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IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: Dead Phoenix on August 10, 2010, 01:34:34 AM

Title: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on August 10, 2010, 01:34:34 AM
The info on Arkham Asylum's sequal has been revealed by Gameinformer Magazine for the month of september. I don't have any scans of the cover, But I do have it with me right now.

A quick summery is It revolves around Batman, Quincy Sharp, Professor Hugo Strange, Catwoman and Two Face himself. Joker also returns. A year has passed since the incident on Arkham island and Quincy Sharp has become mayor of Gotham by taking credit from what happened. He declared Blackgate and Arkham Island unfit to control the criminals, so he squared off a section of Gotham for a new Arkham Asylum which house's both regular criminals and the Super Villians. But the catch is it's a free roam area for them where shark eats shark. Quincy Sharp is no longer warden but givin the title to Professor Hugo Strange. Two-Face who was recently apprehended finds followers in the area and to show his power to other inmates he plans on having a public exicution of Catwoman. It looks open world to an extent from what I can tell from the pics. New moves for combat such as countering two enemys instead of just one, wire walking, a new dive bomb move, New armored thugs, and more. I see what I can dig up on this new game.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Vault-tec Rep Høröúßøí on August 10, 2010, 09:35:36 AM (

be happy... =D

edit: and thx dead, thats new info for me
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: SanjiSasuke on August 10, 2010, 11:13:42 AM I see 2 player with Catwoman in the future?
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on August 10, 2010, 12:13:23 PM
Cool. I can't wait for the issue to come in so I can see it myself
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on August 10, 2010, 06:51:42 PM
here's a quick exerpt from the magazine
 p. 55 gameinformer september 2010
-One major element that Rocksteady wanted to explore is the order that forms out of complete lawlessness within the walls of Arkham City. High-Profile villians like Joker and Two-Face have already recruited many prisoners to their divergent causes. "[inmates] are now seeking protection by joining gangs, which inevitably means becoming part of the turf war and everything that is caught up with being a gang member in a broader power struggle." says Rocksteady marketing game manager Dax Ginn. How these various factions and territories work into gameplay is anyone's guess, but players can keep track of these gangs through Batman's criminal database. Maybe he can try to play different sides against each other or take them down one by one and start his own army-
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on August 10, 2010, 06:59:39 PM
Hey ya know that sweet white artwork they showed on the cover? There's been some talks that it'll play into the sequel's Detective Mode. They said they wanna overhaul it and make looking through it better
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on August 10, 2010, 07:13:05 PM
Hey ya know that sweet white artwork they showed on the cover? There's been some talks that it'll play into the sequel's Detective Mode. They said they wanna overhaul it and make looking through it better
I don't think so. Detective mode looks the same from the pics and still being able to see where your enemys are in x-ray, but it looks more updated. They added some new equipment such as the broadcast analyzer to track different frequencys such as listing in to villians, Gotham FM or GCPD dispatch.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on August 10, 2010, 07:23:07 PM
I don't think so. Detective mode looks the same from the pics and still being able to see where your enemys are in x-ray, but it looks more updated. They added some new equipment such as the broadcast analyzer to track different frequencys such as listing in to villians, Gotham FM or GCPD dispatch.
So aside from the new addons, it's still the blue-tint X-Ray it was in the first game
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on August 10, 2010, 07:27:28 PM
So aside from the new addons, it's still the blue-tint X-Ray it was in the first game
Yes. Also when the criminals weapons such as broken bottles or pipes, it's yellow instead of red.

BTW -this was taken from the live demo that gameinformer was shown so it could be changed-

Post Merge: August 11, 2010, 12:03:40 AM
Okay I checked on and found some interesting stuff that included a easter egg on Batman Arkham Asylum. It was revealed about the time Batman Arkham Asylum GOTY edition came out. the bordes on the official website revealed a hidden room that can't be found with dettective mode. It's located in Quincy Sharps office off to the left when you first see the fire place. Now the catch is you have to keep blowing it up until the wall blows up. Inside you'll find a map of Gotham City with a large area enclosed. On the bottom it states "QUINCY SHARP'S GOTHAM CITY PROPOSAL. Above it is art renderings of the new Arkham. I had to check for my self and watta ya know it's true. See for yourself.

