Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: Moon Girard on April 11, 2012, 01:54:57 AM

Title: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 11, 2012, 01:54:57 AM
( (
Figured since there full pages where scanned it'd be better to make this it's own topic instead of keep posting stuff about it in the Game that doesn't deserve it's own thread. (
Famitsu unveiled the crossover project Nintendo announced during Nintendo Direct. Titled Project Cross Zone, the upcoming 3DS game is a strategy RPG with characters from Namco, Capcom, and Sega. Yes, this is like Namco X Capcom, but this time both companies brought their top characters like Chris Redfield instead of the lead character from Resident Evil: Dead Aim.

「PROJECT X ZONE(プロジェクト クロスゾーン)」ティザーPV (「PROJECT X ZONE(プロジェクト クロスゾーン)」第1弾PV (

Roster so far.(Paired in their teams)
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Kogoro and Mii Ouryuuji Original Characters


Rest of the speculated characters the Pattern's come from the teaser the site had before it changed.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 11, 2012, 02:00:42 AM
Aw, I was really hoping for an actual fighting game. Oh wellz.

PleasepleasepleasePLEASE have a Sonic and Knuckles/Tails pair
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: deadmangunner on April 11, 2012, 12:51:52 PM
Aw man that sounds awesome I wish they would put that on consoles. Why is it that the handhelds get all the best stuff from Japan.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 11, 2012, 01:14:32 PM
I doubt Nintendo wanted it on the Wii since it's basically dead and Wii U is a bit off and the Super Robot war games always tend to be on handhelds.
Jedah is pretty much confirmed to appear since you can see Fetus of God in the Jill and Chris screenshots.

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Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 11, 2012, 03:23:40 PM
Looks like MegaMan is NOT least, the Megaman from the X series.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 11, 2012, 05:34:35 PM
At least it's A Megaman.

Speaking of Megaman, those X, Zero, Jill, and Chris sprites look awesome.

Also anyone else see Tyrant and Chu Chu (rocket with legs)?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 11, 2012, 06:23:32 PM
Figured it was going to be an RPG like Namco x capcom

(hope yall still have your relic copy like me)

heres more visuals of the game from Famitsu site folks (
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: ExShadow on April 11, 2012, 06:42:05 PM
Looks like crap IMO
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 11, 2012, 07:21:36 PM
Looks like crap IMO

meh..well it is the 3DS so ya cant expect anything too kick@ss in visuals and its still early :-??. i doubt ill ever get to play it since i dont plan on buying a 3DS but ill take the visuals for what it is. Had that supposed to have been 360 or PS3 visuals i would have had a sour vibe about it just like you....whats funny is im more interested in how the soundtrack will be...

weird right?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 11, 2012, 07:53:44 PM
meh..well it is the 3DS so ya cant expect anything too kick@ss in visuals
I thought RE Revalations looked great for the 3DS, as well as Kid Icarus
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 11, 2012, 08:09:58 PM
I thought RE Revalations looked great for the 3DS, as well as Kid Icarus

thats cool, didnt say RE and kid icarus looked horrible. never played em :-?? but from what i seen in videos and pics way before i can already tell both games look cool. but anyway what i was gettin at was ill never expect too much from a hand held game. For sure im not judging the game to be trash totally just yet though. for me its going to take some actual gameplay footage and then hopefully a dose of hands on experience to rule my thoughts out my opinion i can agree it could have been designed to look better SINCE games like RE R & Kid icarus came out so great looking is my point also....but these are only screen shots so ill be waiting to see what the trailer is like
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Acey on April 11, 2012, 08:10:27 PM
Project X... LOL!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 11, 2012, 08:12:54 PM
I think the problem here is Banpesto doesn't seem to ever post high quality screen shots of their game the sprite work is the same as Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: Endless Frontier but look  bad in these screenshot due to the screenshots being low res and then taking screenshots when the camera is zooming in/out on a character doesn't help, but the Ryu and Ken 3d models do look bad.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 11, 2012, 09:46:33 PM
Project X... LOL!

lol that is pretty funny man
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: D.Magician(Ky) on April 11, 2012, 09:59:00 PM
the hell Sega! Where is Sonic The Hedgehog at?!?! I mean, you have Ryu as the face of Capcom and Jin Kazama as the face of Namco for this awesome game. All you need todo is add Sonic The Hedgehog and I will be happy.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 11, 2012, 10:33:49 PM
the hell Sega! Where is Sonic The Hedgehog at?!?! I mean, you have Ryu as the face of Capcom and Jin Kazama as the face of Namco for this awesome game. All you need todo is add Sonic The Hedgehog and I will be happy.
I'm pretty sure this isn't the full roster.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: BigJ on April 12, 2012, 12:01:15 AM
Hmmm... Interesting.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 12, 2012, 03:04:49 AM
the hell Sega! Where is Sonic The Hedgehog at?!?! I mean, you have Ryu as the face of Capcom and Jin Kazama as the face of Namco for this awesome game. All you need todo is add Sonic The Hedgehog and I will be happy.
Seconded. He should then team up with either Tails (because that's the team-up, that EVERYONE excepts) or someone from the SatAm cartoons.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 12, 2012, 03:22:51 AM
or someone from the SatAm cartoons.

