is bad. god doesnt need to explain this to us, nor does the old testament. but not standing up for yourself is crazy. lol your going to ignore someone harassing you? come on now. its not pride, its saving your self a piece of mind. fighting is not the best way, but if its what he needs to do then let him do it.
That Peice of mind your talking about, that is pride, look it up dude.

i dont know why everybody is so uptight about this, we all have our opinions, nobodies is the right one, his is. im not hating on anybody for not wanting to fight, but nor would tell him not too, if he had too.

If you dont want to come off as hate, dont assume things about someone's life you dont know.
I dont have the time to give my life story and why my hardships should have jsut as much credit as anyone elses.

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #82 on: January 29, 2009, 04:30:53 PM »
The old testament was for people living before the time of christ.
When he came down and died on the cross for our sins, we entered a new covanent, and were no longer bound by the old laws. Now all we have to do is accept jesus as the son of god, beleve in him and repent of our sins and we are saved. 

Ever have the FBI come and protect your life for 3 days because you and your whole family were being marked for murder by the local KKK?
No? Back off my life pall, you have no idea where ive lived and what ive gone though.
By backbone you mean pride? Pride is empty.
And becides,  I said fighting was a last resort, for those extreme times.
Becides, a hypocrite is just an actor.
Yeah ive been picked on allot, but i dont have to make things worse for myself by trying to get physical with someone, thats just stupid, you dont know who's packing weapons or not. Ive been in lots of schools were there were attacks with weapons, and shards of broken glass, and kids having to go to the hospital, all because of someones foolish pride.
Again, you dont know me, you dont know what ive had to go though.
Why us who are talking about it care, isnt it obvious?
That Peice of mind your talking about, that is pride, look it up dude.

If you dont want to come off as hate, dont assume things about someone's life you dont know.
I dont have the time to give my life story and why my hardships should have jsut as much credit as anyone elses.

wow. you sure thought that through  :D

The old testament was for people living before the time of christ.
When he came down and died on the cross for our sins, we entered a new covanent, and were no longer bound by the old laws. Now all we have to do is accept jesus as the son of god, beleve in him and repent of our sins and we are saved. 

blah blah blah

Ever have the FBI come and protect your life for 3 days because you and your whole family were being marked for murder by the local KKK?
No? Back off my life pall, you have no idea where ive lived and what ive gone though.

no i dont know you, and you dont know me. but i can tell you that san pedro cali isnt the place where you have to watch your back everytime you walk down the street.. regardless of what you been through, that fact remains as truth.

By backbone you mean pride? Pride is empty.
And becides,  I said fighting was a last resort, for those extreme times.
Becides, a hypocrite is just an actor.

a hypocrite isnt an actor. its someone who says one thing and does another

 >:-(-| (you spelt besides wrong)

If you dont want to come off as hate, dont assume things about someone's life you dont know.
I dont have the time to give my life story and why my hardships should have jsut as much credit as anyone elses.

i didnt want to come off as hate, but i can see thats how your taking it.
nobody said anybodys hardships is not accounted for, some are worse than others, but we all experience them and its that experience that makes it so defining. im not gonna sit here and debate on who's life is harder. and its shame what happened to you with the KKK. im not downsizing that experience, who am i to do so? im just saying YOUR opinion is YOURS, its not the right one nor is it wrong.

everyones views are different.

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #83 on: January 29, 2009, 04:43:24 PM »
I'm not no admin or anything but this is beginning to get a tad out of hand, don't ya think?

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #84 on: January 29, 2009, 04:45:57 PM »

its about having some backbone. for someone saying he has been in fights won some and lost some, you cant sit here and tell someone not too, thats making yourself into a hypocrite.

that is not called being a hypocrite that is called giving advice through experience kinda like going to jail and then not telling someone else to do the same because its not good and if you read any of my post I have never said that fighting should never happen but if you can avoid it then do so because your "piece of mind" is not going to do you any good if you end up in jail or hurt.

not standing up for yourself is crazy. lol your going to ignore someone harassing you? come on now. its not pride, its saving your self a piece of mind. fighting is not the best way, but if its what he needs to do then let him do it.

i dont know why everybody is so uptight about this, we all have our opinions, nobodies is the right one, his is. im not hating on anybody for not wanting to fight, but nor would tell him not too, if he had too.

who ever said that standing up for yourself mean you have to fightsome one cause lasted I checked there are many ways to stand up for yourself and not throw blows. And no one here is really uptight about fighting its just when someone asks for advice for a problem tell them to just fight the person is not a good answer especially when you know nothing about the other person that can get someone killed

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #85 on: January 29, 2009, 04:51:24 PM »
I'm not no admin or anything but this is beginning to get a tad out of hand, don't ya think?

lol this thread went so off topic. It went from giving advice on what to do to the guy to fighting, to when not to fight, to personal information. Am sure Silly Puddy didn't read half off this and is still tryin what he's accustomed to   :-$

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #86 on: January 29, 2009, 07:00:54 PM »
lol this thread went so off topic. It went from giving advice on what to do to the guy to fighting, to when not to fight, to personal information. Am sure Silly Puddy didn't read half off this and is still tryin what he's accustomed to   :-$

Read all of it.

