Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => General Discussion => SPAM Games => Topic started by: Savage Henry on January 23, 2008, 08:45:25 PM

Title: Overrated things
Post by: Savage Henry on January 23, 2008, 08:45:25 PM
Post overrated stuff here




Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Lightblackheart on January 23, 2008, 08:46:48 PM
yeah the emos are overrated
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Darkgargos on January 23, 2008, 08:49:58 PM
Sony and their overpriced products like PS3..........................and emos  :D
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Saber Alter on January 23, 2008, 08:50:50 PM
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Savage Henry on January 23, 2008, 08:51:46 PM
Cloud strife

Kindom Hearts

MUGEN (game)...........................jk
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Darkgargos on January 23, 2008, 09:08:44 PM

I agree, those two games are highly overrated. Not that FF7 is a bad game, but people need to stop treating it like it was made by the gods.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: TÐZ on January 23, 2008, 09:13:19 PM
Lets see.

Britney Spears (This dumb bee-otch just wants attention)
Reality Shows
Joe Rogan (Lame jokes)
Carlos Mencia (Constantly always steals jokes, and then lies)
soulja boy (I seriously want to murder him)
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Negi Springfield on January 23, 2008, 09:15:44 PM

I agree, those two games are highly overrated. Not that FF7 is a bad game, but people need to stop treating it like it was made by the gods.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: juelz aka wolfi on January 23, 2008, 09:20:11 PM
arsenal hahahahaha (jk) jus coz im a man utd fan
lily allen
amy winehouse
victoria beckham (eat sum meat)
and me coz im overrated in streetfighter by my friends
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: SanjiSasuke on January 23, 2008, 09:29:21 PM
Cloverfield was NOT overrated. We just thought "Hey this monster IS this! If it isn't I hate it!" If it were a regular monster movie you would say it was sic.

Call of Duty
Akuma (Gouki)

Under rated
MUGEN(by a lot of non-community people)
More pie
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: [Asian-Jesus] on January 23, 2008, 09:33:56 PM
If you've some of my other posts, then you'd know that I HATE NARUTARD. I await the shitstorm, narutards.

Mainstream Anime
Japan (seen that a lot here)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Making fun of linkin park when someone mentions emo.
Power Rangers (okay we get that you grew up with it. That's cool, I grew up with it too but it's really not cool to go on and on about how awesome it WAS)
Bad typing skills.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: b.easy on January 23, 2008, 09:48:37 PM
Underground things
Mortal Combat, GTA, Halo, Mario, Sonic, Gears of War, Warcraft, Starcraft, and pretty much every other video game besides Shadow of the Collosus and Lemmings.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: [Asian-Jesus] on January 23, 2008, 09:50:31 PM
Underground things
Mortal Combat, GTA, Halo, Mario, Sonic, Gears of War, Warcraft, Starcraft, and pretty much every other video game besides Shadow of the Collosus and Lemmings.
You forgot to put Ico there with SotC. But other than that, I agree with you.  :P
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Gigan X3 on January 23, 2008, 09:57:46 PM
Shadows of the Colosus
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on January 23, 2008, 10:05:57 PM
WOW(world of war craft)
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: ★Leon★ on January 24, 2008, 02:08:56 AM
Can't belive no one mentioned Hitsufag (aka Hitsugaya)


also the Wii, which is ok but way far from godly..
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: R.I.C.O - Teros on January 24, 2008, 02:13:45 AM
Halo, the most over-rated piece of ****... nuff said.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Saber Alter on January 24, 2008, 03:16:15 AM
Can't belive no one mentioned Hitsufag (aka Hitsugaya)


also the Wii, which is ok but way far from godly..

But he's Edward Elric......
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on January 24, 2008, 03:33:13 AM
Yo momma jokes
Souja Boy
Young Buck
Linkin Park
Tomb Raider
Angelina Jolie
Jessica Alba
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: R.I.C.O - Teros on January 24, 2008, 03:52:56 AM
Jessica Alba

Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: ★Leon★ on January 24, 2008, 08:29:35 AM
Can't belive no one mentioned Hitsufag (aka Hitsugaya)


also the Wii, which is ok but way far from godly..

