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Offline K.O.D

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A Complete Groove System Tutorial
« on: August 30, 2007, 06:37:26 AM »
Hi,im K.O.D from MFG and MI,i thought i'd join here and also post this tutorial.

A simple groove system,NOT BASED OFF WARUSAKI3's,so that people can create their own groove system and stop them from ripping of warusaki's.
I had to create my own groove system since i did not want to rip off warusaki's for my own Terry bogard.

You should have much knowledge of coding to learn all this,this isn't going to be just copy-paste.

The grooves will be SNK,CAPCOM and EX.

First make sure that you have set the IntPersistIndex according to the no.40 which i will be using for this tutorial,so that it does not reset between the rounds.
IntPersistIndex = 40

Let's start with the invisible helper at the intro of the round (i've put comments to help you code) :

;Groove Selector
[state -2, Helper]
type = Helper
trigger1 = time = 0
trigger1 = roundstate = 0 ;Intro
trigger1 = roundsexisted <= 0 ;First round only
ID = 900 ;ID
stateno = 900 ;State No of the groove which i will explain later
postype = p1
pos = 0,0 ;DO NOT CHANGE THIS,its just an invisible helper
name = "Groove Selector" ;Name of the invis helper
ontop = 1
bindtime = -1

You can just copy paste the code above and change the stateno to the helper that i will now teach you to code.


;Here is a example invisible helper which will display the SNK groove.

[Statedef 900]
ctrl = 1
anim = 899 ;This Anim SHOULD BE BLANK
velset = 0,0

;This is to set the variable for the groove in which you are in (used for setting certain moves/skills/tech's to a certain groove)

[State 900, VarSet]
type = ParentVarSet
trigger1 = Time = 0
var(40) = 1 ;The main variable which will be set to 1,1 is the SNK groove.

;Here is the main groove anim
[State 900, Explod]
type = Explod
trigger1 = Time = 0
Anim = 900 ;Choose the anim for the groove (see below image to know what to set it to)
pos = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,-50, 50),0 ;The position of the groove,change it according to where you want to put it)
postype = p1
ownpal = 1
bindtime = -1
pausemovetime = -1
supermove = 1
facing = Ifelse(Teamside = 1,1,-1)
ontop = 1
ID = 900

;The Explod anim should be like this (right click,view image):

;The sound that play's when you select the groove
[State 900, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = roundstate > 1
trigger2 = parent,command = "a" || parent,command = "b" || parent,command = "c" || parent,command = "x" || parent,command = "y" || parent,command = "z"
value = 100,0
volume = 255

;The sound that play's when you change the grooves.
[State 900, PlaySnd]
type = PlaySnd
trigger1 = time = 0
value = 100,1
volume = 255
channel = 6

;This is the second groove's explod remover (Capcom)
[State 900, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 0
ID = 901

;This is the third groove's explod remover (EX)
[State 900, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = time = 0
ID = 902

;This will remove this explod when the groove is selected
[State 900, RemoveExplod]
type = RemoveExplod
trigger1 = roundstate > 1
trigger2 = parent,command = "a" || parent,command = "b" || parent,command = "c" || parent,command = "x" || parent,command = "y" || parent,command = "z"
ID = 900

;This will change the groove to Capcom
[State 900, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = parent,command = "fwd"
trigger1 = time > 10
value = 901

;This will change the groove to EX
[State 900, ChangeState]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = parent,command = "back"
trigger1 = time > 10
value = 902

;This will destroy this invisible helper when the groove is selected
[State 900, DestroySelf]
type = DestroySelf
trigger1 = roundstate > 1
trigger2 = parent,command = "a" || parent,command = "b" || parent,command = "c" || parent,command = "x" || parent,command = "y" || parent,command = "z"

Repeat this process by coding two more invisible helpers with the explods of Capcom and EX,and change the remove explods and changestates.

I won't post other tutorials such as adding bars and such since i don't have the patience to write a tutorial on that nor do i like coding extra bars.

Add stuff like arrows and such by adding their explods and removing them as the same process as removing the grooves.

This will be the final result (preview of my terry bogard's EX groove) :

There you go,a complete groove system tutorial.

Offline dennis872005

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Re: A Complete Groove System Tutorial
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2007, 01:58:08 AM »
thank you very much i was looking for something like this.


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