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #87 on: January 29, 2009, 07:07:09 PM »

Offline Nutty-Da-Kid

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #88 on: January 29, 2009, 07:27:09 PM »
If you dont want to come off as hate, dont assume things about someone's life you dont know.
I dont have the time to give my life story and why my hardships should have jsut as much credit as anyone elses.

Kinda reminds me of how u assumed that  i was raised to hate the police when really when i was little i use to look up to them.
and i also dont respect the fact that u asked me if i even knew god of course i know him thats like a slap in the face...

Anyways back on topic man the choice is up to u, weather u want to fight or throw insults back in forth. My father told me getting ur self all mad by throwing insults back and forth is not worth it... If u get to the point where u feel like u want to cry that means that he has gone to far and must be stopped at that moment. I understand that people fear that someone has a gun,

II Timothy 1:7 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control." We do not want to be driven by this fawning, craven, cringing fear. We want to have these demons driven out of us in Jesus' Name.

Basically saying for those who say well he might have a gun, you dont let someone punk you because you fear what they might do to you, You do whatever you have to do to put a end to it, Snitch if dats what ur goin to do even though thats not a good idea (and still showing that you cant handle a problem thats not too big for u which is still showing some bit of fear.) but dont be a coward i suggest you stand up for yourself like a man..

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #89 on: January 29, 2009, 09:19:38 PM »
Yo.... I'm just letting you know from personal experience. If you sit there and ignore this guy, I promise you, HE WILL HOOK OFF ON YOU!!! You need to stand your ground don't let people punk you. I don't where everyone live, but where I'm from, If someone comes to your door looking for a fight, you take it to them. But to get the good guys here off my back LOL, Tell the whoever is your aide on the bus (Or I can safely assume that there isn't one) or your principal. And if all your line of emergancy don't come through, THEN YOU WHOOP HIS @%%!!! The one thing people have to understand is bullies like this got no heart. Is this the extent of his power? Then he definitely ain't built for anything else. OOOH he might have a gun, please. This guy has no heart to even shoot himself. Handle your Business. If I had a son and he came into the house telling me he was being bullied, I'll take him over to the lil punk and they gonna scrap. And I'll tell the lil b@#tard go get your Dad, He probably soft like you LOL!!. I'm sorry people on this thread. I live in nyc and this a no cry zone!!!

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #90 on: January 29, 2009, 10:32:22 PM »
Yo.... I'm just letting you know from personal experience. If you sit there and ignore this guy, I promise you, HE WILL HOOK OFF ON YOU!!! You need to stand your ground don't let people punk you. I don't where everyone live, but where I'm from, If someone comes to your door looking for a fight, you take it to them. But to get the good guys here off my back LOL, Tell the whoever is your aide on the bus (Or I can safely assume that there isn't one) or your principal. And if all your line of emergancy don't come through, THEN YOU WHOOP HIS @%%!!! The one thing people have to understand is bullies like this got no heart. Is this the extent of his power? Then he definitely ain't built for anything else. OOOH he might have a gun, please. This guy has no heart to even shoot himself. Handle your Business. If I had a son and he came into the house telling me he was being bullied, I'll take him over to the lil punk and they gonna scrap. And I'll tell the lil b@#tard go get your Dad, He probably soft like you LOL!!. I'm sorry people on this thread. I live in nyc and this a no cry zone!!!
:w00t: ^^(PM)^ ^:)^  Im from cali and its da same way down here u dont let anyone punk you.. Its never ok to just sit there and get bullied ppl talkin about u might get beat up, who cares u dont win em all like bruce lee he didnt just get amazing by winning all fights he lost a lot then learned from his fighting mistakes. I have a idea man take a Karate class or take boxing lessons that helps too..

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #91 on: January 30, 2009, 01:10:54 AM »
guys it does not matter where you are form a bully is a bully its not like just because where you are from makes the bullies that much tuffer or anything

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #92 on: January 30, 2009, 01:48:46 AM »
guys it does not matter where you are form a bully is a bully its not like just because where you are from makes the bullies that much tuffer or anything

True  ^^(PM)^

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #93 on: January 30, 2009, 03:15:09 AM »
Read all of it.
Did u try anything?  Hell, try talking to the guy.  Some ppl back down if u grill them. 
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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #94 on: January 30, 2009, 06:52:08 AM »

hey silly putty tell us wats happen man. has he said anythin? have u tried anythin?
 :-?? :-?? :-??

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #95 on: January 30, 2009, 08:58:25 AM »
hey silly putty tell us wats happen man. has he said anythin? have u tried anythin?
 :-?? :-?? :-??

lol.....word, everyone is giving there opinions and i havent seen him respond to ANY of them. lol

were sitting here fighting amongst ourselves, oppose to hearing you happened??  :-??

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Re: What should I say to this jackass on my bus?
« Reply #96 on: January 30, 2009, 11:17:48 AM »
guys it does not matter where you are form a bully is a bully its not like just because where you are from makes the bullies that much tuffer or anything

True but to be hosest most bullies are either big (and usually cant fight they just try to atimidate u with size) or run their mouf to much just cuz they pick on someone dont mean they can fight he needs to learn some punishment i dont care where a bully is from im not gettin bullied by anyone.


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