
Author Topic: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos  (Read 1634 times)

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Offline newtomugen

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Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« on: July 08, 2012, 03:48:00 AM »
I need Help with understanding what I'm seeing.
Character States and Command files, what are they and what do they look like ?

Can someone please break it down for me and explain it in a way I can understand,   How do I create chain attack combos ?

What I think I know so far from Debug Mode .

I've noticed that a characters attack will bring up a specific number in debug mode , for example Light Punch will show up as 200  and etc :
LP = 200

I've also gone in to the characters command file and have seen that in Mugen, your buttons are A,B,C,X,Y & Z and that the letters correspond to the strength of Punch & Kick  [ A= LK, X + LP]  and I saw how a "Hadoken" shows in the command file as
" D,DF, F + Z"

So Just to be sure about wether or not I'm misuderstanding Mugen terminology , are States the  numbers I mentioned in debug mode Eg  200,220 etc ?
Or are they the command file text D, DF, F + C ?

I've read about how to make attacks chain in to other attacks to form combos and found online the following example of making Medium Punch chain in to Strong Punch
"[State -1, Standing Strong Punch]
Type = ChangeState
value = 210
triggerall = command = "StandStrongP"
trigger1 = Ctrl
trigger2 = StateNo = x
trigger2 = Move Contact"

But where exactly do I go to find this existing text and add my own to it ?
Do I go in the Character CNS file or the Command CMD file ?
I just don't know .

I tried looking in the characters CNS & CMD file for existing code such as the above example of a "Standing Strong Punch" but I just Cant find anywhere in my char where it contains the text State -1, Standing Strong Punch  or the numbers 210 and 220.

The only thing I could find which resembled the characters state or command file was this in my chars CNS file :
"[State 200, Ctrlset]
type = Ctrlset
trigger1 = AnimElemTime(6) >= 5
value = 1"

Is this where I'm supposed to be typing and adding extra text like "Trigger 2 " and "Changestate " ? 

I tried putting it here and it didn't work.

I really need some help with this please .
« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 07:17:15 AM by newtomugen »

Offline Cyanide

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Re: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 03:58:09 AM »
You want the .cmd, all that stuff is at the bottom of it. The states will change on a per character basis, some people do 200,201,202, some do 200,210,220, Some are just insane and do 200,393,436

Not everyone comments, don't look for comments unless you know what they are in advance.

Open the .cmd file and scroll down till you find [Statedef -1] everthing you need is after that particular line. Your example is basically correct assuming you put something like 200 in the place of that X, try first, come back with problems. If you can find the bits you need.

Offline newtomugen

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Re: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 04:16:00 AM »
Hey thanks for the fast response.

I looked very far down the CMD file and saw a lot of State -1 codes. 
And just looking now I noticed a 200 which looks like this :
[State -1, ’†ƒpƒ“ƒ`]
type = ChangeState
value = 210+(random<500)*200
triggerall = roundstate = 2
triggerall = var(50) = 1
triggerall = statetype != A
triggerall = P2BodyDist X >= ceil(60*const(size.xscale))
triggerall = movetype != H
triggerall = movetype = I
trigger1 = enemy, numproj = 0
trigger1 = power < 960+(var(2)=0)*1600+(var(2)=1)*1280+(var(2)=2)*320
trigger1 = p2statetype = L
trigger1 = p2stateno = [5100,5110]
trigger1 = Random = [0,499]
trigger1 = ctrl||stateno=22
ignorehitpause = 0

So this is it ?
This is where I should be adding things like "trigger 2"  ?

Do I just add another Trigger number under the ones already there ?
IS that how it works ?

This one says value = 210 so am I right in understanding that this is as Medium Punch command for my character ? I think I might be but I just want to double confirm .

I 've also noticed there are State-2 and State-3, what's that all about ?

« Last Edit: July 08, 2012, 07:16:31 AM by newtomugen »

Offline Cyanide

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Re: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« Reply #3 on: July 08, 2012, 07:33:49 PM »
That's AI code. Note the lack of command requirement. Keep going. By the looks of it, anything with var(50) = 1 is going to be AI.

