
Author Topic: Probable WIPs  (Read 821 times)

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Probable WIPs
« on: May 03, 2015, 11:55:11 PM »
I just thought I'd actually make a thread about my possible WIPs.  Don't have anything to show yet, but I do want to do some things:

Not a probable, but an actual WIP, is a full screenpack, a comic-themed one.  I'm currently seeing what I can do for the lifebar part of it, and want to work from there.  After all, the main point of it is to do the lifebars, but I also have a good idea for a versus screen, as well as some ideas for the select screen.

I also want to create a stage from this:
(click to show/hide)
(I really do like the Grant Morrison Doom Patrol)  But if someone else decides to create that as a stage, I wouldn't be devastated.  Heck, my problem would be expanding the room in the image to better work, as well as the inevitable size of the room, which is smaller than optimal.

I also have all the sprites for Naoto from Persona 4 Arena on my computer and want to see about creating that character (though, again, if someone beats me to it, that would also be nifty).  It would be in part to actually work out how to code a character, but also because I want Naoto to be in MUGEN, in main part because I want more transgender characters (of whatever stripe--Naoto's a crossdresser) in MUGEN.

But that also can bring up my characters.  I really need to get to doing my own characters, too.  The thing is, I want to hand-draw mine, so that can be a little difficult, as evidenced by these two images I'd done in an attempt to create a couple stance sprites for my character of Flame Thrower (intended to be re-sized later):
(click to show/hide)
As one can see, the problem is that when I inked the second one, the lines were too thin and some details were altered in the process--something that would be far too distracting in-game (though some were intentional changes, as that's supposed to be her breathing and her arms moving).  Chances are I might have to go a different approach (considering some form of inking on the computer, or possibly getting the inks done by somebody else) or forego drawing the sprites and just do it the normal MUGEN way with sprite editing and the like, though that would mean abandoning my idea of making characters that at least look like they were drawn by their original artists (I like the idea that MUGEN characters can look so different and wanted to use that as a basis--imagine being able to pit a Joe Shuster Superman against a Jack Kirby Captain America; at least I know I would love that sort of thing), an idea that would involve a lot of hand drawing (and tracing paper or light boxes, if I had one).

But there's also that I have a blog featuring transgender superheroes (click here if you want to see it) and would want to see about creating any one of those characters in MUGEN.  Well, the ones that aren't in the game.  After all, we already have some Namekians (Piccolos Daimaoh and Jr., Nail, Dende, Lord Slug) as well as a couple of the Marvel characters (Deadpool and Sasquatch, though I'd of course prefer re-spriting to make them look more like their original artists, and yes, I do mean I would want to see Deadpool in Liefeld style as he's actually a character he actually could draw rather regularly without too many problems--also, Sasquatch would have to be altered a slight bit to be the Wanda version and not Walter) and likely some others I'm forgetting to mention (no, Poison isn't a superhero, but she's close).

Granted, all that would lead to a lot of busywork, but sometimes one wants to do more than they can (and one could spend a lifetime doing all the characters--dang it, there are actually a lot of trans superhero characters).  I definitely want to see about possibly trying to make a full game with my own characters, though, and if they're original sprites and not edits, I could easily claim it as an official game (and be money-grubbing and charge for it, therefore assuring that people don't actually play it because nobody is that interested in my characters).


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