Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: DEMONKAI on September 03, 2011, 05:30:50 AM

Title: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 03, 2011, 05:30:50 AM
i'll See you crazy cats on this game this month. You can definitely catch me as D THE CHEMIST
on XBL rockin this game. for sure friends i know on and offline ill be rockin with to see what this madness is all about ::salute:: ( ( (

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Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 03, 2011, 05:42:03 AM
I'm gonna need to get me that. Especially since it just looks like Left 4 Dead 3 to me. :)
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: BigJ on September 03, 2011, 02:32:02 PM
Can't wait for this man!
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 03, 2011, 09:14:35 PM
hell yeh fellaz ill have this tuesday coming! i checked in and my spot will have it so i have it put to the side. ill pick it up before i head in to work that day(
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: Sabaki on September 03, 2011, 10:13:29 PM
Game looks like a wild ride, especially teaming up with friends for some multiplayer goodness  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: The King Sic-1™ on September 03, 2011, 10:14:32 PM
just finished paying it off today for PS3.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: BigJ on September 04, 2011, 02:12:34 PM
If y'all are interested, this guy has the game and is putting up a walkthrough. I saw the first parts of the game and I'm really impressed. (
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 04, 2011, 05:47:42 PM
If y'all are interested, this guy has the game and is putting up a walkthrough. I saw the first parts of the game and I'm really impressed. (



CAUTION: SPOILER ALERT though folks! I only allowed myself to watch one particular video in the begining of the story er somethin lol I want to be surprised when i get it tuesday :P

The game looks really interesting even more. i should enjoy it like i hoped 8)
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 07, 2011, 12:20:15 AM
So, what do you guys think of the game so far.? I put in like 13+ hours today on it. XD It's a good game but wasn't what I was expecting. From everything I saw, I was expecting pretty much an update to Left 4 Dead. Wasn't what I got at all though. It kinda has the same looks/controls but reminds me much more of Dead Rising 2. With weapon upgrades, being able to overuse a weapon 'til it needs to be fixed, and suppose the general fight style as well.

Btw, I'm using the Logan char (suppose to be good at throwing weapons) but I thought they'd all pretty much get the same weapons throughout the game. Doesn't really seem like it as so far I haven't ran into one single gun.

Thing that probably bugs me the most though is that only when you're online is when you can have the full team of four. If you're offline by yourself, you're literally by yourself going through everything.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 07, 2011, 04:35:42 AM
I like it so far a lot. Im using the Rapper. Im at level 9 now.

The plus factors for me are:

-Co op mode is fun as hell with friends.

-You can level up with friend decently who are higher than you and it will stay that way saved (except the missions you do with them wont save

-The vehicles are indestrcutable (EDIT!: Seem to be i finally seen black smoke)

-You level up fairly easy and quick

-Character progression is a definite plus for that replay value. i spent more time doing side missions than the main

-As you level up your attacks do sufficient damage. meaning sometimes on good timing you can cut a head right off.
Thats cool factor because as the game rolls on these zombies get hell strong and agressive

-You can fast travel like fallout 3 to a degree

-Map is pretty huge and open.

-Flash light Battery RECHARGES on its own slowly...(thats a plus over Alan wake which i like a lot)

Downside factors:

-majorly i dont like how you cant just hold on to soft drinks n stuff and use it to refill your health anytime you want.
once you get it you drink it instantly and use it. thats pretty lame in some situations where you have strayed so far away you can get jumped and you may need that handy health boost. (EDIT!!: the medkits i believe you can hold on to them only. you can use em for health with an injection)

-You cant save whenever you want. I mean theres decent and fast instant saves but for a game like this it should have had that press start and then save feature like fallout

-And i agree with Batz. I kinda miss that CPU assist of partners like Left4dead. But eh i guess being alone is way more creepy
on a Resident Evil level like earlier games before RE 5

Thats it. i cant say much of anything too harsh about the game since its the FIRST of its kind on a fallout/borderlands/game. Im hoping there is a sequel..maybe called "Dead City" er somethin where they tweak on lil things that could be better.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: BigJ on September 07, 2011, 03:12:09 PM
I find the game insanely boring so far, even when playing with friends. (:| Seriously debating whether I should take it back to gamestop or not.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 07, 2011, 07:56:10 PM
Yea, forgot to mention that last time. The save thing really bugs me too. It's confusing when you start again 'cause it leaves me wondering if I'm still as far along as I was when I stopped. However, just like with any good game, I had the urge all day today to play it. Just got home, so I think I'll go ahead and play some more. Gonna stick this out 'til the end and see how it all plays out. Am sure the game is much better in co-op and I'll get to that sooner or later.

I've also been doing every single mission I run across, main or a side thing. Can't pass anything up. =P

BigJ: Honestly, I felt the same at first to some degree. Was probably because I was expecting something the game never promised, just stuff I assumed. If I were you I'd stick it out, it does get better and you end up running into much harder stuff. If you decide to sell it though, I'd do it through E-Bay/Amazon so you can at least get most of your cash back 'cause you sure as hell won't from GameStop.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 08, 2011, 02:33:24 AM
I find the game insanely boring so far, even when playing with friends. (:| Seriously debating whether I should take it back to gamestop or not.

lol aw damnz...too slow a pace for ya? i would say stick it out also like batz said but maybe "Rage" (the game) will do the trick for ya in august. It was fun for me with friends. pretty halarious. i guess because we all decided to start the game together, dunno :-??
I can kinda understand how you feel because when borderlands came out (and even bioshock) it was kinda putting me to sleep at first but when i stuck it out one day and just rocked i really got into it and sh*t picked up after a while. Im still on the regular part of the island trying to find that damn plane crash \-/o I can just go to gamefaqs but i dont want to ruin it.

@Batz: yeh man i agree on that save thing too ya said where ya said you be left wondering if you are too far or not when you stopped playing and want to play again lol It auto saves a lot though but at times i dont even be paying attention....i still havent gotten to a gun yet. Ill keep the game. But im sure the next one will be even crazier. I have a feeling it will be in a City. "Dead metropolis" Or "Dead City" perhaps?

They should have made it a bit more creepier where it starts to get darkout side like Borderlands lol
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 08, 2011, 02:55:28 AM
Yea, I agree. If they'd of made it so day turns into night and vice versa, it'd of given it a much creepier feel. I was looking for that damn plane crash also but I stopped after a bit and said to hell with it, I'll run into it later. I just got back into the hotel for another mission but I've yet to run into a gun at all (probably on that plane XD). I've done everything else so far though, even the continuous ones once or twice. Except for the champagne finding one, yet to find a bottle of that at all.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: BigJ on September 08, 2011, 03:11:16 AM
Yeah, I gave it some time, its not boring anymore. :D
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 08, 2011, 05:13:01 AM
Yea, I agree. If they'd of made it so day turns into night and vice versa, it'd of given it a much creepier feel. I was looking for that damn plane crash also but I stopped after a bit and said to hell with it, I'll run into it later. I just got back into the hotel for another mission but I've yet to run into a gun at all (probably on that plane XD). I've done everything else so far though, even the continuous ones once or twice. Except for the champagne finding one, yet to find a bottle of that at all.

