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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2009, 04:08:52 PM »
I like everything about the trailers. They are awesome, and he is aaaa goood!

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2009, 04:21:45 PM »
@Theendgamelv3: Good points. I really do enjoy the last 3 trailers, and am not hating. Still, certain things don't make sense to me, especially since this is all supposed to be fun. For example, when Tifa had all the materia, almost no scratch on Hitomi and Tifa was on equal grounds with her throughout, yet once Hitomi had all the materia, down goes Tifa! The ninja fights was actually cool to me and I love the connection between DOA and Ninja Gaiden. The horrendous beatdown that Tifa takes is just crazy, but that's just my opinion. As for Cloud rescuing Yuna, I see your point and for the sake of creativity/uniqueness, yeah it's cool to see Cloud rescue Yuna...although Tidus may not like him getting that close to his girl (I smell a Dissidia battle coming up lol)

All in all, I'm enjoying the Dead Fantasy series. Still, a fan can speak their mind, whether it's on points they like or don't like.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2009, 04:52:33 PM »
I mean the whole materia thing "kinda" ruins certain things cause why didn't any fall out when she was fighting in the beginning and all that. Everything outside of the materia deal, is believable. Tifa was beaten by a Hitomi who was powered up. She had been fighting alot before hand with little to no rest. These ninjas might not be on the lvls of Kasumi, Ayane, etc, but there are a ton of them and so she will eventually be hit. That is why she ran off, cause she knew she might not be able to take them all on especially without materia. I am just simply stating that Monty has a reason why he had Cloud save Yuna, Tifa being beaten down, etc. as he is trying to make the story interesting and that it will work out in the end. The only thing right now I am not digging, is I have the feeling that the FF girls are the "good guys" and the DOA girls are the "bad guys". Hayate didn't certainly help that is for sure lol.What might happen is that they might all team up at the end to fight a powerful enemy to avoid the whole, "this series is better than that series deal".

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2009, 07:09:18 PM »
Well the series looks good. Where can I get the first 2? Are there full episodes and how long is this series? is it just 5 episodes? or is it gonna be longer? Another question how did Monty oum get the rights to these characters? Or are the creators just looking at it like fan made art? But monty's stuff is more then just fan made he is awesome and could make a full fledged anime CG series on his own with little to no help. Also is this series gonna be sold or is it just gonna be distributed through the net? If its being sold this points back to an earlier question how did he get the rights?

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2009, 07:42:31 PM »
heres the link to the first two so u can download it

just click the vid u want and and the bottom of the vid hit download :)

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Offline The Rippah, Roo'Jizah Panzermanathod

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #30 on: June 11, 2009, 01:41:20 AM »
Another question how did Monty oum get the rights to these characters? Or are the creators just looking at it like fan made art?

He's just that damn good at 3D modeling.

Also, I know there were many points brought up. However, my only problem  is the ninja scene with Tifa. Tifa getting the materia knocked out of her? The scene was kind of surprising with the fact that knocking out the materia leaves her bleeding from where they left. Ethereal going in, solid going out... huh? Most everything else I was cool with.

Even if Ninja Gaiden and DoA are in the same universe... that's pretty irrelevant. I was using a metaphor for it becoming "Dead Fantasy Gaiden" with Tifa fighting the ninjas the way she did.

What I don't get is how some people thought it was weird how Cloud saved Yuna, and yet everyone seems to be okay with Tifa suddenly slicing ninjas and becoming a human pincushion. It's just so out of place. It's like if this forum suddenly got a sizable portion of if dedicated to horror movies and silent films. It's out of place.
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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2009, 02:12:44 AM »
I just saw all three vids, and while I am amazed, I am also very disappointed in the way he lead the series and the way he severely underpowered the Summons in P.IV, sure they aren`t immortal, but it just sucks so bad to see my favorite summon Ifrit get pwned by a few clones, which shouldn`t stand a chance agains even one of them, I`m surprised no one has mentioned this... How easily every summon Yuna had was so easily taken down, including the hulking Bahamut, taken down before he could use Mega Flare  *Iceman ThumbsDown!*
And then Dr.Squeenix Blond ($$$ magnet) Cloud destroys all clones with a single climhazzard? What the... so Cloud is more powerful than maybe 5 summons? **This part pissed me off alot more than Part 5**

Part 5 itself had parts in it that didn`t make sense, even if they are damage taking characters, there`s no way even Cloud himself couldn`t take that many slashes and arrows and then get back up like the arrows healed him. For all those that played Final Fantasy, this is an insult, at least it was to me in the way of the survival and amount of damage taken by the FF characters, while the DOA characters haven`t suffered at all, maybe it`s his way of building anticipation for a big comeback? I hope so, because no FF fan would love to see their favorite character lose to obviously weaker opponents.