The site seems it has secrets yet to be revealed so check often (
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on August 11, 2010, 01:34:56 PM
I just found that today (I have the regular version BTW). It's so awesome
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on August 31, 2010, 02:04:53 AM
Ok it's been over two weeks and GameInformer has reveiled more info on Batman: Arkham City.
Theirs a pod cast that will help answer some questions. Challange mode has not been confirmed but speculation is it will return. No other villians have been reveiled at this time either. More questions are answered at: (

Also here are two wallpapers they have as well


Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on September 02, 2010, 05:50:58 PM ( (

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 02, 2010, 06:34:30 PM
Everything looks great, except the new Harley costume. I am just not feeling it. Didn't really know how I felt about it when I only saw the back of it a few weeks ago in this pic.


But now I know it's just not working for me. Guess we'll be seeing way more horrible cosplays of her now.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: TomBewley on September 02, 2010, 06:44:26 PM
Two Face looks creepy as hell!

And I agree with you Batz about Harley. Even something small like the mask on her face would make it so much better. It looks like they've changed the shape of her face and everything and to me it no longer looks like Harley, just some blonde henchwoman.

Apart from that it looks fab! It'll be interesting to see what role Catwoman plays within the game
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 02, 2010, 07:16:36 PM
Actually in my opinion it kinda resembles her nurse outfit from the first game except with some minor alterations. I know they wanted to make a sense of realism in these games, especially on Harley, but how can wearing a harlequin outfit seem more unrealistic than a 12 foot reptilian human or a woman with ivy green skin and poisonous kisses
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: thefranchise03 on September 02, 2010, 08:05:28 PM
Will Robin be in this one? I hope so.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on September 02, 2010, 08:47:05 PM
Yea.. I kinda agree with HyperSonic on how I like how it goes true to her costume from the first one, but with the color touches (and added pants of course) of the original outfit she wore... And the reason I see no need for a mask is because... well.. I mean come on.. everyone kinda knows her already.. haha.. so she really doesn't need the mask and it would feel unrealistic. I do agree though that something has changed with her face... it needs to be put back to normal.. lol..
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 02, 2010, 08:52:40 PM
Maybe that was a result of what Game Informer refer to as "scaling back her makeup to a more subtle degree"
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: .Batzarro. on September 02, 2010, 09:19:19 PM
Her mask never had anything at all to do with hiding her identity. Not sure why that was mentioned, same goes for Riddler. It's just part of the theatrics. It's part of who they are, nothing more, nothing less. Changing her so much just doesn't feel right. I originally wasn't too fond of the costume from the first Arkham Asylum but it grew on me. It did feel like Harley's style though. This costume now feels like a very bad mash up of Harley and the Crow. Just doesn't look or feel like something she would wear. The tattoos she has go in that category as well.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Vitamin on September 03, 2010, 11:35:01 AM
I also don't care too much for the Harely's new look. I think they should have kept the mask on her, because she now looks like a female henchmen (not that I won't notice her actuall looks while I'm slapping her around in the game).

I'm also wondering what role will Catwoman play in this game. Will she be a playable character with different gameplay mechanics of that of Batmans or will she just be a person that will assist batman every now and again?

I also hope they make the drones smart enough to occassionely look up to see if Batman is hiding above them. I thought that was kind of dumb in the first game, because I know I would've looked all around unlike the henchmen who were looking only in front of them. 
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 03, 2010, 12:46:01 PM
I'm sure the henchman will be smarter this time around.

Also I hope the multiplayer is only on the challenge maps, if they return that is
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: SanjiSasuke on September 03, 2010, 12:57:54 PM
If you got them nervous enough, or made an action that gave it away they could attack then...

Judging by the name "Arkham City" I think multiplayer will mean things like one player is Batman and the rest play as criminals/henchmen against him, or something like that.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on September 03, 2010, 01:39:41 PM
Harley does have a different feeling to her now. She's more dark then her goofy crazy self. idk, It might tie in to how she's feeling about Joker since he's sick from something.

