
Author Topic: Pdeinep 2009  (Read 579 times)

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Pdeinep 2009
« on: January 31, 2010, 04:07:01 PM »
EDIT (2010.04.18): This event was canceled per not having participants.

The PdM, a Mugen site, received authorization of Infinity Mugen Team administration to talk an event with name "Pdeinep". I am a PdM administrator. Please, this is not spam! It is a serious event, not spam.

Hello, Infinity Mugen Team community!

Before all, the PdM thanks the Infinity Mugen Team administration per authorize the divulgation of Pdeinep in community forum. Very thanks!


With the objective stimulate and support the research, the development and the innovation in programmable engines (as Mugen, for example), is starting an edition of PDEINEP Prize - Prize for Research, Development and Innovation in Programmable Engines. This Prize will be destined to person whose work more contributed for the programmable engines evolution in year 2009.

In summary, if you made a work in the Mugen, for example, you can receive a prize per this. Can be any work, since a small code in a blow of a character until the development of a programmable engine.

To know more and participate, visit the PDEINEP sub-forum and go to PDEINEP 2009 section.

Not registered users in the PdM Forum (Guests) can post in PDEINEP sub-forum.
Do not need write the name or nickname, this place can be empty.
You only need put an anti-spam code. Then write your post! ;)

Part of the Pdeinep 2009 text is presented below. The full text exceeds the limit of characters allowed. Therefore, to read the rest of text (models presented), visit the PDEINEP 2009 section.


Dear programmer, player or visitor,

With objective stimulate and support a research, a development and an innovation in programmable engines, was created the PDEINEP Prize - Prize for Research, Development and Innovation in Programmable Engines. This Prize is annual and destined to a person whose work more contributed for the programmable engines evolution during the year.  

And when is said "work that more contributed", means any work: code, experiment, discovery, study of phenomena or equations, edition techniques, tools, treatment of sounds or images,... The PDEINEP is not a prize for better character, creator,... of the year, but a prize to a work or discovery that more contributed for the programmable engines evolution. Then any person will be able gain the Prize, inexperienced or veteran, programmer or not, therefore what valley here is discover, develop and innovate, and not necessarily create beauties characters with excellent graphs and programming. Thus, the objective of PDEINEP not is fill of glories very experienced programmers who already made an infinity of works. Quite the contrary, any person, with any work, can participate of the competition and to be winner of the PDEINEP.

Beginner or veteran in programmable engines (as the M.U.G.E.N), all are capable to make good works and discoveries. Thus, will not be necessary know very of programming, to be a great programmer, made many works to participate and, yet, win the PDEINEP. Since a code using only the engine commands, until an experiment involving other areas of the knowledge - as Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology,... - or a development of engine or tool will be able to concur for the Prize. What we want is that, with the knowledge that you already possess, that already brings with you, can develop something, to make discoveries, to innovate,... so that  programmable engines can evolve each time more.


Now we go speak as participate of the PDEINEP: the period of registration, accomplishment, as present the works, of the winner,...

(1) - Who can to concur for the Prize.

Any person, of any place of the world, registered or not registered in the PdM Forum.

(2) - Which work will be accepted in the PDEINEP 2009.

Will accept any work concluded during the year 2009 and is included by item (3).

(3) - Which type of work will be accepted in the PDEINEP.

Any work related to programmable engines (as M.U.G.E.N, ShugenDo, InfinityCat,...) can be enrolled in the PDEINEP. Thus, can concur to the Prize: elaborated codes only with commands of proper engine; codes or experiments made from mathematical, physical, chemical, biological, computational theorems, theories and contents,...; study of natural phenomena, equations, graphs, systems, simulation,... with the respective applications in programmable engines; discovery; study or treatment of videos, sounds, images,... applicable in programmable engines; destined tools to programmable engines; new engines,... At last, any work, any contribution will be able to participate of the PDEINEP.

(4) - Which type of work will not be accepted in the PDEINEP.

O PDEINEP is not prize for better char, stage, screenpack, creator,... of the year. The Prize is destined a biggest contribution to the evolution of engines programmable. Therefore, please, does not send for us chars, stages, screenpacks,... entire.

(5) - Which categories (themes) will concur.

For this second edition of the PDEINEP, we will have the following categories (themes): "Engines", "Tools", "Characters", "Stages", "Add-ons" and "Edition & Special Effects". Being which each person will be able to inscribe only 1 (one) work inside one of the six categories (themes).

(6) - Who will be the winner of the PDEINEP.