--Fan crud aside, his work on the thing using 3d models is fantastic, truly professional work.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #32 on: June 11, 2009, 03:32:50 AM »
What I don't get is how some people thought it was weird how Cloud saved Yuna, and yet everyone seems to be okay with Tifa suddenly slicing ninjas and becoming a human pincushion. It's just so out of place. It's like if this forum suddenly got a sizable portion of if dedicated to horror movies and silent films. It's out of place.
Well calling it Dead Fantasy Gaiden is ok, it isn't wrong to say that cause it is using elements from both DOA and Ninja Gaiden. Hell you could even call it Dead Kingdon Fantasy Hearts lol. How is Tifa slicing ninjas and becoming a pin cushion out of place? This is what I don't understand from people who are surprised Tifa got so beaten down in DF 5 preview. As I pointed out, she had already been fighting hard already before she fought Hitomi 1-1 with little down time, she lost to a powered up Hitomi, she was losing blood, she jumped and hit the train hard in a weakened state which hurt her alittle more. I mean seriously, why is it hard to believe with all this everyone expects her to kill the ninjas with ease. She fought how many ninjas at once now? She would have to get hit at some point due to her injuries. If she had to back off and jump from a building on to a train instead of facing the ninjas, that should tell you something. She knew she was at a huge disadvantage and needed to leave. She was STILL fighting on and got to Hayate despite all that happened to her.

I just saw all three vids, and while I am amazed, I am also very disappointed in the way he lead the series and the way he severely underpowered the Summons in P.IV, sure they aren`t immortal, but it just sucks so bad to see my favorite summon Ifrit get pwned by a few clones, which shouldn`t stand a chance agains even one of them, I`m surprised no one has mentioned this... How easily every summon Yuna had was so easily taken down, including the hulking Bahamut, taken down before he could use Mega Flare  No approve
And then Dr.Squeenix Blond ($$$ magnet) Cloud destroys all clones with a single climhazzard? What the... so Cloud is more powerful than maybe 5 summons? **This part pissed me off alot more than Part 5**

You have to understand, he HAS to nerf the FF characters down, powers and all and buff the DOA cast. If they are at their game levels, Tifa alone could probably take all the girls down plus Hayate. Due to the buff and the tons and tons of clone, it made it hard to destory the many clones. Think of ants taking down something big due to numbers. The Kasumi clones didn't just sit there, they can teleport and move very quickly enabling to effiencently move and attack the "slower" moving summons. They basically swarmed the summons. You also have to remember that the clones moved in without fear of dying cause well, they are just shadow clones (?) so they would do things and take risks that Kasumi normally wouldn't do. Add these things together, and it is within the relm of possiblity that the Kasumi clones could take down the summons.

Cloud taking out the clones isn't unrealistic either. The summons did take out a bunch of them but, also they were grouped together focused on a single target (Yuna), hence Cloud's wide area attack would work. It isn't that he is more powerful, but luckier than the summons themselves when it came to attacking cause the clones weren't spread out. Again, Monty has to nerf the FF characters and their powers and buff the DOA characters and their powers as this is the only way to make this match up fair.

Offline The Rippah, Roo'Jizah Panzermanathod

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #33 on: June 11, 2009, 08:51:32 AM »
Well calling it Dead Fantasy Gaiden is ok, it isn't wrong to say that cause it is using elements from both DOA and Ninja Gaiden. Hell you could even call it Dead Kingdon Fantasy Hearts lol. How is Tifa slicing ninjas and becoming a pin cushion out of place? This is what I don't understand from people who are surprised Tifa got so beaten down in DF 5 preview. As I pointed out, she had already been fighting hard already before she fought Hitomi 1-1 with little down time, she lost to a powered up Hitomi, she was losing blood, she jumped and hit the train hard in a weakened state which hurt her alittle more. I mean seriously, why is it hard to believe with all this everyone expects her to kill the ninjas with ease. She fought how many ninjas at once now? She would have to get hit at some point due to her injuries. If she had to back off and jump from a building on to a train instead of facing the ninjas, that should tell you something. She knew she was at a huge disadvantage and needed to leave. She was STILL fighting on and got to Hayate despite all that happened to her.

