Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: Sabaki on January 04, 2011, 06:24:25 AM

Title: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on January 04, 2011, 06:24:25 AM
Since it's already out and not many people have the chance to play it in the States, I feel like sharing my experience after trying it out for abit. Anyone else who's tried it, please feel free to share your thoughts as well. Currently, I'm in Japan for New Years, so you know I gotta get my hands on this game  :) (even though it came out in CTF in NY a few days before I left, but I had no time to go due to preps for my trip  :( )

Today, I went to a well known arcade called Club Sega in Shinjuku (this is in Tokyo) and got a chance to sit down and play it. There's 8 machines total there, and the wait wasn't that long. Unfortunately, I couldn't play it very long for the competition there is pretty cut throat. I played with Ibuki and Guile and lost, first to a Vega (claw) user by the username of 汚血 (filthy Blood) I think, who's BP was over 21000. Next was to an El Fuerte player whose username was too long to remember, and BP was over 17000. I faired better with Guile, for I was able to go toe-to-toe with the El Fuerte player for all 3 rounds (3 out of 5 setup there) and avoided his Propella Tortilla and U1 setups easily while getting some licks in before getting my butt served by his upclose pressure game  :D . Was gonna play some more, but by then more skilled players arrived and the competition was way out of my league, so I watched for the remainder of the time.

For those who understand the setup in many arcades in Asia, or countries who are fortunate to have some Japanese arcades improted, all the SSFIV: AE machines are linked together on a network. Because of this, it doesn't matter which machine you're on, for once someone comes and occupies any other machine (it can be on the other side of you, far away from you, or even the one right next to you) you will automatically be put into a versus match with that person (While the settings may be different depending on the arcade, at Club Sega this is how they did it). This was pretty annoying because You wouldn't get a chance to play the CPU very long, for you're always automatically paired up with someone to do battle with. No time to practice, and I didn't bring my PS3 with me to at least practice with SSF4 either.

Some analysis I have on some of the characters:

1) Vega (claw) - Still has very deadly combos, for he can still link Crouch Medium Punch back-to-back very easily and poke away at the proper distance. Cosmic Smart (DF+Heavy Kick, I forget what it's called in English) Is not so bad on block like how many people think it is; there's no time to do anything afterwards if the opponent blocks, but you can block fine immediately afterwards as long as you don't do it close-blank range (which no one should do in the 1st place unless to cross over an opponent who's on the floor). One deadly combo I saw was Jump Heavy Punch->Close Stand Heavy Punch (2 hits)->crouch Medium Punch->Ex Wall Jump (this hits the opponent) to Izuna Drop.

2) Guile - Although I played with him, I didn't learn anything 'cuz my opponent didn't give me the chance. Fortunately, someone else played as Guile and I could see some things about him. Damage's pretty low on some key moves like Fwd+Heavy Punch and Flash Kick. Air Throw works fine, don't know why there's been so much worry about it being useless. Reverse Spin Kick comes out easily and was used alot. Combos are pretty much the same that were used that I've seen used in SSFIV. An interesting set up I saw was a FA out of range (opponent was maybe a hop distance or 2 away), then a Somersault Explosion the instant the Guile player recovered. This looked great in case the other player tried to rush in and punish.

3) Juri - Not much. Fuhajin stocking was used alot so to do Light Attack->instant projectile shots, but other than that the guy lost pretty fast.

4) El Fuerte - The guy playing his was awesome! His new Stand & Crouch Jab pressure game's quite impressive, although honestly I feel that it could be done abit in SSFIV. Some of the pressuring tactics was using Crouch Light Punch and Crouch Light Kick together with his fwd+Medium Kick, using Habanero Dash and Habanero Back Dash and canceling them quickly for distancing purposes, and so on. Other than that, gameplay's still the same. Some interesting setups I saw (and experienced) was doing a close Habanero Back Dash->Propella Tortilla upclose that fails to hit an opponent who dodges, then option selecting to either EX Guacamole Leg Throw (opponent jumped back), or U2 (opponent back dashed). There was another set up where U1 is used in a similar situation (or it was the same, can't remember) where if the opponent jumps, U1 immediately to not only chase afterwards but to connect after the opponent lands (this worked 99.9% of the time, for the opponents won't have any time to avoid after landing on the ground if timed right).

5) Dee Jay - This guy's definitely coming up the ranks. He seems alot easier to use, his charge time for Air Slasher is defintely shorter, and his basics have better priority (crouch Heavy Punch works wonder as an Anti-air now, even against Yun and Yang's Jump Down+Kick attack). Comboing U2 is much easier, too. All in all, he's like Guile in SSF4: a lotta pressure potential

6) Yang - Looks like players have their basic strategy with him, and his combos have been discovered. I won't say his Stand Light Punch is THAT fast, but it's fast enough. Combos like Stand Light Punchx3->Crouch Medium Kick->Mantis Hands are the norm. Resetting combos through Close Medium Kick->Jump cancel->Jump Down+K is pretty cool to see, but pretty risky since for Yang doing as much damage on confirmed hits and combos is very important, and a reset delays the fight (which is no good in his favor). Seienbu is cool to see in action, but the standard combo seems to be Crouch Light Punchx2-Dash Fwd->Repeat. At one point, a Yang player tried to mix in Jump,Down+Kick but it was too slow to combo in. Push back is huge during Seienbu, making it not as flexible as Yun's Genei Jin. U1 us easy to connect as a counter, especially on reaction for it has good reach. I think one combo I saw was Mantis Hands->FADC->Seienbu. I think I saw it connect once, and another time it failed, but I think it depends on the timing. Other than that, he's pretty weak, but if you can apply pressure and avoid taking damage yourself, you can pretty much win with him.

7) Zangief - Based on the player, but he can either be super strong or easy to beat. Ex Banishing Flat->Light Screwdriver is overrated, for opponent can counter or just jump away even if they get hit by Ex Banishing Flat. Siberian Blizzard has incredible range now that you can steer it forward (if you are in the air you are caught no matter what), but if it misses boy he is wide open for any type of punishment of your liking.

8 ) Balrog (boxer) - Pretty much the same. Other than a slight decrease in damage and less usage of Buffalo Headbutt other than as a counter, gameplay still seems the same. The Balrog player didn't used his Close Medium Punch for the new combo setups, but it's probably because he wasn't used to it yet for actual usage in battle.

9) Blanka - Less Ball usage other than as a counter on wakeup or as a reversal on an opponent who's wide open. Other than that, his Electricity seems to come out much faster, especially when you want to combo with it.

10) Cammy - Still great. One Cammy player I saw pretty much used the same combos that players like Sakanoko made famous (wasn't him there, though, I'm sure) and was dominating the scene for abit. Less Cannon Spike usage for obvious reasons (not very safe unless at low height, which it cannot be done at other than the Ex version), although I saw Cannon Spike->land->Crouch Heavy Punch connect successfully. Despite alot of speculations that I read on the 'Net, her gameplay's not hurt due to the height limitations on Cannon Spike, for her options are still great & plentiful.

11) Hakan - Din't see too much high-level gameplay, but I will say that his oil up move is SAFE! So safe, it's not even funny. To elaborate, Light Oil is 100% safe, even upclose (that is, if your opponent hesitates), Heavy Oil needs to be done far away. The Hakan player was pretty good, lotta Crouch Heavy Kick to knock down and Light Oil quickly.  Basics are definitely better, with Stand Heavy Punch having alot of priority. 

That was about it worth reporting. There was a Ryu user, I think a Guy user, and I was the only one who selected Ibuki, but nothing spectacular in their gameplay (including mine). Another thing to note, Daigo Umehara frequents Club Sega and he has the highest BP rank there. Unfortunately, he wasn't there today.  I'll be going back again, or to another game center that has it. Also waiting for Vyn to get down here so we can hold up 2 machines and practice together.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Renegade65 on January 04, 2011, 08:15:56 AM
Did you see any Honda players there?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 04, 2011, 11:31:38 AM
Naw, no Honda players, unfortunately. Just the characters I mentioned above. Oh, and another thing about Guile, Sonic Hurricane lost a lot of its priority due to its delay on start up. It is USELESS as a wake up now, plus the damage is not worth it. Apart from executing it just out of attack range and/or to snuff a projectile, I don't see it being a useful Ultra anymore.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Swiziga on January 04, 2011, 12:21:07 PM
was vega's ex rolling crystal flash tweaked? when you do it it takes a few frames before the attack becomes ex unlike gen and blanka's similar attacks who are immediately ex when you do it. bcause of this ex rolling crystal flash gets canceled by almost anything  :(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 04, 2011, 05:35:06 PM
Yeah, I think so. To be honest the Vega player didn't use it once, not even for chip damage after knocking his opponent down who had maybe 1-2 pts life left. Same with his back flips. He was able to juggle his opponent with Ex Scarlet Terror->Scarlet Terror for 3 hits. Actually he used Scarlet Terror a good bit, usually an anti-air or for short combos.

Now I'm remembering some more things. There was a Gouken player, but nothing to write home about. The guy played him too much like Guile and turtles all day. From the little things I saw, though, he combos much better with his basics, being able to link Crouch Light Punch->Crouch Light Kick->repeat better, as well as mixing in Crouch Medium Kick to keep up close range pressure. His counter move was used only once as an anti-air using the Heavy version and it worked fine, but there were no other attempts with it when his opponent (the Clammy player I mentioned earlier) was on the ground. Back throw does little white damage, while the guy used back throw->SC (Shoryuken) combo a lot. No Hyakki flip used, which was disappointing, for from some vids gives Gouken more options for mixups and getting in to use his basics more. After he lost though he switched to Guile...and played him the same way: turtled all day.

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 04, 2011, 09:46:00 PM
sounds like a very interesting time ya had out there man :O*D. Thanks for the current heads up. I think i may head down to chinatown in sometime to see whats up since the snow here in NY has let up much better 8)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Warcueid on January 05, 2011, 02:50:17 AM
That was a really good read Sabaki. I was fearing a little bit for El Fuerte from what I read online. Hope you get to train more the next time you go. Could I ask you to mention anything if you see any Viper players?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 05, 2011, 03:27:29 AM
@DEMONKAI: NP. Yo, tell me did sanitation clean up the streets yet? When I left to travel on Dec. 28th the streets around my way were still covered in snow.  A few days later I read that sanitation was instructed not to clean up the streets by the higher ups, so they're catch some controversial heat. I'm heading back to NYC next week Monday, and I don't wanna drag my suitcase through the snow again like I did trying to hail a cab to get to the airport....

@Warcueid: Thanks. To be honest, El Fuerte got a lot of good things going for him more than people give credit for. Sure, his learning curve is steep and a lot of mixups is needed to win, but I still think he's a great addition to SF. That one El Fuerte player is a really good player, and gives a good show. It was nice to see how long I could stand up against him, and I feel if I had my controller (yes, I'm a pad player) I probably could've done better and given him better competiton.

No Viper players there as far as I can remember. I guess it was all timing. If I had stayed there longer, or go at night (New Years vacation time for companies and schools are over today, so the arcades should be more emptier during the day) I'll probably see more skilled players there. I'm planning to go again this Friday and maybe Sunday if my schedule's open. After that, I'll be heading to CTF in NYC to play some more.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 05, 2011, 03:55:15 AM
@DEMONKAI: NP. Yo, tell me did sanitation clean up the streets yet? When I left to travel on Dec. 28th the streets around my way were still covered in snow.  A few days later I read that sanitation was instructed not to clean up the streets by the higher ups, so they're catch some controversial heat. I'm heading back to NYC next week Monday, and I don't wanna drag my suitcase through the snow again like I did trying to hail a cab to get to the airport....

yeh theyre on their A' game now with the clean ups happening cuz the Feds has dug into the sanitation screw up now lol. yeh Its lookin like a big crime^^. But In the city it should be good ta go. But like in Brooklyn, queens or whatever its still some funky situations but the sun is melting things down anyway to help so by the time you get back (if it doesnt snow like that again) things should be flavaful to roll ya luggage through ;)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 05, 2011, 04:22:44 AM
yeh theyre on their A' game now with the clean ups happening cuz the Feds has dug into the sanitation screw up now lol. yeh Its lookin like a big crime^^. But In the city it should be good ta go. But like in Brooklyn, queens or whatever its still some funky situations but the sun is melting things down anyway to help so by the time you get back (if it doesnt snow like that again) things should be flavaful to roll ya luggage through ;)
Ah, that's good to know. I'm in Brooklyn and the only streets I know they cleaned up are the ones in Brooklyn Heights (saw that on tv) and Ocean Pkwy around my way :D . I'm sure there were more before I left, but my main concern was my block, and getting off my block was hard.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 05, 2011, 04:27:21 AM
Ah, that's good to know. I'm in Brooklyn and the only streets I know they cleaned up are the ones in Brooklyn Heights (saw that on tv) and Ocean Pkwy around my way :D . I'm sure there were more before I left, but my main concern was my block, and getting off my block was hard.

oh ight cool beans fellow brooklynite 8) Yeh its still pretty funky in our neck of the woods as usual but by the time u get back like i said it should be good money man. haha maybe a bit Icey though if folks on ya block is stingy with that salt movement^^
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on January 05, 2011, 04:31:25 AM
Sabaki ya gotta tell me my boy Abel really nerfed that bad as i done heard from posts here? If so...... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 05, 2011, 06:22:31 PM
Naw, no Abel players that I saw. I will be going back again on Friday so hopefully I can report on more characters.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Warcueid on January 06, 2011, 04:08:56 AM
@Warcueid: Thanks. To be honest, El Fuerte got a lot of good things going for him more than people give credit for. Sure, his learning curve is steep and a lot of mixups is needed to win, but I still think he's a great addition to SF. That one El Fuerte player is a really good player, and gives a good show. It was nice to see how long I could stand up against him, and I feel if I had my controller (yes, I'm a pad player) I probably could've done better and given him better competiton.

