Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: b.easy on September 15, 2010, 01:05:50 PM

Title: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: b.easy on September 15, 2010, 01:05:50 PM ( (

( (

Yikes. Why would Capcom do such a thing?? Why does Dante look like that goth kid that everyone picked on the tenth grade now? :(|)

It was mentioned in KAI's news for September that DMC5 would appear "more to a western audience".
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: TomBewley on September 15, 2010, 01:24:00 PM
While I do admit that the new "Dante" looks terrible, it is still far too early in development to mourn the death of DMC. One thing to keep in mind is that aside from DMC3, there hasn't been a single DMC game that wasn't radically changed during development.

DMC - Was originally meant to be RE4, Dante was originally Leon
DMC2 - Was originally a different game but was changed to be a sequel to DMC halfway through development
DMC4 - Didn't include Dante as a playable character originally and was a PS3 exclusive

So yeah, no need to hit the panic button just yet. There is already plenty of backlash about DMC5 so just let it ride its course and we'll all get the DMC game we want.

I think Capcom also said that this was a teenage Dante. Hopefully it'll show him grow into his DMC3 self
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: b.easy on September 15, 2010, 01:38:23 PM
But Dante in DMC3 was supposed to be 19.  :(|)

Also, this game is being developed by Ninja Theory, the team behind Heavenly Sword.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Sabaki on September 15, 2010, 02:05:00 PM
Reboot?!? But why? Prequel, ok. But change the story completely? Well, let's hope they reconsider.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Dead Phoenix on September 15, 2010, 02:10:21 PM
wtf.........This I guess the emo/goth is a different tast to the DMC universe. Guess DMC4 didn't meet their expectations if their ganna change the whole feel of the game. Well I can't complain since it's just a reboot. But
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ATiC3 on September 15, 2010, 02:12:52 PM
The original design of Dante appealed to most of us.. so that's why I'm kinda like.. huh? And yea.. why does he look goth/emo..... That's just retarded... We want him to look cool... not emo...
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Z on September 15, 2010, 02:15:39 PM
More Prequels? Sheeesh..

Early Development, Or Not... That New Character Look Is Unacceptable.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ATiC3 on September 15, 2010, 02:16:54 PM
Yea.. you should see what I just put on that site.. omg.. he looks retarded!
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Black Ops20 on September 15, 2010, 02:41:33 PM
Not sure why they would reboot the series,especially now that they introduced a new character:Nero.Not saying I prefer him over Dante its just that they spent a whole game introducing him,  so why not develop the character further.Plus he's linked to Vergil (I think that's his father) so I'm pretty sure they could of made a storyline around that. I'll just see how this turns out, but I'm pretty sure everyone else isn't gonna like it either.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: b.easy on September 15, 2010, 03:35:33 PM

here is a picture of the director of the game, who announced it at TGS.
(click to show/hide)

Where is that icon of a smiley face turning into the Hulk?  :(|)
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Dead Phoenix on September 15, 2010, 03:38:55 PM
Their seems to be alot of confusion on whether this is THE Dante or a reboot, even though it says reboot. According to "Snow" of Capcom-unity, This is in fact Dante, just younger. he also said "this is part of the story that only part of his hair is white." So if my guess is correct and assuming "Snow" is right then Dmc is just a prequel of a prequel. So with that in mind the story should take place a few years after Eva's death. (his and vergil's mom. just in case you didn't know)

Also people are so mad with this trailer they already started a petition (
But seriosly the game is in it's infant stages cant they wait?
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Demon King EX on September 15, 2010, 06:16:43 PM
wow wtf man is up with this guy what was he thinking dude
just wow if he's gonna look like that man make him more HARDCORE LOOKING!  XD||
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Rage on September 15, 2010, 07:01:02 PM
this must be a prequel of a prequel. We no capcom got love for dante. Y else would they put him in MVC3.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Rabbitxpp on September 15, 2010, 07:04:39 PM
this look mad wak
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 15, 2010, 07:20:15 PM

omg why they screw up my boy Dantes face?  :'(

The game in general might hella cool but godamn for him to dawn the name of Dante and IS supposed to be
the legendary gunslinger from hell is totally epic fail man. He should be someone else. A different story. Just another
character like Nero who Dante Runs into gotta love capcom right? 8=|

While I do admit that the new "Dante" looks terrible, it is still far too early in development to mourn the death of DMC. One thing to keep in mind is that aside from DMC3, there hasn't been a single DMC game that wasn't radically changed during development.

