Aeris Gainsborough - by TGM

 Description: Healer and Last of an Ancient Race   Origin: Final Fantasy VII


My fifth released character. I cannot begin to say how hard it was to not only sprite her, but also to code her! I really had to think "outside the box" on this one, as all of her supers are defense minded (curing, freezing opponents, raising super bar). I tried to get as close as her FF7 incarnation--very tough since she was an RPG character originally, not a fighting game one. I hope I succeeded. Spells target opponents automatically, as per the original game. Also, when in a jam she can call out the first striker I've ever designed for a character--Red XIII! Three limit breaks from the game are not implemented as they were beyond me on how to convert.



 Tifa Lockhart - by The Great Matsutzu

 Description: Bar Owner and Master of Combat    Origin: Final Fantasy VII


Another current WIP, again a sprite edit. I'm hoping that Tifa will be easier to edit than Aeris once I really get moving on creating her sprites. Tifa will use less sprite parts, and I won't have to worry about an extension such as a staff. Her Limit Breaks should be easier as well, as they are either hits or binds/throws. I am thinking how to approach her limits--I know I'll definitely be able to have them separate on the Super bar--but I'm also thinking of a hyper to chain them all together, like how her limits built off of each other in Final Fantasy VII.

Work in Progress