No Viper players there as far as I can remember. I guess it was all timing. If I had stayed there longer, or go at night (New Years vacation time for companies and schools are over today, so the arcades should be more emptier during the day) I'll probably see more skilled players there. I'm planning to go again this Friday and maybe Sunday if my schedule's open. After that, I'll be heading to CTF in NYC to play some more.

Aww, regardless it was great info. Do the AE cabs have pad support? I remember the KoFXIII having them.

Believe me, I can understand the frustration of going to an arcade with that feeling of "I'm not gunna play as good cause I don't have a pad." I'm doing well with my current Viper, but sometimes those SJ cancels can be a real pain. Anyways hope you have fun when you go again.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: vyn on January 07, 2011, 05:38:16 AM
Man that was some great report. I recomend going to akihabara electric town, all the arcades i saw there had no  lines at all, i was able to play the whole story mode without a single challenger coming in so it was great practice with the two brothers. Of course that also means i couldnt see pro players either.

Will be back with a report soon.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 07, 2011, 06:21:00 AM
Het, cool man! I was actually close by to Akihabara today, Vyn (like 2 stations away). Guess I should've stopped by  :D . Looks like you can elaborate more on the brothers, then. I went to Club Sega again and saw more good thongs then before, plus played only with Yang and gotta say I'm pleased! Current typing my report as well, be back shortly.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 07, 2011, 08:22:46 AM
Alright, here's my report for this Friday, basically, same place, but this time at night. Place was packed more than the 1st time I went there, but I was able to play a few games. Competition was even better than before because more good players were there, and a variety of characters were used. As a whole, the players there are getting more technical with basic attack links and frame traps. Almost all characters used had some form of footsie and pressuring style used, which is showing more of a balance for all characters in terms of fighting upclose with basics. Okay, not to focus on specific characters.

Yang - the only character I played today. Plays great imho, despite being a completely new experience. He is pretty quick & mobile, and once you get in close you can pressure easily with Light Punch and Light Kick. Crouch light attacks are safer, although Stand Light Punch comes out like a blur. After connecting with about 2 Crouch light Punch, better switch to crouch light kick for longer reach. Middle attacks can then be mixed in and then cancel into specials (preferably Mantis Slash). Crouch Heavy Kick's good as a quick knockdown so to jump in with Jump Down+Kick for pressure, then start up the close attack pressure again. I also like fwd+Medium Kick for mixups in the close pressure game, for after battering a few of my opponents with crouch light attacks, I tossed this in at times, then switched back to crouch light attacks. FA is cool looking, but risky to use like Ken's because when you release the buttons to attack Yang lunges forward abit before striking, making it slow despite having good reach. Looks cool and I was able to crumple my opponent a few times with it, but it's safer to just use it to absorb an attack then FADC.

From messing with his specials, Mantis Slash is all purpose use, whether for combing, chip damage, poking, etc. This move I used the most. Senkyutai Is good as a counter against projectiles, or as a anti air, but it's not all what it seems. As a projectile counter, it really depends on how far away you are from your opponent and whether you can read when they will attack. If your timing's off, opponent can block easily, and you'll need to FADC to back dash away. Unfortunately, I kept forgetting to do so, so I got punished a lot while coming down from the air. As an anti-air, Light version or EX version are the best, especially the latter cuz no matter where your opponent is in the air it will track and catch them. The EX version was the one I used the most because...well it got the job done. Next, the Palm Strike is okay, but probably best for combing because it is slower than Yun's imo. I kept it only for combos, and mainly used the Medium version since you can pressure afterwards since the opponent's not knocked away. I also tried the teleport and gotta admit it's fast! It crosses up the opponent too, but I think EX version is the only one that is invincible. Anyways, feels like it can be used similar to Ibuki's teleport, but maybe with less risk. No chance to use his Seienbu or Raishin Mahaken, so can't report on those yet. All in all, I will be using him more often.

Makoto - Yep, she's got buffer big time! First, her combo ability has been increased greatly, for she can actually link her attacks better. From what I saw, you can link Light Punch repeatedly, whether crouch or stand. Light kick can be tossed in the mix, especially crouch light kick for reach. Some of the combos I saw where mainly LPx3 ->CLK->Hayate, LPx2->SMPx2,CMP->Light Hayate->CMP->Hayate, and some others. She also juggles better, much better than before thanks to the buff Fukiage got. From the looks of things, her gameplay's now closer to SFIII: 3S, and then some. She moves faster now, at least her dashes. As was reported in the Developer's Blog, both fwd and back dashes are faster and end quicker. She also covers a lot of ground with both, but take note that FADC seems to use her old dashes from SSFIV.

C.Viper - I watched her gameplay abit. Didn't see anything new other than players doing more light punch->light kick links. I saw some good matches with her, but honestly she's the same, so Viper players can pick her up easily.

Blanka - The player there was better than the one on Wednesday, showing a better understanding comboing, frame trapping, and a more technical style of play. Since random ball attacks of all kinds are a no-no with the nerfs (except for Ex Rolling Attack, but I'll get into that later), the Blanka player focused more on getting close and using a combination of Stand and Crouch Light Punch, as well as Crouch Light Kick for link combos, then canceling into a Rolling Attack. He also FADC to Back Dash upon Rolling Attack hitting, then did another FA that would combo in, or crumple his opponent if he tried to retaliate. There was alot of precision in jump ins, Light Rolling Attack that stopped right in front of the opponent into throws, and well-timed slides under fireballs. Some of the negatives from the nerfs were evident, though, as Medium and Heavy Rolling Attacks were never used except in combos, Rainbow Ball (?) being harder to control, while EX Rainbow Ball, although easy to steer for cross up hits, has no trajectory after being blocked, leaving him completely open for any punishment  his opponent chooses. Still, Ex Rolling Attack was used to go through fireballs due to invincibility repeatedly. As mentioned earlier, Electricity comes out super easy, plus it still stops attacks with no problem, including supers and ultras. All in all, random-style Blanka looks to be gone, and a technical-style is here as a replacement.

Chun Li - A few Chun Li players stopped by, although I spent my time watching one player. Gameplay's the same, but some of the adjustments she got are noticeable. Her basics are better and easier for comboing. The usual Crouch Light Punch -> Crouch Light Kick combo is there, although she can combo Crouch Light Kick into itself very easily. One cool combo I saw was Stand Light Punchx2 -> Stand Middle Punch -> Stand Heavy Punch (not sure if she has this combo before, but whatever). Crouch Heavy Punch is, indeed, slower, but it still works in Crouch Heavy Punch -> Hyakuretsu Kyaku -> Crouch Heavy Punch-> Hyakuretsu Kyaku. Not sure if its slower speed affects its original frame disadvantage, but a blocked Crouch Heavy Punch -> Throw worked almost instantly, but I'm sure a player can escape or counter it as long as they don't hesitate. Ex Hyakuretsu Kyaku works much better now with more hits connecting, but the catch is it has to be done upclose. If not, then the same issue from SSFIV will happen again. Whether normal or Ex, Hyakuretsu Kyaku is great for comboing and does good damage. DF+Light Kick still works good as an anti-air and you can barely see it having a slower startup. Lastly, the changes done to her FA no longer moves her back like the way it used to, Instead, animation-wise she sways back, but she is still in the same spot. It's weird to describe, but she can no longer use it as a dodge move, while she can hit her opponent much better now. Other than that, she's still fast moving (looks like her fwd dash is faster & can be done repeatedly, but I could be wrong on that), and her gameplay remains close to before, except she has better options upclose.

Gouki - The same. Honestly, didn't notice anything different worth mentioning.

Seth - Looks like players are using him differently. The Seth player there focused more on a slower-paced gameplay, with little elusive movements (probably just the player). Crouch Light Punchx4 -> Hyakuretsu Kyaku was a well-used combo that did good damage, and had good dizzy potential if repeated enough. Sonic Boom is just as fast as Guile's, so he can fight a fireball fight with no problem. That Triple foot bounce he does in the air is still doable; looks like the timing was changed, for the player did it carefully as if it couldn't be mashed. I think I saw Seth's new Jump HP, but it looked weird, like he was using the same animation for Zangief's Crouch Heavy Kick...just weird. His Spinning Piledrive looks like it's the same, I remember the adjustments affected either its execution speed or reach (can't remember exactly). Apart from that, he doesn't die as fast as before due to the increased health. He may now be able to go toe-to-toe with other characters.

Vega (Claw) - Just some extra info, his Ex Rolling attack is indeed slower, maybe as slow as the Heavy version. In general, his rolling attack was never safe except in certain cases, but now it looks like it has to be used in combos.

I'll finish up on the other characters I saw in a little bit later, as well as mention anything I may have missed.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 07, 2011, 07:25:02 PM
Awesome report as usual man ^^(PM)^.

You should try out for Game informer. Ign er somethin seriously lol. you really be having me reading on your specs ;*)). Good stuff and enjoy your time out there bro

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 07, 2011, 07:53:35 PM
Thanks  :) . I would if I knew more about frame specifics and had a better understanding of character details, although I think SF experts and pros would do a much better job than what I got. Still, glad my report helps. Got more coming, but I'm about to run out so I'll continue later today.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 07, 2011, 08:01:52 PM
Thanks  :) . I would if I knew more about frame specifics and had a better understanding of character details, although I think SF experts and pros would do a much better job than what I got. Still, glad my report helps. Got more coming, but I'm about to run out so I'll continue later today.

Yeh buy you can just be the guy going from arcade to arcade Or development stations with the news team on camera reviewing gameplay. They dont know much on heavy specs of the system either but they get the job for folks like us who are not all really Pros but we know how to play. They tell us just about enough of what a fan should know. The developers can do all the gritty work on the computer compute tip haha. But man Im just buggin cuz u REALLY in japan doing the math n Science on this SSF4 lol. thats whats up man. sounds hella fun :cool. Damn you didnt see KOF XIII out there yet?? :O*D

Well ight till the next report! ::salute::
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on January 07, 2011, 08:14:00 PM
YESSSSSSSSSS! MAKOTO GOT BEEFY!!!! I am so thankful cause Sabaki.. i was gonna have a stroke if she got nerfed and she really needed the buffin up and especially combo chaining. thats all i needed. so when the patch hits..... >:D... i am challenging anyone and using all makoto. i am still sad about the supposed Abel nerf.  :'( . Now what i do anyone else other than yang and yun gonna be in from any of the other sf universe.. please i need my black beauty!

great report sabaki :thumbsup: =D>
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 07, 2011, 08:21:30 PM
YESSSSSSSSSS! MAKOTO GOT BEEFY!!!! I am so thankful cause Sabaki.. i was gonna have a stroke if she got nerfed and she really needed the buffin up and especially combo chaining. thats all i needed. so when the patch hits..... >:D... i am challenging anyone and using all makoto. i am still sad about the supposed Abel nerf.  :'( . Now what i do anyone else other than yang and yun gonna be in from any of the other sf universe.. please i need my black beauty!

great report sabaki :thumbsup: =D>

well from what i read Eons back when SF4 was about to come out and just before EGMs first fade to black from selling mags the lead developer dude of SF4 said in the end he wants SF4 to have chars from the whole series of SF. meaning. SF2. SF3. SFA and SF EX^^

i didnt see any SF EX member yet. yeh the traditional SFs are back but nobody like Garuda. Karai & Cracker Jack just to name a few. For some odd reason i can see weird @ss SF EX char Skullomania making it to SF4 series first from that crew though. dont ask me why either
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: vyn on January 07, 2011, 08:53:10 PM
Right on point with yang mate. I can elaborate on Ultra 1. It has somewhat decent range but its real use is to punish recoveries and frametraps cause it has like 1 frame startup and invinicibility as most ultras, its also decent chip damage if the need arises. You have to be very close to use it but theres no other way to use yang anyway, you have to play agressive and FADC on projectile spammers cuz just walking and guarding will get you killed.

