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Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« on: August 23, 2007, 12:01:26 AM »
So you think that I am afraid of this mob...give me some credit, and can say the same about all of you, you cant go to my forum and post without insults, if you were smart like cabnek you wont be banned.

I dont going to quote everyone of you because you are not worthy, you didnt even read what I said and how I proved how your leader is a a lier. So I strongly recomend that read it.

But anyway lets start with whorty people then and it is just because you are and admin too, so Sacar first hahaha, actually it doesnt bug me your comments, because todo lo que me digas es por que lo vez en el espejo o lo estas viviendo en realidad, ;) it is always the same when a person insult in that way, and yes, I have 25, so my next move is take one of your chars and hang it on a chain to proof that I am the elder and mature hahaha I never understand how you people talk first with such high mature skills and 5 min later in the next post you just show how much stupid you really are, at least I am penis all the time :P

And for your information before made the topic about acey it was aproved for other 2 admins buyog included, so back off, sucking the other members of my staff, it wont make that they hate me, because they are at my side I never walk alone in this cases, I am only the face that deal with the scum.

Now the main event Acey :) I going to cut each one of his comments and counter one by one of them.

1) I can't respond to Magus' comments on Scruffy because I was kicked off.
But you can log in again because your IP is not banned, dont give excuses.

2) I can't believe you would tell Magus about my personal web site.
He didnt, I just follow the links on one picture you posted and found your personal site, nothing dificult really. In fact on Sei's post over Marvel Outsider clearly is a way to find the main site, so think and dont blame buyog.

3) I didn't leak the screen pack at all ! Can't you believe that Bulldog IS a liar yet? Why don't you try to find the person who leaked the DC vs. Marvel Game Intro and Parasite and everything else (which neither were in the prize) and perhaps that will lead you back to your real leakers.
Well, obviusly you dont follow the forum news, since you are banned, but those things you mention were downloaded illegally from our site guessing urls, the screenpack in other hand you directly had access, and because you shared it in this forum that made you guilty of that.

4) Magus continually aksed for the "name" of the person who leaked everything, it doesn't come down to one person, it comes down to many inncidents here and there, from the person boasting on some small forum that they nicked a character from Magnus' own domain to the person who litterally passed Ghost Rider on (which name was given to Magus by King of Idiots in an attempt to help out in the after math.)
No, he didnt, and if you talk about how your team blame bulldog for everything, thats not what I was asking, infact excrusion the only thing that did.. well it is annoying repeat myself everytime, you just dont like to read, read again the point 3 on the quoted of your first post.

5) I asked you about using the same system for character intros you said no, that was the end of it, sorry for asking! Nice to see that Magus feels fit to through a request in my face. Who would want Marvel/DC mugen characters to be formated similarly anyways?
Errr wroong, you told to buyog that you still will used and you will try to change it enough to dont look like mine it is in your inbox ; )

6) As for slotman's Beast, the link was removed from the site, the character was no longer offered to anyone. Excuse me for not cleaning up every last thing sitting on the server.
The fifth time request of removal is the charm one, right?, great job!!!. And just take that I have to request it, next time slotman can ask me and I just have to show your real colors again haha :D

7) Just friggen let me know when we have people linking to your picutres, we'll fix it.
Well, some of your zealots on monday or sunday call me names, call me stupid, idiot etc, etc when I pointed it, so now adopting your logic "I am scare to report it " snif snif

Also that it is work of your moderators!!! not mine, dont blame for your lousy job.

8) Don't you dare let Magus blame me personally because people who use our forum flame him, even though it's their choice Infshty leechers and thiefs forum does not condone it and those users who did were warned. Unlike Scruffy we don't delete just any thread or label people with disparaging user titles for disagreeing with another.
Again as I said to scar I am not posting alone, my replies are readed before by buyog
And in the same way your people blame to be the bad here, then you are the guilty one on your team as be the admin, because you cant control your members, remember when you sent me your fake apology that I turned down until the guys who disrespected me, were warned and the stuff they posted deleted? why  you never reply?? and this was before you were banned so please dont you dare to take that as a excuse... this part just piss me off you saying that your forum is better than your skills as administrator are better and is all bull when you never replied that time, bad boy baaad..