DMC - Was originally meant to be RE4, Dante was originally Leon
DMC2 - Was originally a different game but was changed to be a sequel to DMC halfway through development
DMC4 - Didn't include Dante as a playable character originally and was a PS3 exclusive

So yeah, no need to hit the panic button just yet. There is already plenty of backlash about DMC5 so just let it ride its course and we'll all get the DMC game we want.

I think Capcom also said that this was a teenage Dante. Hopefully it'll show him grow into his DMC3 self

i hope that is true about him been a teen and i GUESS before he bleached his hair? and yeh for a long time i always wanted to see how Dante and RE was was supposed to pan out in the begining. Crazy gun slinging against zombies....hmm woulda been amusing


here is a picture of the director of the game, who announced it at TGS.
(click to show/hide)

Where is that icon of a smiley face turning into the Hulk?  :(|)

omg freakin god..i just noticed this. This arrogant clown i see only made that character in his lame image...

this is totally unacceptable. maybe if i didnt see this id digest the game in its own way and its own lil corner but now
im like cmon man. I love my U.S. but i hate when they arrogantly f*ck up cool original sh*t. they did that same crap with one of my silent hill games
"Home coming" on xbox 360 which was trash....smh
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Vitamin on September 15, 2010, 07:21:59 PM
It was mentioned in KAI's news for September that DMC5 would appear "more to a western audience".
How does this appeal to a more "western audience"? Sounds more like an insult than a compliment.
The trailer was cool, but I don't like the character design.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ADSplay101 on September 15, 2010, 08:20:19 PM
So I guess the western audience can relate to Emos and psychos alot more than the rest of the world.......smh, not to meantion that this Dante design looks weird as off :S. I hope Dante had a son or somethin cuz.....idk if this is gonna work out, storyline wise :(
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Yung Kratos on September 15, 2010, 08:42:51 PM
While design wise I do not agree at ALL with this change of direction for the series. Ninja theory However did make Heavenly sword one of the greatest action games of all time. I'd like to see how this pans out but if it is a completely differrent design I CANNOT support the game as I am a huge supporter of the previous design and direction of the franchise.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: xPreatorianx on September 15, 2010, 08:57:10 PM
@Everyone, this is in fact a reboot of the series. Look at official gaming sources like Gametrailers and I'm guessing kotaku. If you actually watch the trailer this abomination of a character actually says his name is "Dante". I put that in quotes because he's as much dante as I am Kratos from god of war. If he was dante he'd at least have silver hair no matter how young he is. Most half demon/half human types of characters out of japan have silver hair. It's something Japan strongly believes in. I can name numerous different games and anime series that follow the same guidelines.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 15, 2010, 09:11:21 PM
How does this appeal to a more "western audience"? Sounds more like an insult than a compliment.
The trailer was cool, but I don't like the character design.

*sigh* as sadly as i did post in the Gaming news they did state that painfully. but now that i see what they have done in "Visuals" i see they totally jumped out the freakin window on the uh "Goth" thing. i guess they think (or the producer) that all americans are into Goth er somethin. I mean nothin wrong with the whole goth look but it just doesnt suit everything. DMC is one of em. Again that character shoulda been some crook on his own venture that happened to have powers in that world just like Nero and Dante happens to cross paths with em. He was bad and then becomes an anti hero so to speak i guess. THATS what they shoulda done "for all that". Cuz this whole look at em now is lookin stupid. Horrible reboot for a classic gaming Icon like Dante. Thats like taking Mario and making him look like some muscle dude with a Back pack on lookin like shank with some special plumber Gun saying This is the new "Western" reboot of Super mario :| I mean c'mon i exaggerated a bit but you get my point.