His pressure game is good when very close but lacks when at mid distance and his sweep is great, its also great pressure when close so the pressure game is, first kick is a regular sweep similar to ryu in range and speed but the second kick has good pushback and its pretty hard to punish if the distance is right taking you back to a safe position. Just gotta be careful not to whiff it cause you will take a combo in the face. Second kick is also fast enough and high enough to prevent people from jumping so thats double safeness.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 07, 2011, 08:57:12 PM (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Swiziga on January 07, 2011, 10:51:28 PM
i would love to see garuda in ssf4 but i don't think any of the ex characters will make it. they don't fight like traditional street fighter characters since it was made by arika and not capcom and the that did fight like they belonged in streetfighter  are just shotos
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 07, 2011, 11:22:51 PM
i would love to see garuda in ssf4 but i don't think any of the ex characters will make it. they don't fight like traditional street fighter characters since it was made by arika and not capcom and the that did fight like they belonged in streetfighter  are just shotos

ya never know though man. Cuz No one seen SF X tekken coming in SF4 style. Well at least most of us that is. we could only dream at one point cuz most im sure didnt see how Tekken chars would fit in SF and ive seen a lot of debates way back at Capcom community like it would "never happen". So IMO They can be improvised. haha freakin C viper i still say her fine @ss should be in a KOF game ;*))

But in short it would be cool to get EX chars in there too. The lead developer talked like he can make it happen before doing that Darkstalkers game like SF4 so i wanna see if hes just all talk now 8) haha
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 08, 2011, 06:56:42 PM
Final notes from Friday, hope I'm not forgetting anything....

Ryu - the player there was pretty good, using some of the new advantages Ryu got. For example, Crouch Medium Kick comes out very fast without any chance to be countered, plus it works wonders in combos. One combo I saw was crouch LP->crouch MK->crouch LP->crouch MK->hadouken. The player also didn't zone with fireballs, but stayed close doing footsies, bread-&-butter combos ending with shoryuken, good countering skills, and so on. The guy won a good number of matches against some strong opponents. Because Ryu has better basics, zoning is no longer his main game style.

Juri - The player there was too much wait-&-bait, so nothing spectacular. Lotta Fuhajin spamming (not really good as fireball pressure imho, but you can trip up an opponent who's trying to get in mixing between high-middle-low shots), and Crouch Light Kick->Kara throw. Dude also tried to do that EX dive kick for wall bounce-> U1, but U1 missed all the time (think the timing's tricky). Other than that, nothing about her new changes to write about.

Yun - From what I saw, lotta bread & butter combos. Things flow like water with him. Lotta Stand Light Punchx2->Stand Medium Punch->Double Rising Kick (I may be missing an extra attack in this combo). From what I can see, Yun's very adaptable to almost any character since he has plenty of options, as opposed to Yang's high pressure game. Damage is good if you can land consecutive combos. His shoulder check has many good usages, the light version may be good for trying to string another combo after it. While the Double Rising Kick is good in combos and an OK anti-air (Yang's Senkyutai is better as long as you can pinpoint where the opponent will be in the air), it's also a pretty good escape move against crossups (at least, the EX version). U1 (Youhou iirc) was used alot and, like Yang's Raishin Mahaken) is good as a counter, but only if the opponent is super close and you time it where you use U1's invincibility to go through the opponent's attack. Also, if blocked, a character can easily counter him as he sets up for the final blow. Really sad to see that when it happens, but hey that's the risk you have to take if you use the move wrong.

Returning back to some other characters reported:

Makoto - U2 (where she jumps off the wall with a dive kick) will score all hits regularly if it catches the opponent in the air or if the first hit is blocked. I think in SSFIV you had to be perfectly positioned for this to work, but in AE you get all hits no matter what, like as if Makoto adjusts to where her opponent is in the air or something.

Balrog (Boxer) - Old combos work, and if you end them with U1 you still score big damage. Oh, and his Dash Straight and Dash Upper variants (i.e the overhead punch or the low punch) were used alot. Really cool to see opponents struggling to guess which one's which. For the overhead version, I think you can combo immediately afterwards when it hits (maybe only EX version, though)

Going back again to play right now, but at a different location. Be back with more info.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 10, 2011, 11:50:10 PM
Back in NYC, it's great to be home. I'll miss Japan for awhile but I'll be going back again for the holidays or during warmer climates  :thumbsup: . Went to another Club Sega in Akihabara with Vyn and we were able to hold down 2 machines and play for awhile against the CPU (yes, these machines had the option for either Arcade Mode or Beginner Mode, which the previous one I went to only had Arcade Mode). I think Vyn got the hang of doing characters' combos and juggles more than me probably 'cuz he has a stick at home to practice with. Still, I merely experimented gameplay, moves' priorities, etc.

I've spoken alot about Yang already, so I won't repeat the same thing (even though I learned some more info, but whatever). I will say this, he is very quick and has good mixups if you know how to trap an opponent with Light attacks, then jump quickly to do Jump Down+Kick. Cross ups with Jump Down+Kick is great to keep the opponent guessing and catch 'em off guard. His teleport is also good for mixups, not just for escaping. If you understand how Ibuki's works, then Yang's can be used the same way. Palm strike is actually great as an anti-air AS LONG AS it's against jump ins and you don't do it too late. It won't work against cross-ups, which is what Senkyutai (D,DF,F+K) is for. Lastly, Seienbu is not useless if you don't get the opponent in a combo, but it will improve your mixups as long as you don't go for a quick knockdown. It may work in juggles as well, but probably only in corners.

I played with Yun as well. Definitely he is much more user-friendly than Yang and has real combos as opposed to a pressure-heavy gameplay. I'll let Vyn elaborate on him more if he wants to, for even though I got the hang of him, I think Vyn got a better understanding of him.

Juli was another character I tried (by accident) and had a ball playing with her. She has been improved, which is a relief. For instand, her Dash speed is better both fwd and backward, and she goes further. As mentioned before, her Fuhajin (fireball) is more functional upclose, for now Crouch Medium Punch -> Fuhajin (no hold) gives you a 3-hit combo since the kick knocks the opponent up into the air. Her Pinwheel kick seems to have lost some priority, even the Ex version, for it's easy to either trade hits or get knocked out of it completely iirc. Her Dive Kick (D,DB,B+K) is faster in the air and seems to have better duration, so it can be used more conspicuously during jump backs. Her Counter mov still works great, 'nuff said. Didn't try her Feng Shui, but her other Ultra doesn't seem good in juggles imo, for it either misses or the opponent drops out from the move entirely after taking one hit.

That's it. Anyone else who's played the game should give their opinions and gaming experience as well, just to prep others for what to expect when (or if) the AE edition will come to the home console as DLC :)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 11, 2011, 01:57:58 AM

Cool your back and im sure ya had a blast bro. sounds like you and Vyn need to be walking around with a Camera to different game arcades n stuff doing reviews n play footage giving your thoughts on stuff haha. thats whats up Reporter Sabaki ::salute:: lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: vyn on January 11, 2011, 09:12:00 PM
We did, i had a camera with me and recorded a bit, nothing too impressive really, especially my yang fights, i suck with him but ill upload some of it when i get to mexico.

Ill report on yun some other day cuz im kinda running out of time but i can add a little on yangs triple slash move. For one in case peeps didnt know its not an automatic move, you have to use qcf+p for each slash at the appropiate times but theres more to ut than i expeceted. The regular version has a VERY slow and unnatural timing for each slash making it honestly quite hard to use when picking him up but its also worth mentioning that the last slash can be used and not combo if you take too long to input giving the oponent time to guard or counter with a jab if they got hit by the first two. I guess this could be used for some p[retty advanced mind games fooling the opponent into thinking you wont go for the third slash but actually do, would be really hard to use in practice that way so im guessing its just there to punish noobs like myself for missing the timings. Ex version is way easier to use, you can just mash the input and will probably get all five hits. Ex version travels very far too, about 3/4 of the screen and has good recovery once its over so its a good way to cover grounda against non projectile users as long as they are far enough and you can stop at any moment before the last 2 slashes.

Overall and as sakabi said yang is not an easy character to use but he is all about style and advanced gameplay.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Swiziga on January 11, 2011, 11:22:33 PM
sounds like his slash is a mix of feilong's fire punch and  gen's gekiro with the timing
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 12, 2011, 02:57:58 AM
We did, i had a camera with me and recorded a bit, nothing too impressive really, especially my yang fights, i suck with him but ill upload some of it when i get to mexico.

Thats whats up. ya definitely gotta show those visuals of play for us just for the fun of it. im late on the draw headin to china town to play. But now that it started snow storming it A-gain recently i doubt ill be doing that pretty much for a while :-w.

good report on yang though man . sounds fun.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Sabaki on January 12, 2011, 03:09:52 AM
@Swiziga: probably more like Gen's Gekiro, for with Fei-Long's Rekkaken, even if you mistime any parts, they can still come out by mashing more or less. Yang's very unforgiving imho, and if you mess up, its hard to followup with the next slash correctly.

@Vyn: Yeah I got the vids I recorded as well and will probably put them online tomorrow.

@Demonkai: Just looked out the window right now and I saw the snow. Looks like round 2 is definitely in effect.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on January 12, 2011, 03:42:01 AM
we got 4 inches, but i swear it looks deeper than that. i was scare if i poked my head out or went out side a polar bear come snatch me up off da hood streets like its Ghettoartica outside. i think its supposed to snow more and finally stop by 10 am, yeah right the news dont know either , said it was going to snow around 7pm, NOT, started at 4pm on da nose.  [-X somethin always tell me dont believe the news forecasts. o.O#
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 12, 2011, 03:59:05 AM
@Demonkai: Just looked out the window right now and I saw the snow. Looks like round 2 is definitely in effect.

lol hell yeh like i figured^^. haha it was decent for you to roll the luggage through by the time ya got back from Japan but once ya were at home base chillin a bit you JUST made it from the 2nd round of the BS to run into off the plane. only this time the sanitation should be on they A-game keepin the streets clear. last time when ya left it was the worst my dude. it was siberia out here cuz sanitation did dudes dirty on the the clean up on purpose lol

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions
Post by: MaverickZr0 on January 12, 2011, 08:59:55 AM
Yang is...Omg too good. : )

BUT, I feel so naked without an air parry.
Title: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: Sabaki on January 23, 2011, 01:53:50 AM
Yep, apparently both Evil Ryu and Oni (no, not Oni Akuma or Oni Gouki, just Oni) are now playable at an arcade (maybe more). Read more & see a vid of them in action here: (

And I stress, Oni is Oni. Saying Oni Akuma is like saying "Demon demon", for they mean the same thing more or less (few different nuiances but I digress  :| ).
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: vyn on January 23, 2011, 02:40:07 AM
Oni is IT, just look at their ultras people.

(click to show/hide)

Oni has an air version of ultra 1 but i couldnt find it connecting, also ryus sgs.

(click to show/hide)

Has tokido said anything so far? he was pretty confident when the brothers came out but i bet he cant resist those new looks, we all know hes a flashy dude.

Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 23, 2011, 05:34:23 AM
YOO lol smfh :| /:O

Oni is on some Asura wrath sh*t with that 2nd ultra. im officially back into SF4 after seein these vids :D

Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: SanjiSasuke on January 23, 2011, 10:16:29 AM
...unholy storm, these guys are a lot more exciting than Yin and Yang. Hoping that someone makes an Oni for MUGEN.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: ADSplay101 on January 23, 2011, 11:52:33 AM
 =P~ @-)
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: vyn on January 23, 2011, 01:33:23 PM
This is a good compilation video, Screenshots,Gameplay ,Ultras & Endings [HD]

(click to show/hide)

Oh and yes ONI has an air SGS. Mugen rejoice.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: Warcueid on January 23, 2011, 02:03:28 PM
While I don't really care for these two characters, I wonder if they'll be used in tournament play? It looks as though E.Ryu takes some good damage. I fear those fast shoryukens. As for Oni's AIR SGS.......f**k!
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: vyn on January 23, 2011, 02:15:47 PM
tourneyfagging or plain fagging is innevitable but all reviews and videos so far say they are very well balanced. Given how air sgs works it will probably be harder to use than the ground version.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: MaverickZr0 on January 23, 2011, 02:16:19 PM
I don't care what anyone says, these two shotos are the best thing to happen to AE.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: SanjiSasuke on January 23, 2011, 03:23:32 PM
I just remembered that I made an Oni Akuma sprite for a SC once. Capcom stole my idea! Either that or it is a fairly generic idea that is a common side thought on the very character of Akuma...OR they stole my idea!


They set his head on fire and took off my arm strap. And trimmed his nails. :D
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on January 23, 2011, 05:02:38 PM
Great, ssf4 went DBZ mode now with broken mugen elements incorporated......

SGS in the AIR? what in the f**k!

Seriously, they need to quit it, this is getting ridiculous.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: Swiziga on January 23, 2011, 05:14:35 PM
 :o any chance of these AE characters being available as dlc?
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: Sabaki on January 23, 2011, 08:30:23 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that Oni may not be a soupped-up Gouki, but Gouken as a what-if version being consumed by Satsui no Hadou? I mean, Gouki has already given himself to the essence of Satsui no Hadou, and his "Shin" version doesn't change how he looks, either (just him fighting serious). Looking at Oni, his size is similar to Gouken's, his stance and movements are similar, he has better health than Gouki's (we know how bad that is), plus it would be a new addition that wouldn't change the the SF history similar to the Evil Ryu concept.

Just a thought, guess we wait until Capcom releases some info on Oni.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on January 23, 2011, 08:33:02 PM
I checked that out as well in the vids. several times. i thought it was just me thinkin this. good observation sabaki, you aint the only one wondering this. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: djj4life on January 23, 2011, 09:09:31 PM

Capcom Will Make SFIV AE for the consoles within this year or early 2012((Hopefully that includes the PC))

Charge Peeps $60 (($70 for the collectors edition)) *Iceman ThumbsDown!* *Iceman ThumbsDown!*

Hopefully they throw in the remaining casts from SFA3 ((Karin,Sodom,Charile)) & SFIII((Urien,Alex,Hugo,Elena etc))

Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: vyn on January 23, 2011, 10:01:52 PM
Am I the only one who thinks that Oni may not be a soupped-up Gouki, but Gouken as a what-if version being consumed by Satsui no Hadou? I mean, Gouki has already given himself to the essence of Satsui no Hadou, and his "Shin" version doesn't change how he looks, either (just him fighting serious). Looking at Oni, his size is similar to Gouken's, his stance and movements are similar, he has better health than Gouki's (we know how bad that is), plus it would be a new addition that wouldn't change the the SF history similar to the Evil Ryu concept.

Just a thought, guess we wait until Capcom releases some info on Oni.

its Gouken when he was younger and accidentally set his hair on fire. There had to be a reason gouki has a head full of hair.

Seriously though ya he does resemble gouken but there are more elements in him that ressemble gouki IMO. How i wish these were relased in japan a couple weeks ago, that way we could have played them, not saying i wont try to main yun a little once hes out but im obviously a shoto fan.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on January 23, 2011, 11:43:51 PM
Hey. What's up with his (Evil Ryu's) chest hole
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: djj4life on January 24, 2011, 12:20:29 AM
Hey. What's up with his (Evil Ryu's) chest hole

After Ryu's evil intent got sealed by Gouken((SFIV Gouken ending)) Gouki shows up to challenge him to a death match,
with the winner claiming Ryu. ((Street Fighter IV Gouki ending))

Its safe to assume that Gouki won the duel and broke Gouken seal by using Kongou Kokuretsuzan which in turned caused the huge hole in ryu's chest and released the evil intent
inside of Ryu ((That what I think happened))
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: Sabaki on January 24, 2011, 02:04:59 AM
its Gouken when he was younger and accidentally set his hair on fire. There had to be a reason gouki has a head full of hair.

Seriously though ya he does resemble gouken but there are more elements in him that ressemble gouki IMO. How i wish these were relased in japan a couple weeks ago, that way we could have played them, not saying i wont try to main yun a little once hes out but im obviously a shoto fan.

True that. I would've liked to at least try out these two "evil" characters. As for Oni's identity, it better not be some crazy DBZ fusion bit where Gouki and Gouken "fused" while fighting in that volcano  :D

@djj4life: Sounds feasable. It's nice to know that Satsui no Hadou is true power, indeed! It not only can resurrect a person from the dead who has a hole blown through his chest...but it grows hair, too :thumbsup: 
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: vyn on January 24, 2011, 04:05:04 AM
The hole in the chest comes from the Ryu Final manga, in it Shun Goku Satsu finished with a punch through the victims chest, in the end gouki uses it on ryu who with his last energy shoots a hadouken to gouki piercing his chest as well. A picture of ryu is shown later and ryu is all well with a big scar on his chest.

Some pics courtesy of black jack
(click to show/hide)

Oni kinda looks like gouki in the final battle but not too much really.
(click to show/hide)

Also some links with good info ( ( ( (Very good). (

NOTE: Youtube is banning accounts featuring Oni or Eryu footage due to copyright violation according to capcom, its a stupid move on their behalf som im warning you guys in case you intended to upload something.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 27, 2011, 11:16:26 PM
true story vyn on it being a stupid part on Capcom to ban video play. I think its better to let their "Now released" arcade title to be exposed so more gamers can know its actually out there and worth spendin change on to play or save their bucks for a lil console release later if possible.

But anyway i finally got to see the game up close (that and Kof 13 which was hella cool) in CTF arcade. I was out gettin dead space 2 in chinatown and i ran into an old friend who reminded me it was in the CTF. so i took a lil stroll there.

first thing i saw when i cane up on the line up of machines was some asian kid puttin the abuse on someone with ONI Ultra lol smh. sh*t is tight lookin even more once u see it up close. its hella dramatic. Coulda swore i was watchin "Asuras Wrath" trailer for the 7th time :D

I didnt stick around long enough to see if someone would use Evil ryu but Great game play :thumbsup:
(it also seems everyone likes picking ONI i see)


Snk are idiots if they dont release kof 13 for consoles. After seein it today in action with the neo max supers n stuff going on and two cats brawlin who actually know how to play im even more pissed off i dooped myself in to buyin that dry kof 12 long ago. now im extra thristy to trade in that crap for kof 13 :-w
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: Sabaki on January 31, 2011, 12:37:37 PM
Think I'm gonna head to CTF after work . I got like 2 1/2 hours to kill, it'll give me a great chance to check out the evil duo.
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on January 31, 2011, 08:23:31 PM
(digging in couch cushion for change ) lol!! I'm gonna try to head over there tomorrow and check out kof 13. not too interested in ssf4 if that one is realeased separately in the form of super duper sf4 on console, maybe hahhahaha. oni reminds me of silver from kof XI
Title: Re: Evil Ryu & Oni released in SSFIV: AE!!!
Post by: vyn on February 05, 2011, 03:53:43 PM
News is kinda dying out but for those interested this site has a few very high quality videos of the new shotos. (

Not the best fighters but its good to analyze moves properties when used out of combos and of course to admire their looks. For example Onis FA has poor range but its lightning fast so it should be great to punish lowsy jump ins or as combo resets like makoto.
Title: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: vyn on February 24, 2011, 07:48:02 PM
Apparently AE is broken O_O (

Now just to make it clear we are not sure on AE characters relased for consoles, he said nothing about that.
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: Sabaki on February 24, 2011, 08:19:20 PM
I think this is a case where we need to read in-between the lines (wish they'd link us to the original interview in Japanese for this). While he does have a point about the console version being balanced to a certain point, I don't think that's the main reason why we won't see the AE version for home. Could be that some elements & features will be impossible to implement as a patch. Who knows?
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: vyn on February 25, 2011, 12:29:37 PM
youre right, i first saw the news on a spanish site and the title was like "yun,yang,oni and eryu wont make it to console!!" so i looked for the somewhat original link and it had nothing to do with that, ill keep my eyes open for the original japanese interview though.

I guess this means the console next balance wont be the one from AE but something in the middle.
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: ATiC3 on February 28, 2011, 04:04:08 PM
Does anyone know where the arcade editions are located in the US? Like... just major cities.. or what? downtown Chicago? New York City?
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: Sabaki on March 01, 2011, 09:52:28 AM
Does anyone know where the arcade editions are located in the US? Like... just major cities.. or what? downtown Chicago? New York City?
In NYC you can find 6 SSF4: AE cabinets at Chinatown Fair (despite the rumors of it closing down , it's still open and in full operation). Good spot, locals are cool and all, some well known tournament players hang out there (I think I saw Aquasilk there last Friday).
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: ATiC3 on March 01, 2011, 02:44:42 PM
No mention of Chicago though? :'(
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: Swiziga on March 01, 2011, 05:12:01 PM
well he definitely didn't say that the AE characters wouldn't become dlc and that's all we really want. arcade edition itself isn't that much different in gameplay just in the tournament modes and title unlocking. i really hope the characters make it in the balances won't be hard to make that way since they will only change the new guys up to fit with the roster. i am sad that some of those tweaks aren't going to be added though i was excited about gen's updates :'(
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 01, 2011, 07:56:09 PM
In NYC you can find 6 SSF4: AE cabinets at Chinatown Fair (despite the rumors of it closing down , it's still open and in full operation). Good spot, locals are cool and all, some well known tournament players hang out there (I think I saw Aquasilk there last Friday).

 /:O wait...they still talking about closing chinatown fair?? damn it!! :'( i thought that blew over when SF4 came through  ???
well i HOPE thats a rumor man. that arcade is like a freakin time capsule to childhood gamer memories :(. man if all these arcades are closing down then whats the point of companies STILL making games come to arcades first? eh anyway man that sucks on the rumor smh.
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: Sabaki on March 02, 2011, 06:49:49 PM
/:O wait...they still talking about closing chinatown fair?? damn it!! :'( i thought that blew over when SF4 came through  ???
well i HOPE thats a rumor man. that arcade is like a freakin time capsule to childhood gamer memories :(. man if all these arcades are closing down then whats the point of companies STILL making games come to arcades first? eh anyway man that sucks on the rumor smh.
There was talks & reports about CTF closing for almost the past two weeks. It was rumored the soke was closing on the 23rd, but it didn't. Still open but from what I heard they may relocate to Williamsburg. You know what that means, gonna have to rock on down there by the L train  :'( . I'm heading down to Chinatown this weekend to check up on CTF as well as to pick up a new game.
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 02, 2011, 07:51:10 PM
There was talks & reports about CTF closing for almost the past two weeks. It was rumored the soke was closing on the 23rd, but it didn't. Still open but from what I heard they may relocate to Williamsburg. You know what that means, gonna have to rock on down there by the L train  :'( . I'm heading down to Chinatown this weekend to check up on CTF as well as to pick up a new game.

ah ok now i see. This all adds up now. Yesterday a homie from NJ said they are supposed to have had closed on the 28th last month and is movin to Brooklyn. williamsburg is right down the way from me on that J train a few stops. so ill have to see whats hoody with that now :O*D
Title: Re: SSFIV balances wont make it to console.
Post by: HyperGogeta on March 02, 2011, 11:07:20 PM
Is Ono.... Is Ono retarded?  /:O
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 03, 2011, 03:07:40 PM
All SS4: AE topics are now merged. Thanks again Vyn & sabaki for the updates ::salute::
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on March 09, 2011, 06:24:01 PM
has anyone in nyc went by chinatown fair lately . i went tuesday after picking up a game from j n l and the place was closed!!! i hope someone tells me it's open. it would be a shame , cuz it's been around forever.....
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 09, 2011, 06:36:08 PM
has anyone in nyc went by chinatown fair lately . i went tuesday after picking up a game from j n l and the place was closed!!! i hope someone tells me it's open. it would be a shame , cuz it's been around forever.....

what it is my dude they are moving to BK. to williamsburg. thats down the way from me on the Jay Line. Two cats confirmed it. My peoples Kid2Nice and Now Sabaki. Where exactly, im not sure about that :(|) But thats good money that its closer to me now :). sooner or later we will get the scoop where at exactly. Williamsburg is pretty quiet and cool. Now If it was in East New york Near Linden Projects (lol) it wouldnt be so Friendly ill say that for sure :D

But honestly they should have moved Downtown Brooklyn. Down there is starting to look like Soho Manhattan on the low.

eh anyway im going to miss it being in Chinatown though. It just felt right being there :(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on March 09, 2011, 06:43:36 PM
you right about it being just right where it was kai!! you had the mega cheap food on canal and can sit on the steps outside to eat or chill in the park. but it it ends up under the j , like where the comodore was , that's good money too. Linden p's ??!! mad people will be getting robbed lol !!! i hope j nl stays though i was going to both since high school. a buddy of mines showed me both places when i went to graphic arts high school and have been going there ever since......
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 09, 2011, 07:54:22 PM
you right about it being just right where it was kai!! you had the mega cheap food on canal and can sit on the steps outside to eat or chill in the park. but it it ends up under the j , like where the comodore was , that's good money too. Linden p's ??!! mad people will be getting robbed lol !!! i hope j nl stays though i was going to both since high school. a buddy of mines showed me both places when i went to graphic arts high school and have been going there ever since......