9) Funny how I follow through and report leaks now just like I promissed to and others but it just gets blamed on me anyways, EVEN THOUGHT I'M THE PROGRAMMER of one of the leaked character!
Err yeah, because bulldog leaked it, right? or are you going to blame someone else?...

10) Hey "It is my fault I never told you of the leaks. I sincerly appologize." (this is to Buyog, McCready, Loganir, Enzo, Wucash, X-Fields, LederierAzatlan and Sei)
Very convinient to post in quotes and also I dunno why, but... it feels so so so empty, anyway, I dunno .. but for what I read here, teveryone is  cheering you up but everyone of your friends and zealots just ignore how your team had distributed our chars long time ago before bulldog betray your team, the reason is simple, they and you enjoyed our chars too way before we noticed it,  am I wrong? why dont you post that, your real feelings, ohh wait, point 12 to go :P, anyway you and your friends just confirm what I posted, you are low persons if you think I am low you are lower, also you dont say anything how you betray the confidence of buyog, you have not civil concience or valour about that, and you call me lier, and complain why I call you thiefs, leechers, etc etc..

Just the fact that you used our chars that were stoled and distribute them on secret dont make you thiefs, liers and leechers,  if not then you are pack of angels, so much hypocrecy from you.

11) I'm still shocked at #2
Wonder why...

12) I think it is a perfectly reasonable explaination that the fear of reporting leaks to Magus at any point in time is justification for not telling you earlier. When Nightwing leaked, he shut down the entire "Gotham Knights" project!
the perfect excuse, right?, it is the perfect, because I am the source of evil and also your minions just love to blame me, right?. So, because of that lets go back to the magic at the numbers and dates :D

Ok again you being friend of buyog Nov 27 2006
Fearing me asking things about the bans of Tiago and Skro Jan 27 2007
After steal our codes and how do you request to use them  Feb 14 2007
The day I did Nightwing rant and closed GK project Apr-28-2007 (chek gotham site)
Day we notice the leaks Jun 20 2007

And as we know thanks to excursion they got our chars since last year, looking right now it was almost the same time that you started to talk to buyog then asking about use of ghost rider intro, it is weird that I didnt noticed it before, thanks for that, all keeps  fitting.

yep, so looking at the dates, and I cant understand, it just not enter into my head, how for some minor things you go with buyog because you are afraid of me, and for an important thing like stolen charss you dont go with buyog, I have a very good idea of why but I want to see if you are man enough to admit that you did it because you enjoyed robbing us.

So your excuse is that you were afraid that I close the DC vM project as I did with gotham, yeah it is a good one, I think is good, just if ghost rider, sandman , logan the symbiote spider of sei, alpha extreme, etc etc, were leaked after the day I closed GK project. good one acey and as we know those chars you have them since 2006, so BE A MAN and here before your people as a leader of infinity admit that you are leechers for that reason and you specially you Acey disrespected buyog and teh confidence that he gave to you.

Ahh, since I am here I want o see you in action, for this post I deserve a warning or banned whatever it will show me if you really stand to your words of better administration. Ahh and also all across this topic all the people that it is calling me names they deserve to be warned too or not??? show me how to be an admind also to the mature people I love your signatures, haha show me how to be mature too.

I laugh to all of you because I call you things but you do the same or worst, so homework for you is go and see yourselves into a mirror.

Edit by Acey: This topic was a sticky note at the top, now it no longer is.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2007, 09:45:38 AM by Acey »

Offline The Rippah, Roo'Jizah Panzermanathod

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 12:11:08 AM »
I laught to all of you because you call me things and you do the same or worst, so homework for you is go and see yourselves into a mirror. :P

I called you a hateful, spiteful man. Were I the *same*, I'd have said much more. Still, for all the hate you've been spreading, I applaud your coming here finally.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 12:12:47 AM by Wugzapanzermanathod »
Punctuation and capitalization can make the difference between "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse," and, "I helped my uncle jack off a horse."

92% of people have moved onto rap. If you're part of the 8% who thinks rap isn't music, sucks to be you.

Most newer stuff sucks, though.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2007, 12:18:26 AM »
As do I, So how abouts we end this little war right hear right now.  Its a new day let us take a step twoards peace and also let us learn from you guys.  As a first step I ask that you take the word block from the word Infinity on your forums, and we will agree to do somthing that you ask.  Reasoning is a must. 