This desgin is good for somethin else totally and nOt for The Iconic character we all know as Dante....
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on September 15, 2010, 09:51:04 PM
Well...hmmmmm, errrrrr well hmmmmm ok . this is what i think having played all the dmc games. Dante is a staple for alot of fans and i mean ALOT. when introducing change its gonna have a yeah /no reflection. why say it will appeal to western gamers, idk, but i can guess its because there is a huge boom in goth and EMO over here in this part of the western world . Now i really really do LOVE this trailer, to me , he may not look like the dante i have grown to know but he is a spin off of another version of dante even if he is officially dante. The younger dante... i can buy that, dante might been in a different type of mindset as a teen  ( younger than the original anyway) so i can swallow this one, might be a lil rough at first but who knows, might taste good once seen in motion.
dante has ( for the most part) always been sorta Gothy/anime so i am not surprised to see him in the emo style a lil before becoming so much the latter. its like he developed into the dante we come to know after this. I wont knock it till i see what concrete they gonna offer. Cool trailer doesnt mean cool gameplay or bad trailer mean bad gameplay. Maybe this dante might draw in the folks that are into deeply the EMO culture opening up a game they can even moreso identify with.  I mean its kinda wrong not to let them cater to a different broad base for a change cause look at alot of us now, were already wanting capcom ( an other game companies and franchises)to cater to us that liked the originals and want things our way all the time and mad if we dont get it,  so i say , give em a shot but with a one eye open at least. I wanna see what they offering first before i totally dismiss. The more i see the more i will know what to truly judge. , but hey itts my opinion. lol
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 15, 2010, 10:22:37 PM
I can agree with u on that. but as a fan boy of Dante ( i must admit) im gonna take shots at it first glance lol. but yeh this style will have to grow on me. BUt like i already said the gameply in general might be dope. The video looks hot..

i just wanna see more on this story cuz they got dante as a Punk who ended up in jail a few times. thats different
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 15, 2010, 10:30:10 PM
I would still get this game regardless.
I am a DMC fan and yes I like DMC2 as well since 80 percent of the game had nothing to do with the first or 3rd one.

Again, its way to early to judge and if you read the comics and such, young Dante didn't always had silver hair.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ADSplay101 on September 15, 2010, 10:30:58 PM
Unless this is tied to the Dante from the past DMC tiles, storyline wise its gonna throw alot of ppl off. If this is Dante in his younger years then maybe we can get some deeper history on him or if this is his son and he came out to be emo and got caught but some Area 51 people somehow.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 15, 2010, 10:34:16 PM
and if you read the comics rather than just going by whats seen in the previous games, many of you would have a slightly different view on this.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on September 15, 2010, 10:36:54 PM
Unless this is tied to the Dante from the past DMC tiles, storyline wise its gonna throw alot of ppl off. If this is Dante in his younger years then maybe we can get some deeper history on him or if this is his son and he came out to be emo and got caught but some Area 51 people somehow.
AAHHH yeah hmm maybe this could like a Dante jr. hmmm dante and trish type thang went down and pops out a kid. i should have thought of that concept. good one.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Dead Phoenix on September 15, 2010, 10:48:00 PM
and if you read the comics rather than just going by whats seen in the previous games, many of you would have a slightly different view on this.
Don't they have a darker tone to them? I only saw a view page's of the 1st DMC3 one.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 15, 2010, 10:52:17 PM
Just for kicks.