Same here man! lol i got the (1 bullet pee shooter) gun from the spanish dude whos looking to get his money back from his "Undead" friend. you gotta protect this dude on the way back to the life house..oh god 8=|..i did it but how he was just strolling along and not really running that much and sometimes gettin jacked up  was annoyin to see and giving me a "dead rising 1" horrible flash back :'(. i mean he didnt get killed but it made me fear in wonder i hope there isnt some real hairly jacked up missions where you have to protect people and theyre too stupid to fight or run with you [-O< . But i JUST got in the hotel and man its pretty creepy in there :| The sounds of the music groans of the zombies i guess really f*cks with the nerves a bit lol...that brings me to the next thing. annoyin but cool in a funny way. Dont you hate it when you hear the damn zombies breathing hard and youre like "where the f*ck is this b@stard at?? i hear em! :-SS"...Then all of asudden BAM!! its right there tryin to jump on you or just got up on charging! :D

Yeah, I gave it some time, its not boring anymore. :D

lol welcome back! ^-^ Yeh man at after a while it was gettin dry lookin with certain things for me too but in some situations now it had me up zingin and alert! like now in this creepy @ss hotel where its a mission to get some truck er somethin lol
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 08, 2011, 07:58:36 AM
Huh, haven't ran into that Spanish guy mission, so still no type of gun here. I did already finish getting that truck you're going after though. I'd have some type of molotov or that dee bomb (think that's what it's called) ready for when you get to the actual garage. There's quite a few waiting there for ya. Also, ran into a cut scene in the mission after that that shows all four members of the team together, which kinda sucked since it's still me by myself there.

Fyi, when you run into that special zombie that looks like he has tumors all over.. I honestly don't know what to do with him. I've gone up against him twice, both times hitting him once from far and he does some twitching then you're all of a sudden dead. Doesn't matter how much energy you have, you're just gone. Think I'll just try steering clear of him next time or see what he does first.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 08, 2011, 10:13:45 PM
Huh, haven't ran into that Spanish guy mission, so still no type of gun here. I did already finish getting that truck you're going after though. I'd have some type of molotov or that dee bomb (think that's what it's called) ready for when you get to the actual garage. There's quite a few waiting there for ya. Also, ran into a cut scene in the mission after that that shows all four members of the team together, which kinda sucked since it's still me by myself there.

Fyi, when you run into that special zombie that looks like he has tumors all over.. I honestly don't know what to do with him. I've gone up against him twice, both times hitting him once from far and he does some twitching then you're all of a sudden dead. Doesn't matter how much energy you have, you're just gone. Think I'll just try steering clear of him next time or see what he does first.

yeh hes in a room by himself. one of those huts. its a side mission. forgot his name. and yeh i thought the same sh*tit was bogus how they showed everyone and its just you really lol but hey its still cool haha. yeh i saw a lot of twitchin lil of the time

BUT yo! that mission is a glitch with the airplane sorta u cant do it till a much later chapter lol /:O

forum put me on

they gotta fix that
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 09, 2011, 05:15:36 AM
Game's getting a lot more interesting now, am actually within the city. End up getting this chick that can hold items for you and can't say how useful it is now. Especially since you end up running into a bunch of handguns (after you kill looting regular people that try to kill you).

Oh, and I've ran into that dude with the straight jacket now. Have no idea what he can do as the both times I've seen him, I've just thrown a deo-bomb thing at him and it's an instant kill. I also realized how to deal with those tumor looking guys. Don't hit them at all, just get close enough to them so they start twitching then back the hell off. They end up blowing up but as long as you're far enough, they won't hurt you. Any other zombies near him will take the force of a bomb blast though.

Just went through soo many side missions and gonna keep at it some more now.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 09, 2011, 05:39:37 AM
Hell yeh man its gettin deep! lol yeah im now deep in the sewers of the city right now with those "Boomer" toxic spittin fat dudes. The explosive dudes i just shoot em twice er so and they explode. gets too hectic at times to get to em close and then run away. too many infected be houndin me down so i call of duty his @ss from a distance un noticed and he blows up next to the others lol. That chargin dude BE CAREFUL. hes a random spawner. i just have fun runnin circles around the dude beatin em down with that modded flame stick which kills em fairly fast. but that deo bomb is a nice touch to em how you said :O*D. never used it on em yet. Anyway all he does is charges you down and deal heavy heavy damage man. almost critical. sometimes he blind sides you out of no where if youre getting jumped by the infected.

I like how Its enough guns around for me to use bullets now. certain guns i keep though like the magnum and heavy pistol. they put in work! on the humans that iz lol nice head shots >:D Love those shoot outs. especially at the water pump station.

This one old dude protect thats a sewer worker really be fight his old @ss off lol when things get hairy i just go into FURY and tear everything up. that sh*t dont work on the exploding dudes, you will surely die^^
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 09, 2011, 08:14:51 AM
Ah, I haven't gotten there yet. I just went through and did all the side missions for both the church and the warehouse that are in the city. I was about to go do that water pump mission. I only tend to use the guns in the shoot outs now, especially with those killer head shots. Love getting those.

And I ran into another of those straight jacket guys but he's yet to get a single shot at me or even get close. Always have a deo bomb ready for him. I saw this one gun shop also, I have no idea how to get into it but there's a bunch of guns inside you can definitely take with you. Swear I saw a shotgun and machine gun in there. Door can't be opened though, windows are barred up, no latter, just don't know how to get in there.

Btw, what the hell is "Fury"? I've seen it mentioned a few times when you're getting those personal upgrades but I'm not even sure if I've used it or what's up with that.
Title: Re: Count down days to dead island release!
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 09, 2011, 06:12:17 PM
Fury is a very important extra ability like an Anger mode in those beat em up games. Its that Red circle around the "fist" icon next to your health. Music changes and everything when it happens. JUst hold down the "B" for a few secs and your ready to go. Screen turns black n white sorta while the enemies highlight in glowing red. Also depending on how you leveled up your attributes it can be very helpful in jacked up situations where you are almost dead. Basically your character goes into a flip out mode. I have the Rapper dude so he puts his dukes up and he has a brass knuckle on. all your punches do crazy damage man. its a last ditch self defense trigger. Its good for those real big zombie brutes that stalk you while everybody else is jumping on you. 1 or a two hits and everybody is dead. again DONT try it on the explosive zombies lol. My char is leveled up where if i take damage it builds up even faster. sometimes i forget its on haha. But it doesnt matter. once you have it charged up it stays that way till you use it. whether you die and come back or not.

Yeah me and my friend saw that gunshop way earlier in the day yesterday when he was walking me through the city a bit before we played our own single game. You cant get in or anything but i believe you can. Cmon heavy shot guns and machine guns?? I saw that too! >:D wow man i think either theres a secret way to get in or you may have to beat the game in order for it to be open so that replay value can be high. Thats just my guess  :-?? lol I got a heavy machine gun anyway though from the supermarket though after havin that shoot out.

Its crazy Batz because we still didnt even get to the PRISON yet. Im sure there will be the pump shot guns and all that ^-^. yeh the video (spoiler) i saw before i got the game was a maximum prison with the inmates in yellow outfits. Anyway One shot kills happen on zombies too i noticed dependin on what gun and possibly what level you on :(|) I didnt it in a panic. i shot ones arm off and he died and ones head clean off. I was usin the Detective heavy pistol. doesnt happen at high rate though lol

lastly..i think i just used a medkit i had on me that whole time :(|)...all my health went back up with an injection.  thats hot!! :w00t:

Post Merge: September 09, 2011, 10:51:52 PM
I found a shotgun on the roof tops in the city in a mission Finding rescue speakers. This mission is crazy annoying because the "Infected" (28 days later) keep freakin comin! ~X(
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 10, 2011, 12:31:25 AM
Damn, had no idea Fury was that good. Probably should of skimmed the booklet before starting as that would of helped a LOT of times. XD It's odd though 'cause the times I've pressed B I accidentally healed myself. At times when I've had full health. -_-

Man, and if it wasn't for that car, I wouldn't of been able to turn off all those fire hydrants quite as easily. I swear, cars must be Kryptonite to those straight jacket guys 'cause I barely touch them with it and they die. And you found a shotgun through that speaker mission.? Awesome, doing that one next as I know I ran across them by accident before. Gotta get back to the game now. :)
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 10, 2011, 12:58:32 PM
lol yeh man i did the same thing using the injection health. But the stupid thing that gets annoyin is it can be used by mistake also by the right trigger that uses the wepons 8=| When things get hairy i used that sh*t by mistake a few times. As for the car in the city i havent used em once. i seen them but its too many cut offs in teh city to use em, So i always used that Fury Strategically at those fire hydrant spots to turn em off because i know half the time those big brutes where around holding the spot down.