And again, this probably isn't the full roster of characters
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Rage on April 12, 2012, 10:20:33 AM
What the hell is up with sega? These characters? Phony the vf character should be there. Not only should sonic be the but Axel or blaze from streets of rage. Comic zone guy. Vector man. Nights, time crisis characters. Alter breast. Wow some many beat characters. That is not even half of them.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 12, 2012, 11:24:35 AM

And again, this probably isn't the full roster of characters
Were these SatAm cartoons really THAT horrible, that you react to it like that would be MvC3?
Though I would except a team up of Sonic and Tails, too, just, because of HOW forgotten these cartoons became for Sega...
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on April 12, 2012, 11:41:46 AM
time crisis characters
That's Namco, not sega, but I wouldn't mind Richard Miller joining in.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 12, 2012, 12:07:51 PM
Character list isn't final there is even going to be some hidden characters so no need to worry about no Sonic they are probably going to reveal him with Klonoa, The Sega side right now is popular character/series in Japan and since for the moment the game is only announced for a Japanese release it makes sense.

I guess this is the translation of the interview at the bottom of the scans (
Capcom, Namco Bandai and Sega are teaming up for a mega crossover 3DS strategy RPG called Project X Zone (pronounced Project Cross Zone). So who came up with the idea for this collaboration?

In an interview in Weekly Famitsu, which has a first look at the game this week, Namco Bandai's Kensuke Tsukanaka, the game's producer, revealed that Namco Bandai got the talks started by approaching Capcom. Internally, Namco Bandai staff had discussed making a game that mixed characters, and they brought Capcom in on the discussions, and then Sega.

Also sitting in on the interview were Capcom's Tatsuya Kitabayashi and Sega's Yasushi Yamashita. Kitabayashi said that he and Kazuhiro Tsuchiya are overseeing the project on Capcom's side.

Regarding the game's name, they originally considered selecting something with all three companies' names, but this would end up being too long. Tsukanaka mentioned Namco x Capcom, a previous crossover strategy RPG involving two of the parties. If the new game were a sequel to that, it might have been possible to use the company names in the game, sais Tsukanaka. However, because it's a totally new title, and it's a "project that realizes a dream crossover," they decided on the Project X Zone name. (The reasoning doesn't make sense in Japanese either).

We already shared the currently confirmed cast of characters. See this story in case you missed it.

Each character has moves that fans should recognize. Ryu and Ken have their various Shoryuken and other fighting moves. X and Zero have such moves as X Buster and Z Saber. Ulala (who's said to be voiced by "herself") has a "Tension Blaster" move.

The character list is not final. There will be other characters besides the initial announcement, said Tsukanaka, including hidden characters.

Some of the characters may not appear to lend themselves well to strategy RPG style combat. They'll still fight, but using actions one might expect of them, explained Tsukanaka.

Famitsu does not have specifics on the game's combat system, only saying that in general, characters fight in teams -- Ryu with Ken, for instance, and Jill with Chris. However, there are some exceptions. The magazine promised combat details in a followup report.

We'll be getting a closer look at Project X Zone some time this month as Namco Bandai releases a first trailer. As for when we'll get some screenshots, usually posts screens from its latest Weekly Famitsu issue on Thursdays, so check back tomorrow.

Project X Zone is currently 50% complete. A release is planned for 2012.

Some of this was covered in the Andriasang link but some of it is new. (
A few more details about Project X Zone (or Project Cross Zone) come from an interview with Famitsu. Tatsuya Kitabayashi from Capcom explained Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine were selected from their side because Resident Evil: Revelations was on the Nintendo 3DS. Picking characters from the Shining series for Project X Zone was puzzling, Kensuke Tsukanaka from Namco Bandai said, but they settled on Shining Force since that has the biggest name recognition and selected characters from EXA because they felt they were the best fit. Cyrille and Toma from Shining Force EXA will represent the series. Yuri and Estelle from Tales of Vesperia were chosen to represent the Tales series because they’re older and closer in age to the other characters. Tsukanaka also said the character list is not final and there will be hidden characters as well.

Details about the battle system are unclear, but most characters are in pairs. Sanger Zonvolt from Super Robot Taisen fights solo and Ulala from Space Channel 5 is teamed up with Shining Force characters. Characters will combine their signature moves in Project X Zone. Ryu and Ken from Street Fighter do a Shinku Hadouken & EX Hadouken. Another move combines Ken’s Shoryuken with Ryu’s Metsu Hadouken. X and Zero from Mega Man X can use moves like X-Buster & Z-Saber and Raijingeki & Twin Slasher. Kurt and Riela can use an Anti-tank lance & Light of the Valkyria. KOS-MOS and T-elos from Xenosaga have attacks like STORM WALTZ and X BUSTER & S SAULT. Yuri and Estelle combine artes to make Savage Wolf Fury & Holy Light. Kite and BlackRose use Data Drain from the .hack series.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 12, 2012, 12:29:05 PM
Were these SatAm cartoons really THAT horrible, that you react to it like that would be MvC3?
Though I would except a team up of Sonic and Tails, too, just, because of HOW forgotten these cartoons became for Sega...
It's not that the show was bad, I just don't want characters made exclusively for the cartoons and Archie comics to appear in something they weren't meant to be in.