Wow you said Graphic arts HS?? lol wow thats Decept days homie "whats the Flava!!" :D Yeh my fam was down with that (robbin folks) and some of the older Gs i know i chill with now when we form up to shoot the breeze. Yeh homie we mighta seen each other off the humble in J&L and didnt know 8). Ive been going there since HS days myself. i was in West manhattan HS when i started going there. I Got kicked out of Boyz n girls HS (on fulton) pretty much in my senior year for fighting in 1995 smh. But wow thats where its going to be? where the comodore was at?? /:O. Last flicks i saw in there was Passenger 57 & Dr Giggles lmao. BUt wow homie i was just down there today gettin some money from the bank. had id known that i woulda prolly rolled over there to see whats hoody :O*D.


And yo what you said about Linden Pjs?? /:O HELL-YEH victs stayed gettin robbed in those Pjs lol True story, word to god man, like in 1996 my cousins Male friend came through wee hours of the mournin from the bronx to check her in Linden off impulse. Yo why this cat came to the door with JUST his boxers on. socks and T-shirt lookin crazy like martin :DxDie :DxDie :DxDie. AND IT WAS A COLD WINTER IN 96!!!! :DxDie All he kept sayin was "They..they got me man :( :( :( They got me"....Two goons Clicked on em in the elevator smh!! They Took all his jewels, wallet, timbs, Bubble coat all that o.O#. It was probably the same bunch of cats i used to always see in the lobby real deep like Wu tang each time i came through there to check my cuzo. I mean they all knew my fam and what not but her friend was puddin pop and always dressed real fly. HUGE NO NO in the east over there. He was a real tall cat. played ball. He was cool, but yeh man Linden PJS was Yapp & Clapp city!!  :D
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Uche_of_IMT on March 09, 2011, 08:20:28 PM
I thought this was about SSFIV: AE for a second there.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 09, 2011, 08:26:47 PM
I thought this was about SSFIV: AE for a second there.

And it still is! The CTF arcade will be in my neck of the woods it looks like now where this game was only in NY. dont pay attention to the side stories homie. we just vibin and buggin as usual.

Well.. are you coming to brooklyn to play SSFIV: AE?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on March 09, 2011, 08:55:04 PM
@ kai , my bad, i was saying if it ends up where the comodore was that would be cool. i'm just mad that by the time i get a chance to break away to chinatown, the place just closed up on me  ARGH!!!!! but brooklyn is always home so  i'm still good money with it.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 09, 2011, 09:45:57 PM
@ kai , my bad, i was saying if it ends up where the comodore was that would be cool. i'm just mad that by the time i get a chance to break away to chinatown, the place just closed up on me  ARGH!!!!! but brooklyn is always home so  i'm still good money with it.

Ohh ok lol but that would be a good idea for it. I didnt get a chance to Play SF4 AE i just watched this Asian Kid wash victims up in it with ONI. but on the other side some dude was rockin with Evil Ryu. Oni looked way hotter though. Hopefully i get to rock it when it comes to BK officially and set up.

Eh anyway as for the char updates supposedly not comin to systems i dont care for that too much. i just want the new chars. But it would be smart if Capcom Releases a new CD. New stages. modes. the updates of course of the chars system and the new characters.


I think i read somewhere today on the tip of SF3rd strike coming back er somethin. blah...ill re read it again to make sure.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 09, 2011, 09:47:56 PM
Ohh ok lol but that would be a good idea for it. I didnt get a chance to Play SF4 AE i just watched this Asian Kid wash victims up in it with ONI. but on the other side some dude was rockin with Evil Ryu. Oni looked way hotter though. Hopefully i get to rock it when it comes to BK officially and set up.

Eh anyway as for the char updates supposedly not comin to systems i dont care for that too much. i just want the new chars. But it would be smart if Capcom Releases a new CD. New stages. modes. the updates of course of the chars system and the new characters.


I think i read somewhere today on the tip of SF3rd strike coming back er somethin. blah...ill re read it again to make sure.

uh, the online edition? I can't wait to get it, I love playing as necro.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Uche_of_IMT on March 09, 2011, 10:09:48 PM
And it still is! The CTF arcade will be in my neck of the woods it looks like now where this game was only in NY. dont pay attention to the side stories homie. we just vibin and buggin as usual.

Well.. are you coming to brooklyn to play SSFIV: AE?

I wish I could, but I don't know the location of where it is and I probably might get lost in Brooklyn as I don't know it that well.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on March 09, 2011, 10:27:08 PM
 saw the upgrade on a few vids on youtube. oni looks like silver from kof XI!! but if they do release the new guys on the console then maybe ssf 4 will be worth revisiting. but if third strike ( THE BETTER GAME) makes it online, i'm all over it!! i need to pull my third strike dudley out of retirement and out of the insanity that is mugen lol!!
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 09, 2011, 10:36:31 PM
oni looks like silver from kof XI!!

 :D Hell yeh!! you aint lyin man lol

and yeh bro I used to play 3rd strike to death, i still have that collection on DC and Ps2.
I always used Hugo, Akuma, ryu & Ken. I had moments with Oro believe it or not. such s strange character.
i always said he should have been in SF4. His Other arm would only come out in his Strongest Ultra. haha
that would be cool 8)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on March 09, 2011, 10:57:00 PM
i still play my dreamcast to this day thanks to the easy access to games online. is super street fighter 4 ae already in tourney play ?? ssf4 needs the ghost mode from tekken to spice up the single player game  some. i would love to fight ghosts from japan's best or developers like they have it on tekken 5 and 6. and i still what to check out yun, not much of a yang fan , so let's hope capcom dont leave us out in the cold with the arcade stuff staying in the arcade....
Title: Evil Ryu's 2nd Ultra in SSF4 AE
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 25, 2011, 02:17:48 AM
I never seen a real good n clear video of this. It looks way hot man^^ @-) (
Title: Re: Evil Ryu's 2nd Ultra in SSF4 AE
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on March 25, 2011, 02:21:15 AM
Dam How you gonna do that to Santa claus!!  :D :D
Title: Re: Evil Ryu's 2nd Ultra in SSF4 AE
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on March 25, 2011, 02:27:24 AM
Dam How you gonna do that to Santa claus!!  :D :D

you stole my quote i was gonna post you dirty quote stealing bloddy ninja!! \-/o.... :D

anyway , i wonder , well i wish.. we could get all those new characters as dlc . i want them . plus uhhh they should be on the disk anyway ( like MVC3 - total scammers) cause thats the training stage and i didnt know theres a training stage in the arcade i wrong?
Title: Re: Evil Ryu's 2nd Ultra in SSF4 AE
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 25, 2011, 02:46:30 AM
you stole my quote i was gonna post you dirty quote stealing bloddy ninja!! \-/o.... :D

anyway , i wonder , well i wish.. we could get all those new characters as dlc . i want them . plus uhhh they should be on the disk anyway ( like MVC3 - total scammers) cause thats the training stage and i didnt know theres a training stage in the arcade i wrong?

lol yeh it is a training mode in the arcade. when it used to to be in CTF arcade i used to see it all the time in training mode when SF4 first came out. it bugged me out too.

Dam How you gonna do that to Santa claus!!  :D :D

 :-?? :D
Title: SSFIV: AE info on Evil Ryu
Post by: Sabaki on March 29, 2011, 11:17:25 PM
For those who haven't heard, Evil Ryu is the 1st of the time-release characters made available for play in Japan. Capcom is also posting some detailed info about him.

Was gonna post this in the morning, but it's been a busy day at work and at home. So, here's the info from the SSFIV: AE blog on Capcom of Japan's site. Below are translations I did myself, hitting on the key points that discuss about Evil Ryu as a character.

-Evil Ryu is strong close~middle range fighter, but has weak defensive abilities
-While he can win very quickly, he can also be defeated quickly in the same manner.
-His health and stun meter are low just like Gouki. He has the same jump properties like Ryu, but his movements and dash abilities are different.
-Evil Ryu's normal moveset consists of Ryu as a base, with some moves similar to Gouki's and some brand new moves thrown into the mix.
-Moves that resemble Gouki's are the following: Jump Forward HK, Far Stand HP, Crouch HP, and Crouch HK
-New moves are the following: Close Stand HP, Far Stand MK, and Crouch MK
-Attack movements and frames are adjusted accordingly, so Evil Ryu's data may vary in certain areas from Ryu, but the only things that  are the same between both characters are the cancel points and super cancel points.
-Crouch MK is the same as Ryu's from SFIII 3rd Strike. Start up is 7 frames, making it near impossible to link in from another normal move, but its reach is longer than Ryu's Crouch MK, giving it certain advantages.
-New advanced moves and Target Combos  are the following: Zugai Hasatsu,  Senbukyaku, and Tenma Kujinkyaku
-Senbukyaku is the same as Ryu's Senpukyaku (fwd+MK) from SF Zero series (SF Alpha series outside Japan). While it can counter opponents' sweeps by going over it, it can be crouch blocked. Depending on the distance, if Senbukyaku whiffs, Evil Ryu can followup with a throw.
-Target Combo: Close Stand MP -> Stand HP. This is fairly easy to use, you can change/delay the timing, it will push the opponent away on block and make it difficult for it to be punished. This does not, however, deal a lot of damage.
-Special Moves are the following: Hadouen, Shakunetsu Hadouen, Shoryuken, Tatsumaki Senpuuyaku, Midair Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, Ashura Warp, Ryusoukyaku
-Newest move is Ryusoukyaku (overhead axe kick). Originally Jodan Sokuto Geri (move from SF3 3rd Strike) was gonna be used, but instead Ryusoukyaku was developed since it seemd to fit more to Evil Ryu.
-On it's own this is a slow move. However, if you cancel into it and select between the different strength versions, Ryusoukyaku becomes a pretty good move.

-With meter, you can create some very top class combos utilizing EX Ryusoukyaku
-Evil Ryu's Super Combo is Shungokusatsu
-Due to the need of meter for his EX moves, Shungokusatsu may not be used as much

-A good setup would be a whiffed Senbukyaku into Shungokusatsu
-Ultra Combo #1 is Metsu Hadouken.
-Same as Ryu's, but weaker if used in the same situations. However, Holding down the button will charge it up, making it much stronger., especially if you can close in onto the opponent and release the fully charged Metsu Shoryuken for great damage. Setup for this is pretty difficult, but rewarding if you can score the hit.
-Ultra Combo #2 is Messatsu Gou Shoryu.
-Since Evil Ryu moves across the screen with each uppercut, it is difficult to use as an anti-air attack, but if you FADC into this you can tag it in for big ombos.

-If you are able to connect this on its own and get the full version, then the damage is equal to that of Ryu's Metsu Shoryuken.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE info on Evil Ryu
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 29, 2011, 11:55:13 PM
Yeh a homie on FB was breakin this down to me after he finished trying em curious about that wheel kick. He was saying like his reach isnt too good er somethin like that but his chip damage with one of his Ultras is pretty decent (i think the 2nd one)...

anyway  ^^(PM)^..ill attach it to the SF4 AE thread from before
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 07, 2011, 04:37:46 PM
DLC FOLKS!!! :w00t: =D> >:D (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Acey on April 07, 2011, 05:28:27 PM
video is no longer available...  ???
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 07, 2011, 05:33:42 PM
video is no longer available...  ???