But be warned man that mission i mentioned with the speakers gets to be a b*tch much later. after you do the first 7 i think it is theres like the last 4 in the super Quarantined cut off area to deal with. Oh god man. talk about a freakin nightmare. i was at level 25 at the time and man the "Infected" (the running beserk ones) not the "walkers" do even more damage and they KEEP coming \-/o. they chase you up latters and everything. i had to die at least 14 times man no lie. it got that stupid. My close homie said he stopped playing it until he gets co op assist from me and others because its too unbalanced in difficulty now since we are high level. Back on the island where you start its the same deal there too where zombies damn there kill you with a few hits smdh

But anyway take advantage of that Fury mode man. it saves yours @ss. Check for that shotgun on the roofs like i said 8)

Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 10, 2011, 03:05:03 PM
I've been watching walkthroughs of this game... looks fun, but looks like there's not much to do for a while.. just stranded on an island with zombies that will actually try to bite you instead of just hitting you like in l4d... which I could never understand, to be honest... since when do zombies hit people that much... *facepalm* Dead Rising got it right sort of though. Looks like Far Cry 2 mixed with Dead Rising 2 so far.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 10, 2011, 04:50:52 PM
I've been watching walkthroughs of this game... looks fun, but looks like there's not much to do for a while.. just stranded on an island with zombies that will actually try to bite you instead of just hitting you like in l4d... which I could never understand, to be honest... since when do zombies hit people that much... *facepalm* Dead Rising got it right sort of though. Looks like Far Cry 2 mixed with Dead Rising 2 so far.

dont be too fooled by just what you see in videos Atice. play the game first. Its crazy missions man. That island is just "one" place. which is a total joke compared to the city of the dead. As you level up the zombies do too like borderlands. if you think youre gonna go back and its going to be light work... [-X lol nah man. Im still dealing with the city struggling at times the more i level up. But a friend hit me up frustrated because he went back to the island and he sees that its a lot worse because hes a higher level then me and the zombies do damage there critical damage unlike before when you first start so im :|

So that now brings me to this..

You have zombie types:
Walker- Typical slow moving zombies that attack like the oldschool george romero zombies. half decayed etc..

Infected- I dubb "28 days later" running berserk zombies. these are the bastards i hate as they get stronger, worse and constant in swarm size. Those are the ones you see in those videos "hitting" people. They are filled with the first stages of the infected which i also call the "Rage virus" blood shot eyes etc. They are aware not undead just infected. Those are the main threat in the game. if 10 of em are after you 9 out of ten times youll die and lose hella cash because they keep killing you. so please man dont pay those videos no mind. The game actually got a bit annoying because of that and un fair. i rather deal with those "walking" zombies than them any day.

Super zombies: smoking poison, toxic fumed zombies. Big super bad butt zombies that take crazy damage. NO arms and they will still try and bite you!! Then you have the brute Pyscho straight jacket charging berserker zombies. The deal ridiculous damage. Then Explosive zombies. if they explode next to you your dead. This all takes place in the city and sewers. That BS island is just to soften you up. What makes it worse is when you have to deal with the humans in random shoot outs. The punks. psychos and looters. Luckily you can give them a one kill shot to the head if youre successful. But even them do crazy damage. stand there and get chopped by a machette by one of the thugs and see what happens! :D

Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 11, 2011, 03:46:25 AM
Damn, that sounds really bad. I thought there was only like three or four speakers to deal with as that's about how many I saw. Didn't even know there was a quarantined area either. Can't even imagine how bad it is in there. I've gotta try it myself now. However, I'm gonna check out that gun shop again since I just got a master key from the mayor last night. I'm thinking that might be what does it. Just wishing now I'd of checked out the chars better before starting it as that chick that's the gun specialist is awesome. Especially her Fury (which I FINALLY got to work) is so f*cking killer. Infinite ammo on a powerful sidearm and gives all these added benefits to the team plus health regain.!? Yes, please.! Ugh, I guess when I finish this one I'll restart it with her.

Btw, finally found a shotgun in City Hall but it only had one ammo.? Really.? Wtf.? It's not like I found it off a dead body either, it was in one of those steal boxes. Also found some rifles that were pretty awesome though. Those were so helpful in the supermarket shoot out. I tend to either aim too low or too high for those headshots. So, if I aim a bit too low with those, by the second shot (due to the recoil) I'm at the right angle for those headshots. So I was getting those like crazy, just wish I could find ammo for them easier.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 11, 2011, 12:31:19 PM
@ DeMoNk@I: I wasn't actually calling it a bad game. I own both games I mentioned, and both are fun in various ways. Although I got quite bored by Far Cry 2 after a while. I might play it again though, because if I remember correctly I could upgrade weapons and etc. I honestly think how the car works in this game and the running is almost exactly like Far Cry 2. I'll probably get this game when it goes on sale on steam sometime this winter or next spring maybe. I was looking forward to playing it, but I don't buy games at retail price anymore now that Steam has those sales. haha.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 11, 2011, 08:26:11 PM
So, I spent about an hour last night trying to figure out how to do offline co-op. Since, well, the back of the box says that it has it, right.? Well, apparently it doesn't have that.. I even had to look it up too 'cause at first I was like "This can't be right, there couldn't be this big of mistake on the box. This is a reason someone would either buy a game or not." Sure enough though a lot of people were upset over this and even heard some got a full refund because of it. Just an fyi for anyone that has it, if it's a big issue for you, now is your best time to try and get your cash back.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 12, 2011, 11:03:19 AM
So, I spent about an hour last night trying to figure out how to do offline co-op. Since, well, the back of the box says that it has it, right.? Well, apparently it doesn't have that.. I even had to look it up too 'cause at first I was like "This can't be right, there couldn't be this big of mistake on the box. This is a reason someone would either buy a game or not." Sure enough though a lot of people were upset over this and even heard some got a full refund because of it. Just an fyi for anyone that has it, if it's a big issue for you, now is your best time to try and get your cash back.

wow thats crazy right there^^ Im glad im not too big on that or else id be really salty about that also. i looked at the back of the box. I guess when they said its co op you see the words highlighted in Green :-?? I thought most games with that feature would show "Offline Co op" aw well. the game is still hot lol Folks shouldnt be too bitter about that, its still a great game

Damn, that sounds really bad. I thought there was only like three or four speakers to deal with as that's about how many I saw. Didn't even know there was a quarantined area either. Can't even imagine how bad it is in there. I've gotta try it myself now. However, I'm gonna check out that gun shop again since I just got a master key from the mayor last night. I'm thinking that might be what does it. Just wishing now I'd of checked out the chars better before starting it as that chick that's the gun specialist is awesome. Especially her Fury (which I FINALLY got to work) is so f*cking killer. Infinite ammo on a powerful sidearm and gives all these added benefits to the team plus health regain.!? Yes, please.! Ugh, I guess when I finish this one I'll restart it with her.

