Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => General Discussion => Topic started by: reezy718 on November 26, 2007, 01:22:31 PM

Title: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: reezy718 on November 26, 2007, 01:22:31 PM
what do yall think would've happened if Broli had turned good,so of like Vegeta did?

Do yall think Broli would've beat the crap out of Cell and Buu?

Would Broli had surpassed Goku and Vegeta in power?

Dragonball Gt is also included so if yall wanna add that too then its not a problem :thumbsup:

Let me know what yall think :-??
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on November 26, 2007, 01:31:29 PM
lol. Have you played Super Sonic warriors for NDS? What happens is Broly somehow forgets most of his memory and starts a friendship with Hercule, but after awhile when Broly meets Goku, he gets his memory back. Although when they meet Broly gets "excited" but he never fights Goku because Hercule doesn't want to see his friends fighting. LOL. I haven't played it in so long.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: reezy718 on November 26, 2007, 01:51:15 PM
lol. Have you played Super Sonic warriors for NDS? What happens is Broly somehow forgets most of his memory and starts a friendship with Hercule, but after awhile when Broly meets Goku, he gets his memory back. Although when they meet Broly gets "excited" but he never fights Goku because Hercule doesn't want to see his friends fighting. LOL. I haven't played it in so long.

lol @ Broli friends with Hercule  :D  :D  :D

Now that would've been funny if it would've happened in DBZ lol
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Negi Springfield on November 26, 2007, 01:54:07 PM
Broly + good = Broly: CARRROOOOOOTTTSSSSSS!!!!!!!
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: XerXes on November 26, 2007, 02:27:00 PM
Ah I get to let out some of my dbz fandom knowledge: Well i think if broly would have turned into a good guy the future battles with cell,majin buu, and others would have been lopsided. Vegeta turned good cause he basically had to roll with the police effect (Cant beat them, join them) besides it took forever for vegeta to turn super saiyan  and when he did he was still getting pwned. I like in dbz bt2 when raditz lost his memory and was good, i liked how his attitude was at first. To bad he never officially converted.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: eg6gsr on November 26, 2007, 04:00:49 PM
if broli became a good guy there would really be no need for anyone else to fight at all cause broli as just a ssj was stronger than gohan as a ssj2 so if broli were to go any higher level then it would just be over for the bad guys
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on November 26, 2007, 04:33:58 PM
it would be ok i guess but the movies never follow the storyline so it is highly doubtful.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: RiceZilla on November 26, 2007, 04:41:24 PM
Broli cannot beat Buu or Cell. He isn't strong enough.

And if any disagree's..Goku beat Broli in about 1 hour, Gohan beat Broli in about 30 mins, and Gohan and Trunks beat broly in about 20 mins.

While Cell and Buu took about 20 hours to beat.
Both took pretty much every good main character out(cept Goku(Buu) and Gohan(Cell))
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Sub-Zero on November 26, 2007, 06:16:45 PM

cuz brolly was in movies n it was much longer to goku n gohan n the writers didnt try to pull suspense ike the always do
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: General Frostbite (☆) on November 26, 2007, 09:11:36 PM

If Broly became good, then I'd stop watching DBZ. Why? Because the last thing I want to see is one of my favorite villains turned into a hero or anti-hero. Broly is fine the way he is - a psychotic legendary super-saiyan with no remorse. And anyway, if he ever became a good guy, he would wtfbbqpwn every new bad guy in DBZ -- which would make the series lose its shine.

Broli cannot beat Buu or Cell. He isn't strong enough.

And if any disagree's..Goku beat Broli in about 1 hour, Gohan beat Broli in about 30 mins, and Gohan and Trunks beat broly in about 20 mins.

While Cell and Buu took about 20 hours to beat.
Both took pretty much every good main character out(cept Goku(Buu) and Gohan(Cell))

See, I have to disagree with you there. Broly normally requires some serious teamwork to kill. It's not about the time it took to kill him, it's about the amount of strength that was needed to kill him.