And I still like (U)MvC3  :-??
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 12, 2012, 12:37:40 PM
It's not that the show was bad, I just don't want characters made exclusively for the cartoons and Archie comics to appear in something they weren't meant to be in.
If that's the case...though I can remember a gameplay video of an scrapped SatAm Sonic game...
And I still like (U)MvC3  :-??
Oh, so you're one of these few people, who like MvC3. I heard from most of the other, that this game is completely non-canon to anything (which also seems to be the reason, why many people hate MvC3). About me, I don't have an opinion about MvC3, since I don't have got an PS3...YET. However, I actually have got an opinion, about how Project X Zone would be like: If they keep adding our favorites into a game with astounding gameplay, then it will be the ULTIMATE game!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 12, 2012, 01:16:53 PM
If that's the case...though I can remember a gameplay video of an scrapped SatAm Sonic game...

Oh, so you're one of these few people, who like MvC3. I heard from most of the other, that this game is completely non-canon to anything (which also seems to be the reason, why many people hate MvC3)
I don't think the Marvel vs Capcom series has canon.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on April 12, 2012, 01:53:10 PM
Oh, so you're one of these few people, who like MvC3. I heard from most of the other, that this game is completely non-canon to anything (which also seems to be the reason, why many people hate MvC3).
The reason people don't like MvC3 is because of the gameplay changes and Crapcom's "Cow Milking."
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 12, 2012, 02:25:57 PM
The reason people don't like MvC3 is because of the gameplay changes and Crapcom's "Cow Milking."
NOW the Capcom qoute in GatlingPunchRalf's sig makes sense! Thanks for letting me know the real reason.
You've got your point...
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 12, 2012, 03:40:26 PM
Back to the topic, am I the only one who's hoping Ristar appears in some fashion?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 12, 2012, 05:41:40 PM
haha well since Rick from splatter house is from Namco i wouldnt mind seeing him show up in the game or the Rolling thunder crew :-??

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Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: TGM on April 13, 2012, 12:46:41 AM
haha well since Rick from splatter house is from Namco i wouldnt mind seeing him show up in the game or the Rolling thunder crew :-??

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I second that cause that is so true
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 13, 2012, 04:49:52 AM
Back to the topic, am I the only one who's hoping Ristar appears in some fashion?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Magma MK-II on April 13, 2012, 09:44:21 AM
1 - I don't know half of this roster. Then again, I rarely (if ever) play RPGs.

2 - F**k yeah Demitri not Morrigan!

3 - We need more crossovers like this. Maybe someday we can see one with Konami and/or Taito...
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: deadmangunner on April 13, 2012, 10:30:04 AM
Well all I can say is I hope does well in sales because maybe if it does well enough it become a dlc game on consoles although I highly doubt it. Oh well one can dream lol.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 13, 2012, 10:55:19 AM
I agree I really want this to see a US release
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 13, 2012, 11:55:02 AM
Well the same day Namco trademarked this game they trade marked something called All Star Battle which may be the English name of the game and with Frank West being hinted on the site before it got changed it raises the chances. (

Well all I can say is I hope does well in sales because maybe if it does well enough it become a dlc game on consoles although I highly doubt it. Oh well one can dream lol.

Even if it did Monolith Soft may be working on it as they did with NxC and since they are owned by Nintendo now it would only be released on Wii or Wii U.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 13, 2012, 05:50:22 PM
I thought it was a different comapny that didn't work on NxC, Banpresto I believe

I really hope we get that US release, although I wonder why we need US exclusive chars?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 13, 2012, 07:39:26 PM

 Here are some new images of Bandai Namco's crossover strategy RPG Project X Zone, the characters will attack in pairs.

yep...definitely looking like my Namco X capcom....i hope the soundtrack is good..heh and im sure Bayonetta and possibly Asura just may show up along with Shadows of the Damned Latin gun slinging hero Garcia Hotspur...heh why not? :-??
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Acey on April 13, 2012, 08:02:58 PM
It's like everyone except Nintendo, that's how I see it, Super Not Mario Bros!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 13, 2012, 11:20:05 PM
It's like everyone except Nintendo, that's how I see it, Super Not Mario Bros!
If that's the case shouldn't this actually be "Super Smash Bros Not-Tendo"
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 14, 2012, 07:35:57 AM
If that's the case shouldn't this actually be "Super Smash Bros Not-Tendo"
Yep, looks like, they did something, that Ninten-don't (sorry for that horrible joke...)!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: ExShadow on April 14, 2012, 07:53:45 AM
For some odd reason though, I'm really reminded of CSW when I look at those shots
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on April 14, 2012, 08:46:55 AM
i figure the new game name will be changed to more like Super Smash Nintendo-NOPE! Fighters.  look for it in the comin months.  ::salute:: :)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on April 15, 2012, 12:26:12 AM
Smart move, Namco. Looks liked Capcom gets screwed up with Megaman projects.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: O Ilusionista on April 15, 2012, 12:30:03 AM
pretty cool!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 17, 2012, 07:25:00 AM
Updated first post. ( (
Site opened up today you can hear character voices and there is better quality screen shots and adds artwork for the partners who didn't get theirs in Famitsu except Jill for some reason

And some places off the background Map. Frank West early confirmation?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 17, 2012, 11:13:49 AM
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Chun Li?! What happened? LOL

But seriously looks nice so far
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on April 17, 2012, 11:17:37 AM
Chun Li?! What happened?
...No...Pai Chan.