Btw, finally found a shotgun in City Hall but it only had one ammo.? Really.? Wtf.? It's not like I found it off a dead body either, it was in one of those steal boxes. Also found some rifles that were pretty awesome though. Those were so helpful in the supermarket shoot out. I tend to either aim too low or too high for those headshots. So, if I aim a bit too low with those, by the second shot (due to the recoil) I'm at the right angle for those headshots. So I was getting those like crazy, just wish I could find ammo for them easier.

Damn that chick sounds interesting. Are you talking about the main one in the red skirt? she sounds hella fun to try out also a second time around :thumbsup: And good idea on the mayors key. Didnt bother to think to use it on that store lol As for the shot guns theres tons more in other areas. Im on the other island. The source of where that infection was made. Its where the laboratory is. There you will running into a new Running zombie whos pretty strong. hes has long white hair and looks bizzare^^ As for the headshots, a lotta practice in those COD and battlefield games got me all set for those gun bussin chumps! XD|| Youll find ammo more n more everytime you run into them since of course they drop a pack of ammo anyway. Those headshots make you waste less bullets ;)

But that Fury is my bread n butta! sometimes i kill dudes so fast with it that it just stays on too long now and no one to fury smash
  :( lol

@ DeMoNk@I: I wasn't actually calling it a bad game. I own both games I mentioned, and both are fun in various ways. Although I got quite bored by Far Cry 2 after a while. I might play it again though, because if I remember correctly I could upgrade weapons and etc. I honestly think how the car works in this game and the running is almost exactly like Far Cry 2. I'll probably get this game when it goes on sale on steam sometime this winter or next spring maybe. I was looking forward to playing it, but I don't buy games at retail price anymore now that Steam has those sales. haha.

I feel ya. well how ever you do decide to get it i think youll like it if youre into zombie games :P At first a bit it seems a bit slow but once youre in the city then things heat up
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 13, 2011, 10:37:00 AM
So.. Anyone else get their saved game ruined.? Or at least get some pretty big glitches.? 'Cause I sure as hell did and I'm p*ssed.

Okay, so I was like at level 29 or so and I was doing the whole speaker missions. These are the things I started noticing.

1) During the loading screen where it tells you what chapter you're on, know how it moves slowly from side to side.? Not this time, it was dashing back and forth all erratic.
2) Noticed that the infected zombies were finally able to climb ladders. Huge pain but I dealt with it. However, is it normal for them to get on top of buildings in the blink of an eye without any ladder or means to get up there.? Because they sure as hell were doing that to me. They were on the ground far off one second and the next right in front of me as if they had super jumps.
3) There were certain spots I would be in where zombies would just not notice me at all. Even if I was right in front of them. It's as if I disappeared and I couldn't hit them at all either no matter what I used.
4) This is were it really went absolutely bad. I couldn't see any zombies that were coming after me until they hit me. Yup, talk about bullsh*t. I could see them if I noticed them before they noticed me. However, if it was vice versa, this was the result. Could imagine my frustration and dying time and time again.
5) #4 and this one happened pretty much within a min or two of each other. Get this.. Zombies. Fell. From. The. Sky. Kid you not. They'd get hurt when they hit the ground but would be up within no time after me.

So.. I just said screw it and turned off the system since I know it saved not too long ago. Once I turned it back on and put it to load my game, the first glitch was no longer there and I thought it's finally okay.. But of course it couldn't be that easy. Nope, my whole X-Box gets stuck while loading that particular save file now. I mean, completely, utterly stuck. I can't go back to the dashboard, quit, nothing. I have to hit the button on the system to turn it off. The other two saved games on there work perfectly fine, no glitches, nothing. So.. Anyone else dealing with anything like this..? Btw, my system is in perfect condition.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 13, 2011, 10:57:13 AM
Batz, the only glitch me and my friend have currently run into is that he tried to use a medkit while driving and ended up not being able to use the menu until he ejected the disc.
Otherwise, the game is insanely fun. Playing as the police chick puts you into the fastest levelling, though. Her skill in her Survival tree which boosts exp gain makes it so you leave your allies in the dust. On top of which, you can't beat her Fury, which puts you into instant kill on weaker zombies.
Also, RAM was a pain to fight the first time, but when I fought him the second time as Sam D, I managed to kill him after only one charge. Maybe blunt weapons are more effecting against him...
Anyways, the only zombie I HAVEN'T seen is the butcher, and, to put it mildly, I am DREADING that experience.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: BigJ on September 13, 2011, 05:53:34 PM
Batz, the only glitch me and my friend have currently run into is that he tried to use a medkit while driving and ended up not being able to use the menu until he ejected the disc.
Otherwise, the game is insanely fun. Playing as the police chick puts you into the fastest levelling, though. Her skill in her Survival tree which boosts exp gain makes it so you leave your allies in the dust. On top of which, you can't beat her Fury, which puts you into instant kill on weaker zombies.
Also, RAM was a pain to fight the first time, but when I fought him the second time as Sam D, I managed to kill him after only one charge. Maybe blunt weapons are more effecting against him...
Anyways, the only zombie I HAVEN'T seen is the butcher, and, to put it mildly, I am DREADING that experience.

The Butcher is a pain in the butt... ~X(
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: SanjiSasuke on September 13, 2011, 06:05:45 PM
No offline co-op? That sucks for me, I loved the co-op in RE5, but I can't do it online (hard to coordinate).
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 13, 2011, 11:21:48 PM
I know right. I wonder if it's possible to modify it with the pc version though... because I googled the xbox version's box and on the box.. I mean.. it definitely states "co-op 2-4 | system link 2-4". I wonder what's up with that. Sounds like this game is full of glitches now too. I think I'll wait to get it on sale on steam sometime next year... yeah...
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 14, 2011, 02:24:08 AM
@Batz: well godamn Batz^^ thats a sh*tty situation of glitches man. id be hella pissed also. I have dealt ith glitches now which i think its officially the game f**k** up and i see my friend has teh same issue because i joined him in his game.

Well you know when you are at the loboratory and you have to get that bloated meat from that fat zombie??
well i cant do it at all now (well complete it) because the doctor i was supposed to bring it too glitched i guess and is gone 8=|
That mission is permanently f*cked up and the other lab mission where you have to kill all the zombies at the food storage and return to the doc that sent you there. well that dude also is gone. Their mission objective icons are there "!" but not there bodies. so F*ckin stupid man...

The mission tracker wont lock in at all to the dudes mission where you have get that hand gun from the abondoned building in this city. "Judgement day". I cant do that mission either because it wont lock me in where to go in the city and find the house :-w

The game is awesome but they F*cked up bad on the glitches and bugs man. Your situation IS the worst batz because you worked hard leveling up getting that far and now it seems like your stuck and keep go on smdh..

lastly as for the Infected...LOL yeahhhhh man they climb up ladders bro! i had to have died 23 times before i passed that mission. i ran the whole time. drop kicked zombies and ran off and thats all i did. i was pissed doing that mission...i just wanted to get the F*ck out of that area. But you sound like you had a dandy old time with "Super jumping infected" glitch  :D smh...