Neither Trunks nor Gohan beat Broly, at least not while fighting him alone. Broly nearly beat all of them to death. It took the effort of four saiyans to kill him that round.

It always takes the combined strength of several other saiyans to destroy Broly (1st time everyone had to give strength to Goku and 2nd time it took a combined Kamehameha wave from Gohan, Goku and Goten and an energy ball from Trunks to kill him.) With Cell, it only took Gohan's Kamehameha wave (and a little help from Vegeta and some coaching from Goku) to destroy him. Buu was pretty powerful, but it only took Goku's Spirit Bomb to destroy him. Not to mention Broly can destroy entire galaxies with little-to-no trouble at all, even when he's not in his Legendary Super Saiyan form. Little can be done to phase Broly (Goku did an up-close and personal Kamehameha wave, and it did nothing. Vegeta did a Big Bang Attack, and it did nothing -- mind you he wasn't even in his Legendary Super Saiyan form at the time Vegeta hit him with that attack.) and even most the things that can do damage to Broly do him little harm to him. And his power levels grow to insane amounts. Cell wouldn't stand a chance against Broly. Buu would put up a pretty good fight, but would still get owned by Broly.

Broly's just a psychopath...
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on November 27, 2007, 02:32:08 AM
mind you cell was beaten by a ssj2 Broly was from multiple ssj1'm so this is kind of a hard question. even though gohan would have died if vegeta wouldn't distract him.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: eg6gsr on November 27, 2007, 04:05:30 AM
well lets 2 gohan was a ssj2 and broli was owning him soooooooo yea broli would destroy cell and gohan buu that maybe a different story dont really know how that would turn out but most likely broli for the win
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: A! on November 27, 2007, 10:57:22 AM
to answer your heading.

There will be no point of bad guys if he turns good :D
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on November 27, 2007, 08:31:43 PM
well lets 2 gohan was a ssj2 and broli was owning him soooooooo yea broli would destroy cell and gohan buu that maybe a different story dont really know how that would turn out but most likely broli for the win
Although Movie 2 happened before the Buu saga, and we all know his power raised at the time when he was fighting Buu.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: TrunkJunky on November 28, 2007, 04:56:13 AM
Broly would never turn to the good side. \-/o

Though Broli would completely mutilate Cell and Buu.

This is how DragonBall GT Shenlong fight should have ended:


Goku and Vegeta fuse together. Gogeta SSJ4 nails Shenlong with a Big Bang Kamehameha. Okay, Shenlong is seriously wounded, dropping 6 of his seven Shadow Dragon balls. Shenlong laughs as as Gogeta splits in two again.

Shenlong: Give it up losers. You'll never beat m-


A familiar-looking hand reaches out and clamps onto Shenlong's head, crushing his skull and eventually popping his head like a zit. The rest of his body falls to the ground in a crumpled heap...

Goku and Vegeta begin stuttering and sweating like crazy as Broly steps out of the rubble.

Broli: Did you miss me?

Goku and Vegeta try to stare him down, but since Broli is in his Super Saiyen form (thus having no pupils), it's futile.

Goku: Broly, why am I not surprised? But no matter, we'll just fuse together and beat you again.
Vegeta: Forget it Kackarot! I'm not fusing with you again!!!

So the two resolve the arguement in 30 seconds and fuse into SSJ4 Gogeta once again.

Gogeta SSJ4: You're goin down, Brocolli!!!
Broli: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... Do you really think that little balarina dance of yours is gonna make any difference?
Gogeta SSJ4: We've learned a few new tricks since we last fought. Like this little doozy here.

Gogeta charges up a ball of bright blue energy.


The bigass lazah connects with Broli, engulfing him in a blinding radience. Gogeta then begins kicking around in the air, laughing at how little effort it took to bring down the psychotic Super Saiyen. But Gogeta's celebration gets cut off as the dust clears. Broli begins walking towards him, grinning that psychotic grin of his.