But he's Edward Elric......
Tsk...if the midget were at least half as funny as Full Metal...

and it's currently Bleach favorite chatacter over Japan.......crazy fan-girls e_e
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Darkgargos on January 24, 2008, 09:03:13 AM
Here are more things I think are overrated...

Metal Gear Solid series.......I will never understand why people worship this series.
Nintendo Wii......I also hate that Wii remote......the classic controller should have been the standard pad for the system.
Squareenix and their interactive movie fest.......I miss the Squaresoft of old...pre FF7.
Naruto.....nuff said.
Pokemon...same as above
Hollywood......I refuse to support this CRAP industry with my money.
EGM.......God I hate that mag and always have.....the editors are all a bunch of morons!

Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: .:K.I.N.G:. on January 24, 2008, 09:20:44 AM
a bunch of well known mugen creators (without mentioning names) but i think everyone know em already.
didier drogba
i totally agree on Angelina Jolie, Jessica Alba and Britney...sorry but they are not in my chicks category. :-??   
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Lightblackheart on January 24, 2008, 10:09:42 AM
Naruto is not overrated,is only popular  \-/o

FF7 is only overrated as a "excellent,godly made game that cannot be beated by any other" because the fanboys/girls are still stuck in the late 90s and dont wanna get out  :DxDie (i consider myself a fan of every final fantasy,and 7 is very good,but no god-like) but if you play other final fantasy games you will see the difference (FF6,FF8,FF12.............) In terms of graphics,fun,music,etc. c´mon FF7 fanboys/girls see the reality for god sake  <_<|...|............
thought i think the death of aeris is a pretty sad scene i dont cry but most of the fans,yes  8=|. ITS A VIDEOGAME CHARACTER! it doesnt really exist! why rip a tear because something non existant died!!!
and thus i hate fans trate sephiroth as an gay idol,when it is non canon! and i dont like some anti-sephi fans calling him Momma´s boy,if he doesnt say something to JENOVA during the freaking game!!  >o:-(

i have to say more but it will take a complete page  <_<|...|
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: The Great Matsutzu on January 24, 2008, 12:00:31 PM
It's easy for many things to be percieved as overated. I agree that FF7 has gotten to that point for many (I myself is am a FF7 fan, so I won't say too much here, just that I still greatly love the original game). It has grown so large though, and any time something has, there will be a bit of backlash. If soemthing is long running or has a large fan base (or, one character out of a group is focused on faaar more than the others) that show/character is often the subject to being called overrated.

i think the death of aeris is a pretty sad scene i dont cry but most of the fans,yes  8=|. ITS A VIDEOGAME CHARACTER! it doesnt really exist! why rip a tear because something non existant died!!!

I'd agree with you, if I hadn't shed my own tears at the time when I first played the game... ;*)) Aeris's death I think made a lot of gamers think at the time in 1997. A life tragically cut short, so suddenly. This was even hightened by the fact that the character was having a lot of development through the game, and if you used her all the time you  grew somewhat attached to her. You *knew* her, after spending 25 game hours around the character, she felt in a sense *real* to many. It's kind of the same thing when an important character dies in a television series. Some people may cry, some won't. Nowadays, it's really hard to catch that feeling for Aerith's death, because it's so well *known*. Almost no one playing it today for the first time doesn't know she will die (it's been spoiled beforehand), and thus don't form that type of attachment that would garner the emotion for the death when it happens.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Saber Alter on January 24, 2008, 12:19:54 PM
Can't belive no one mentioned Hitsufag (aka Hitsugaya)


also the Wii, which is ok but way far from godly..

But he's Edward Elric......
Tsk...if the midget were at least half as funny as Full Metal...

and it's currently Bleach favorite chatacter over Japan.......crazy fan-girls e_e

Chicks dig midgets....look at Negi....
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: KPT25 on January 24, 2008, 12:26:51 PM
Agreed on Hitsugaya´s being overrated...Just because he leads a bunch of guy,his second in command is a chick with huge boobs and has an ice dragon in his sword doesn´t make him the best in the world...the only funny thing he has is when he´s called by his first name Ichigo does it
I think that in Bleach,characters like ikkaku or Kenpachi even had more character development and are way better than him...
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Captain Cold on January 24, 2008, 12:31:58 PM
Underground things
Mortal Combat, GTA, Halo, Mario, Sonic, Gears of War, Warcraft, Starcraft, and pretty much every other video game besides Shadow of the Collosus and Lemmings.

i cant def agree with that   ^:)^ ^:)^ ^:)^   
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Misogi on January 24, 2008, 12:34:22 PM
Chuck norris (couldnt beat Bruce lee)
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Negi Springfield on January 24, 2008, 12:35:06 PM
Can't belive no one mentioned Hitsufag (aka Hitsugaya)


also the Wii, which is ok but way far from godly..