They could have released this next year for all that and the bugs n gitches man. thats no bueno *Iceman ThumbsDown!* The game is hot in content in general though^^
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 14, 2011, 02:41:30 AM
I have the worst luck with games  :'( As I'm fighting a RAM in the city, I manage to kill it just as five, count them, FIVE more show up. Thank freaking god I had molotovs.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 14, 2011, 03:04:37 AM
I have the worst luck with games  :'( As I'm fighting a RAM in the city, I manage to kill it just as five, count them, FIVE more show up. Thank freaking god I had molotovs.
:D wow..
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 14, 2011, 03:14:47 AM
I'm thinking the problem actually is whenever you go online with someone else. It's like that's when the game starts getting confused until this kinda stuff happens. For example, I started a new game with my bro since he was barely starting out. Went online with him hosting so he was getting the missions done and they weren't being recorded on mine. Well, when I finally tried to continue that game on my own, I was at the very first mission and to get that started I needed to talk to Sinamoi (however it's spelled) who was still in the bunker. Well, I couldn't open the bunker doors at all. The icon didn't even come up for the possibility to open it but apparently I was close enough for him to notice me and talk. Just couldn't do anything else so that game was screwed from the get go.

So, I think it's actually online where it all starts and just snowballs 'til it really affects everything. Considering that's suppose to be the best way to play it (and I'm sure the way it was intended to go) they should of really play tested that a hell of a lot more. If it completely screws up my save file again, I'm probably just gonna sell the damn thing.

I have the worst luck with games  :'( As I'm fighting a RAM in the city, I manage to kill it just as five, count them, FIVE more show up. Thank freaking god I had molotovs.
Damn, that is messed up. Worst I got was after dying, they revived me right next to two Rams. I got the hell out of there fast and went on top of a car. From there I managed to shoot them to death.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: BigJ on September 14, 2011, 07:16:41 AM
I experienced a glitch not too long ago as well. I turned on my game and they had spawned me in the same room as Anne (The chick you have to find the Teddy bear for) and as you may or may not know, that whole house is completely barricaded, theres only one way in. Unfortunately that door was being blocked by a zombie. After breaking down the door, I encountered an invisible wall right in front of the zombie and after about 5 minutes of messing around, I was able to activate rage and somehow pierce through the wall and kill the zombie. Weird ish man...
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 14, 2011, 11:24:46 AM
I'm thinking the problem actually is whenever you go online with someone else. It's like that's when the game starts getting confused until this kinda stuff happens. For example, I started a new game with my bro since he was barely starting out. Went online with him hosting so he was getting the missions done and they weren't being recorded on mine. Well, when I finally tried to continue that game on my own, I was at the very first mission and to get that started I needed to talk to Sinamoi (however it's spelled) who was still in the bunker. Well, I couldn't open the bunker doors at all. The icon didn't even come up for the possibility to open it but apparently I was close enough for him to notice me and talk. Just couldn't do anything else so that game was screwed from the get go.

So, I think it's actually online where it all starts and just snowballs 'til it really affects everything. Considering that's suppose to be the best way to play it (and I'm sure the way it was intended to go) they should of really play tested that a hell of a lot more. If it completely screws up my save file again, I'm probably just gonna sell the damn thing.
The reason you had to start over is because you didn't complete the Prologue first individually. That's what happened to me online my first time, too, so I learned my lesson.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 14, 2011, 04:50:47 PM
I experienced a glitch not too long ago as well. I turned on my game and they had spawned me in the same room as Anne (The chick you have to find the Teddy bear for) and as you may or may not know, that whole house is completely barricaded, theres only one way in. Unfortunately that door was being blocked by a zombie. After breaking down the door, I encountered an invisible wall right in front of the zombie and after about 5 minutes of messing around, I was able to activate rage and somehow pierce through the wall and kill the zombie. Weird ish man...

very strange man lol...yeh the game is great as far as atmosphere and gameplay goes but it sucks because of all the glitches *Iceman ThumbsDown!* Those bugs are actually light work and they should be on top of that on PSN & XBL sending update patches to fix all that. Hell if EA did it with battlefield BC 2 im sure they can do it too if they even care...personally if they dont at all i think that may hurt first release sales for any future DEAD game they try to release...
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: SanjiSasuke on September 14, 2011, 05:02:22 PM
Glitches? Ah well the good thing about games with glitches is that its so easy for companies to release fix patches now.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 14, 2011, 05:24:14 PM
Glitches? Ah well the good thing about games with glitches is that its so easy for companies to release fix patches now.

yeh but lets hope they dont do customers dirty and never fix em all with a patch update or two. Because these are very bad Bugs man. to the point once you "autosave" youre screwed and can never do a mission to complete the game. Ive read at the forum they already worked on the pc version first which is retarded because they got most of their sales through the consoles of course. i think they should have focused on taking care of that crowd first than the pc version. 9 out of 10 times the game was going to get modded by pc users anyway.

i beat the game last night..but i kinda didnt care to run through it again even if i was all leveled up from the first play through because of the bad glitches ive experienced that blocked me from clearing a good 4 side missions that first time. I think they should have taken a little more time with the release so they can attend to those bugs/glitches. Release the game just after "Rage"

Post Merge: September 15, 2011, 02:31:39 AM
I just Read at the Dead island Forum that Jason Vorhees (friday the 13th) is in the game in the Jungle. Im looking into it now to see exactly where he is. His home is actually there too. No BS from the comments ive seen. You get a chainsaw from em also. They said hes quite powerful in damage with his machete and strong in defense. This is something i have to see for myself. only thing that sucks is i ended the game a couple days ago now and im at the begining again. My level and weapons i got to keep in a new game so thats a great thing.

As for the bugs & glitches its said there was a patch release for consoles. ill have to see if the game updates when i log in.

So if you are STILL in the jungles take your time and explore! dont dip into the prison island mission because you cant go back

EDIT: Visuals of the dead island Jason ( (

Post Merge: September 15, 2011, 03:42:31 AM
Good thing about starting over with the last character you ended the game with i see now is you keep your level up and weapons and the map areas you found and clear of the green shade stays there. so you can see all the places and fast travels you came across :thumbsup: Makes it a lil easier to run through the missions. and yes of course the missions are refreshed. I have to double check at the forum to see what that xbox live update is because i just got one and im hoping its a patch for those jacked up missions i couldnt do because they wouldnt register properly
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 15, 2011, 04:44:37 AM
Yea, was looking up the blog on the main site and seems they are getting patches out there now to fix all these glitches. So, I'm gonna be seeing how this all pans out now.

That Jason thing is awesome, man. He has a hell of a lot of energy though and major power. Surprised he got taken down with only 5 grenades in that second vid actually. Would of thought not even 9 would do and he'd go into using other bombs.

As for getting to that other part where the prison is, once you get there you can't go back at all.?
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 15, 2011, 11:27:54 AM
Loving them patches. Can finally sell/buy without having to worry about what I'm selling/buying.