Broli: What was that?
Gogeta SSJ4: NO WAY!!! That attack should've obliterated you!
Broli: Really? And here I thought you were trying to brush off the dust on my shoulders.
Gogeta SSJ4: ...
Broli: Enough games. Today is a good day to die....FOR YOU!!!!

Broli then goes SSJ4, striking fear into Gogeta's very soul. Gogeta blindly rishes into Broli, attacking with a fierce array of super fast jabs and kicks. Broli dodges every jab and kick, then grabs Gogeta by the throat.

Broli SSJ4: Did you really think you had a chance of beating me, judt by growing some red fur and a tail?

Gogeta lnees Broli in the chin, but Broli pushes Gogeta's leg down and slams him into the ground, releasing a fissure of earthquakes and magma as Gogeta's body split the ground in two beneath them. Broli then laughs that maniacal luagh of his, and then kicks Gogeta into the side of a huge ruined building, leveling it in seconds.

Gogeta lays there amongst the rubble, immobilized and severely bruised. A trickle of blood ran down the corner of his mouth as the rest of his body ached in pain.

Gogeta SSJ4: Damn, I really need to start dieting. How did Broli get so strong?

Broli dashes toward the rubble, leaving a crater the size of a football field in his wake.

Gogeta knew he was done for....

Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: General Frostbite (☆) on November 28, 2007, 11:58:21 AM
Off Topic:Shouldn't Gogeta be referred to as "Them" instead of "him" and "They" instead of "he?"
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: TrunkJunky on November 28, 2007, 03:26:07 PM
Naw, Gogeta is just one person. ;)

In the Fusion Reborn movie when Gogeta was talking to Janemba, he said,"I am neither Goku nor Vegeta. I am the instrument of your defeat."

Gogeta refers to himself as a single being. L-)
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: M79 on November 28, 2007, 06:44:48 PM
what do yall think would've happened if Broli had turned good,so of like Vegeta did?

Do yall think Broli would've beat the sh*t out of Cell and Buu?

Would Broli had surpassed Goku and Vegeta in power?

Dragonball Gt is also included so if yall wanna add that too then its not a problem :thumbsup:

Let me know what yall think :-??
Brolly was about on Perfect (not SPC) Cell's level of power, so no, I don't think he would've survived had he been good, and made it into the Buu Saga unless he got whooped pretty good and got some zenkais. But that's for Z, for GT? Who really knows. GT was full of terrible plotholes, so I can just say sure, he went SSJ4 or 5, etc.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on November 28, 2007, 08:01:32 PM
okay first of all broli was beaten by ssj goku buu would own his butt and ssj4 broli impossible.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: General Frostbite (☆) on November 28, 2007, 09:00:18 PM
okay first of all broli was beaten by ssj goku buu would own his @$$ and ssj4 broli impossible.

SSJ4 broly isn't impossible. Anybody who can handle the strain from the transformation can become a Super Saiyan 4. Broly can probably most certainly handle it.

And the only reason Goku beat Broly was because everyone transferred their energy to Goku. And that strike didn't even kill him, it only wounded him (though seriously.)

C'mon, the dude survived a knife to the chest when he was a baby!

Broly is so powerful, he once tossed a small energy ball that later grew big enough to destroy Earth. (When he was fighting Gohan.) I doubt Buu would be able to kill him, although he would give Broly a run for his money.

While Broly isn't invincible, he is nearly unstoppable.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on November 28, 2007, 10:32:54 PM
okay first of all broli was beaten by ssj goku buu would own his @$$ and ssj4 broli impossible.

SSJ4 broly isn't impossible. Anybody who can handle the strain from the transformation can become a Super Saiyan 4. Broly can probably most certainly handle it.

And the only reason Goku beat Broly was because everyone transferred their energy to Goku. And that strike didn't even kill him, it only wounded him (though seriously.)

C'mon, the dude survived a knife to the chest when he was a baby!