F*ck... o.O# that was quick!..i guess Capcom dont want the beans spilled...too late >:P.
man thats thats the same thing they did with those arcade videos of Oni and evil ryu in action before.

eh atleast its out out there the DLC is actually happening :-??
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: ATiC3 on April 07, 2011, 05:58:50 PM (

I'm wondering if it's fake.. b/c I thought the guy said it would be completely unbalanced if released on consoles.. unless they found a way to tone down Evil Ryu and ... Oni Akuma? for the consoles...
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 07, 2011, 06:04:37 PM
I'm wondering if it's fake.. b/c I thought the guy said it would be completely unbalanced if released on consoles.. unless they found a way to tone down Evil Ryu and ... Oni Akuma? for the consoles...

ya know i kinda thought about that too but then i saw them talking about it shoryuken also and talking about a June release possibly.
i had to double check because i too thought about that unbalanced issue they cried about...well if it flip flops into a totally fake matter (which i dont think thats the case) definitely post it here man. i was already scratchin my chin on it also. Im actually still looking on the net to see if thats the case. so for now its true till proven false :P lol...
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on April 08, 2011, 12:16:57 AM
that looks borderline legit,

on the unbalanced stuff ono said a while back we are not to take it too literally like sabaki told me, first theres the language barrier and he gave very little information, if i were to take a wild guess id say some characters (NOT necessarily oni or eryu) were made stronger than their ssfiv versions but not necessarily broken or plain superior, just slightly perharps to encourage variety.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on April 08, 2011, 10:04:12 AM
Looks like you beat me to it vyn. Anyways, like vyn said, I I think there's too much presumption that E.Ryu and Oni are imbalanced, where that's not the case. It's the returning characters that have a lot of of the imbalances and what-not, such as Fei-Long's buff and the nerfs on projectile games. Since so any people are still playing SSFIV and are still discovering new tricks for each character and winning, it may be safe to say that some of the changes in SSFIV:AE were not necessary.

Anyways, I think the AE DLC bit is true, since Capcom usually puts a stop on anything that is true on their ends.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on April 08, 2011, 06:19:15 PM
vid looks pretty legit to me. haven't seen anything in it that hints to it being fake, the quality and style of it is consistent with the other AE/ssf4 3ds trailers and also all the footage is in the same quality/resolution even  of the costume for evil ryu  so its not like a fan made trailer on moviemaker. also the fact that capcom took it down so fast like they did of the first footage leaks of oni and evil ryu only makes me believe its 100% legit :w00t:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on April 08, 2011, 08:42:29 PM
yun, tang, oni and ryu better come with their alternates included

im also curious about the compatibility with other versions, i seriously doubt they can get mixed i mean sfiv sagat was some broken stuff, ssfiv balrog boxer is superior than the other versions. My guess is you pick a version and both characters have that version balances.

But if thats how it works then the dlc characters can only be played with people who have paid for the dlc and that sucks.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 08, 2011, 08:47:31 PM
yun, tang, oni and ryu better come with their alternates included

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on April 08, 2011, 09:03:38 PM
oh nvm i watched the trailer again and it clearly says "support for additional alternate costumes too!!" it would say "includes" or something if they came with the package...
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on April 08, 2011, 09:42:36 PM
knowing them they'll probably make us pay for it in a new costume pack :|
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 08, 2011, 10:17:35 PM
knowing them they'll probably make us pay for it in a new costume pack :|

 :-" lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on April 12, 2011, 03:46:40 PM
AE has a relase date (!/Yoshi_OnoChin/status/57823014431109120

Disc no price yet and DLC is $14.99 on June 7.

Still two months to go so im clinging to the idea of more charactes.

It will be relased for PC as well, (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 12, 2011, 03:50:15 PM
AE has a relase date (!/Yoshi_OnoChin/status/57823014431109120

Disc no price yet and DLC is $14.99 on June 7.

Still two months to go so im clinging to the idea of more charactes.

It will be relased for PC as well, (

wow really? thanks for the info vyn ^^(PM)^

hmm i guess its CD or DLC. pick your poison huh? lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on April 16, 2011, 01:31:24 PM
more trailers. looks like oni is going to have the coolest intro in the game 8) ( (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 16, 2011, 02:58:26 PM
YO!!! :|

(click to show/hide)


Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on April 16, 2011, 05:14:42 PM
Its going to be DLC for me :thumbsup:

and yes Kai , Oni is def going to be a beast in the right hands.....MINE!  >:D >:D , you know how i get down with akuma in ssf4 so havin Oni is even more sweeter!!! :w00t:
(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on April 16, 2011, 06:06:12 PM
Its going to be DLC for me :thumbsup:

and yes Kai , Oni is def going to be a beast in the right hands.....MINE!  >:D >:D , you know how i get down with akuma in ssf4 so havin Oni is even more sweeter!!! :w00t:
(click to show/hide)

I shall be using both! lol >:D :D
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on April 16, 2011, 06:41:38 PM
damn june 4 so far away

hope the dlc gets leaked soon lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on April 16, 2011, 06:49:12 PM
well i will definetly make sure i stock up on my live points so i can make sure i have enuff to get all these dlc goodies coming out. this one is my top!

hey vyn, its just a matter of time before someone leaks it out. lol  next month maybe. lol

@kai- yeah i figured you would. i was workin on my crossup game early his morning in ssf4. i was actually pulling off 3 hit airs with ryu! without ex on!  :o and then shoryuken 3 juggles across the screen when i landed first. i have done it before but not all the way across the screen! i was hyped! so if i can pull that feat off with Evil Ryu....WIN! lol .
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on April 16, 2011, 06:51:46 PM
onis gut kinda bothers me lol, looks like a mexican wrestler
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on April 16, 2011, 06:56:47 PM
 :D vyn, now i have to go see the vid and laugh again if it does.  :D
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on April 16, 2011, 07:46:58 PM
oni alternate, kinda dissapointing (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: LarsAlexandersson on April 16, 2011, 08:25:23 PM
It's a matter of time to end the info for SSFIV AE releasing:
-DLC for PS3/360
-PC version (for modding stuff, which includes DLC as Spider-Man Shattered Dimension & Star Wars The Force Unleashed Ultimate Sith Edition does have initial DLC in PC install packed)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on April 16, 2011, 10:46:08 PM
does anyone here have ssf4 for ps3?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on April 16, 2011, 10:49:09 PM
*slowly raises hand*
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on April 16, 2011, 11:06:34 PM
really? why don't u ever play it?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on April 16, 2011, 11:08:41 PM
Can't find it. lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on April 16, 2011, 11:15:02 PM
lol u should start looking. that AE update will be here soon :w00t:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on April 16, 2011, 11:16:56 PM
I know. I've been looking for it.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on May 04, 2011, 04:05:16 PM
necroing a little here cuz i came across a video from srk (

The first fights between gouki and yang are remarkable because they show just how good yang pressure game is and pressuring a somewhat skilled gouki is no easy task.

*waits for sabaki input
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on May 04, 2011, 05:13:17 PM
necroing a little here cuz i came across a video from srk

No need to explain. you did it in good taste for the topic. im actually glad you put this video up.
You & sabaki lay it down real well on discussing the mechanics and impressions of this specific game so keep
the ball rollin :).

great video btw
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on May 05, 2011, 11:52:46 AM
@Demonkai: heh, just trying to keep the SSFIV:AE hype going. Thanks for maintaining the thread so all conversations can be found in one spot  :)

About Yang, yeah his pressure game's too good imho. I think it's because his frame advantages for his normals are too good, even on block (yeah, no frame data means this can't be taken as fact, that is how it appears form game play) . Also, his walking, dash, and jumping speed is ridiculously fast, and doesn't seem "balanced" according to SSFIV mechanics, which is why Yang's footsies game is so good. In the vid you posted, Vyn, the Yang player had a field day against the Gouki player, and made it look easy.

In the Topanga event, there was a similar match with Tokido (Gouki) vs Ikarioyaji (Yang). Although this match wasn't as one-sided, you can see how the match up against Yang changes even skilled players' game play. (

In this next vid from the same event, Nemo uses Yang and sweeps by other players consecutively. Like I mentioned earlier, Yang's pressure is too good since he has advantages in so many areas. He can poke with normals on a blocking opponent until they slip, get hit confirm, then cancel into Mantis Slash. On knockdowns he can stay on top of an opponent and mix it up with (crossover) dive kicks. He can even "shimmy" (sp?) to space his pokes fast and almost punish-free. Everything he does moves him forward fast. The other players do their best to keep him off with their own combos, or even trying to stay mobile as well, but in the end it's near impossible to keep Yang away. (

Hoping CoJ does another adjustment for Yang, as well as Yun (his game's just as good, but we can save that for another conversation). If they can do that for the AE DLC, then online and tournament battles will be more exciting on both ends imho.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on May 05, 2011, 01:26:57 PM
Ive noticed, although not as sure cuz as you said we have no frame data yet, the first slash of his slashing move is safe on block against a number of characters, thats pretty darn impressive, its very rare to have a safe especial to be used as hit confirm, then throw two hits, FADC and do whatever you want.

Then EX version seems to be safe on the first two slashes, at least against some characters and im yet to see a move this move cant punish. For a plain qcf motion this is crazy good, the timings for it are as awkward as they get but nothing some training cant fix, Ex version can be mashed but its not a good idea since the last two slashes are not safe on block.

You hit a key point with "everything he does moves him forward fast".

I missed that tokido match, tokido was not able to set up his crossup game once, great fight. Second vid was the kinda fights that are gonna label Yang as broken, he is a strong character yes and has the huge advantage of being a newcomer so we have little info on him. Being a pressure character finding ways to bait him and punishable moves is what it will be all about. Low stamina characters overall have a bad matchup cuz unless you are yang himself you wil probably spend a lot of time getting chipped.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on May 05, 2011, 03:12:55 PM
Yeah, I think 1st Mantis slash is safe on block, which is okay since Fei-Long's 1st Rekka Ken is safe on block, too. Only difference is recovery time For Fei-Long gives him little time to follow up & keep the pressure, where as Yang's seem to have more time to recover, then poke with a LP, Mantis Slash, rinse, repeat. Too many safe set ups. Plus his FADC (granted, it takes timing) just makes his mix ups even more unbearable.

In comparison with other pressure-oriented characters, such as Fei-Long and Cammy, they can lock characters down with frame traps and stuff, but they have limits and have to do it in accordance to their weaknesses, such as Cammy's height limitations for Cannon Strike. Yang needs some limitations on his pressure game as well, probably a height limitation on his dive kick, or slower walking speed, or more negative frames on his safe pokes such as s. HP and c. MK. Weird coming from a Yang player like myself, but honestly it's needed for the sake of developing better strategies and having fairer match ups. As much as I like the character, it gets boring quick when a player is cleaning house at a tournament with Yang, to the point you're rooting for another player to beat him lol.

Tokido couldn't get his "vortex" going, and I think that's related to playing "differently" for the twins. SSFIV is defense-heavy, which brings forth a lot of strategies and stuff. However, the twins are going against the mold with their rundown gameplay, which clashes and, in turn, breaks the game's mechanics.

I'm still looking forward to AE, but I do want a bit more balancing implemented for the twins so that they fit in better. That will also prevent everyone from flocking over and dropping their mains because, you know, everyone likes to play OP chars o.O#
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on May 05, 2011, 04:56:07 PM
yang does need the diving kick to get in and to crossover but i dont think he needs it to keep the pressure unlike cammy who does need it cuz her pokes arent that great.

Balancing these guys for the console version is a sensible matter, AE is supposed to be the defninitive competitive version however if the one in the arcades and the console one dont match its a problem, i have no idea if the arcades in japan can transform into robot, get upgraded and go back to their building but im sure any arcade ouside of japan cant be upgraded.

I dont know about fei long, im pretty ignorant on him :( but that does remind me (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on May 05, 2011, 05:25:12 PM
The dive kick is good for mix ups upclose as well, even during his pressure game. There are ways to go about it, since his recovery time after blocked normals is still fast. Also, he can quickly jump up for a dive kick after a FADC. Even without the dive kick Yang has many options for pressuring. True, Cannon Strike is essential for Cammy, and that got nerfed, so she's not that strong anymore. Fei-Long, on the other hand, has Rekka Ken and Chicken Wing, but those take good timing to use.