Post Merge: September 15, 2010, 10:57:57 PM
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: vyn on September 15, 2010, 11:11:20 PM
this would be an extremely happy news to me if the title was "new action game from the creators of heavenly sword", hs is one of the best games ive enjoyed and this trailer shows some great designed enemies, some good animation and a story that may open more posibilites than the half-demon premise. BUT GOD DAMMIT WHY DEVIL MAY CRY AND WHY DANTE... some random hero and some random name and im sold... they better make a damn good game now.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: The Question on September 16, 2010, 12:04:40 AM
His hair is whitening, is this supposed to be a prequel?
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Yung Kratos on September 16, 2010, 12:17:53 AM
His hair is whitening, is this supposed to be a prequel?
No its supposed to be fap material for ugly tween girls. real talk  :|
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Warcueid on September 16, 2010, 02:00:34 AM
*Watches Trailer*
Hmm, who's the new guy? He looks......whatever its DMC!!!
*keeps watching*
Neat, kinda reminds me of Heavenly Swords' gameplay and the setting is futuristic.....but its DMC!!!
*New guy calls himself Dante, and trailer ends*
But Dante has white hair and is laid back, and not em-ITS DMC?!?!
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 16, 2010, 09:14:23 AM

This thread, you all made this worst than it is.
This is teenage dante, perhaps before he became the dante we all know and love and again, if you read any of the actual dmc comics, dante did not start out with having white hair nor was the cocky person we are used to.

This game is supposed to lead up to the current dante(s) we know.

Give it a chance, damn y'all are nothing but freakin' headaches.
And I thought the MK vs DC debut was bad........
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Tha Lando ( Le CROM ) on September 16, 2010, 10:17:32 AM

i agree fully ^^(PM)^

Post Merge: September 16, 2010, 10:27:58 AM
this would be an extremely happy news to me if the title was "new action game from the creators of heavenly sword", hs is one of the best games ive enjoyed and this trailer shows some great designed enemies, some good animation and a story that may open more posibilites than the half-demon premise. BUT GOD DAMMIT WHY DEVIL MAY CRY AND WHY DANTE... some random hero and some random name and im sold... they better make a damn good game now.
you got a lil point there about if this was a new game coming out and not being dante and dmc, but wait a sec... you do know what will happen anyway if it wasnt dmc or dante? it would just get labled...another devil may cry clone! just like the now infamous games being called GOW clones! lol.  Tisk tisk tisk SMH.  Well i Like the new approach and i wanna see some more. dmc clone or whatever. It looks really cool in trailer so all i wanna see to confirm my buy is some gameplay. then i am sold! :thumbsup:
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Worksa8 on September 16, 2010, 12:43:35 PM
I love how everyone assumes they are going to change this, expecting the same DMC games as before. Have you read any of thew news, check out who is actually working on this project xD
I've followed DMC from the start, liked all the games, even 4 despite making your fight the games few bosses over and over and over. But if you freak out at every change, then things get boring when they stay the same. The only complaint I have about the new look is that he looks incredibly Emo, the western look is fine but he looks like he was bashing his face against the wall from boredom.
That aside, I really like the look of the game mechanics.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: vyn on September 16, 2010, 03:26:22 PM

This thread, you all made this worst than it is.
This is teenage dante, perhaps before he became the dante we all know and love and again, if you read any of the actual dmc comics, dante did not start out with having white hair nor was the cocky person we are used to.

This game will lead up to the current dante.

Give it a chance, damn y'all are nothing but freakin' headaches.
And I thought the MK vs DC debut was bad........

the very little evidence we have so far from a couple of official comments, the design and the actual dialogue in that short trailer points to a series reboot more than a pre-prequel id say.

i have faith in ninja theory but cmon man you cant blame me for having a hard time getting over my extreme fanboyism for dante, well that and how much ive slowly come to despise the emo trend we are going trough.

dunno if you liked the comics plot, if this is indeed a pre-prequel i hope they turn their head towards the early mangas instead, black hair could als obe a way of getting away from the demihuman story to the biological experiment story (given the trailer dialogue and the japanese culture) but the fact that the red coat remains makes this assumption iffy as well. Or the hair is simply to make it clear that this is not dante the son of sparda and we are getting way to ahead of ourselves (my money is on this one).