Also, got another incident of bad luck. As I'm walking through the city by the med tent area, JUST as I kill a RAM, a Infected comes out of nowhere, so I pop it's head off. Then I started hearing a never ending scream, and as I turn around, I get insta-downed.
...Long story short, I got back to the church after killing 43 Infected (I started counting after the tenth) and losing about 6k in the process. I have never been that badly beaten in this game before.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 15, 2011, 12:28:22 PM
...Long story short, I got back to the church after killing 43 Infected (I started counting after the tenth) and losing about 6k in the process. I have never been that badly beaten in this game before.
That's nothing, man. During the whole speaker missions I did with Logan, (before my save got screwed up) I lost more than 18k from deaths. -__-
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 15, 2011, 01:17:07 PM
That's nothing, man. During the whole speaker missions I did with Logan, (before my save got screwed up) I lost more than 18k from deaths. -__-
That's only because I learned that cars are an Infected's weakness. Although they can climb, as soon as you get on the roof of a car, they become stupid like walkers ^^
And that's about the same time I started getting those Infected. It was right after I completed the Third Head of Cerberus.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 16, 2011, 04:11:08 AM
That's only because I learned that cars are an Infected's weakness. Although they can climb, as soon as you get on the roof of a car, they become stupid like walkers ^^
And that's about the same time I started getting those Infected. It was right after I completed the Third Head of Cerberus.
Yea, I've been using cars for the longest now with swarms. Sometimes one of the infected do get up there if they get a good run going. That is until they learn to climb, which did happen for me as well during the Third Head mission. Luckily I'm now official further level wise with Purna than I was when I lost my file with Logan. Further behind on the missions but still, that girl can level quick as hell, man. Best I've done was like 3 levels within 30 mins.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 16, 2011, 05:34:56 AM
That's nothing, man. During the whole speaker missions I did with Logan, (before my save got screwed up) I lost more than 18k from deaths. -__-

 :D :D i told you batz that was a sh*tty @ss mission man! dude i had to have died a good 18 times man. and fast too smh..
after the 10th @ss whippin i just had the straight look like this  :-w.....  lol..i wasnt even trying anymore and just ran and ran and jumped and ran...till i got somewhere. all i did was run turn around drop kick two infected into the rest and keep running up latters till i finished the damn annoyin mission

and yeah man its stupid once you accept to go to the prison you cant go back at all. once you even get there and even try to look at the map its pretty much not available anymore
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 16, 2011, 06:19:30 AM
Damn, that sucks. I'll be sure to finish off everything before heading over then. I've never been to the jungle yet either, is that over where the prison is or before then.? Ever find a way to get into that gun store also.? It's been bugging me as I know I went back when I had the mayor key but nothing new came up. I'll try it again when I get it with Purna though and see.

Also, I've never checked but out in front of City Hall, is that just another part of the city that leads you to the rest.? 'Cause when the zombies storm it I see that you can walk out the front door, just didn't check around last time as I was getting my @ss handed to me at the time. XD
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 16, 2011, 06:36:32 AM
lol yeh that gun shop is another side mission to a degree. at some point me and a friend ran up on some survivors trying to burst in. well we help em in and then we had to clean the place. But the alarm goes off and we had to fend off a swarm of the infected! I seen it happen only in my friends game though when i joined em. i was helping him out since i was levels higher. Only thing that was pointless about getting into the gun shop was i was like level 31 at the time and every gun in there was weak as hell to the guns i had and upgraded.

That city hall deal i cant really say. you may be able to get in that area youre curious about my guess is. I never tried to. i may do it this time playing a second time around. The zombies bum rush the area anyway and killed everyone there so i dont know maybe theres some way we havent seen yet like Jasons House in the jungle.

and nah the jungle is a different place than the prison which is on another island like alcatraz. Its before you get to the prison. Its the source and history where the infection came from. The path to the jungle has its own tunnel actually from the city to get to. youll deal with that when you have get back to the armored truck and the Hill billy girl has to show u the way on the walk through.

and man...whatever you do dont experiment leaving your weapons out in the open in a hut thinking you can step off some miles away and then come back like its falllout 3 smdh...i tried that dumb sh*t and the game auto saved while i was at the light house droppin that woman off and i went back to the hut and they were all gone SMDH! o.O#

i mean im crazy leveled up with the hand melee weapons so its not a big deal but i found and upgraded a lot of guns since my last game so that sucks :(
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 16, 2011, 09:55:07 AM
As I started getting mobbed through the city, I turned on my Fury and Sam B. With Infected beginning to attack, by the time it was over, I got a 3x multiplier and leveled up 2 times. I was level 25 when I started and now I'm level 27.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 16, 2011, 01:43:30 PM
As I started getting mobbed through the city, I turned on my Fury and Sam B. With Infected beginning to attack, by the time it was over, I got a 3x multiplier and leveled up 2 times. I was level 25 when I started and now I'm level 27.

lol  good sh*t!! :)
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 17, 2011, 10:40:54 AM
Okay, so I'm at the same spot now my game screwed up on last time (Third Head of Cerberus). I went into that area where I get to all the speakers and again, my game started glitching out bad. Same glitches as before (minus the load screen font thing) but this time I had one new thing to deal with. If I was on top of anything, it's as if I was invisible to zombies. As soon as I'd touch the ground, zombies would come out of anywhere possible. Multiples coming from the sky, as if packs of ninjas. They'd come non-stop as long as I was on the ground as well, so there was no rest and to top it off they were all the infected kind. Some even ran on air as well.

I just said screw it and turned off the game, knowing it hadn't saved since I hit the area. So, my game's still good but until I get some patches on this game, I'm not touching that spot at all again. Which means I won't get the Piranha mod though. So, what does that do anyways.?
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 17, 2011, 07:01:36 PM
wow thats crazy man :| Never had those glitches that bad as you did in that area^^

yeah id chill out also till those patches are fixed. that sucks man. im running through it a second play around now at level 40. I just got back into the city. i did a whole lot more side missions i wasnt aware was there that first time. I went on a fallout 3 sorta adventure this time. I look at the map and see what areas are still in green and i just roll there and see what happens. Ran into some amusing areas. I dont feel to intimidated now since my level and attributes are up there and tweaked on the weapons and attacks. My gun play does heavy damage now so thats a good feeling.

that Piranha mod i havent experimented with yet but when i get it (if i dont have it already) ill test it out and see what it does. So far i like that super electric shock hit for that big sledge hammer i have to send the big dudes (walking zombies) flying away. My swords are now pumped up to make meat sauce of those RAM dudes.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 17, 2011, 09:20:46 PM
Yea, I actually spent most of the day visiting anything in green I could. In short, found a whole lot of IDs. At least like 10-15 or so. XD Even a mod or two as well.

Finally gonna head to the jungle now as well as I believe I've covered every single side quest now that I could (short of Third Head of Cerberus).
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 17, 2011, 10:43:56 PM
Yea, I actually spent most of the day visiting anything in green I could. In short, found a whole lot of IDs. At least like 10-15 or so. XD Even a mod or two as well.

Finally gonna head to the jungle now as well as I believe I've covered every single side quest now that I could (short of Third Head of Cerberus).
Batz! I just got a new record for lost cash! 42k.
Damn butcher rush. All over a sudden in the jungle, LITERALLY 3 BUTCHERS out of nowhere and me without a molotov.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 17, 2011, 11:29:27 PM
Simply put, I'm going to murder someone. My game got f*cking corrupted again.! For no reason I can tell this time, wasn't going through anything with retarded glitches. I am livid..

Two things I'm gonna try from here to fix this.. 1) Download the glitch fixing patch. I've yet to do that but didn't think it mattered too much considering I've stayed away from them.. Guess it did matter.. 2) Have my bro invite me online to play, hopefully it just has to do with wherever the hell it's trying to spawn me.

If these things don't work, I think I'm officially done here as I am absolutely f*cking p*ssed. I'm talking enough to get me a Red Lantern ring.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 18, 2011, 11:20:14 PM
I finally installed it last night (I can give the link to the best copy if anyone wants it), saves like a charm and loads like a charm. Barely any glitches that I've noticed. I got to Act 2 already, because I played the game from like 11pm to 6am... and then again for 4+ hours today. It's really really fun. It does indeed remind me of Far Cry 2, but more action packed and gives you that closed in type of feeling that we've all been wanting from the new Resident Evil games... Anyways. yeah. It's a lot of fun. I'm like... 65-70% done with the main story already I believe... maybe more than that. Last time I checked it was about 55% and that was this afternoon. Level... 26? I think now. yeah. Handgun's are fun. Machine gun's stink with bullets, though I do love that it... well at least it appears to be an ak-47. I want to go to the police station soon. Hopefully they have the big guns there.