That vid is funny  :D . Reminds me of that SSFIV vid series by LiangHu BBB .
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on May 14, 2011, 06:09:07 PM
some details are given in the japanese official site, im using google caveman translator so please sabaki if you are out there fix whatever mistake i or srk translators make,

Site: (

-No aditional balance from current Arcades
-New costumes not included
-AE users can fight SSFIV and viceversa but SSFIV balances apply, match making can be set to SSFIV, AE or both. A patch will be relased for SSFIV in 6/7 to make them compatible.
No confirmation on new characters playing ssfiv characters but i think its possible.
-New rankings and trophies, BP and PP reset when playing Arcade.
-More customizable lobbies, we can name them now :)
-New titles based on gameplay, similar to MvC3 i guess.
-Improved replay channel but nothing new right now.

No equivalent to MvC3 player match makes me a sad panda, i like progressing online difficulty at my own pace instead of being forced to ranked and facing a brickwall every 4-5 wins.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on May 15, 2011, 12:40:00 PM
Yeah, I read that a few says ago on CoJ's AE site. That's pretty much correct. There's supposed to be 2 patches to download, one to prepare system for AE upgrade and another for SSFIV and SSFIV:AE online play compatibility.

What I find cool us that after updating to AE there's an option that allows you to toggle between SSFIV and AE gameplay, but the new chars can only be used in AE settings. I really hope Capcom considers balancing AE even at a later date  [-O<
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on May 15, 2011, 08:44:31 PM
An extended version of the Q&A (

No trials for new characters :(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on May 15, 2011, 08:49:24 PM
sooo we have to figure out all their combos ourselves? i don't think that'll be difficult for evil ryu and oni since theyre shotos but what about yun/yang /:O
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on May 16, 2011, 10:33:29 AM
YouTube vids. there's a bunch out there that teach you how to play as them, do their combos and what-not.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: djj4life on May 18, 2011, 12:53:28 AM
(click to show/hide)

I Hope capcom fixes this before they release  SSFIV AE /:O
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on May 18, 2011, 02:41:36 AM
(click to show/hide)

I Hope capcom fixes this before they release  SSFIV AE /:O
:o /:O
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on May 18, 2011, 11:52:52 AM
Raida, the new shoryuken of 2011  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Acey on May 18, 2011, 12:19:23 PM
Sometimes I feel like Capcom lets certain moves (or players) be powered up so that a lot of game players will become more familiar with that particular move or character, I certaintly feel this way about Yun and Yang.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on May 18, 2011, 03:24:20 PM
this is one of those things that look crazy in theory but not so much once put in practice id say, like when ssfiv frame data was released and everyone started saying Dan´s jumping/crouching taunt would rule the world.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on May 18, 2011, 06:06:46 PM ( Hope capcom fixes this before they release  SSFIV AE /:O

wow :D
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on May 31, 2011, 06:59:03 PM
some HD footage of ONI, set to 720  full screen and enjoy, comment is awful so mute away as well. (

red skin ssj oni looks so cool.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on May 31, 2011, 07:33:49 PM
i swear i def love ssf4! and the AE  with the new characters seems to be a good getter. I seen a pic one with the girl Karin! not sure if its an absolute fake but if it is , its a very very DANG GOOD ONE!  but in reality tho, i really wish CVS 3 was to come out then this woulda been a great way to go in this style. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 01, 2011, 11:38:18 AM
Oni's gonna be an interesting char to play as. Reminds me of a more patient Gouk emphasizing on distancing and spacing with fewer tools to pressure safely. Not sure how many will play (main) him. E.Ryu, on the other hand, may gain more popularity.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on June 01, 2011, 12:17:59 PM
Oni's gonna be an interesting char to play as. Reminds me of a more patient Gouk emphasizing on distancing and spacing with fewer tools to pressure safely. Not sure how many will play (main) him. E.Ryu, on the other hand, may gain more popularity.

yeh i think im gonna like using Oni. even if he will be by chance be a little awkward (if he is) ill still practice using em. i like how his fight moves look. Evil ryu i think maybe a bit easier using but we will see :O*D
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 01, 2011, 12:46:10 PM
Yeah, same here. Probably because Oni reminds me of Gouken, looks and moves. E. Ryu does look to be easier to use. Basically if you know how to play as Ryu, then playing E. Ryu should be a cinch as long as you make the proper adjustments in accordance to those moves that are different, as well as can avoid taking Hellas damage since he's like a paper tiger lol .
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 01, 2011, 07:12:39 PM
ya Oni lost most of the other shotos tricks and his new tricks dont seem to really make up for them but i like all shotos to some degree and im sure ill enjoy this new take, e.ryu is always there to feel at home, ryus awesome footsies and goukis crossup game sounds good.

Second alternates better be good!!
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 01, 2011, 07:24:05 PM
I've only seen Yun/Yang's two new costumes, as well as E.Ryu's. May have seen Oni's but I don't remember. Loving E.Ryu's costume with the long hair  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 01, 2011, 07:49:57 PM
this is onis alternate, unimpressive really, Akuma has the coolest alternates so far, i hoped the same for Oni. (

eryus altertate is very cool, it reminds me of jackie chan forbidden kingdom (

Post Merge: June 02, 2011, 01:49:08 PM
some back pedalling on the DRM issue (

all characters can be used while offline after updating, not sure if you can save though, everything else remains as stated before

Post Merge: June 02, 2011, 01:49:34 PM
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 02, 2011, 06:27:27 PM
just 4 more days @-)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on June 03, 2011, 01:15:58 PM
just 4 more days @-)

some back pedalling on the DRM issue (

all characters can be used while offline after updating, not sure if you can save though, everything else remains as stated before


Good. so its been re confirmed. i remember reading they cleared that up with some fans asking about that also in debate
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on June 03, 2011, 03:00:07 PM
yes! few more days and AE is all mine....other than sharing the dlc with the rest oif the world that is. lol . i as well am looking forward to evil ryu even moreso than ONI. but def yun and yang. I was wondering if they are going to add in a few more characters. NON SHOTO tho. i saw that Karin youtube shot from awhile back i was hoping it wasnt a fake.  I figure Elena wont show her face till SF vs Tekken...christie montero vs Elena showdown. lol .

if any more dlc characters are going to be implemented into ssf4 AE then my hopes will be for R. mika, Karin, rolento and Maki.  but i feel a couple of those might make a sf vs tekken appeareance if anything.  So i am beefin up my account and get ready to dl as soon as its ready.  i might find my answer for Demonkai's insane Guile technical prowess. lol  :w00t:  *cough yang cough*
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 03, 2011, 03:21:45 PM
i can't wait man im really looking forward to this dlc. i knew it was going to happen bcause since day one i found it weird that ssf4 always checks for trophy data which meant that more trophies were coming for it soon ;D
i bought $20 worth of psn point s on monday and the guy at gamestop was like "is the ps store even up yet" and i tell "no but it will be soon so im getting this for ssf4 AE" lol
if there are going to be anymore characters added later im definitely hoping that rolento and karin make it in. that screenshot of her looks very legit but there are people with alot of time on their hands these days and no rumors of her either so im not sure if its real or not. for everyone else that was going to be added we knew before hand that they were going to be in. thawk and deeejay were supposed to be in sf4 but were taken out so everyone knew about them already. it would be cool to see ingrid in the game too but people would probably say shes a rose shoto :-??
with this update yang might become my main over gen
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 03, 2011, 05:11:45 PM
i really doubt there are anymore characters on the way (although i really hope im wrong) because surprises dont really make money, hype does so capcom would be smarter to announce everything before release.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on June 03, 2011, 05:40:10 PM
lol yeah VYn , i feel you on that . Capcom are total Genuises on getting you to spend more money. here i am about to buy the 3rd version for the same first game. lol. sf3 3rd strike anyone? lol. but the mean updates and the 4 characters included are ....simple satisfying... for now. lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 03, 2011, 05:45:45 PM
btw is anyone going for disc instead of DLC?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Acey on June 03, 2011, 05:47:56 PM
Not I
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on June 03, 2011, 05:50:23 PM
DLC here man.. i aint doing 3 discs of the same game. lol. then it will look funny in my game book with 3 sf4 games...wanna keep it streamlined. lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on June 03, 2011, 06:37:00 PM
btw is anyone going for disc instead of DLC? (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 03, 2011, 06:51:57 PM
I am  :thumbsup:

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 03, 2011, 07:39:46 PM
btw is anyone going for disc instead of DLC?
nope dlc for me too. if u already have ssf4 i dont see the reason for getting another disc. i think the disc just comes with a soundtrack or something like that
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on June 03, 2011, 07:59:00 PM
. i think the disc just comes with a soundtrack or something like that

SEE! thats exactly why i aint going disc either Swiziga! DLC is what i am doing. period. Capcom gettin enuff of my money and Asura Wrath and SF vs Tekken aint even out yet and my money on them both spent! lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 05, 2011, 02:17:50 PM
Here is a pretty interesting article from eventhubs, could be taken as the best tier list b4 console release id say, many variables i know but comparing this to actual tournaments so far its pretty accurate and with more info, (

(the more G masters, the higher tier).

So High tier: Yang, Yun (with daigo as the only Ultimate Master), Viper, Fei Long, Rose

Mid tier: Ken, Sagat

Some of the lowest tiers were not nerfed that much really but the twins and the rest of the high tiers were buffed quite a bit, Oni is such a low tier :(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on June 05, 2011, 02:32:46 PM
Oni is such a low tier :(

damn it
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 07, 2011, 11:36:16 AM
Xbox Arcade Edition DLC is out, 600+ mb

Nothing on PSN yet, will be up later in the afternoon probably.

No extra characters besides the Two shotos and the twins, also no trials for them, that mode switches back to SSFIV :(.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 07, 2011, 12:30:43 PM
Yep, we're getting the pure arcade edition. Looking forward to the patch later on that would make it SSFIV: Home Edition of the Arcade Edition, which'll include (but not limited to) two more special characters, adjustments and balances for every characters (including the twins  >:D), and an updated trial mode for all characters  :thumbsup:


Ah well, don't mind PSN being updated this evening, for I'm at work anyways. By the time I get home PSN should have AE DLC ready for download so I can play into the wee hours of the night  :w00t:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 07, 2011, 12:46:02 PM
Yep, we're getting the pure arcade edition. Looking forward to the patch later on that would make it SSFIV: Home Edition of the Arcade Edition, which'll include (but not limited to) two more special characters, adjustments and balances for every characters (including the twins  >:D), and an updated trial mode for all characters  :thumbsup:

haha exactly, no more than 5 bucks i hope.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 07, 2011, 12:47:40 PM
two more special characters?
are they saying psn wont get it till tomorrow im not sure waht the time difference is between u.s. and europe (!/CapcomEuro/status/78123454066458624
i updated my game to 1.05 and now my juri has 0 BP and shes a d rank when i was at c+ with her ~X(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 07, 2011, 06:39:46 PM
Arcade Edition is up on PSN!!

It will only appear if you use the search function for "Arcade Edition", third link 14.99 $.

Includes some nice 8 bit avatars.

1.5 GB O_O, see you in 354 minutes...

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 07, 2011, 06:43:45 PM
 :) thanks for the info vyn gonna go start the download ;D
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 07, 2011, 07:06:58 PM
:) thanks for the info vyn gonna go start the download ;D
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE Impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on June 07, 2011, 07:57:54 PM
btw is anyone going for disc instead of DLC?

i have to considering i'm playing mines on a modded system so i can wait a lil to try out the new blood on there. i also heard the pc version that's coming either end of june or july is supposed to house a lil more features too!! too bad my pc can't run it !! lol
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Yun0 on June 07, 2011, 07:58:17 PM
i just don't understand the differences between the 2 modes...
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 07, 2011, 08:25:29 PM
Download  is taking forever  :-w
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: -Whiplash- on June 07, 2011, 08:25:59 PM
Arcade Edition is up on PSN!!

It will only appear if you use the search function for "Arcade Edition", third link 14.99 $.

Includes some nice 8 bit avatars.

1.5 GB O_O, see you in 354 minutes...

Okay I got it this morning and it was 650-ish mB. why is the PS3's version so much larger??
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 07, 2011, 08:30:16 PM
ya id like to know that as well.