and hey heres a bit of hope for us fanboys even if this game truly crashes to the ground (doubt it given the develper) a reboot is also a safe way to try something new on a series without compromising the original saga too much, if it sticks they keep at it, if not they just relase dmc5 with good ol dante and forget about dark-dante. Look at prince of persia, thats exactly what happened.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 16, 2010, 08:51:15 PM
i have faith in ninja theory but cmon man you cant blame me for having a hard time getting over my extreme fanboyism for dante

Thats the problem right there. Fanboys takes things way too seriously without any thought. Just open their mouths without thinking at all.


Just for kicks.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: DizzyTheConquer on September 16, 2010, 08:54:44 PM

This thread, you all made this worst than it is.
This is teenage dante, perhaps before he became the dante we all know and love and again, if you read any of the actual dmc comics, dante did not start out with having white hair nor was the cocky person we are used to.

This game will lead up to the current dante.

Give it a chance, damn y'all are nothing but freakin' headaches.
And I thought the MK vs DC debut was bad........
So they're doing a back story for him? Hmm... not a bad idea.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Warcueid on September 16, 2010, 09:55:11 PM
@Syn, I don't hate the new look, and I don't necessarily like it. It doesn't mean I'll hate the game. My post really was a reaction to a game that I was expecting something else from. I thought this would be DMC 5, instead I get a completely different Dante, and I don't even know if its a prequel or reboot. I honestly wouldn't mind if it was a prequel, but a reboot?Why?

After all that, my epectations now is that this game WILL be fun. Heavenly Sword imo, was one of the best games I've ever played. Great visual, amazing gameplay, a great story, and what really sealed it for me was: Finally seeing a game where not only the developers loved their product, but so did the voice actors. Holy crap were they more than awesome at it....but thats for another topic. (i'd like Heavenly Sword 2 please)
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 16, 2010, 10:02:15 PM
hell im still gonna buy it anyway but ill just have to deal with the visuals. im sure the gameplay and style just may get my mind off that. Pretty much like how i wasnt too into Nero but as time went on in the game and i got used his cool powers and snatching enemies out the sky n beatin em to death i totally forgot about Dante in some way. It ended up me liking Nero and me now acknowledging a new and cool character. hopefully as a fan boy (admittingly) This version of Dante has the same effect And me disliking it like DMC2

again great design but i just dont like that its supposed to be Dante :-?? lol

"will it be fun" is the more important thing in the end
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: vyn on September 16, 2010, 11:35:50 PM
enough dmc5 start browsing asuras wrath mister...
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 16, 2010, 11:40:35 PM
enough dmc5 start browsing asuras wrath mister...

 :D im with u on that sh*t!
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Demon King EX on September 17, 2010, 12:16:11 AM
yo dante may be stupid looking now but he has some sweet moves in the game hahaa
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ATiC3 on September 17, 2010, 01:26:17 AM

He sure has the right moves, but his look is so wrong!
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Rage on September 17, 2010, 01:33:14 AM
it look good but...... (

but really im just waiting for the official word b4 i  pass judgment.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Swiziga on September 17, 2010, 01:33:54 AM
so he doesn't have rapid regeneration anymore? he's all bruised. im not excited about this reboot especially when it comes to the character design but like some people have said we just have to give it a chance and wait for release to really decide if it was a good idea or not since the trailer looked awesome aside from his new look. the problem i have is bringing all the new stuff to dmc jut to throw  it away. i mean they made dmc4 with nero who brought up so many questions with his unexplained connection to vergil's yamato, resemblance to dante/vergil, and the devil bringer. instead of answering the questions they just get rid of it to make a new franchise? /:O
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: vyn on September 17, 2010, 01:47:31 AM
true, i didnt like neros persona too much (although his gameplay was damn fun, much more simple than dante too) but he actually had more potential story-wise than dante, hell nero would make a great of a villian if that girl of his got killed or something since he is so fragile and kept on the good side only by love, unlike dantes true sense of duty. But if this reboot is succesful we will probably never know and will have to settle for semi-cameo novels mangas or comics.