But he's Edward Elric......
Tsk...if the midget were at least half as funny as Full Metal...

and it's currently Bleach favorite chatacter over Japan.......crazy fan-girls e_e

Chicks dig midgets....look at Negi....

DBZ (let's be honest!)
Power Rangers (see above)
Pokemon (plz just die already)
EDIT: and also Chuck Norris

Sailor Moon
Serial Experiments: Rain/Lain
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: TÐZ on January 24, 2008, 04:41:17 PM
No one better say sex
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Lightblackheart on January 24, 2008, 04:42:27 PM
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: MaverickZr0 on January 24, 2008, 05:27:42 PM
Naruto is not overrated,is only popular  \-/o

...=_= You know it's overrated..
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Lightblackheart on January 24, 2008, 05:28:52 PM
Naruto is not overrated,is only popular  \-/o

...=_= You know it's overrated..

well maybe but that was my opinion  :(|)
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: [Asian-Jesus] on January 24, 2008, 06:42:30 PM
Naruto is not overrated,is only popular  \-/o

...=_= You know it's overrated..

well maybe but that was my opinion  :(|)

You're a Naruto fan, which explains why you say that.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Lightblackheart on January 24, 2008, 06:45:13 PM
Naruto is not overrated,is only popular  \-/o

...=_= You know it's overrated..

well maybe but that was my opinion  :(|)

You're a Naruto fan, which explains why you say that.

oh hell yeah! i admit it! okay!?
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: KPT25 on January 24, 2008, 11:57:24 PM
i´m a bleach dude,but i agreed on hitsugaya`s overratedness...
I don`t like Naruto at all(too many characters to remember their names,etc)
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on January 25, 2008, 12:04:09 AM
i´m a bleach dude,but i agreed on hitsugaya`s overratedness...
I don`t like Naruto at all(too many characters to remember their names,etc)
thats true naruto does have many chars and bleach doesn't.

i mean it only has

13 captain squads with members
main chars
all together that should be only 40+..... not that much.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!! LVL 16!! on January 26, 2008, 04:06:52 AM
Final Fantasy VII.

Still one of the best dont get me wrong. Much Love FF7, Much love.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Magma MK-II on January 26, 2008, 02:35:06 PM
Sephiroth (I prefer Chaos, Zeromus, Kefka and Vayne instead of him. Tey're much more villains)
Dragon Ball Z
Looney Tunes
Animes in general
Chuck Norris
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: MuηkyMØÜf on January 26, 2008, 03:46:57 PM
War in Iraq
Star Wars
God Chars
Evil Chars
Full Metal Alchemist
Hilary Clinton
Barak Obama
Commercial Rap
20 inch rims & up
Reality TV
Angelina Jolie
2007 Movies
Celebrity Drama
Microsoft Products
Saying something is GHETTO, HOOD or REAL

Quote from: Ludacris
If you say sex is overrated, then you aint doin it right!!
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Sub-Zero on January 26, 2008, 05:17:13 PM
being ghetto(wich is the f**k** best thing in the whole world worring about bills n gettin shot is not glamourous even if u have 20 inch rims by moring they will most likely get jacked so why bother)
deez nuts ;*))
commercial rap
the whole being a "cool" in cartoon's
the good guy having sum mystic beast in him(its reallly gettin old now)
trae -.- if u live in leander texas u will know why
LIL bee-otch butt wayne
plies u gay whore
hot anime chick(at first u were like haha but now its like ok thats unnecesary

old skool video games(thank god for mame)
FF8 wich was the best game in the world
jade empire
real hip hop
mos def
wutang clan
Crash bandicoot
diablo 2
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Lightblackheart on January 26, 2008, 05:53:19 PM
old skool video games(thank god for mame)
FF8 wich was the best game in the world
real hip hop
Crash bandicoot