Broly is so powerful, he once tossed a small energy ball that later grew big enough to destroy Earth. (When he was fighting Gohan.) I doubt Buu would be able to kill him, although he would give Broly a run for his money.

While Broly isn't invincible, he is nearly unstoppable.
are you serious? goten trunks krillin beat the crap out of him he can do nothing to buu.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: General Frostbite (☆) on November 28, 2007, 11:59:30 PM
okay first of all broli was beaten by ssj goku buu would own his @$$ and ssj4 broli impossible.

SSJ4 broly isn't impossible. Anybody who can handle the strain from the transformation can become a Super Saiyan 4. Broly can probably most certainly handle it.

And the only reason Goku beat Broly was because everyone transferred their energy to Goku. And that strike didn't even kill him, it only wounded him (though seriously.)

C'mon, the dude survived a knife to the chest when he was a baby!

Broly is so powerful, he once tossed a small energy ball that later grew big enough to destroy Earth. (When he was fighting Gohan.) I doubt Buu would be able to kill him, although he would give Broly a run for his money.

While Broly isn't invincible, he is nearly unstoppable.
are you serious? goten trunks krillin beat the sh*t out of him he can do nothing to buu.

They did not. It only seemed as they did. And Broli was only SSJ1 at that time. When he transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form, everybody got owned and Trunks and Krillin were near death. It was only the combined Kamehameha wave from Goku, Gohan and Goten (as well as a small blast from Trunks) which saved them and Earth from destruction.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on November 29, 2007, 12:54:03 AM
okay first of all broli was beaten by ssj goku buu would own his @$$ and ssj4 broli impossible.

SSJ4 broly isn't impossible. Anybody who can handle the strain from the transformation can become a Super Saiyan 4. Broly can probably most certainly handle it.

And the only reason Goku beat Broly was because everyone transferred their energy to Goku. And that strike didn't even kill him, it only wounded him (though seriously.)

C'mon, the dude survived a knife to the chest when he was a baby!

Broly is so powerful, he once tossed a small energy ball that later grew big enough to destroy Earth. (When he was fighting Gohan.) I doubt Buu would be able to kill him, although he would give Broly a run for his money.

While Broly isn't invincible, he is nearly unstoppable.
are you serious? goten trunks krillin beat the sh*t out of him he can do nothing to buu.

They did not. It only seemed as they did. And Broli was only SSJ1 at that time. When he transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form, everybody got owned and Trunks and Krillin were near death. It was only the combined Kamehameha wave from Goku, Gohan and Goten (as well as a small blast from Trunks) which saved them and Earth from destruction.
is still doesn't change the fact that goku had to goo ssj3 to go against buu.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: reezy718 on November 29, 2007, 01:00:08 AM
okay first of all broli was beaten by ssj goku buu would own his @$$ and ssj4 broli impossible.

SSJ4 broly isn't impossible. Anybody who can handle the strain from the transformation can become a Super Saiyan 4. Broly can probably most certainly handle it.

And the only reason Goku beat Broly was because everyone transferred their energy to Goku. And that strike didn't even kill him, it only wounded him (though seriously.)

C'mon, the dude survived a knife to the chest when he was a baby!

Broly is so powerful, he once tossed a small energy ball that later grew big enough to destroy Earth. (When he was fighting Gohan.) I doubt Buu would be able to kill him, although he would give Broly a run for his money.

While Broly isn't invincible, he is nearly unstoppable.
are you serious? goten trunks krillin beat the sh*t out of him he can do nothing to buu.

They did not. It only seemed as they did. And Broli was only SSJ1 at that time. When he transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form, everybody got owned and Trunks and Krillin were near death. It was only the combined Kamehameha wave from Goku, Gohan and Goten (as well as a small blast from Trunks) which saved them and Earth from destruction.
is still doesn't change the fact that goku had to goo ssj3 to go against buu.
thats true but goku ssj3 couldnt beat buu.He lost his power and defeated buu by using the spirit bomb when he was ssj2 or regular goku(black hair)Im not sure which form but I knew it wasnt ssj3
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: General Frostbite (☆) on November 29, 2007, 01:11:18 AM
okay first of all broli was beaten by ssj goku buu would own his @$$ and ssj4 broli impossible.