Maybe theres more stuff coming and the ps3 got it already waiting to be unlocked??
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on June 08, 2011, 02:53:17 AM
got mines early this morning! yeah our 360 version dl is much smaller but as well ...way faster! but i believe its all the same content for both systems.  i played for a few hours before passing back out to sleep. lol

i have to keep it real and honest. i do like the new upgrades for the game itself. the balancing they have done to the characters are...ehhh good here and ehhhh bad there but its all good. some you might not evenb notice but the chaining on some Makoto.. is coooler. As far as the new 4 characters.. yun and yang are just pure bliss and can be a real problem in tourney play. these dudes have dashes and major speed and omg the EX moves!  i might have found my answer to Demonkais Guile i been having trouble with!  >:D

now as for Oni and evil Ryu...IMO... Oni is cool addition and he got some mean lil moves too. Really wasnt needed tho  but evil ryu... coulda done with out him. lol  nahh he is cool but i just dont really see him for me being someone  they shoulda done. he is all fan fare and thats it. and OMG their Ultras are retarded but yet very techy.  in order to really nail the ultra... it seems the opponent has to be like so close in your face if ya poked out your lips you would be kissin they noses! thats for both ONI ultras and Evil Ryu first ultra. but E.Ryu second ultra you just have to time it cool so you get every last hit in.  ~X(

i also think as well there will be 2 more additional characters to the roster cause of the 2 remaining spaces left to fill out the selection screen as a whole. the question is...who? :-??
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 08, 2011, 02:16:42 PM
glad i got it played last night after it finished downloading and the twins are cool. i like yun more than yang and i figured out a target combo for them both if anyone wants to know. for yun its light punch, light kick, into medium punch and from that you can chain it into his qcf dash punch or his qcf launch kick version of gen's gekiro. for yang its light kick, medium kick, heavy kick like that target combo for ibuki. oni and evil ryu are ok not really interested in n evil ryu though but want to give oni a try.
as for the balancing i haven't really noticed a difference except for gen \-/o the gekiro timing is different now i keep missing the last kick and now it doesn't allow you to switch into crane style during a gekiro to crossup into the crane super  :(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 08, 2011, 03:24:12 PM
ill add my input on Oni cuz hes the only one i got to play seriously,

Overall he is a slow unsafe character, meant to be played rushdown with good mixup game when he has meter, awuful wake up, good looks, very high dmg and stun, easier combos than akuma but harder than ryu and ken, average keep away and good but punishable mobility.

Detailed stuff, warning its a building of text so feel free to skip it.

(click to show/hide)

Feelings: Extremely cool character, gives you the feeling of playing as a boss character, its very satisfactory to land pretty much any combo for 300+ dmg and its even more satisfactory to land any ultra for full animation. You bet whenever someone missuses a shoryuken they go "OH CRAP" cuz they know the pain is coming lol.

He is hard to use effectively make no mistake, quite often people ask "how do i use him?" wel im still in the process of doing that myself (i need to forget how i played ryu) but it is an uphill battle, there is no obvious strategy to spam as with all the other shotos (well xcept gouken), there is no easy way to get in despite his rushdown nature, fast characters will give you hell, there is no obvious situation to use x or y move, he is mostly a guessing game and you better come on top or you will regret it.

Third Alternates:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: ATiC3 on June 08, 2011, 05:12:24 PM
I've giggled at Oni and Blanka so far in this game. They both rip off of something so badly.

Hint: Oni's second costume.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: -Whiplash- on June 08, 2011, 05:17:44 PM
TARGET COMBOS!! he has only two, first and best is Back MP - HP, this comes out pretty fast, has a very good range on the second hit and can be canceled into specials/ex quite easily, oh it also hits HARD. 260ish dmg with a shoryuken in the end. It is his main punish up close and what should follow any air hit. It does have a flaw, it doesnt hit grounded opponents, kinda like ken´s TC.

I love doing that.

I've been thinking if you can Back MP to HP, Shoryuken, FADC out of shoryu and go into ultra 2 but I can't seem to do it. Maybe It'd be better with Ultra 1?

Then Again I always seem to have trouble FADCing into anything... Can barely do Shoryuken into Ultra 1 with ryu.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 08, 2011, 05:39:04 PM
Yes that combo works but U1 is much better with combos than U2.

For example EX Dash into U1 is 365 DMG (15 more than U1 with no animation), EX Dash into U1 is 200-250 depending on how many hits you land.

Full animation U1 is 450, full animation U2 is 525 btw.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: zombiejerky on June 08, 2011, 06:13:07 PM
On pen and paper my pc should run it  :o
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on June 08, 2011, 10:47:36 PM
So far, my only complaint is they switched up Psycho Punisher's input. ~X( I spent awhile trying to perform it before viewing the command list and seeing they switched it on me. :'(
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: MaverickZr0 on June 09, 2011, 06:14:56 AM
PSN: MaverickZr0
I'm still training my Yang so if anyone wants Yang mirrors, let us spar.
I hate how Yang's damage gets scaled so badly.

Also, all Yun needs to do is xx EX Dragon Kicks to win. He's fun to use though.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 09, 2011, 01:08:06 PM
he needs damage scaling just look at his combos, that's like asking for akuma to have zangief stamina  :D
i'll send you a friend request when i get on later
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 09, 2011, 01:18:04 PM
ill add you both for some late night lobbies, that ok? My psn is on the sig as well for anyone who wishes to add an extremely scrubby player. BTW you guys have mics??
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 09, 2011, 02:10:03 PM
Now that AE is out on consoles, expect new high level play for all chars, incuding the new ones. For example, here's a Yang combo vid by Desk (

I know, all style and barely any damage, but this does show how link-heavy Yang is and his overall combo potential.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 09, 2011, 02:46:02 PM
ill add you both for some late night lobbies, that ok? My psn is on the sig as well for anyone who wishes to add an extremely scrubby player. BTW you guys have mics??
sure i never use my mic unless im playing call of duty though for ssf and mvc i just do the group chat with my keyboard
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 09, 2011, 08:39:49 PM
After two days of a busy schedule I finally get a chance to sit down and play AE! Feels a lot like playing in the arcade, and one thing I notice now is it's much easier to link hits for almost all chars. Means mashing works  :thumbsup:

Anyways, messing with some chars, new & old, nothing deep yet (getting ready for dinner). Still,there's some things I've noticed in comparison to the arcade.

Yang: easier to do Mantis Slash. Seriously, the timing was screwy in the arcade, but now it's coming out like butter.

Ibuki: better combo potential all around than in SSFIV, but drawback is definitely nerf in damage. Window for canceling from s.lp->>s.hp into a special is larger (thank goodness!) .  

Oni: yeah, some nice things, but learning curve's huge. Tbh I haven't been following his gameplay so I know little of how to use him. His normals hit hard and are solid (except for f+mk), but his specials have gaps in them one way or the other. Oh, and vyn mentioned something about his midair fireball dash, if you use mp version and it hits the opponent, you can then cancel into tatsu to combo, but this is hard. Window is abit larger than one would think, but timing's tricky, cuz if you delay too long you can't cancel into tatsu. Oh, and if you cross over first with mp fireball dash, then you cannot cancel into tatsu, period.

Back later, need some grub so I can stay up tonight.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 09, 2011, 08:49:17 PM
   “Well, things change at Capcom all the time frankly. It’s a matter of internal focus and planning. Saying what’s next for us in fighting games, where do we want to have our energy, our key staff working on games and things like that.

    The thinking was, we’re going to set down Street Fighter IV and let it ride with Arcade Edition. But of course, things change all the time at Capcom, so if Arcade Edition does very well, I’m sure there will be some guy in a suit somewhere saying “you need to do this again!” and we’ll be back here talking again. But that’s a-okay with me.”

Seth Killian on the informer.

If theres a new update coming i hope Oni is buffed. I dont ask for much just reduce the startup on Slashing moves and make his fireball 75% of the screen at least. Twins and fei would surely be nerfed. GO EVIL KEN hahaha.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 09, 2011, 10:16:51 PM
ssf4 is doing great with fans and sales so i so no reason for hem to not put in more characters. i want rolento and karin  [-O<
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: DEMONKAI on June 10, 2011, 02:56:00 AM
i want rolento and karin  [-O<

AGREED! :rules:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on June 10, 2011, 04:05:19 AM
well i have been playing with yun and yang way more the evil ryu and Oni. starting to really dawn on me.. i could live without 2 more shotos of the shotos we already have in ssf4 and instead gave us 2 more other series characters. yeah rolento and Karin good choices too.  :thumbsup: . heck i would take  Maki and Oro.  :D i never played with Oro but i take em anyway over Oni and evil ryu. lol .
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 11, 2011, 09:57:16 AM
Alex and Karin would be awesome. If not, Elena or Rolento would look awesome in SSFIV animation.

Yeah, no more shotos. As fun as Oni and E.Ryu are, it would be better if Capcom add more diverse chars.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 11, 2011, 02:36:34 PM
i want new characters, cant say im interested in old any old charaters anymore, all the ones i like or kinda like are in already. The twins were the last ones i wanted to see make an appearance.

well Violent Ken would be nice....haha just kidding

What would make me very happy is a real boss, ive never liked the whole doppelganger thing and seth is not even good looking, Rugal should get here and teach capcom how to make proper final bosses.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: ATiC3 on June 11, 2011, 03:37:42 PM
Okay wow... so yeah... since no one replied to my comment I might as well show you what I'm talking about lol. (

Edit: That's not all, by the way. Choose Oni's second costume and what do ya get? ;)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: -Whiplash- on June 11, 2011, 03:48:44 PM
I want my favorite street fighter character, Necro, in SF4. But I guess he's not populor enough.

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Yun0 on June 11, 2011, 04:13:48 PM
I want my favorite street fighter character, Necro, in SF4. But I guess he's not populor enough.


i guess no... but to make you a lil happy, by the time of SF4, Necro wasn't already created
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: -Whiplash- on June 11, 2011, 06:21:08 PM
i guess no... but to make you a lil happy, by the time of SF4, Necro wasn't already created

Really? This brings up something else, when is sf4 set? not to long after sfa because Sakura is still in highschool. but it can be that much before SF3 cause ibuki is in high school (I think)

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Chaos Dante on June 11, 2011, 06:53:08 PM
It takes place between SFII and SFIV....yeah I find it odd that Sakura is still in highschool too. I remember the creators saying they like the outfits to feel iconic or something when pretaining to Ken and Ryu so I assume they feel that way about everyone
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Swiziga on June 11, 2011, 06:57:22 PM
Okay wow... so yeah... since no one replied to my comment I might as well show you what I'm talking about lol. (

Edit: That's not all, by the way. Choose Oni's second costume and what do ya get? ;)
lol i said this before but deejay's second ultra is like luffy's gumgum storm. you might want to mute the luffy video its edited with kenshiro's voice and its really annoying lol ( (
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 19, 2011, 11:07:41 PM (

Oni´s turn now
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 20, 2011, 11:46:59 AM
Ah I see you'be found this awesome vid by Desk. Isn't Oni a beast? Anyone with instant reaction and flawless execution will pull off these combos in actual fights with ease. Taking a guess you're training to get to that level, right vyn?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 20, 2011, 01:02:28 PM
that level? lol not even close

Desk´s combos are usually on the unconventional flashy side but they are very useful to know what links and combos into what, the best part of this video is all those air to air combos, rarely a character can anti-air someone and actually keep going, its even more rare on heavy slow characters like Oni.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on June 20, 2011, 03:49:36 PM
Yeah, those air-to-air combos are so slick! Sure those combos are on the show boat side, but certain aspects of them are informative, mainly on where links are, where FADCing open up other combo opportunities, etc. I'm gonna stick with the ground stuff, those air combos takes good reaction and execution. Nice to see that Oni has some mobility to him.

Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on June 23, 2011, 01:05:57 PM
The costume pack for the new four characters s coming soon, july 4th in japan (

Yang second looks awesome.
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: vyn on July 06, 2011, 10:48:37 PM (

cool stuff eh?
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Sabaki on July 06, 2011, 11:38:12 PM
Nice! Gonna buy the costumes soon for Yang and E.Ryu's alternatives :)
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on July 07, 2011, 03:20:03 AM
think imma get some points to nab those costumes. especially yangs and yuns, but i hate the chef outfit. *Iceman ThumbsDown!*

evil ryus looks good too with the long hair. def a good pick up.  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: SSFIV: AE First impressions & Updates
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on July 07, 2011, 07:12:52 AM
sakura is just in for fan service just like the other immortal teenager athena for kof lol. if we go by that timeline (sf4 is after sf2 and before sf3) if sakura is actually in the timeline, she must be a mom and possibly going for her g.e.d. that's a long tme to be in highschool lol!! last i remembered alpha was after sf1 and before too so yeah fan service or immortality is the answer lol

my dad got his box jtagged , so i was able to look at some of the new costumes in play and they were great!! especially giving chun li back her alpha jumpoff, she might as well been naked :) lol

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