
Author Topic: Need Code help with Team Fortress 2 Lifebars!  (Read 1004 times)

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Need Code help with Team Fortress 2 Lifebars!
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:11:26 PM »
As the title implies, I want to make lifebars based on Valve's online FPS game, Team Fortress 2. A step closer to an awesome idea I've had for the longest time for Team Fortress MUGEN, but a start is a start.

Here's what I had in mind:

Note, the icons aren't big, the screen is just narrow, since I wanted to cut out the lifebar I was using for the example (Yes, it is a doctored picture, not an in-game shot). Notice the portraits by the lifebar. Akuma's (to the left) is probably how most characters would look, with their square-shaped lifebar portraits. Not too bad, I think. Captain Falcon's (to the right) is more like Team Fortress 2, with most of the character in the box, more like Melty Blood characters, but can be done to any character with a bit of work.

I already have the sprites ready, and all the Announcer's sound clips from Team Fortress 2. I just need someone who knows how to code to put it all together. If someone helps, it would be greatly appreciated.

For any who is interested, let me show and explain each graphic for the screenpack:

1) Player 1's lifebar. BLU

2) Player 2's lifebar. RED

3) The actual white of the lifebar. A full cross means full health. But it will, of course, be cut down with damage

4) The damage bar (You know, that red thing that slowly ticks on the Health when taking damage, then vanishes? That thing)

5) The special gauge. My idea was that it would look similar to the Medic's Ubercharge bar.

6) The timebox, showing remaining time for the current round. Nothing flashy. I wonder if sounds can be played at certain times. Like "Mission ends in twenty seconds!" kind of stuff

7) The "You Win" logo. Like the screenshot above shows, the winning player's name will be under the "You Were Killed By-" part. Just like the game. Perhaps it'll play Domination music during it? I don't know

8 ) The "Time Over" logo. You lose, but they don't win? EVERYONE LOSES! Imagine this bar over the sound clip of the Announcer saying "You Fail! Stalemate!" and plays that "you got a stalemate" jingle. :)

9) The pre-battle "Get ready to fight" logo. I figured the Announcer would say "Fight to the Death!", then "Begin!" at this part

So, what do you guys think? If anyone wants to help, I'll email them everything needed. The sprites, the sounds, everything.


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