SSJ4 broly isn't impossible. Anybody who can handle the strain from the transformation can become a Super Saiyan 4. Broly can probably most certainly handle it.

And the only reason Goku beat Broly was because everyone transferred their energy to Goku. And that strike didn't even kill him, it only wounded him (though seriously.)

C'mon, the dude survived a knife to the chest when he was a baby!

Broly is so powerful, he once tossed a small energy ball that later grew big enough to destroy Earth. (When he was fighting Gohan.) I doubt Buu would be able to kill him, although he would give Broly a run for his money.

While Broly isn't invincible, he is nearly unstoppable.
are you serious? goten trunks krillin beat the sh*t out of him he can do nothing to buu.

They did not. It only seemed as they did. And Broli was only SSJ1 at that time. When he transformed into his Legendary Super Saiyan form, everybody got owned and Trunks and Krillin were near death. It was only the combined Kamehameha wave from Goku, Gohan and Goten (as well as a small blast from Trunks) which saved them and Earth from destruction.
is still doesn't change the fact that goku had to goo ssj3 to go against buu.
thats true but goku ssj3 couldnt beat buu.He lost his power and defeated buu by using the spirit bomb when he was ssj2 or regular goku(black hair)Im not sure which form but I knew it wasnt ssj3

It was SSJ2.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: MirageAtoli on November 29, 2007, 01:13:18 AM
Off Topic:Shouldn't Gogeta be referred to as "Them" instead of "him" and "They" instead of "he?"

I think it is politically correct to call Gogeta "he" sense he was two individuals that become one individual; That is what fusion is.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: eg6gsr on November 29, 2007, 04:17:58 AM
what do yall think would've happened if Broli had turned good,so of like Vegeta did?

Do yall think Broli would've beat the sh*t out of Cell and Buu?

Would Broli had surpassed Goku and Vegeta in power?

Dragonball Gt is also included so if yall wanna add that too then its not a problem :thumbsup:

Let me know what yall think :-??
Brolly was about on Perfect (not SPC) Cell's level of power, so no, I don't think he would've survived had he been good, and made it into the Buu Saga unless he got whooped pretty good and got some zenkais. But that's for Z, for GT? Who really knows. GT was full of terrible plotholes, so I can just say sure, he went SSJ4 or 5, etc.

haha ummm what people weaker that broli survived cell and if broli was as strong as perfect cell then he would have just kill cell and there would be no spc.....and why does everyone think that broli can not become stronger than he is already remember this is hypithetical so you can not just limit him.....also remember that broli beat on gohan as a ssj2 a his legendary state ha sooo if he learned to become a ssj2 in that form ha wow over for lots of people
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: RiceZilla on November 29, 2007, 12:03:51 PM

Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: TrunkJunky on November 29, 2007, 04:52:16 PM

Spongebob is so about to die!!! XD

Broli beat the living crap out of all the Z fighters put together.

And for the record, in Broli's Second Coming, the Kamehameha wave did not kill Broli; the sun did. The Kamehameha wave only pushed him into it.

Broli is a lot stronger than some of you give him credit for.

And yes, if Broli was still alive, he could easily ascend to SSJ3, the Golden Monkey (SSJ3.5?), and even SSJ4. If Broli did reach SSJ4, it would mean the end of the DBZ universe.

Legendary Super Saiyen is a big step up from SSJ2. Think of it as a level SSJ2.5 transformation.