i hope the girls are kept as hot as in the previous games at least.

also just to clear things a bit here are two quotes

Keiji Inafune for: "DMC has very faithful fans yet its sales are not especially high, even less outside of japan so the fifth installment will more likely involve western touches to make it more appealing for american and european gamers"

Ninja Theory director: "DmC will be a reset, a reimagination of the saga"

This is being developed by Ninja theory, Capcom USA, and Hideaki Itsuno (director of dmc4) representing capcom japan. Its official name so far is DmC.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 17, 2010, 06:22:53 AM
i mean they made dmc4 with nero who brought up so many questions with his unexplained connection to vergil's yamato, resemblance to dante/vergil, and the devil bringer.


Still you people People really dont know anything but are quick to open your mouth and so quickly to pass judgement.......
Play the game and/or read the comics and you will find out that Nero is actually Virgil's son.

This is becoming extremely sad..
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on September 17, 2010, 07:26:47 AM

This thread, you all made this worst than it is.
This is teenage dante, perhaps before he became the dante we all know and love and again, if you read any of the actual dmc comics, dante did not start out with having white hair nor was the cocky person we are used to.

This game is supposed to lead up to the current dante(s) we know.

Give it a chance, damn y'all are nothing but freakin' headaches.
And I thought the MK vs DC debut was bad........

I don't bother with game based comics/ova's. Just like the Sonic games I only render the DMC games canon. This reboot completely misses the idea of Dante, so in other words...  *Iceman ThumbsDown!*
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: O Ilusionista on September 17, 2010, 09:20:41 AM
Man, Capcom is starting to be freak.

The new DMC is a Twilight version of DMC, hehehe.

Man, that Dante is so...emo.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: b.easy on September 17, 2010, 11:37:33 AM
I don't bother with game based comics/ova's. Just like the Sonic games I only render the DMC games canon. This reboot completely misses the idea of Dante, so in other words...  *Iceman ThumbsDown!*
VKM is right, the comics and anime are pretty bad, bro. But not as bad as this new reboot. I bet there's gonna be 100% less pizza and motorcycles in this game.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Swiziga on September 17, 2010, 12:17:47 PM

Still you people People really dont know anything but are quick to open your mouth and so quickly to pass judgement.......
Play the game and/or read the comics and you will find out that Nero is actually Virgil's son.

This is becoming extremely sad..
i've played every dmc game. vergil was nelo angelo in one and only shows up like 3 times giving nothing about nero. there was no evidence of him being his father in 3 either. the game ends with the fight that leads him to become nelo angelo. and he wasn't in dmc4 at all. so i guess i have to read the manga to see what you're talking about
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: oglocdx10 on September 17, 2010, 12:56:50 PM
-sighs- When i first saw this i thought it was my friend who hated twilight showing me a photoshoppped Edward with dante's clothes on. So i was like "haha, very funny" But then i saw that it actually was Dante and i got suppppppper pissed off. I am happy that Capcom annouced that it is in a different Universe and Non-canon to the series because this Dante is gay. The only people who'll buy this is the twilight fangirls who thinks Dante looks like Edward
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 17, 2010, 01:09:07 PM
i've played every dmc game....

So have I and That alone means nothing.

Post Merge: September 17, 2010, 07:11:05 AM
Also this. (
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Swiziga on September 17, 2010, 05:48:11 PM
ok so it was confirmed by someone ho works at capcom not from the video game series itself, because i'm sure i would have remembered something like that
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ATiC3 on September 17, 2010, 05:57:23 PM
well that article he linked to was from last year... so.. yea...
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 17, 2010, 06:35:30 PM
ok so it was confirmed by someone ho works at capcom not from the video game series itself, because i'm sure i would have remembered something like that

That was "one" of the sources....

Also from another anonymous source.