Offline newtomugen

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Re: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« Reply #4 on: July 09, 2012, 02:22:25 AM »
So just to be crystal clear, if "anything with var(50) = 1 is going to be AI" , then I need to be looking for What exactly ?

Do I need to look for lines that are anything else but "ver(50) = 1" ?

More help needed, please elaborate.

I've tried making Light Punch chain to Medium Punch to make a 2 hit combo.

Light Punch value of the char is 200.
Medium Punch value of the char is 210.
I've scrolled down the CMD file to find:
[State -1, ’†ƒpƒ“ƒ`]
type = ChangeState
value = 210

I've tried adding value 200 as a trigger.
I've written it as :
[State -1, ’†ƒpƒ“ƒ`]
type = ChangeState
value = 210
trigger1 = 200
trigger1 = movecontact = 1
trigger1 = stateno = 200
triggerall = roundstate = 2
triggerall = var(50) = 1
triggerall = statetype != A

I don't know what 'triggerall' means, it was already there so I've just left it as is.

This hasn't worked, the 2 punches are not chaining together.

Can you Please Be Precise and Tell Me what I need to do to make chain combos ?

Can you please tell me what it means when I'm looking at code which shows:
[State -1, “dn”g“®Œ]
type = ChangeState
value = 3200
triggerall = var(2) = 0 || var(2) = 3
triggerall = roundstate = 2
triggerall = StateType != A
triggerall = var(50) = 1
triggerall = power >= 960+(var(0)=0)*320
triggerall = P2BodyDist Y = 0
triggerall = P2BodyDist X = [ceil(-10*const(size.xscale)),ceil(50*const(size.xscale))]
triggerall = p2statetype != L
triggerall = !var(13)
triggerall = movetype != H
trigger1 = var(51) = [0,30)
trigger1 = stateno = 225 && animelemtime(6) <= 0 && var(38) = 225
trigger1 = numtarget(225)
trigger1 = target(225),stateno = [5000,5011]
trigger1 = fvar(15) > 30


Why are there so many lines for "triggerall & trigger1 lines ?
What does "triggerall", "roundstate", "var(50) = 1", "stateno = "  mean ?

Can you explain the basics ? 

Offline Cyanide

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Re: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« Reply #5 on: July 09, 2012, 03:10:15 AM »
You're still looking at AI code there.

Ok, we shall go to the basic basics of mugen (and you need to read a tutorial badly at this point)

Triggerall means basically what it says. The triggerall must be TRUE in order for any of the numeric triggers to activate. Lets take a simple option

Triggerall = p2dist < 40
trigger1 = command = "a"
trigger2 = stateno = 210 && movecontact

In order for trigger1 to work, player 2 must be close when you press A, in order for trigger2 to work, p2 must be close when you are in state 210 and you hit. In BOTH triggers, the triggerall must be true.

The triggers are evaluated in order, triggerall first, followed by 1-2-3-4-and so on. You cannot skip numbers, they must follow standard progression but you can have more than one on a line. Taking the above example again

triggerall = p2dist < 40
trigger1 = command = "a"
trigger1 = stateno = 210 && movecontact

That says ALL those must be true in order to activate. Normally triggerall's contain command or power requirements in the .cmd file. You should only do the move when a command is entered.

You are STILL looking at AI changestates. Scroll down more or search for Command = "a" or something, looking at the AI is just going to confuse you.

(click to show/hide)

Now, stop looking at the AI and move on please, this is pretty pointless.

Offline newtomugen

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Re: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2012, 08:16:15 AM »

I wouldn't be asking if I'd already found any decent tutorials about writing character code.

Maybe there's some reason why it isn't already here, or maybe a lot of people don't know how to do this.

Looks like you've put together some good info to read.
And Yes,  I do need a tutorial badly so finally we agree on something.

Thanks  :thumbsup:

Offline Cyanide

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Re: Confused about how to make Chain Attack Combos
« Reply #7 on: July 09, 2012, 04:33:08 PM »
Try my website, i have a series there. I also have something called "Self Taught Codework" on guild. And there are any number of tutorials tips and tricks on guild that you could also look at. And there are some here although i can't comment on their quality (by my standards)


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