EDIT: You changed it on me!!!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 17, 2012, 11:19:26 AM
...No...Pai Chan.
I knew it wasn't Chun. I just couldn't recognize her as anyone else
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 20, 2012, 11:33:08 PM (
Ryu with that FADC into Ultra combo.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on April 21, 2012, 03:08:35 AM
Oh man....this is looking really good so far. Never got to play Namco X Capcom (not big on SRPGs though, but it looked interesting), and probably won't get to play this either, but boy oh boy! Really wondering who else will be in here though...knew this couldn't be it, considering how many were in NxC.

(Also, hurray for Demitri! Guy needs more love...tired of seeing Morrigan everywhere to represent Darkstalkers honestly...let the main character actually BE in other games! Also, here's to hoping they don't pull a lame NxC with the Midnight Bliss!)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 21, 2012, 03:16:41 AM
I wouldn't expect Midnight bliss to be any different from NxC no body wants to sprite female form for what could be at least a hundred different enemies when you can spend that time on making more characters and whatnot, I'm hoping they drop the 3d model for cut-ins that have them Ryu and Ken's cut-ins looks really bad compared to Yuri and Sanger's Banpresto should just keep to their great sprite work.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on April 21, 2012, 03:18:35 AM
Never know! They did it for Cross/X Edge, so hard to say! I'd just be more curious for it pertaining to the main cast moreso than the enemies though~
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 21, 2012, 09:35:32 AM
Looks excellent. Love the animations on both the low res and high res sprites. Especially Jill and Chris.

Now to wait and see what other chars get revealed
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: GTAguy on April 21, 2012, 11:22:41 AM
The sprites are awesome. Hopefully there will be more sprites for each char. Better than Namco X Capcom.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Trinitronity on April 21, 2012, 01:31:02 PM
These are all  ^^(PM)^ s!
Also, hooray for the use of the old voice actors for MegaMan X and Zero!
The only things, that are missing now, are:
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: GTAguy on April 21, 2012, 01:51:20 PM
These are all  ^^(PM)^ s!
Also, hooray for the use of the old voice actors for MegaMan X and Zero!
The only things, that are missing now, are:
  • Sonic
  • Alex Kidd (Sega's original mascot before Sonic came) or Billy Hatcher
  • Batsu or Jin Saotome
  • Cpt. Commando (after all, Captain Commando was one of Capcom's first games)
  • more Street Fighter
  • more MegaMan (HELL, YEAH!)
  • some Final Fight
  • Pac-Man
  • Klonoa
  • more Tekken

I totally agree with this. ^^(PM)^
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 22, 2012, 11:52:15 PM
A HD version of the trailer was uploaded on the site and some new interviews with the voice actors (

Never know! They did it for Cross/X Edge, so hard to say! I'd just be more curious for it pertaining to the main cast moreso than the enemies though~

Had to check this out cause i never played Cross Edge never knew they did that.

These are all  ^^(PM)^ s!
Also, hooray for the use of the old voice actors for MegaMan X and Zero!
The only things, that are missing now, are:

Batsu was hinted on the teaser site for the game and the hints for characters have been correct so far.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on April 22, 2012, 11:55:33 PM
Yeah, I'm honestly surprised they did (it wasn't very fluid animation for it, but the fact that they DID it, and in that game of all games, surprises me. I heard that game was terrible sadly). Even got quite a few of the sprites from that game sitting on my external, most with the MBs (though good luck piecing together some of the sprites...). Thinking on that, I should probably upload them somewhere on a sheet and post them in my topic...but that requires piecing...

Anyways, back on topic, Batsu huh...not much of Rival Schools anywhere aside from crossovers so why not? Though it seems to usually be just him doesn't it? I guess there WAS Kyosuke in CvS2, but any place else...?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 23, 2012, 12:03:19 AM
Well Hideo Shimazu and Kyoko Minazuki were in Namco x Capcom as the Rival School reps other than that it's usually Batsu but since game has the characters all in teams we may get Hinata and Kyosuke with Batsu since the Shining Force characters and Ulala are listed as a trio would make sense for a Rival Schools team.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on April 23, 2012, 12:05:33 AM
That is true, and considering that Capcom has no trio yet (unlike Namco and Sega), that might be the trio after all. Hmmm...
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 23, 2012, 12:22:09 AM
Who were all the hinted chars on the site? I know Batsu and Frank West were two of them
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 23, 2012, 12:29:16 AM

X (Megaman X)
Jill Valentine (Resident Evil)
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Zero (Mega Man X)

Frank West (Dead Rising)
Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX (Cyberbots)
Ken Masters (Street Fighter)
Batsu Ichimonji (Rival Schools)

Yuri (Tales of Vesperia)
Neneko (Yumeria)
Soma Schicksal (Gods Eater Burst)
Sanger Zonvolt (Super Robot Wars)
Blackrose (.hack)
Jin Kazama (Tekken)

Tear Grants (Tales of the Abyss)
KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)

? (Looks like it might have been Akira)
Leanne (Resonance of Fate)
Gemini Sunrise (Sakura Wars V)
Kurt Irving (Valkyria Chronicles 3)
Toma (Shining Force EXA)
Ichiro Ohgami (Sakura Wars)