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #3 on: August 23, 2007, 12:21:20 AM »
That`s exactly what i was about to say...plz everyone that has a strong temper...stay out of this now...this is a very important matter to be wasted by meaningless flames...This could be the end of this war
Glad to see you here Magus... hope this can be solved between reasonable ppl...:)
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 12:26:07 AM by kpt25 »

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2007, 12:23:45 AM »
I wanted to sign up at your forum to report a bug in Sandman but I get banned and called and basically called an idiot. The reason you might of read what I had to say about you (they're probably insults) but its because you need to let things go. Infinity is not what it used to be. Its changing for the better. I recently realized that this is just a game which is why I pretty much stopped insulting you the way I used to. I know this post aint gonna change crap cause you probably could care less what I think, but I'm just trying to voice my opinion.

As do I, So how abouts we end this little war right hear right now.  Its a new day let us take a step twoards peace and also let us learn from you guys.  As a first step I ask that you take the word block from the word Infinity on your forums, and we will agree to do somthing that you ask.  Reasoning is a must. 

agreed. This crap has to stop, seriously...


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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #5 on: August 23, 2007, 12:24:17 AM »
That`s exactly what i was about to say...plz everyone that has a strong temper...say out of this now...this is a very important matter to be wasted by meaningless flames...This could be the end of this war
Glad to see you here Magus... hope this can be solved between reasonable ppl... :)

I seconded that ;)

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #6 on: August 23, 2007, 12:25:00 AM »
That`s exactly what i was about to say...plz everyone that has a strong temper...say out of this now...this is a very important matter to be wasted by meaningless flames...This could be the end of this war
Glad to see you here Magus... hope this can be solved between reasonable ppl... :)

I seconded that ;)
thirded  :P
No, i'm not the DCvsMarvel beta tester named Demon, I'm "Teh"demon, and i'm much worse :P


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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #7 on: August 23, 2007, 12:25:56 AM »
OMG I'm going to cry. :'( (tears of joy)

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #8 on: August 23, 2007, 12:27:13 AM »
OMG I'm going to cry. :'( (tears of joy)
don't cry, everything is gonna be aight  ;D
No, i'm not the DCvsMarvel beta tester named Demon, I'm "Teh"demon, and i'm much worse :P

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #9 on: August 23, 2007, 12:28:33 AM »
I'm going to say this just one time...

Stop spamming this topic with useless posts and leave this to the admins and Magus or any other guy from the Scruffy Dragons.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 12:34:10 AM by Sasuke-kun »
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Presea: The enemy has been defeated. We should move on.
Lloyd: Cold...

Offline Magus

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #10 on: August 23, 2007, 01:22:37 AM »
Well, thats why I am here to "negociate", so some of the users here cant use the argument that I am the coward, or that I am afraid to fight outside of scruffy, you know ;), also check if the maturity level, I want to see if really is higher as some of the users claim to be, so far for what I been reading on the topic of Acey it is not.

About remove the filter on my forum, I wont do it, because the filters is showing a truth, that your Infinity staff dont want to admit, and saying that, they know what is the thing that I want from them I sent it via PM like a month ago,  I posted it again on my first post here, when it happens the things what I want the filters will go.

I wanted to sign up at your forum to report a bug in Sandman but I get banned and called and basically called an idiot. The reason you might of read what I had to say about you (they're probably insults) but its because you need to let things go. Infinity is not what it used to be. Its changing for the better. I recently realized that this is just a game which is why I pretty much stopped insulting you the way I used to. I know this post aint gonna change sh*t cause you probably could care less what I think, but I'm just trying to voice my opinion.

I dont remember you,  if you dint  do anything as you said, then you did it here and I banned you for that, I cant stand people that go to my forum post something right correct and polite and 5 min later insult me in other place, I manage my forum  like a bar or a club, I give the rights of admission, and hypocrites are not allowed.  so maybe you want to check what you did here and maybe apology, and Ill check your info too on SD maybe was I mistake but I dont think so.

And no, I wont let it go, because it is not just about me and how you here enjoy to insulting me, it is how infinity abused of our work and they just dont apology and want to bury all and even more all here get pissed when the truth is tell and in exchange your admins just give and allow the insults to me. I cant (or maybe I can) blame the users because is normal trust the admins, but, cmon, I am posting shots, quotes, dates and everything and still dont believe me, where is the common sense, please. Like I said on the post on SD it was to fiill everyone with the truth and I started pointing to the head and that is Acey.