agreed dude!
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: MuηkyMØÜf on January 26, 2008, 07:39:16 PM
being ghetto(wich is the f**k** best thing in the whole world worring about bills n gettin shot is not glamourous even if u have 20 inch rims by moring they will most likely get jacked so why bother)
commercial rap
LIL bee-otch @$$ wayne
plies u gay whore

mos def

Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on January 26, 2008, 07:50:13 PM
being ghetto(wich is the f**k** best thing in the whole world worring about bills n gettin shot is not glamourous even if u have 20 inch rims by moring they will most likely get jacked so why bother)
deez nuts ;*))
commercial rap
the whole being a "cool" in cartoon's
the good guy having sum mystic beast in him(its reallly gettin old now)
trae -.- if u live in leander texas u will know why
LIL bee-otch @$$ wayne
plies u gay whore
hot anime chick(at first u were like haha but now its like ok thats unnecesary

old skool video games(thank god for mame)
FF8 wich was the best game in the world
jade empire
real hip hop
mos def
wutang clan
Crash bandicoot
diablo 2

Nah dude. If Ken was underrated he wouldn't have so many edits. Also there is Starcraft 2. You think it's underrated?
Starcraft is actually one of the most famous games in Korea.

Crash and Spyro died when they stopped being exclusive to Sony, that's just Imo.
FF8, it's not too underrated. Squall and Selphie were in KH, unlike any of the Final Fantasy 9 main hero's (well that one mage guy made it in 2, but nobody likes him, it's all about Zidane). Squall will also appear in Dissidia. I do think they should make a sequel to FF8, even an anime ova to have Squall and Rinoah get married would be great. But hell, no FF main couples get married (I wish they would hurry up and freaking tie the knot between Cloud and Tifa because it's obvious that Aeris and Zack are sticking with eachother.) I wish they would have put Rinoah in KH2, that was just disappointing.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Saber Alter on January 26, 2008, 09:23:16 PM
Mainstream stuff, period
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Darkgargos on January 26, 2008, 09:58:03 PM
Mainstream stuff, period

Agreed  ;D
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: xsabin on January 27, 2008, 12:04:45 PM
scary movie and others like this one(i like random things but random movies like scary movie suck)
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: SanjiSasuke on January 27, 2008, 06:19:23 PM
Just as a question: If it is just popular you guys consider it overrated? I mean people don't go OH MY GOSH HE HAS AN IPOD! IT IS A MIRACLE.

And an addition to my list of overrated:
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Scar on January 27, 2008, 06:22:15 PM
Did anybody say Dane Cook already, cause I hate that guy.,
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Saber Alter on January 27, 2008, 08:48:58 PM
Just as a question: If it is just popular you guys consider it overrated? I mean people don't go OH MY GOSH HE HAS AN IPOD! IT IS A MIRACLE.

And an addition to my list of overrated:

If it has undeserved popularity, ESPECIALLY if there are much better stuff than it that aren't that known

*cough*Gundam Seed*cough* *cough* U.C., F.C. and C.C. era stuff are better *cough*
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Sub-Zero on January 27, 2008, 09:05:44 PM
i mean ff8 doesnt get as much respect as ff7 imo ff8 was alot better

starcraft is underated in america

dane cook is a bee-otch he isnt funny at all dave chappelle could rape him in the eye socket
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: MuηkyMØÜf on January 27, 2008, 10:18:37 PM
Just as a question: If it is just popular you guys consider it overrated? I mean people don't go OH MY GOSH HE HAS AN IPOD! IT IS A MIRACLE.

No overrated as in too much hype behind it. Not worth all the commontion. Dosnt really live up to its hype.

Plus, there are many other mp3/video players that surpassed iPod's right after developement & release.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Krazy Uga on January 28, 2008, 02:29:40 AM
The "Death" of Hip-Hop.
Title: Re: Overrated things
Post by: Cyclysm on January 28, 2008, 03:25:28 AM
My Chemical Romance
John Cena
Jessica Alba
Playstation 3
Transformers film
Soul Calibur
Fantastic Four
Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama
Metal Gear Solid
LIFE, ETC...........
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