Hopfully they put some better AI and not some like this: ( (

Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on September 03, 2010, 02:11:03 PM
Actually for that first video, it would have been funny he after he turned around the first time he said something like "Wait .... oh crap!" and quickly turns around only to get a fist to the head
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: TomBewley on October 11, 2010, 01:07:30 PM (

Some new info;

-A drivable vehicle (Hmmm, could be great if done properly or horrible otherwise)
-Catwoman uses her whip in the same way Batman uses his zip line/grapple hook (hints at her being playable)
-Batman will have two grapple hooks
-More optional side missions
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on October 11, 2010, 01:18:20 PM
I still say Catwoman is the this game's equivalent to Joker being playable in the first game. As in she's only playable in the challenge maps

Also drivable Batmobile FTW!
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on October 11, 2010, 01:32:17 PM
Wait.. what.. why 2 grapple hooks? lol.. That's odd..

I just hope that now that we have everything upgraded from Arkham Asylum that we would have that to start off with being fully upgraded and then getting more armor, weapon, accessory upgrades... that would be kick @$$! Making Batman look like a full armored knight after upgrading all the way.. kinda like in the DC Universe Online trailer where it shows the future. That would be awesome!
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ADSplay101 on October 11, 2010, 03:42:44 PM
Wait.. what.. why 2 grapple hooks? lol.. That's odd..

I just hope that now that we have everything upgraded from Arkham Asylum that we would have that to start off with being fully upgraded and then getting more armor, weapon, accessory upgrades... that would be kick @$$! Making Batman look like a full armored knight after upgrading all the way.. kinda like in the DC Universe Online trailer where it shows the future. That would be awesome!

Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on October 11, 2010, 07:29:39 PM
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Uche_of_IMT on October 11, 2010, 09:34:05 PM
I am just glad to hear more news of Batman: Arkham City.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on October 11, 2010, 10:12:46 PM (

Here's the Game Informer magazine cover story article that was released last month incase you didn't read it.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 08, 2010, 12:00:58 AM (

Looking forward to some new Batman: Arkham City footage landing December 11th at the Spike Video Game Awards? Well bring your attention to a closer date, MSN Games has landed the exclusive teaser trailer and will be showcasing it tomorrow at 8pm GMT.

@MSNTech Tweeted: Coming soon: new Batman Arkham City teaser trailer: exclusive to MSN Games ( tomorrow Dec 8 at 2pm.

Check back here tomorrow for all updates on the trailer and more.

The teaser will be shown at the following times:
UK: 2:00pm
EST: 11:00am
PST: 8:00am
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 08, 2010, 03:27:50 AM
aren't teaser trailers usually like a bg with some noise and that's about it?
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on December 08, 2010, 07:54:09 AM
aren't teaser trailers usually like a bg with some noise and that's about it?
Wasn't that the first game's teaser as well?

Post Merge: December 08, 2010, 07:04:35 PM
Oh hey guys (
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 10, 2010, 01:57:21 PM (
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on December 10, 2010, 03:53:51 PM

Wonder who the villain is?
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 11, 2010, 06:25:55 PM
$20! Mr. Freeze! I want him in now!
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on December 11, 2010, 06:30:52 PM
I kinda want it to be Hugo but yeah it probably will be Freeze
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 11, 2010, 06:33:38 PM
I kinda want it to be Hugo but yeah it probably will be Freeze
Well.. Hugo's already confirmed.. and he basically said it's someone we haven't heard about.. so i'm hoping for mr. freeze.. im really... really.. wanting mr. freeze..
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on December 11, 2010, 06:37:25 PM
Well.. Hugo's already confirmed.. and he basically said it's someone we haven't heard about.. so i'm hoping for mr. freeze.. im really... really.. wanting mr. freeze..
But we HAVE heard of Freeze in the game.

Or at least his voice actor
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 11, 2010, 06:40:26 PM
What about clay-face? we only saw him mimic other's not his true form.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 11, 2010, 08:37:44 PM

We've heard of both of them, yes. I'm surprised @ them b/c it was supposed to be someone totally new yet.. guess what crap we get.. ( (

The trailer is nice.. but really.. we already know Hugo Strange is in.. wtf..
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 11, 2010, 08:54:11 PM
Hmm.......I guess they don't want to spill the beans yet on other villians then from what they told the media.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 11, 2010, 09:16:35 PM
That.. was the whole point of the reveal trailer from what I heard... to introduce a new villain that hadn't exactly been leaked or shown yet, but we've seen pics of Hugo Strange everywhere in magazines.. just not in-game pics..