Post Merge: September 20, 2011, 06:46:22 PM
So is anyone still playing this or did y'all beat it already? lol. I'm 80% done with the game so far.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 21, 2011, 06:51:43 PM
So is anyone still playing this or did y'all beat it already? lol. I'm 80% done with the game so far.

been beat it. im just running through it again doing stuff i missed and trying to see that dead island Jason in da flesh.
Its a bit more fun the second time around since im like at level 41 now and all my melee and guns do way more damage to the infected now. More abilities n such also. Theres still some weird bugs in it but not as bad as Batz issue thank god #:-S That really sucks that he experienced that. i would be heated^^ But anyway i just appreciate the game. It opened a new Door for zombie style games that are open ended to a degree. If they do a next one im sure they will fix the bugs in it...

i thought this guys reviews were funny. first of all when i got the hammer i chucked that sh*t as soon as i got it. first weapon i got was the boat paddle. why the f*ck he would choose to go through the bullsh*t with a hammer is beyond me but this is why i test a game out for myself instead of listening to a persons non skillful rant about how hard it is. the other funny sh*t about that is he makes it seem like Dead rising 2 was a walk in the damn park! sh*t at least in this game you can run to a work bench nearby someway and fix yo sh*t!  :D (
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 21, 2011, 07:07:40 PM
Nice. I haven't beat first playthrough yet. I'm only about 78% done now. I got to the laboratory and what's great about it is that if you have a mission that started there... stay on that mission.. check everything in that lab, then quit the game, and click continue. I mainly go for the 2 fridges in the doctor's office at the back wall and then I go to the safe's in the other section of the lab. I did this 6 times and got like $25,000-30,000. It's a great, easy way to make money in the game.

Edit: That number is AFTER I traded the champagne I got (like 5-8 of them) to the lady on the island.. she trades you diamonds and you can sell those diamonds for $1,500 each to any of the traders.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 21, 2011, 08:47:35 PM
Nice. I haven't beat first playthrough yet. I'm only about 78% done now. I got to the laboratory and what's great about it is that if you have a mission that started there... stay on that mission.. check everything in that lab, then quit the game, and click continue. I mainly go for the 2 fridges in the doctor's office at the back wall and then I go to the safe's in the other section of the lab. I did this 6 times and got like $25,000-30,000. It's a great, easy way to make money in the game.

Edit: That number is AFTER I traded the champagne I got (like 5-8 of them) to the lady on the island.. she trades you diamonds and you can sell those diamonds for $1,500 each to any of the traders.

great money strategy there man. I like that. yeh so far im into clearing all the green areas i havent reached the first play through. And yeh you keep the map visable and clear of green when you start a new game with the same character after ending it. I found missions i didnt know was there the last time so it kept me into the game. Oh if you didnt read what i said last time BE SURE to not accept to go to the prison island if you havent adventured enough. Because like i told batz once you do that you cant go back.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 21, 2011, 08:54:03 PM
So, I'm on a third game I started now. This time though I started from chapter 9. Given, it's annoying I don't have all my cash.. Upsetting that I don't have my great weapons or items.. But it absolutely p*sses me off that I don't have the mod blueprints from all the missions that have been completed up to this point. That's the one thing that really gets me.

However, you'll all be glad to know, I've finally made it out of chapter 9 and got into the jungle now. Mostly just got this game going so I can see the game to the end by helping out my bro on his as he's already at the laboratory. I've gotta check out where to fight Jason as well, definitely don't wanna pass that fight up. Seems really exciting.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 21, 2011, 09:07:17 PM
 =D> ah awesome! So you got pass that sh*t storm lol good. atleast you can kinda get back into enjoying the game now...
well heres something to make you laugh. ok im so used to Fallout 3 n such i did something stupid when i first started my new game back on the island again. Level 40 etc etc all my weapons. so my curious @ss decides to do two missions in one. i had too much sh*t on me to carry the bottles of alcohol so what i did was drop ALL MY UPGRADED GUNS (5 of em) at this one hut some miles down the street from from the light house. i gets back and all my sh*t done vanished!! :'( all my guns were gone o.O#. Im thinkin...ok i guess this is like fallout 3 where i can step off leaving my guns n stuff at a random shack inside on the floor....NOPE :-w

i was lil salty about that. so i says oh wait! i can reload! :o =D> :thumbsup:

.....NOPE! instant saves periodically different from fallout 3 :(....

smh haha well at atleast my powered up melee weapons had a bloody good time! >:D
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 21, 2011, 09:14:10 PM
Yea, I noticed that before but I didn't drop anything overly important. However, I noticed another glitch that did cost me something pretty good at the time. If you have your inventory full and try to pull something Jin has put away for you, it will disappear. I messed up and did that and my best gun at the time vanished. Not on the ground, in her storage, in my stuff, just gone. Gotta be careful with that.

Btw, found a vid that shows on the map pretty clearly where to fight Jason. It's definitely in the Banoi jungles, right between a big broken road. I say that because I'm not sure if the Laboratory is connected to it or if it's elsewhere.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 21, 2011, 10:51:28 PM
Those damn things are nuts! I guess I put one in the place it was supposed to go and I got some whack upgrade. 5 diamonds and $10000 later, I have some serious punch (Literally now).
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 21, 2011, 11:06:02 PM
Ah, forgot about that. Yea, I've found like 4 skulls in the game. Orange, Brown, Purple, and I believe Green. I found one in the Police Station, below some stairs. One somewhere in the sewers there's a little room that has regular skulls piled up with the top one mission. If you put the Orange one there, I believe, you get some new blueprint to create a weapon. Uses something like 5 diamonds and I forgot what else, didn't make it before though 'cause it seemed kinda weak compared to what I have. Have yet to find where any of the others go though or even know how many there are in total.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 21, 2011, 11:11:19 PM
Those damn things are nuts! I guess I put one in the place it was supposed to go and I got some whack upgrade. 5 diamonds and $10000 later, I have some serious punch (Literally now).

I really didnt pay no mind to those things until you brought it up just now. Ive seen those skulls and pick them up and wondered each time...ok wtf are these for you sell em? i just never tried to :-??

Yea, I noticed that before but I didn't drop anything overly important. However, I noticed another glitch that did cost me something pretty good at the time. If you have your inventory full and try to pull something Jin has put away for you, it will disappear. I messed up and did that and my best gun at the time vanished. Not on the ground, in her storage, in my stuff, just gone. Gotta be careful with that.

Btw, found a vid that shows on the map pretty clearly where to fight Jason. It's definitely in the Banoi jungles, right between a big broken road. I say that because I'm not sure if the Laboratory is connected to it or if it's elsewhere.

damn thats bad if you left it with the gear head chick and your sh*t vanised in there too,...thats no bueno man...
and you should have posted that Video of the location of jason. i would have been curious to see a different video location on that situation. I havent been playing in some days but when i do get back im definitely checking it out. Since the first time i posted on him after i beat the game i told my friends about em but only one got back to me what he experienced. he pretty much said he was getting killed hella fast lol
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: BigJ on September 22, 2011, 07:10:34 AM
I got the Electro Combat Knife from the orange skull... Its kinda wak... lol. Has anyone done the Champagne and Diamonds duplication thing yet?
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 22, 2011, 04:49:05 PM
So.. My game got corrupted for the third time.. Yea.. This game hates me. Luckily I made a copy of the game this time around the day before. So, I only lost a day of stuff. Still though, I'm done playing this game outside of helping my bro through his. Once I pass it, I'm taking this sh*t back.