Only 1 (one) work in all the competition will be the winner.
Will have two turns (or phases). In first turn, the participant will concur inside of the theme whom had chosen. For example: works inside of the Characters category concur only with other works of this same category. Who is with the Stages theme, concur only with who is with this theme. The same valley for the other themes. In the second turn, the works selected in each category in the first turn concur between itself. Thus, we will be able to have works of the inside Characters theme concurring with Screenpack, with Engines,... That is, in the second phase is mixed. Therefore the intention is choose a work which more contributed for the programmable engines evolution. The second phase winner will be the PDEINEP winner.

(7) - As will be chosen the works during each turn.

In each turn, during a period of time previously established, the users go read the works and vote in that which judge to be what more contributed for the programmable engines evolution. In the first turn, each user will be vote only in an one work inside of each category. In the second turn, each user will be able to vote only in an only work.

(8 ) - Who will be able vote.

Any user will be able vote, as well as write in the PDEINEP sub-forum. Being thus, registered users in the PdM Forum or not-registered users (Guests) will be able vote in works and write in the PDEINEP sub-forum.

(9) - Classification for the second phase of the PDEINEP.

After a time of voting previously established, we will close all the topics and finish the first phase. Being "W" a total number of works inside of a theme that participated of the first phase, a classification for the second phase will be made in the following way:

"W" is even: Then W/2 works more voted will go for the second phase.
To example, if W = 8, the 4 more voted works will go for the second phase.

"W" is odd: Then (W + 1)/2 works more voted will go for the second phase.
To example, if W = 9, the 5 more voted works  will go for the second phase.

"W" = 1: The work will be automatically in the second phase, without needing to concur in the first phase.

"W" = 0: The first phase will be without work for this theme.

(10) - In case of parity of votes in the second phase, if to finish the voting time.

The voting period will be extended per more 7 (seven) days for the participants with parity of votes. Persisting a parity of votes between two or more works, all will be considered winners.

(11) - Which will be the prize in PDEINEP 2009.

The winner will receive our congratulations, a special place with a commentary* about the work and a SanDisk Cruzer Micro 16GB USB 2.0 Flash Drive.

* The winner will write.

Flash Drive - Some Features:

- Capacity: 16 (sixteen) GB
- Retractable USB connector
- With ReadyBoost technology
- Brilliant amber LED
- With U3 technology
- Dimensions: 7.94 mm x 20.6 mm x 57.15 mm (D x W x L)
- Hi-Speed USB 2.0 certified (backwards compatible with all USB 1.1 ports)

PS: U3 features only supported in Windows 2000 (SP4 and more recent versions) and XP

(12) - Declassification of the PDEINEP.

The participant will be declassified of PDEINEP if proven, at any time, that the work was plagiarized (in whole or in part) or that such work was done by others and not by the participant.

(13) - How present the work.

The work will have to be presented in text form, in PDF.
Does not have a standard formatting (font size, paragraph,...). However, is recommended that the letters, numbers, ... are, at least, visibles, so that everyone can read. Also, the font not need be a same for words, numbers, expressions,... You can vary as want.

PS: In this second PDEINEP, we will begin adopt the PDF format standard as present the works. It has advantages - to who write and to who read. There are many programs (and also online services) that transform files for PDF format. If you do not know any program for this, as suggestion there are CutePDF and the doPDF. PDF Online and Online PDF Converter & Document Creator - Convert MS Office, Images, Web Pages, Vector Graphic Formats files to PDF and PDF to Microsoft Word for free using your Internet browser]PDF Converter[/url] are online services.

(14) - How make the text.

The texts will follow some standards. We will present more ahead some models of text that you will be able choose, in accordance with the work type made.

You DO NOT need read about all the models. Read a description of each one of them and looks for more below for the respective example, in accordance with what was made in your text.

- Model 1: For codes made only with commands of the proper engine.

- Model 2: Destined to the codes made from theorems, theories and contents purely mathematicians or logical.

- Model 3: Destined to works made from physical, chemical, biological, computational,... theorems, theories and contents; study of natural phenomena, equations, graphs, systems, simulations,...; treatment of images and sounds of artistic or scientific form - with the respective applications in programmable engines.

PS: Is important to say that work in the theme "Edition & Special Effects" of artistic way does not consist only in edit images, as is made normally. When make a work of this theme of artistic way, the person must present something different, something innovative - a different technique, implement something different in the edition or in the special effect, innovators edition or special effect,... And is this newness, this "something different" that will be the main subject of the work in the PDEINEP.

