
Author Topic: need help coding together two states for one super  (Read 264 times)

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need help coding together two states for one super
« on: October 23, 2009, 09:52:03 PM »
wussup people. ive been stabbin at this for a long time and im pretty stubborn at giving up ~X(.
I got one super to work as seen in this old video which is only "one" state

But now im dealing with two states and trying to trigger them both in one super. Has anyone here ever created a terry bogard before and nailed properly coding his buster wolf? :(|)

basically this action state here totally stops and freezes in one place with his fist out

and will not let me trigger off this action state here in symphony

Its all one move. if you are familiar with Kof youll know
that its supposed to flow like the "Buster wolf"

i got the power geyser super to work right but this one is tricky for me #:-S...


the first hit def is the first attack

The second is the 2nd attack and final blow

I have them both in the Hyper state like my other one
anyway heres the code

[Statedef 5301] <----this is the state section that the char freezes at and he doesnt move foward
anim=5301 <--------starting buster wolf attack

[State 3020, 3]
type = Projectile
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
projanim = 20985 <-----------effect of fist glow
projhitanim = 20985
projID = 5301
velocity = 0
projshadow = 0
projremovetime = 25
projpriority = 5
postype = p1
offset = 0,0
attr = S, HP
damage = 280,10
animtype = up
hitflag = MAFP
guardflag = M
sparkno = s10952
guard.sparkno = 40
sparkxy = 10,-10
hitsound = s101,43
guardsound = S202,0
pausetime = 0,10
ground.hittime = 19
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 19
ground.velocity = -1.5,-8
air.velocity = -1.5,-19
fall = 1
fall.recover.time = 100
air.juggle = 8
palfx.time = 40
palfx.add = 240,50,0
palfx.mul = 250,224,120
palfx.sinadd = 110,55,85,10
Palfx.color = 0
palfx.invertall = 1

[State 200, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

2nd part of the hyper state code section is this...

[State 3020, 3]
type = Projectile
trigger1 = AnimElem = 7
projanim = 4020<---------buster wolf big wave bursteffect
projhitanim = 4020
projID = 5303<-----------------buster wolf 2nd attack after hit connects
velocity = 4
projshadow = 0
projremovetime = 25
projpriority = 5
postype = p1
offset = 50,2
attr = S, HP
damage = 250,10
animtype = up
hitflag = MAFP
guardflag = M
sparkno = s10224
guard.sparkno = 40
sparkxy = 5,-5
hitsound = s101,43
guardsound = S202,0
pausetime = 0,10
ground.hittime = 19
ground.type = low
ground.slidetime = 19
ground.velocity = -1.5,-8
air.velocity = -1.5,-19
fall = 1
fall.recover.time = 100
air.juggle = 8
palfx.time = 40
palfx.add = 240,50,0
palfx.mul = 250,224,120
palfx.sinadd = 110,55,85,10
Palfx.color = 0
palfx.invertall = 1

[State 200, 3]
type = ChangeState
trigger1 = AnimTime = 0
value = 0
ctrl = 1

whats the solution? What am i doing wrong? :-??

I usually ask other people for help but i wanna give that a break for a while. not trying to abuse that cool help they were giving me by bugging em

anyway in the end the super is supposed to look like that last super you see done in this video pretty much

(just reminding folks)

i really need help with this IMT. im tryin hard at this   :'(



Nevermind. i fixed my issue. i forgot how powerful a tool youtube is

mission complete

Introducing First Super for Demon Terry CVS
"Benediction Buster Blaze"

« Last Edit: October 26, 2009, 01:00:55 PM by DEMONKAI »

Lots and lots of supers so f*ckin what



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