Bahn (Fighting Vipers)
Bruno Delinger (Dynamite Cop)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: makro on April 23, 2012, 12:37:48 AM
cool roster. but it's a shame... no love for Asura's wrath.
I hope this time they think of the people outside JP.
this is looking really good so far.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on April 23, 2012, 12:58:23 AM
Oh righto, I forgot all about that image. Was wondering "Why no Tear or Devilotte?" when I saw the roster. Makes sense now! Those two are totally not the only ones I care to see in this game on that sheet (at least we already have Blackrose...dunno why I like her so much when I vaguely remember the anime and never played any of the games...). I think Frank's been used WAY too much recently IMO...
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 24, 2012, 09:43:21 PM
Hey if Frank being in means a chance at localization i'll take him. speaking of Frank
Frank, Lei-Lei, Alisa, Soma, Leanne and Zephyr announced
Poor Lei-Lei she seems to always get partnered with Zombie Killers.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on April 24, 2012, 09:47:47 PM
I suppose that is true. No idea who those last 4 are in there at all either!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: -Whiplash- on April 24, 2012, 09:55:13 PM
Poor Lei-Lei she seems to always get partnered with Zombie Killers.

Hsien-ko IS a monster hunter.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 24, 2012, 10:08:48 PM
I suppose that is true. No idea who those last 4 are in there at all either!

Alisa and Soma are from Gods Eater Burst and Leanne and  Leanne and Zephyr are from Resonance of Fate and that makes three more characters that were right on that list.
(click to show/hide)

Hsien-ko IS a monster hunter.

Yes but she is still a Chinese Zombie i can imagine Resident Evil characters or Frank aren't her ideal partners.

Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 24, 2012, 11:33:44 PM
I'd like to see the in-game explanations for why Frank is teaming up with Hsien-ko or why Dante is teaming up with Demitri
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: -Whiplash- on April 25, 2012, 01:36:27 AM
I'd like to see the in-game explanations for why Frank is teaming up with Hsien-ko or why Dante is teaming up with Demitri

... Why isn't Hsien-Ko Teaming up with Dante? They do the same thing.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 25, 2012, 01:56:58 AM
Wouldn't be surprised if Dante is after Jedah(Continuation of Jedah's CFE ending?) and Demitri dislikes Jedah and wants him dead so why not team up and then they just tossed Hsien-Ko with Frank for the same reason they teamed her with Fong Ling.
Full Page scans
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 25, 2012, 02:38:40 PM
why did you have "" in big bold letters above the scans?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 25, 2012, 03:00:06 PM
? it's showing 4chan over the Scans? on my screen it's not.

Edit:still doing it now?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 25, 2012, 03:29:26 PM
Now it's not
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 26, 2012, 11:50:33 AM (
More screen shots in the spoiler.
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 26, 2012, 12:10:10 PM
So now we have stand alone artwork for all the chars ... except Jill
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on April 30, 2012, 10:52:15 PM (
Site updated adds the new characters and Voice clips and VA interviews(excluding Alisa on the VA interviews) for them
also adds Jill's art finally
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on April 30, 2012, 11:57:16 PM
also adds Jill's art finally
Looks pretty fine  =P~

Can't wait for the next character reveals
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on May 15, 2012, 10:10:12 PM
Monolith soft is also working on the game don't expect to see it on any system that isn't a nintendo system now.
New Characters
Sakura Taisen: Erica and Gemini
Dynamite Deka: Bruno
Street Fighter: Chun Li
Darkstalkers: Morrigan
Valkyrie no Densetsu: Valkyrie
Endless Frontier: Haken Browning and Kaguya Nanbu
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on May 16, 2012, 04:05:05 AM (
Famitsu's latest look at Project X Zone has more than just character and gameplay revelations. The magazine also confirms that the 3DS crossover title is being developed by Monolith Software.

Monolith's Kouji Ishi,tani and Souichiro Morizumi, both credited as "Development Producer," appear alongside Namco Bandai producer Kensuke Tsukanaka for an interview. One of the major topics of the interview, and of Famitsu's feature as a whole, is gameplay.

Project X Zone uses the "Cross Active Battle System." Battles are grid-based, similar to other overhead strategy RPGs. When you attack an enemy unit on the grid map, you'll enter into a battle scene. Here, you can tap the d-pad and A button to perform combos.

We introduced the Cross Hit and Support Attack systems earlier in the day. Famitsu also mentions Critical Hits, which happens when you send an enemy into the air, then connect your next attack just before the enemy falls back to the ground.

In the interview, Morizumi hinted at a character growth component. Each character initially has access to two or three skills. As you level up, the character will gain additional skills, up to five. Individual skills may also get powered up.

The game encourages you to use as many of your skills as possible. If you use all your skills, you'll receive a bonus. It's beneficial to use multiple skills rather than using the same skill over and over again.

Screens show an "XP," or "Cross Point" gauge. As you strike enemies, this builds up. The gauge can be used for special attacks, and defensive moves on the map. All units in your party share the same gauge. Using one special move will deplete the gauge fully, so you'll need consider carefully when to use it.

The gauge can actually fill up to more than 100%. When you perform a Cross Hit, the gauge can build up to 150%.

<b>One area of focus for the team is tempo. They're making it so that enemy attacks will be handled quickly so that control will return to you immediately.</b>

Presentation also appears to be getting a major push. Most of the screens we've seen thus far have shown Super Robot Wars-style cut-ins for when your characters execute their special attacks. The game will also have special cut-ins for when you use your special attacks on bosses. The battles will also be fully voiced, and you'll also be treated to a variety of pre and post battle comments.