At this point calling it "Dead Kingdom Fantasy Hearts" and me calling it "Dead Fantasy Gaiden" has far different contexts. I only brought up Ninja Gaiden because, although I never played it, I know it involves slicing up ninjas in some fashion, and that it was made by the same people behind DoA. Using "Dead Fantasy Shinobi" would have sufficed just as well, though.

And don't get me wrong, I liked Tifa, but her getting beat up wasn't phasing me. It's a fan battle and I'm not like those Pro-MK guys who bashed MKvsSF because the MK characters were always killed.

I'm irked by the fact (and this fact alone) that the gore rating just shot several  notches in DF5 (although  I'm merely iffy on how getting materia knocked out of her leaves her wounded). I'm not some anti violence prude or anything like that, but when I think Dead Fantasy gallons of blood is one of the last things that comes to mind. If I wanted Mortal Kombat I'd go to Mortal Kombat.
Punctuation and capitalization can make the difference between "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse," and, "I helped my uncle jack off a horse."

92% of people have moved onto rap. If you're part of the 8% who thinks rap isn't music, sucks to be you.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2009, 09:48:49 AM »
i have to say this dead fantasy has me all eyes wide open and the mind numb with whats next to come. i see and read what some are saying but you have to look at this series in a way that compliments the mans vision of what would it be like if these 2 worlds come together in a duel. for one in order to have the 2 groups fight each other on an equal level , someone has to be toned down a bit and the other beefed up a bit. final fantasy characters use alot of magic and summons so it would make sense to toned down their powers and usage and beef up the pure martial arts combat of the dead or alive characters.  As for tifa , well no one has ever even seen her in true martial arts combat before to see how she really fights against another character that is as good or better than herself. Hitomi was a great fit for that fight. Hitomi's fighting style karate is a power art so it makes sense to beef up her skills in strength and since tifa uses materia as a power up it was good to tone her down a bit but not too much. he made them equals without being truly equal. remember folks this is a fantasy and its about the experience of the games we have played  and characters we love to see doing things we have not been able to use them in that way.  if you fought a damn bunch of ninjas that are skilled , wouldnt it make sense that you would be cut quite a few times if you were already injured from a previous fight with no time out? of course. but people would expect tifa to just win cause they love her and dont play dead or alive and tifa is a better well known character. I would love to see this series become a real movie with the cg still in play. no real actors please! or even better, make it a fighting game all way round! as for tifa bleeding from the fight with hitomi, she wasnt bleeding from materia being punched out of her, she was bleeding cause she got beat on like a punching bag! all over not just in the face, those was fast hard hits from a powered up hitomi. you and me would be bleeding too, maybe even knocked out or dead.So lets not get too critical over every lil detail we think about the series so far anyway. Watch and enjoy the show! its truly amazing!

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #35 on: June 11, 2009, 09:59:11 AM »
let's not forget something: in DF 3,Tifa ended up being thrown across a wall at the end of the preview.If that doesn't make you bleed then you're not human.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #36 on: June 11, 2009, 10:03:42 AM »
oh and to even add about the summons in the movie. uhhh duuuh  when you play final fantasy games do the summons kill you with just one attack? no. not all, depends on your health and experience and it takes away by points not by the blast you get only. So even in the clip they was wiping out the clones but there was alot of clones so it makes some sense that they would be overpowered by a ton of clones armed with razor sharp swords and deadly for all that. plus like the other guy said, the clones were spread out when fighting the summons and were only grouped in concentration when going after Yuna and cloud came in and wiped some of them out in a single power slash. the scene ended there so we never got to see just how many or if any clones were left or not. seems none of the characters were just paired up up on their personal skills cause ayane uses alot of ninja magic more than kasumi and that would been a different kind of fight with Yuna than kasumi.  So far only Hitomi and tifa was paired in a fight against each other as they are martial arts fighters. it will be a unique treat to see what else he has in store for the series and its characters. dead fantasy rulez!

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #37 on: June 11, 2009, 11:14:34 AM »
oh and to even add about the summons in the movie. uhhh duuuh  when you play final fantasy games do the summons kill you with just one attack? no. not all, depends on your health and experience and it takes away by points not by the blast you get only. So even in the clip they was wiping out the clones but there was alot of clones so it makes some sense that they would be overpowered by a ton of clones armed with razor sharp swords and deadly for all that. plus like the other guy said, the clones were spread out when fighting the summons and were only grouped in concentration when going after Yuna and cloud came in and wiped some of them out in a single power slash. the scene ended there so we never got to see just how many or if any clones were left or not. seems none of the characters were just paired up up on their personal skills cause ayane uses alot of ninja magic more than kasumi and that would been a different kind of fight with Yuna than kasumi.  So far only Hitomi and tifa was paired in a fight against each other as they are martial arts fighters. it will be a unique treat to see what else he has in store for the series and its characters. dead fantasy rulez!
I lol`d hard when I read this. If you took Bahamut`s Mega Flare head on, you would survive? Would you survive a truck sized fireball? lol
I agree and wait patiently for the full version before going any further

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #38 on: June 11, 2009, 11:39:29 AM »
I... think I'll just stop here. No one is actually getting what I'm trying to say.
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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #39 on: June 11, 2009, 11:43:04 AM »
I... think I'll just stop here. No one is actually getting what I'm trying to say.

