
Author Topic: Getting Xmugen running on the Xbox  (Read 1896 times)

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Getting Xmugen running on the Xbox
« on: May 26, 2009, 01:48:00 AM »

So you want to have Mugen on your XBOX ......

First of all if you do not have a modified XBOX this is not going to happen . There are a few different ways to mod your Xbox . One is to install a chip in it , this is the way mine is done & I feel this is the best way . The next is the softmod , where you don't even open the Xbox . You somehow use the 007 game to & you can get linux to run on the Xbox .
Then I guess there is some way to just flash the firmware .
Anyway this is not a tutorial on how to mod the Xbox . Want to know more just google xbox-scene...

Any questions about getting Mugen to run on your already modified xbox , feel free to ask me . Please do not PM me with any questions on how to mod the Xbox . I really do not know the specifics , & I can not solder worth a damn I had mine done by a guy in my area . I'm pretty sure you you have someone around you that can do it for a small fee , if you can't do it yourself .

Ok , let's get started . I'm sure your saying my xbox is modded how do I get Mugen on it ? Two ways You can either burn it onto a blank DVD & install it off the disc , or get flashFTP & ftp into your xbox & install it off your computer harddrive . You must have some kind of high speed internet connection to do so . You can get the trial version here....

I've made it pretty easy for you . I've uploaded my Mugen for the xbox to sendspace . Only a few characters & stages are in it to conserve file size . But the pack I gave you will hold 1000 characters if you can fit them in your Xbox harddrive . Pretty much install it the exact way I have it in the file . Everything I have in the E partition folder install in E:/mugen . Everything that is in the F partition install in F:/emu/mugen .Here is the link to the files......


Read this , because I have one guy cussing me out through PM's .

There is a linuxboot.cfg file . It is in the F partition folder . You also have to have a copy of it
in the E partition . Don't move it , just make a copy .

Your E partition should look like this when it's all installed .

mugen(folder you put there)
linuxboot.cfg (that you copied from F) 

Once you do that you are ready to start it up .

I have uploaded a video to youtube so you can see what I am talking about from here on . I show my file manager , how the files should be in the harddrive & mugen up & running . Here's the link .....


I have media center installed on my xbox . It's basically a operating system that the modded box runs off of . I like it because it pretty much looks very professional & has alot of options for things . So if you watch the vid , I goto My programs then emulators . Depending on how your xbox is modded it should have an icon or say mugen or something .
You can also start it by going into Boxplorer & just starting the XBE file in the E: partiton . Once started you will see the Blue Gentoox screen that's in the vid . DVD , FatX , Options , etc . If the FatX ( the little joystick icon ) is not highlighted use the controller to highlight it & do nothing . After a few seconds the screen should blitz out & you will see a screen with a pic of the creator . It will run through a bunch of text & state your processor speed , the controller your using , etc . WARNING make sure you use an actual Microsoft controller . Mugen doesn't like alot of the after market controllers & they will crash Mugen . After this it will goto a black screen & the light on the front of the Xbox will blink . Depending on how many characters & stages you have , it may take awhile to load . Be patient !
I have 800 characters & 100 stages . In the video I edited out all that black screen footage . But it did take about four minutes to load .You'll see it start right up .

My screenpack plays Breaking Benjamins , I took that out of the version I uploaded , so you can put your own music in .  All you have to do is put mp3's in your xbox harddrive & edit the system.def file to play them .

Onto some common questions..... 

Q: My Mugen starts but I have no characters ?

A: You must put your characters in the characters folder of the E: partition .

Q: My mugen can't find the stages ?

A: Stages (the sff folder & def file) have to be in the stage folder in the F & the E partiton . The def file should be in the stage folder & the sff & music if the stages has it has to be in a folder named after the def file . You have to reedit the def file to find that sff . Look for [Music] & [BGdef]  for example ......

bgmusic = stages/mk subzero stage/mk subzero stage.mp3

spr = stages/mk4icepit/mk4icepit.sff

This is the way the should look , I used music from another stages so I linked it to that folder .

Q: I added Batman & he don't work ?

A: For mugen to run on the xbox it helps everything to be in lower case . You can either rename all the files by one by one & make sure the def file is done also with a text editor . Or run the character through the renamer .   

Q: My mugen was running fine & I added 20 characters & some stages . Now when it loads it goes to black screen with white text & states "random error" there are many error codes they all usually mean the same thing .

A: You have a bad character or stage .I found that the characters or stages that lock up Xmugen before it loads just can't run on it . Don't worry , out of the 1100 charcters & 200 stages I have , only like 10 characters & 10 stages wouldn't run .

Q: With MVC Tifa Lockhart my mugen loads fine . On the character select screen I see her pic . WHen I pic her my mugen crashes , what's the deal ?

A: This one had me stumped for awhile . It drove me crazy . Usually when you see there pic on the character select screen , they will run . Except for Tifa ? She ran fine on the computer version , usually if they work there & they are renamed in lower case they run on the xbox . Here's the deal with her ..... In her cns files was the word reverse in many instances . For some reason when the xbox reads the files if the word reverse is in them it crashes it . Make sure you check all of her files . put ; in front of any instance of the word reverse & she'll run fine .

Well , I hope this helped out . Like I said , Any other questions just ask me I'll try to help out as best as I can . I guess just ask on the forum , so everyone can see the answer . This way I won't have to answer the same question over & over through PM's . 

Quote from: Scar
Mugen, some choose to create and some choose to criticize.^-^

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