We should be getting a first look at all the new characters and some actual battle map screenshots either later tonight or tomorrow.

This is good news as having to sit there and press a direction why being attacked was one of the worst parts of NxC
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Magma MK-II on May 16, 2012, 11:00:11 AM
Now bring back Weaponlord characters and it's all set!
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on May 16, 2012, 12:02:55 PM
Are Chun Li and Morrigan a team?

That's a strange pair-up I have to say: an Interpol officer and a sucubbus (however it's spelled)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: O Ilusionista on May 16, 2012, 12:37:10 PM
The game seams to be very cool, But I miss some classic names from Sega, like Shinobi or a Golden Axe character
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on May 16, 2012, 02:19:40 PM
Well there was a new Shinobi game for the 3DS released not too long ago, I can see a Shinobi char making an apperance
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on May 16, 2012, 06:52:46 PM
Now bring back Weaponlord characters and it's all set!


You took it back lol smh...

only way i used to end that game was WITH the last master!!  :D

it was as hard as Dino sh*t
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on May 16, 2012, 11:01:25 PM
Site updated to lazy to post all the screens but there are some more (
(click to show/hide)

I guess there is also some bad news as seen by the art Below Valkryie and Bruno don't have full body art works which leads me to believe they are Assist only characters like how there were some in Super Robot War OG Saga Endless Frontier Exceed. Good news Sanger and Ulala are not assist characters.
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on May 16, 2012, 11:36:45 PM
When is the nearest JPN game convention?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on May 17, 2012, 12:12:59 AM
TGS in steptember if they don't do anything for E3
Juri is in probably a enemy
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on May 17, 2012, 09:14:02 AM
Neat little observation.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on June 22, 2012, 12:28:47 AM ( 200 Characters includes allies and enemies

Namco Bandai still hasn't revealed the exact playable character count for Project X Zone. But today, we got another hint.

The game's official blog revealed today that the game has over 200 characters. This figure includes allies and enemies. It does not include characters who appear exclusively in event scenes.

The "enemy" characters aren't just generic designs. You'll find enemies from the various franchises used for both bosses and standard foes.

Joining the character count, the blog provided one little gameplay bit. When it's time to move one of your ally units, a phase which is referred to as the ally "phase," you can freely move the character around his highlighted area, much like in an RPG. You'll find things like treasure boxes and obstacles in the area. There's no penalty for making extraneous movements to open treasure boxes and destroy obstacles before attacking the enemy, so you can do quite a bit during a single phase. The attack command has to come last, though, as the character's turn automatically ends after this.

Firebrand is here so i'd expect Arthur (

Project X Zone (HD) - New footage (
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on June 22, 2012, 01:16:29 AM
Pretty neat info. I would have rather heard of new playable chars but I'll take it
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on June 22, 2012, 01:23:13 AM
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on June 26, 2012, 10:22:11 PM (
    Famitsu has a final October 11 release date for Project X Zone this week. The 3DS crossover strategy game will be priced ¥6,280.

    The magazine also has some new character reveals:

    Imca: Valkyria Chronicles 3
    Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
    Rikiya Busujima (Zombie Revenge)
    Fren (Tales of Vesperia)
    Devilotte (Cyberbots)

    These crossover characters will be joined by at least two original characters, Kogoro (voiced by Toshihiko Seki) and Mii Ouryuuji (voiced by Yukari Tamura -- I'm not sure about the writing of the name).

They mean Flynn and not Fren,

Since linking to the picture on Andriasang doesn't work and there' is a whole lot of them i don't want to have to rehost u guy will have to check the link.
( (
Quote has posted new screenshots of Project X Zone, showing the new characters that were revealed in Weekly Famitsu this week. As reported earlier, the game's cast now includes Imca (Valkyria Chronicles 3), Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins), Rikiya Busujima (Zombie Revenge), Flynn (Tales of Vesperia) and Devilotte (Cyberbots). View the gallery below for the screens.

The screens also show two original characters, Kogoro Tenzia and Mii Kouryuuji:

There are a couple of gameplay details in Famitsu's report regarding the mysterious "Solo Units." Thus far, the details we've received on the battle system involve Pair Units -- that is, units formed by two characters. You can also add a Solo Unit to this Pair Unit. During battle, you can use the Solo Unit's skills, and also make the Solo Unit perform a Solo Attack by pressing L.

Here's how you can create an attack with five party members. When you perform an attack with the Pair Unit you're currently moving, if another Pair Unit is in the vicinity, you can press R to call the other Pair Unit in for a Support Attack. Press L, and your Solo Unit will also come into the attack, resulting in five character carnage.

Finally, a look at the game's first print run packaging. In addition to a special box, this includes a booklet introducing the characters and their games, and a "crossover soundtrack CD" featuring the game's background music. This isn't a limited edition -- just the first print run of the standard edition, which sees release on October 11, priced ¥6,280.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on June 27, 2012, 02:51:10 PM
Yeah I recognize that princess from MvC1. And Arthur looks neat. Did they say who's partnered with whom when it came to these new chars?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: ExeLord on June 27, 2012, 03:15:22 PM
And Arthur looks neat.
Yeah, strawberry boxers suiting him well ;*)) (not to mention he isn't chibi there, which is great...)
Game looking good so far, I liked NxC, SRW: Endless SRW OG Saga: Endless Frontier was not so bad, hope this would be good one.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on June 27, 2012, 03:31:46 PM
Yeah I recognize that princess from MvC1. And Arthur looks neat. Did they say who's partnered with whom when it came to these new chars?