You meant the sudden rise in violence rite? Like how innocent the first were and how over the top the newer one is?

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #40 on: June 11, 2009, 11:56:00 AM »
LOL, i agree too, i wouldnt survive a truck size fireball at all. but cmon tho man, its not in real life ya know. its still within the game world. and yeah the clones that got blasted did die or was blown somewhere in the universe. lol. but none hit kasumi so that we are sure of. All i am sayin to those who really being very critical of the work. is , pick it apart when its finished. things might changed . and dont be too realistic because the game aint based on realism in our world. if it was, then my butt would have been crappin my boxers if i was the one falling down a mountain! hell with the fight stuff, i would be kickin and screamin all the way down. now thats realism. LOL :D

Post Merge: June 11, 2009, 12:02:09 PM
ok i can agree with the blood part tho cause after all the slicin, gettin the snot punched and kicked out of you , flown through walls hit with fireballs, no one else was bleeding but Tifa? yeah thats a mystery all in itself but heyy he could change alot of things by the time the whole thing is finished. thats why i am just sayin wait till the whole thing done then feel free to pick it apart but in a good fashion cause none of us that we know of can made that. or can we? :-$ :-$
« Last Edit: June 11, 2009, 12:02:09 PM by lando33 »

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #41 on: June 11, 2009, 02:42:52 PM »
You meant the sudden rise in violence rite? Like how innocent the first were and how over the top the newer one is?

Okay, someone *did* understand.

And I'm not sure whether or not the blood will be changed. From the looks of things a lot of people really liked the scene. Hell, I liked the scene. It just would be far better in some other series that's predisposed to the violence.
Punctuation and capitalization can make the difference between "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse," and, "I helped my uncle jack off a horse."

92% of people have moved onto rap. If you're part of the 8% who thinks rap isn't music, sucks to be you.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #42 on: June 11, 2009, 04:50:24 PM »
At this point calling it "Dead Kingdom Fantasy Hearts" and me calling it "Dead Fantasy Gaiden" has far different contexts. I only brought up Ninja Gaiden because, although I never played it, I know it involves slicing up ninjas in some fashion, and that it was made by the same people behind DoA. Using "Dead Fantasy Shinobi" would have sufficed just as well, though.

Just because she is slicing ninjas up doesn't make it Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi. I assumed you called it Gaiden cause of its Gaiden elements, not due to the ninjas. By this logic you  might as well call any game or show with ninjas getting cut up "insert title" Gaiden or Shinobi. The ninjas were there cause they are about of the DOA/Gaiden lore. Hayate, Kasumi, Ayane, etc come from the same ninja clan. It makes sense cause he is the leader of the Mugen Tenshin Clan, hence he will have ninjas to serve him. Anyways, it isn't out of place cause ninjas play a BIG part of the DOA/Gaiden universe. Saying ninjas being lead by their leader Hayate being out of place is like saying Tifa summoning a chocobo to attack one of the DOA girls out of place.
I'm irked by the fact (and this fact alone) that the gore rating just shot several  notches in DF5 (although  I'm merely iffy on how getting materia knocked out of her leaves her wounded). I'm not some anti violence prude or anything like that, but when I think Dead Fantasy gallons of blood is one of the last things that comes to mind. If I wanted Mortal Kombat I'd go to Mortal Kombat.

Yea ok, the gore lvl shot up, that is true. I can see how that could be a turn off. After watching many bloody anime and stuff, it didn't really click. More people are now responding more to the power lvls of casts now more than anything.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #43 on: June 12, 2009, 07:08:19 AM »
oh so vry true about the response to the power levels of the characters in the series. people are probably wondering but ya got to think of it in a more gaming fashion than if it was real life. like i said before and a few others. in order for these 2 game worlds to exist in one series against each other some have to be toned down and others beefed up. makes total sense. FF girls would just wipe the dog crap out of the DOA girls with their powers and summons. too easy and damn sure would be short and boring to even watch.  me and my brothers are huge game fans and each of us are prone to play more so one of the games than the other. i play alot of fighting games and not much FF, my brother under me plays all FF games and not much at all DOA, the youngest plays a bit of both. We all got the picture of this and enjoyed what we saw. Monty did the right thing by depowering the Ff girls a bit and powering the Doa girls a bit. made them a bit more equalish .Still the FF girls are kickin butt with their abilities but the DOA girls are hangin in and showing them they aint no push overs. great balance so far.