At the very least, finally got to take on Jason. I f*cked his crap up good, man. Didn't kill me once and killed my bro only once. Second time though, unfortunately, ran into him by accident and we weren't ready. Got killed like 2 or 3 times each each. At least that chainsaw reappears after a while, so can keep picking 'em up.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 22, 2011, 07:24:16 PM
Second time though, unfortunately, ran into him by accident and we weren't ready. Got killed like 2 or 3 times each each.

Man i know you guys were like aw DAMN this dude again?? lol but damn thats sucks it sh*tted on you again buggin out. well at least you made a copy. I havent played again to get to jason yet since ive been busy but bet with the video i saw and hearing everyones stories running into best believe i got somethin waitin for his @ss!
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 22, 2011, 09:36:09 PM
I just beat the game last night. Thank goodness! lol!

I am going to work on the skulls this time too. One thing I do know is I've never even used Jin for storage. My inventory never got that full. I just traded in the junk I wasn't using and kept repairing and upgrading my awesome weapons. I think I only had about 6 or 7 awesome weapons by the time I finished the game.. so... yeah... lol.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 22, 2011, 09:43:58 PM
 =D> Congrats and welcome to the club! you have now earned your official D.I. Badge and medal Sir! ::salute:: lol

So do tell..what level were you up to when you ended the game. i was about level 40 at the time with Rapper B.

i gave the game a break since im currently running through the 2nd playthrough now. I love the game but the weird bugs at times annoy me that happen. But it isnt that bad. im aware now you can reach level 50. Which is a lot because of the weapons and fire arm damage that comes with it. Anyway im currently back in the city and now about to do one of my favorite missions i loooove so much! ;D (sarcasm) and thats the "rescue speaker mission". Maybe i can get revenge on the infected this time since im leveled up.

is it just me or you wish they kept that Original trailer in as a random demo intro also for the DI game? :(
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 23, 2011, 02:01:22 AM
Beat the game. Now working on a GPR Style Challenge! *trumpets*
I'm doing this fisticuffs style now only! Sam B, and any knuckles I can get my hands on. Anyone else up for the GPR Style Challenge?
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 23, 2011, 02:55:37 AM
@DI: Haha, why thank you! *receives award* "*sniff* This is the greatest achievement in gaming evah! Thank you!"

Haha anyways, yeah I was actually level 36. I can't believe I have to wait until act 2 to get my darn pistol ammo back... hopefully i can get it before then though because i have some really awesome modified guns.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 23, 2011, 04:16:12 AM
@DI: Haha, why thank you! *receives award* "*sniff* This is the greatest achievement in gaming evah! Thank you!"

Haha anyways, yeah I was actually level 36. I can't believe I have to wait until act 2 to get my darn pistol ammo back... hopefully i can get it before then though because i have some really awesome modified guns.

lol indeed  :cool But yeh man dont worry, level 36 is decent enough sorta to put the beats on those island zombies for revenge before get the pistol ammo back. My melee weapons was a hazard to all those zombies. I didnt even have to use my guns on them when i restarted. It felt good dealin those one chop kills with the shock machete and poison katana sword at that damn hotel i had to deal with again...haha it was a nightmare kinda when i first had to go and get that truck for the first time
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 23, 2011, 09:34:09 AM
lol indeed  :cool But yeh man dont worry, level 36 is decent enough sorta to put the beats on those island zombies for revenge before get the pistol ammo back. My melee weapons was a hazard to all those zombies. I didnt even have to use my guns on them when i restarted. It felt good dealin those one chop kills with the shock machete and poison katana sword at that damn hotel i had to deal with again...haha it was a nightmare kinda when i first had to go and get that truck for the first time
I... well, I had Gabriel's Sledgehammer ((Beatles reference, anyone?))... And a shark one... and a piranha one... and a lightning one... and a magic wand one... and a tesla one... and lots and lots of deo-bombs. You're lucky that you had the the cutting weapons, but bludgeoning ones make a fun little cracking sound when you pop a zombie's head open.
Cloning is fun.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 24, 2011, 02:02:25 AM
I... well, I had Gabriel's Sledgehammer ((Beatles reference, anyone?))... And a shark one... and a piranha one... and a lightning one... and a magic wand one... and a tesla one... and lots and lots of deo-bombs. You're lucky that you had the the cutting weapons, but bludgeoning ones make a fun little cracking sound when you pop a zombie's head open.
Cloning is fun.

lol yeh im glad to weapons dont break and dissappear like dead risings weapons. Love that game too but i always hated the game at the same time because of that way once you run out of ammo with a gun in real life it just pops n breaks instantly and its no more SMDH haha...But yeh man i have yet to use the DEO BOMB....yes i still havent used it yet...can you believe that? :D
That piranha and shark i never got to use either.....ill probably play it a lil a later on. its been a while...
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: G.P.O.A - GatlingPunchRalf on September 24, 2011, 01:39:19 PM
lol yeh im glad to weapons dont break and dissappear like dead risings weapons. Love that game too but i always hated the game at the same time because of that way once you run out of ammo with a gun in real life it just pops n breaks instantly and its no more SMDH haha...But yeh man i have yet to use the DEO BOMB....yes i still havent used it yet...can you believe that? :D
That piranha and shark i never got to use either.....ill probably play it a lil a later on. its been a while...
Piranha is identical to heavy, so don't waste any pieces on it. Shark however, is really really nice. It's got +6% crit chance plus an epic look.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: .Batzarro. on October 01, 2011, 09:54:24 PM
My Dead Island journey finally came to an end. Close to a week ago I passed it with my bro online. Then I started a new game with Sam and went through only the main story missions, passing it from the beginning in two days. Just took the game back to GameStop a few hours ago and though I didn't get a cash back refund, I got it towards store credit. Just not sure what to get now, possibly pre-order and pay off Arkham City.
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on October 01, 2011, 10:03:41 PM
My Dead Island journey finally came to an end. Close to a week ago I passed it with my bro online. Then I started a new game with Sam and went through only the main story missions, passing it from the beginning in two days. Just took the game back to GameStop a few hours ago and though I didn't get a cash back refund, I got it towards store credit. Just not sure what to get now, possibly pre-order and pay off Arkham City.
Groovey man. Yeh im still running through it lvl46 with rapper B just doing areas and missions i missed out on the first time. The glitches that happened before didnt happen this time so im running through a lot of missions i couldnt do before. As for Batman Arkham city yeh i have my pre order for that already. It was for KOF 13 but they pushed it back at the last minute later next month  :-w

So on that note i had to get the second best thing for october!! :w00t:

btw i got to hack at jason....that chainsaw is hella powerful^^
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on October 01, 2011, 11:20:56 PM
Yeah, I might have to trade-in a few of my games for Arkham City too.. It's the only game I could pre-order right now... *sad face*
Title: Re: The Official DEAD ISLAND Thread
Post by: DEMONKAI on October 01, 2011, 11:26:27 PM
Yeah, I might have to trade-in a few of my games for Arkham City too.. It's the only game I could pre-order right now... *sad face*

i know the feeling because for damn sure i would have kept my pre order for KOF 13 and also pre ordered Batman and Battlfield 3 if i had the money like that this time.... :(
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