There is a lot of information that is missing ,and here in infinity the regular users dont know, you just read the things that it is filtered from your admins or other users, I want that people know here too how your staff is in reality. Obviusly maybe it wont happen if I go to sleep now the topic probably will be closed and I will have to read another post of inventions and moronic logic from excursion just covering assess instead of admit the things that they did wrong.

If you want to change then start saying the whole story on the leaks by example and why you shared here in secret our stuff, from who on how you got them, we know some but not all, lets see if you have honor to say it, and remember that this happened before the leaks go whole internet public by bulldog, so againg dont hang on on that again.  Explain everything here so all your members can read it. I wanted this in this way because if me or someone else, say again infinity was guilty in part for the leaks, nobody else will flame me because you have admit that it can be prevented since 2006 but you decide to abuse us.

Are you up to the challenge or do I have to read more insults?

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #11 on: August 23, 2007, 02:04:31 AM »
I dont remember you,  if you dint  do anything as you said, then you did it here and I banned you for that

Bad news, that's not how it works. This just shows your bias.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #12 on: August 23, 2007, 02:06:44 AM »
I believe Magus is right about quite a few things.

First of all, the insults are mainly because of some (most) of the people are simply general haters of you because of how you are described and portrayed by others here. However, not much of what they say is true. Although, you can sometimes be arrogant and such, you do listen most of the time and try to respond in your own way. Also, I'd like to apologize for what I've said about you before.

However, I'm sorry Magus, but I am indeed a supporter of Infinity, and I do not agree with most of what you say. I do not hate or strongly dislike you as most do here, I simply disagree with alot of what you say.

Also, about your response to number 7, I'll have to take that a bit personally, seeing as how I am one of the few whom are charged with working in the Database. I apologize personally to you for the hotlinked images in alot of peoples posts, and we are working hard to try and fix that, but you don't need to call us lousy, or Acey lousy. I understand, there are some bad links and other problems here and there, but we are trying to fix them, so instead of insulting, how about suggestions? Calling us lousy won't help anything. It will only feed the flames of hate our many users have for you.

About those filters on your forum, I understand why you want to keep them up, since you aren't exactly a fan of us and don't want us to be discussed nicely there, but I do have to say, it is a bit immature. Constantly calling us leechers, thieves, and other such cruel things isn't exactly going to lead us any closer to ending this. It will only annoy the users here.

Now, I don't know enough to get too deep into this debate, seeing as how it is mainly between you and the Infinity Admins, so I'll be leaving now. I can't exactly say it was a pleasure meeting you right now, since each time we meet it us under circumstances involving the leaks and you blaming our administrators for things, but I'm sure some time we'll meet on better grounds. I hope we aren't enemies, just people speaking on opposite sides of the debate. I'll be sure not to swear or be rude to you as many others here did for now on, and hopefully we'll talk later under better circumstances, as I said before. It's sort of been nice speaking to you.


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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #13 on: August 23, 2007, 02:16:19 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total butt to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #14 on: August 23, 2007, 02:22:12 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total @$$ to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?
Life isn't fair.

Besides, being an @ss to him won't really end this.
Peaceful negotiation will.
I act the same way over there.

Just because our opponent insults us and such doesn't mean we should insult them back. That only makes them angrier, doesn't it?

So keeping cool and not constantly trying to be an @sshole to our opponent won't make them give up.
Atleast, not in this situation.

After all, he's been insulting Infinity for awhile, too.
Has that made alot of us angry?
Hell yes.
Have alot of you sweared at him and insulted him because he did so to us?
Hell yes.
However, if you look closely in between the insults you'll see the true problem.
SO if you don't focus on the constant insults and focus instead on solving the problem, you'll succeed.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 02:24:53 AM by C-Bot »

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #15 on: August 23, 2007, 02:23:23 AM »
Not here, Roy. Not here. This isn't the "flame Magus" thread.
Punctuation and capitalization can make the difference between "I helped my uncle, Jack, off a horse," and, "I helped my uncle jack off a horse."

92% of people have moved onto rap. If you're part of the 8% who thinks rap isn't music, sucks to be you.

Most newer stuff sucks, though.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2007, 02:24:33 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total @$$ to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?
Life isn't fair.