Every one revealed in this reveal is a Solo Unit(like Ulala,Sanger,Valkyrie and Bruno) the can team up with any other teams
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on June 27, 2012, 04:20:48 PM
Ah I see. Thanks
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on July 01, 2012, 10:40:18 PM
Pv is out
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on July 01, 2012, 11:33:45 PM
Looks awesome.

Gotta say, even though it'll probably never happen given what kind of tone the game is going for, I still would love to see Sonic in this
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: TGM on July 02, 2012, 03:56:43 PM
Must....Pre...ORDER IT!!  \-/o
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Shadic54 on July 02, 2012, 04:06:29 PM
Looks awesome.

Gotta say, even though it'll probably never happen given what kind of tone the game is going for, I still would love to see Sonic in this

Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on July 02, 2012, 04:25:44 PM
Hey we still have a few months to go and there's gonna be over 200 chars so who knows
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Kriven on July 06, 2012, 04:33:23 AM
Sonic was revealed a few days ago :p


Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Beximus on July 06, 2012, 05:57:56 AM
It's totally fake.  Nothing on that page even mentions sonic the hedgehog.

The entire thing is talking about X and Zero. 

The caption for the bottom screen says something about X's X buster and z saber.  other stuff mentions a frost tower

It's totally bogus.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: ExeLord on July 06, 2012, 06:18:19 AM
3rd version of Ash To Ash theme? Meh, not liking and why is it there, when there's no Aschen, only Haken and so called Kaboobya(which is only good at breast size fights with mermaid pirates and breast related jokes)? Maybe they are hiding Aschen for surprise?
And yeah, that Sonic's fake. Look on Ryu's leg outline and Sonic's - not only thick, but all jagged ie resized.

P.S. me wants Xiaomu, my fav foxy for the win! :cool
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on July 06, 2012, 11:17:03 AM
3DS「PROJECT X ZONE(プロジェクト クロスゾーン)」第1弾TVCM (
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on July 06, 2012, 11:32:51 AM
Yeah that Sonic pic you posted is painfully fake.

The Sonic sprites in the screenshots DO look nice though
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on July 24, 2012, 04:09:47 AM
Tron, Servbots, Bahn, Reiji & Xiaomu confirmed (

Fighting Vipers Joins New Mega Man Characters in Project X Zone
Plus, guess which crossover game Project X Zone is crossing over with?
Mega Man's Tron and Kobun/Servbot will be joining the crossover madness in Project X Zone, Famitsu reveals this week.

While the Mega Man franchise was previously represented, Famitsu also reveals an entirely new franchise for the game: Sega's Fighting Vipers. Bahn will be making his way over from the classic AM2 fighter.

Namco Bandai is also doing a crossover with one of its crossover titles. Namco x Capcom's original protagonists Reiji Arisu and Xiaomu are confirmed for Project X Zone.

The magazine also reveals that the game's opening theme song will be Wind Wanderer, performed by Yoko Takahashi.

Hell Yeah Bahn is awesome the other guys are two.

Also this is old but Lady and Lindow confirmed last week plus two new screenshots

Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on July 24, 2012, 10:00:18 PM
Tron's riding a giant Servbot?

That's actually pretty neat
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on July 25, 2012, 10:37:52 AM
i just want Bayonetta to appear in this game
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on July 25, 2012, 11:18:50 AM
i just want Bayonetta to appear in this game

hmm i thought she showed up already  :(|) eh anyway if not then im sure she will. it makes sense anyway
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Moon Girard on July 25, 2012, 12:54:52 PM
Screenshots there's a lot so go here for more (
So weird seeing Anime Chris.
Quote delivered screens of Project X Zone's latest character reveals, including Tron (Mega Man), Bahn (Fighting Vipers), Reiji Arisu (Namco x Capcom), Xiaomu (Namco x Capcom), Lady (Devil May Cry) and Lindow (God Eater).

The site's report also came with a first look at the game's intro, which features a theme song from Yoko Takahashi (Evangelion).
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: ExeLord on July 25, 2012, 01:08:06 PM
All I needed was Reiji and Xiaomu, very glad they are there ^-^
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Slivern on July 31, 2012, 02:12:08 AM
Screenshots there's a lot so go here for more (
So weird seeing Anime Chris.(

Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on August 02, 2012, 12:22:54 PM
The characters I'd like to see:
*Viewtiful Joe
*Sexy Silvia - VJ
*Felicia - Darkstalkers
*Lilith - Darkstalkers
*Armor King - Tekken
*King - Tekken
*Amaterasu - Okami
*Jon Talbain - Darkstalkers
*Trish - DMC
*Nero (Masakazu Morita may fits him, since he reminds some of us Ichigo, although his ENG VA in DMC4 is JBY) - DMC
*Sarah - VF
*Lars - Tekken
*Alisa - Tekken
*Asuka - Tekken
*Jun - Tekken
*Hwoarang - Tekken
*Lili - Tekken
*Angel (assists) - Tekken
*Pac Man
*Ms.Pac Man - Pac Man
*Spencer - BC
*Haggar -FF/SF
*Guy - FF/SF
*Leon - RE
*Claire - RE
*Julia (w/ her TTT2/Jaycee persona move) - Tekken
*Bob - Tekken
*Mitsurugi - SC
*Natsu - SC
*Siegfried - SC
*Z.W.E.I. - SC
*Hilda von Krone - SC
*Viola - SC
*Patroklos - SC
*Pyrrah - SC
*Masamune - SB
*Yukimura - SB
*Kojuro - SB
*Sasuke - SB
*Sakura - SF
*Karin - SF
*Cammy - SF
*Guile - SF
*Tails - Sonic
*Knuckles - Sonic
*Amy - Sonic
*Shadow - Sonic
*Rouge - Sonic
*Silver (assist) - Sonic
*Honey (assist) - FV
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on August 02, 2012, 07:24:31 PM
Flavaful list there Lars!

yeh i think you mentioned pretty much what i would say...

Only one i didnt see you add in there was

Sieg Warheit. The main Character from "Chaos Legion". it would be cool to have him in there with his Legion powers including his
Ultimate Legion
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on August 02, 2012, 10:09:04 PM
Flavaful list there Lars!

yeh i think you mentioned pretty much what i would say...

Only one i didnt see you add in there was

Sieg Warheit. The main Character from "Chaos Legion". it would be cool to have him in there with his Legion powers including his
Ultimate Legion

I never saw him in any other game than Chaos Legion
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on August 02, 2012, 11:47:53 PM
I didn't pla Chaos Legion
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on August 02, 2012, 11:50:04 PM
I didn't pla Chaos Legion

oh? try it out some time. tough game but pretty wicked
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on August 03, 2012, 11:45:42 AM
Wondering about Site Music i'm hearing. It reminds me some of Heisei Kamen Rider's themes.

EDIT: Also, does Tenzai means Sanzo?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 17, 2012, 06:49:21 PM
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 17, 2012, 06:58:46 PM
So now we have:
Seth (that's his name right?)
The Robo Tekken Girl

Cool. What are the SEGA chars revealed?
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 17, 2012, 07:22:45 PM
Seth (that's his name right?) is

and im not sure what characters shown...ill try to look into it if no one else posts on it before me

Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 17, 2012, 07:26:16 PM
I see Young Heiachi. Sweetness (though I kinda prefer the older one)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on September 17, 2012, 09:04:57 PM
Oh noes Jedah. Totally not gonna Sangue Passare anytime soon like the old days! Though I see he has that contract move thingie...hmm.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 25, 2012, 12:15:02 PM
「PROJECT X ZONE(プロジェクト クロスゾーン)」第2弾PV (
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 25, 2012, 01:42:45 PM
So a tuxedo wearing rabbit with a mech can get in but not Sonic  *Iceman ThumbsDown!*

Theme song is really slick though
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on September 25, 2012, 07:10:24 PM
I wonder how many mugen chars will come from this game
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on September 25, 2012, 07:21:15 PM
Dunno. How many did we get out of NxC? I know we've only had one out of Cross Edge total so far....
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 25, 2012, 07:56:14 PM
One thing I will say is that those Jill sprites will make a GREAT reference for my Jill ... whenever I get back to working on her  :D
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Macaulyn97 on September 25, 2012, 08:21:26 PM
Dunno. How many did we get out of NxC? I know we've only had one out of Cross Edge total so far....

a mugen char came from Cross Edge? who? there were many from NxC
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Xenomic on September 25, 2012, 08:27:50 PM
The only one we got was Meu by IF, but it wasn't that great from what I've seen from replies and such. There's several character sprites that's out there on the net right now from that game so...
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: Kriven on September 25, 2012, 10:57:33 PM
So a tuxedo wearing rabbit with a mech can get in but not Sonic  *Iceman ThumbsDown!*

Don't worry, we'll probably get him....

as DLC.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on October 05, 2012, 11:11:33 AM
Looks like we have a big supporter for this game to get a US release (
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: DEMONKAI on October 05, 2012, 06:22:01 PM
Looks like we have a big supporter for this game to get a US release (

Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on October 19, 2012, 10:03:02 AM

Most of the ENG voice actors from previous latest game release should get reprised their roles. I wonder if there's a voice actor for these characters i could ever know:
*Batsu Ichimonji: Vic Mignonia (Ikkaku Madarame)
*Akira Yuki: Travis Willingham (Roy Mustang)
*Genghis Bahn III: Troy Baker (same as Yuri Lowell & like Kanji Tatsumi, Jake Muller and Nova)
*Renji Arisu: Dave Witterberg (Kakashi Hatake)
*Xiaomu: Carrie Savage (same as Ling Xiaoyu & like Satsuki Yumizuka)
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on October 19, 2012, 10:37:13 AM
Here's some more

Chris Redfield: Roger Craig Smith (Ezio from Assisan's Creed, Sonic the Hedgehog)
Demitri: Richard Epcar (Joker from MKvDC)
Chun Li: Laura Bailey (Catherine, Blaze the Cat from Sonic, Hewpo from Klonoa Wii remake)

Oh and the voice you posted for Akira also voices Guile and Knuckles the Echidna.
Title: Re: Project X Zone (Namco X Capcom X Sega)
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on October 20, 2012, 07:45:46 AM
I already know that. The only thing I follow is the voicing stylized from
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