Broli (hands-down, bar-none) is the most ruthless, psychotic villain to ever hit the DBZ universe.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Negi Springfield on November 29, 2007, 04:59:24 PM
putting a end to this shizzle(lol) right now
that is all
(SSJ4 topic dies)
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: TrunkJunky on November 29, 2007, 05:09:55 PM
(SSJ4 topic rises from the dead)

Neither did Goku and Vegeta. So how did they turn SSJ4?
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Negi Springfield on November 29, 2007, 05:12:45 PM
(SSJ4 topic rises from the dead)

Neither did Goku and Vegeta. So how did they turn SSJ4?
because GT is a massive Plot-hole
...thank you :P
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: KPT25 on November 29, 2007, 05:15:52 PM
putting a end to this shizzle(lol) right now
that is all
(SSJ4 topic dies)
Mistake:Goku went back to childhood,his tail was even pulled out from his body on purpose...(with a clamp...that gotta hurt...)...after that he went golden monkey and after that SSJ4
Vegeta,as he didn`t have a tail,but could turn into monkey with consiousness in that state,got exposed to a lunar beam used by Baby,and while being (SSJ? IRC),he got SSJ4...
Broly wouldn`t have any of those advantages on his favour,as he`s a single individual,so that completely kills Broly SSJ4 idea
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: TrunkJunky on November 29, 2007, 05:17:44 PM
So if Goku's tail was pulled out, how did he transform into a monkey? :-??
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Sir Meta Knight on November 29, 2007, 05:22:20 PM
Goku was turned back into a kid, therefore it's possible that his entire body is similar in Dragonball, where his tail could grow back since his body never had the supposed "tail removal surgery" when he was a kid.

But, this is just a crazy theory...  8-}
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: RiceZilla on November 29, 2007, 05:37:59 PM
Its not crazy its true.  :thumbsup:

In GT Goku gets his tail back that is how he becomes SSJ4 Goku.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Sir Meta Knight on November 29, 2007, 05:40:50 PM
I thought that the theory that his tail grew back because he was a kid again might be crazy, but maybe it's not  :)
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: General Frostbite (☆) on November 29, 2007, 05:41:14 PM
putting a end to this shizzle(lol) right now
that is all
(SSJ4 topic dies)

You can't really say that, Broly's tail could be hidden in his pants. It was never specified whether he had a tail or not.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: TrunkJunky on November 29, 2007, 05:42:02 PM
Broli never had the tail surgery either. Broli still had his tail when he pulled Paragus to safety before Feiza blew up planet Vegeta. And Paragus never mentioned anything about tail removal surgery in the movie.

So yes, it's possible that Broli can grow his tail back.


Besides, in a series full of plotholes, anything goes. :P
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Negi Springfield on November 29, 2007, 05:44:47 PM
putting a end to this shizzle(lol) right now
that is all
(SSJ4 topic dies)