Tifa and the whole gore thing? well honestly it wasnt that damn gory to start with. yeah a lil blood but nothig to chuck ya lunch over for sure.  if he really needs to add blood then they all should have done bled to death from all the hits they have taken. thrown through walls? yeah dead or bleeding like a cut vein in ya wrists! lol  broken legs , arms, back, ya neck. that would have been not such a good thought in the series to add alot of gore and makin it more real. it really serves no real purpose but it did add something to Tifa part , you can be cut by ninjas! loli think he might redo it over and add in or take out the blood. well Hitomi got a face full of whatever that stuff was Tifa smack or racked in her face and covered her eyes and dripping. havent seen anyone mention about that yet.  Regardless of wether blood or not, i am amazed by what he is doing and still watching on and enjoying it all. it is what it is. XD||

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #44 on: June 12, 2009, 07:47:38 AM »
Just because she is slicing ninjas up doesn't make it Ninja Gaiden or Shinobi. I assumed you called it Gaiden cause of its Gaiden elements, not due to the ninjas. By this logic you  might as well call any game or show with ninjas getting cut up "insert title" Gaiden or Shinobi.

That was kinda the point. Using Ninja Gaiden was just the most convenient.

Tifa and the whole gore thing? well honestly it wasnt that damn gory to start with. yeah a lil blood but nothig to chuck ya lunch over for sure.

I'm complaining about it's misplacement, not about me beint squeamish.

well Hitomi got a face full of whatever that stuff was Tifa smack or racked in her face and covered her eyes and dripping. havent seen anyone mention about that yet. 

She used something that cast blindness. That's what I'm assuming.

Too bad no FF9 characters were in it... Then again the only viable female character that could have been added without being redundant was Beatrice. Eiko and Garnet are both summoners, and though it would be awesome if it happened, I doubt Freya would fit in.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2009, 07:57:52 AM by The Rippah, Roo'Jizah Panzermanathod »
Punctuation and capitalization can make the difference between "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse," and, "I helped my uncle jack off a horse."

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Most newer stuff sucks, though.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #45 on: June 12, 2009, 07:58:28 AM »
wasnt Yuna shooting peeps with her guns?  i thought shooting people with guns got them either with holes or dead... or both? hmmmm guess that was missed too. lol

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #46 on: June 12, 2009, 08:04:14 AM »
I assumed Yuna's guns were magical.
Punctuation and capitalization can make the difference between "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse," and, "I helped my uncle jack off a horse."

92% of people have moved onto rap. If you're part of the 8% who thinks rap isn't music, sucks to be you.

Most newer stuff sucks, though.

Offline Tha Lando ( Le CROM )

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #47 on: June 12, 2009, 08:11:58 AM »
ok thats good. we both kinda on the same page there. lol. still, bucked down with guns is crazy but for this, it worked pretty well. and yeah they were special magical guns. i figured that too. but would been insne if they wasnt. lol. good call.

Post Merge: June 12, 2009, 08:15:48 AM
great fight scene if done right. ryu and hayate vs cloud and seph. now that would be an awesome fight if implemented and the fight is choreagraphed very well like the rest, then that would be a killer scene.

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #48 on: June 12, 2009, 01:51:43 PM »
Those guns must be magical because I never saw her reload once...

Offline Tha Lando ( Le CROM )

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Re: Dead fantasy 3 & 4 & 5 preveiw
« Reply #49 on: June 12, 2009, 10:09:47 PM »
they surey were magical. you see how many rapid shots they fired? like a machine gun gone crazy. lol. but it was cool. i dont think i ever expected her to reload since she from final fantasy anyway. can you imagine how many mag clips she would have to carry for all those shots fired? insanely too many. lol. be weighing her down and then she couldnt be doing all those flips and tricks for sure. be droppion them all over the ground. lol. Monty is definetly keeping the fantasy in the series. Heck if i had hitomi;s strength and could punch a humongus chunk on bridge like she did i would be knockin heads off.  he keep this up i am definetly giving him an award! lol.


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