Besides, being an @ss to him won't really end this.
Peaceful negotiation will.
I act the same way over there.

Just because our opponent insults us and such doesn't mean we should insult them back. That only makes them angrier, doesn't it?

So keeping cool and not constantly trying to be an @sshole to our opponent won't make them give up.
Atleast, not in this situation.

We're not going to get peaceful negotiation out of this guy, even if we try.

And does it look like I'm flaming Magus right now? Yes, it does, but I'm not. I'm just disappointed that people are suddenly changing their views now that Magus has shown up.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #17 on: August 23, 2007, 02:24:54 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total @$$ to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?
If we treat him like that it won't do any good. Never has,never will. This might as well be talked  out in a  civilized manner.
We haven't changed how we feel, but talking trash won't help right now. Most people do it out of blind anger anyway.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 02:29:05 AM by Zero »

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #18 on: August 23, 2007, 02:25:53 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total @$$ to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?
If we tret him like that it won't do any good. Never has,never will. Thismight as well be talked  out in a  civilized manner.


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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #19 on: August 23, 2007, 02:26:43 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total @$$ to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?
If we tret him like that it won't do any good. Never has,never will. Thismight as well be talked  out in a  civilized manner.


It won't work, I'm telling you.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #20 on: August 23, 2007, 02:28:05 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total @$$ to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?
If we tret him like that it won't do any good. Never has,never will. Thismight as well be talked  out in a  civilized manner.
We haven't changed how we feel, but talking trash won't help right now. Most people do it out of blind anger anyway.
Like I said, but shorter.

Roy, if you're so sure it won't work, then sit back, be quiet for a minute, and watch to see how it turns out.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #21 on: August 23, 2007, 02:31:43 AM »
Quite frankly, I think it's a damn shame that you're all acting like he hasn't been a total @$$ to us in the past just because he's here now. Why does he deserve fair treatment if we don't get the same in return?
If we tret him like that it won't do any good. Never has,never will. Thismight as well be talked  out in a  civilized manner.
We haven't changed how we feel, but talking trash won't help right now. Most people do it out of blind anger anyway.
Like I said, but shorter.

Roy, if you're so sure it won't work, then sit back, be quiet for a minute, and watch to see how it turns out.

Gladly...but don't say I didn't warn you.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #22 on: August 23, 2007, 02:37:35 AM »
Mustkillroy, one way to look at it is he's wanting everyone to trounce on him. It's an old tactic: run into the enemy's field, say some things on everyone's mind so that it looks like you have a valid reason, but do so in a manner that it's spiteful and rude, and when you guys counterattack he gets to play victim, rally the troops that will only read the bashing posts and not between the lines, and bring back more hell.

Just don't give him what he wants.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #23 on: August 23, 2007, 02:40:05 AM »
Mustkillroy, one way to look at it is he's wanting everyone to trounce on him. It's an old tactic: run into the enemy's field, say some things on everyone's mind so that it looks like you have a valid reason, but do so in a manner that it's spiteful and rude, and when you guys counterattack he gets to play victim, rally the troops that will only read the bashing posts and not between the lines, and bring back more hell.

Just don't give him what he wants.

I'm not saying we should all flame him. I'm saying we shouldn't pretend that he's a reasonable person.

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Re: Why you closed it , you wanted me here
« Reply #24 on: August 23, 2007, 04:05:10 AM »
Well he is here, and some of us flaming him will just play into his hand. My suggestion if you guys want to continue this is just to open up that thread again and go on from there. No pms, EVERYTHING out in the open to show everyone and then everyone who is reading can form their opinions.

However what is the point of doing this? NOONE is gonna convince eachother of anything. It will start off "mature" and then go into chaos and the last words from Magus are gonna be something like "LOL I was right, you are a bunch of liars and thieves that won't change and now I have more proof, thanks  :D". To be honest I don't know why you are here Magus, and for that matter I don't know why anyone WOULD want you to come. You won't change your view for obvious reasons, so why would you be here? It can't be that you are trolling, that makes YOU look bad. Infact both sides as I said in another thread shouldn't even bother posting in eachothers forums and if you do, don't BRING UP either sides forums and NO Magus, this isn't me insulting you, this is me being truthful, you won't change and due to this fact I don't see why anyone would want you to come due to this fact.
« Last Edit: August 23, 2007, 04:08:10 AM by Theendgamelv3 »


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