I work at Ninja Theory. And I'm laughing so hard at all these threads.
Let me tell you something. The kid who said he was Dante isn't Dante at all. He thinks he's Dante but he's not. He is infact a human with mental issues. He thinks he's Dante. The story plays out in his dreams.
I'm not gonna spoil everything because I might get fired for this but I can't resist.
He's trying to escape from the asylum but he can't. he's powerless as we are in real life. but his reality and his dreams mixes together.
And this is what you get. A game about a boy who thinks hes Dante.
Why does this happen you say? I wont say. Buy the game and find out.

Happy now?

That should explain the psyche ward scene.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Swiziga on September 17, 2010, 06:57:17 PM
there were theories of him being a psycho who thought he was dante. it would make sense since he's all like "ARRGHHH MY BRAIN!!!" in the trailer and the voice seems to be forcing him to say his name is dante. its kinda odd to ask  a prisoner like that their name, i mean wouldn't u already know something like that? well were still not really sure about the theories or anonymous source we just have to wait and see
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 17, 2010, 07:00:21 PM
You know whats funny, I just seen shutter Island and now this happens.
and if what what I quoted is true, I see where they got their idea from.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Swiziga on September 17, 2010, 07:14:51 PM
it would be like shutter island lol that plot twist was crazy, well it won't be for this game if that quote is true. the combat looks like it will be pretty much the same as the other over the top stuff in dmc and him having a sword like dante's pandora in dmc4 is a cool idea, i wonder if burning enemies with cigarettes will be a move u can really do  ;*))
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 18, 2010, 09:25:38 AM
Seriously think about it, when the truth came out in Shutter Island, the head staff allowed the guy to act out his made up fantasy before making him realize that all that he said wasn't true that infact everything pointed back to him, even the staff went along with his deranged fantasy.

Now I come across that info I posted earlier.

After reading that and if anyone seen Shutter Island, there are alot of similarities with the two and it actually makes alot of sense now.
I would think that the title's name need to be changed to something else but have sorta of a sub phrase saying based or inspired from the DMC series, not actually naming this DMC.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: DEMONKAI on September 19, 2010, 01:48:46 AM
I would think that the title's name need to be changed to something else but have sorta of a sub phrase saying based or inspired from the DMC series, not actually naming this DMC.

Now i can agree with that...
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 21, 2010, 01:36:56 PM (
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ATiC3 on September 21, 2010, 02:55:22 PM
It's taking place in a.. different universe...? WTH!? They don't need to pull that bullcrap!
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Yung Kratos on September 21, 2010, 03:04:38 PM
i've played every dmc game. vergil was nelo angelo in one and only shows up like 3 times giving nothing about nero. there was no evidence of him being his father in 3 either. the game ends with the fight that leads him to become nelo angelo. and he wasn't in dmc4 at all. so i guess i have to read the manga to see what you're talking about

I wouldn't waste my time Capcom has made it clear from past endeavors with Street Fighter ova's, manga, anime etc. That anything not portrayed within game or that comes in one of those official old school artbooks they used to have backstory stuff in is NON-CANON. The only outside works to be accepted as canon is the cg resident evil movie and the street fighter animes that came with ssf4 and vanilla sf4. Devil May Cry outside works have been written by the producer of DMC 2 (you know that other butt DMC game) and since have been declared non-canon.

JW who al has signed any petitions against this game
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Swiziga on September 21, 2010, 03:38:51 PM (
so i guess they will continue with the story from dmc4 after the release and reception of this reboot is evaluated
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: SanjiSasuke on September 21, 2010, 03:53:59 PM
Kind of...
Ultimate DmC (Marvel Ultimate Universe)
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: ClubSyN-X-TReME on September 21, 2010, 07:09:15 PM
to bad that link gets edited every five minutes.
Title: Re: DMC 5 + Dante's new look
Post by: Red Venom on September 22, 2010, 12:22:57 AM
so... just for every other video for this... anyone know the song?
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