It's been a while, hasn't it?
Apartment Alleyway the above link does not work, here is a temporary link, until I'm able to access my login, for my stages site. from Readme
Release notes:
9-14-2008: First Release Version 1.0
As far as I'm concerned, it's complete enough to play on. Boundright & Boundleft is where it should.
Boundhigh however, will remain like this. until I can edit the stage itself, to allow more scrolling upwards.
So, until then, Boundhigh will be as you see it. Stage works otherwise.
What's Left?: Adding some ppl, items, and other things, to make this stage more lively
Extra Notes: This is a stage from Super Double Dragon. Just edited. For those who just don't know where
the main part of the stage comes from.
When I am able to login my stages site, the link will change.