You can't really say that, Broly's tail could be hidden in his pants. It was never specified whether he had a tail or not.
Because Broly was made by Toei
no Akira
It doesnt count
(I hate pulling that out but it's true)
I am not an expert XD
but I think the whole tail in pants thing dosent work
I would think that would be VERY un-comfortable
think about it
everyone that had a tail had it out free
SSJ4 Goku and Vegeta's tails even tear throught the back of the pants lol
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: sunblaze82 on January 19, 2008, 01:33:35 PM
If broli became good they might tone down his powers cuz he is waaaaay too powerful and just end up beating up every bad guy that came around with no effort. Remember this is the guy who blew up a planet with ease, he threw a lil pellet blast at that alien planet in his first movie and destroyed it. He took a kamehameha from goku at point blank range and it didnt do any damage at all he just looked at goku and said  one of my favorite broli phrases "what the hell was that". and goku DID NOT beat broli in the first movie, he gave him one good punch in the gut then goku took off while the comet hit the planet they were on and destroyed it.......and that wasnt even strong enough to kill broli. He came back in a second movie and beat up gohan. It took 3 ssj's to beat him, as a matter of fact he threw another lil energy ball at gohan who had to fully charge up and blast his kamehameha just to defend himself while broli didnt even break a sweat. then goten and goku came and helped with their kamehamehas and that still wasnt enough to stop the 1 energy ball that broli threw like it was nothing. they were all standing there struggling while broli was laughing at them, its like he was toying with them. he got distracted by trunks and looked away and that was his mistake cuz that gave gohan and them a chance to push as hard as they could and blasted broli away. But imagine if broli actually charged up and collected energy and fired. the blast  would be unstoppable. Imagine if he did that and fired a beam? he never fires beams cuz he didnt have to he just tossed around lil pieces of energy. and one main reason why he would have been unstoppable is beacause he is this strong without his tail, if he grew it back.......I cant even put into words how strong he would be. he must have had it cut off long ago but like goku he can grow it back. but this is all just my opinion, I'm sure lots of ppl may say I'm wrong but thats just the way I see it.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Negi Springfield on January 19, 2008, 04:03:43 PM
Broly likes this topic
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: General Frostbite (☆) on January 19, 2008, 04:26:47 PM
If broli became good they might tone down his powers cuz he is waaaaay too powerful and just end up beating up every bad guy that came around with no effort. Remember this is the guy who blew up a planet with ease, he threw a lil pellet blast at that alien planet in his first movie and destroyed it. He took a kamehameha from goku at point blank range and it didnt do any damage at all he just looked at goku and said  one of my favorite broli phrases "what the hell was that". and goku DID NOT beat broli in the first movie, he gave him one good punch in the gut then goku took off while the comet hit the planet they were on and destroyed it.......and that wasnt even strong enough to kill broli. He came back in a second movie and beat up gohan. It took 3 ssj's to beat him, as a matter of fact he threw another lil energy ball at gohan who had to fully charge up and blast his kamehameha just to defend himself while broli didnt even break a sweat. then goten and goku came and helped with their kamehamehas and that still wasnt enough to stop the 1 energy ball that broli threw like it was nothing. they were all standing there struggling while broli was laughing at them, its like he was toying with them. he got distracted by trunks and looked away and that was his mistake cuz that gave gohan and them a chance to push as hard as they could and blasted broli away. But imagine if broli actually charged up and collected energy and fired. the blast  would be unstoppable. Imagine if he did that and fired a beam? he never fires beams cuz he didnt have to he just tossed around lil pieces of energy. and one main reason why he would have been unstoppable is beacause he is this strong without his tail, if he grew it back.......I cant even put into words how strong he would be. he must have had it cut off long ago but like goku he can grow it back. but this is all just my opinion, I'm sure lots of ppl may say I'm wrong but thats just the way I see it.

They wouldn't tone him down... He doesn't have a reason to have lost his insane, psychotic destructive powers.
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Misogi on January 20, 2008, 08:50:16 AM
Yi shenlong could own broly cause Yi shen long is the strongst non fusion Dbz Character
Title: Re: What if Broli turned good(DBZ)
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on January 20, 2008, 11:55:31 AM
putting a end to this shizzle(lol) right now
that is all
(SSJ4 topic dies)
Mistake:Goku went back to childhood,his tail was even pulled out from his body on purpose...(with a clamp...that gotta hurt...)...after that he went golden monkey and after that SSJ4
Vegeta,as he didn`t have a tail,but could turn into monkey with consiousness in that state,got exposed to a lunar beam used by Baby,and while being (SSJ? IRC),he got SSJ4...
Broly wouldn`t have any of those advantages on his favour,as he`s a single individual,so that completely kills Broly SSJ4 idea
Goku was turned SSJ, because of some thing. Bulma found a way to harness the power, and use it on Vegeta while he was Baby. Then she used it on him again to turn him SSJ4 at the end of the series, I'm not sure about anything of consciousness. It was just whatever that power was that made both Goku and Vegeta SSJ4.
In DBZ, in the Ginyu saga, when Vegeta is rambling about super saiyans, you see an image of what looks like a dark, golden ape.
So it can be argued whether Broly is a legendary super saiyan, or the Golden ape is. 
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