- Model 4: Use this model if you made a discovery in some programmable engine. This discovery can be, for example, a different way of placing music in the stages or sounds in the characters, an abnormal behavior of an item in the game environment, an error in engine or in a command,... Finally, any discovery that involves the programming, the structure, the mathematics, the physics, the gameplay,... in some programmable engine.

- Model 5: For texts that describe the development of new engines or new tools that can be used in one or more programmable engines.

(15) - Commentaries about the models presented.

Do not necessary strictly follow these models.
However, the text must have the items Title, Theme, Author and Engine.
If one of them lack, the participant perhaps will not see your work concurring to the prize during the period of voting. Therefore, certify that the text possess these four items.

In case of discovery (see Model 4), of invention or development of new methods, the person can give the name that want the discovery, invents or method - of course that only when is necessary give name. For example, in Example for Model 3 the text title is "Formation of the Death Hexagon by Laser Redirection in Specular Reflection". Perceives that the weapon name, of the invention, is death hexagon. Therefore, use good sense for give names.

(16) - Commentaries about the works titles.

The three titles below already say clearly what will be made in the work:

Implementation of Dust Particles in Passage of Light Rays

Representation of Luminous Signboards in Stages with Effect of Neon Gas

Obtaining of the Terminal Velocity for Water Droplets in Precipitation Near to Ground

Now repairs in this title:

Application of Nonlinear Equations for the Correction of the Objects Trajectory in the AP-P2-AP System

When there are unknown terms in title, is interesting explain in text the meaning of them. This can be made in the Introduction.

AP-P2-AP system signify Projectile Attack-Adversary-Projectile Attack.

The objective is use nonlinear equations for all instant correct the trajectory of two persecuting projectiles, which will go in direction of the oponent.

Read this another title:

Application of the Gauss Elimination for the Calculation of Velocities in Elastics Collisions

When have names of people in the title or in another part of the work, writes a little about them in the text. But does not need make a person biography. Only quotes the full name, the period which she lived, her nationality and her profession. If you want, speak briefly of some contributions of this person for determined area of the knowledge.

Example: "...the method name is a homage to the German mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855)..."

Finally, observes this title (of the "Example for Model 4"):

Variation in the Exponents Form for the Square Root Calculation in the R+ Set in M.U.G.E.N

Observes that the engine name appears in the title - in the case, the M.U.G.E.N.
However, the item "Engine" in the text must be filled with the engine name where an application or a discovery was made. Thus:

Engine: M.U.G.E.N

(17) - Commentaries about the writing.

People of the entire world will read your text and, perhaps, vote in your work.
Therefore, go some suggestions.

- Try write correctly;
- Avoid to abbreviate words or to use slangs, coarse language or smiles;
- Remember that a Bibliography can also serve to give more basement to work;
- If you want the text can be written in English, beyond be written in the language spoken in your country. In this case send to us the two texts (English and the your country language) in different documents, but in the same e-mail. However, if you want compete only with the English text, send to us just the work written in that language. If you requested for someone translate the text to English, not forget put her name in the "Thankfulness" (or "Credits").

PS: These are just suggestions. Follow if to want.

(18) - PDEINEP 2009 Dates.

- Registration Period: until April 17, 2010.
- Realization of the 1st Phase: April 21 - May 31, 2010.
- Realization of the 2nd Phase: June 06 - July 16, 2010.
- Divulgation of the winner: July 18, 2010.

PS: The divulgation of the winner be made in News da Pão (PdM's news section).

(19) - For where send the text.

Send the text for e-mail:
Does not put the text written directly in e-mail, but send the archive annex.
To facilitate the identification, put in the e-mail title the text title.
If you want, can shorten the text title in the e-mail title.

After PDEINEP finish, the PdM will archive your work (text) so that any person can make download of the same. However, if you do not want the work be archived, make this request when send the e-mail.

(20) - Final Considerations.

During all the period of registration, we will answer questions about how participate in the event. If you have suggestions, write for to be analyzed. And, in case that are approved, can be put in practical in next PDEINEP.

The most important in the PDEINEP is stimulate the research, the development and the innovation in programmable engines. Therefore, participate with your experiments, your ideas,... Search and apply in programmable engines what you learned in school, in courses, in university, in books or in magazines, in Internet,... and in life of general manner. Make discoveries, innovates, develops, creates! Liberate the creativity and go to limits! Participate! ;)
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 09:48:15 AM by Equinocio »


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