Edit: Does anyone know if it's Richard Green who's voicing Hugo Strange..?? My little bro says the voice is very very familiar..?? :-??
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on December 11, 2010, 09:29:32 PM
That.. was the whole point of the reveal trailer from what I heard... to introduce a new villain that hadn't exactly been leaked or shown yet, but we've seen pics of Hugo Strange everywhere in magazines.. just not in-game pics..
I haven't seen anything of Hugo in the game. This is the first I've SEEN if him.

Still, love the trailer. Sounds like Corey Burton voicing him
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 11, 2010, 09:43:12 PM
K. But they basically said they were announcing a new villain... and Hugo is not new.. we all know that he's in the game.. we've known since like.. September... lol...
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 11, 2010, 09:45:07 PM
That.. was the whole point of the reveal trailer from what I heard... to introduce a new villain that hadn't exactly been leaked or shown yet, but we've seen pics of Hugo Strange everywhere in magazines.. just not in-game pics..
Hugo is the new villian. Sure they tell you he's in it but you really havn't seen him. And we now know he plays a key part since he knows the Bat's secret. The last two trailers were teasers you don't know what the game is about. All you see is Joker sick and the new Arkham. I think they wanted to show joker's not the main villian in this story. this new one points to Hugo as the main bady.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 11, 2010, 10:06:07 PM
Of course he's the main part of Arkham City.. he's working with the joker now.. and he's the head of Arkham City... that's old news.. lol.. I wanted actual NEW villain announcements.. again we know Hugo Strange has been selected (curiously) by Warden Quincy Sharp of Arkham Asylum to head Arkham City to house the worst criminals... we've known that for a while.. lol..
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 11, 2010, 10:36:39 PM
Of course he's the main part of Arkham City.. he's working with the joker now.. and he's the head of Arkham City... that's old news.. lol.. I wanted actual NEW villain announcements.. again we know Hugo Strange has been selected (curiously) by Warden Quincy Sharp of Arkham Asylum to head Arkham City to house the worst criminals... we've known that for a while.. lol..

No before all this we knew was Hugo was put up as Warden of Arkham City. So we knew players were ganna run into him. We were never told till now that he knew Batman's true identity. Which gives him alot more power over Batman. I don't think he's working with Joker. When we last saw the Joker he was coughen and weezin. I don't think he's ganna be much of a threat but Harley might have taken his spot which would explain her darker image. The not so goofy look. Sharp might also play a part since we last saw him with a personality disorder. As for villains we already know of Freeze since they had his voice actor. Croc and Scarecrow might also return since the multiple epiloges from AA. I can't remember if they did talked about Ivy. But Croc and Scarecrow I think are going to be in Arkham city.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 12, 2010, 12:21:28 AM
No before all this we knew was Hugo was put up as Warden of Arkham City. So we knew players were ganna run into him. We were never told till now that he knew Batman's true identity. Which gives him alot more power over Batman. I don't think he's working with Joker. When we last saw the Joker he was coughen and weezin. I don't think he's ganna be much of a threat but Harley might have taken his spot which would explain her darker image. The not so goofy look. Sharp might also play a part since we last saw him with a personality disorder. As for villains we already know of Freeze since they had his voice actor. Croc and Scarecrow might also return since the multiple epiloges from AA. I can't remember if they did talked about Ivy. But Croc and Scarecrow I think are going to be in Arkham city.
I can only imagine more intense Scarecrow nightmare w/e they called them.. those were truly a work of art. Facing Croc... not so much.. I would actually not like to see him in the game.. I see more of a reason for them to keep him @ Arkham Asylum rather than put him in Arkham City tbh...
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: -Whiplash- on December 12, 2010, 12:41:45 AM
Not sure about you guys, but I hated scarecrow fights, I hope if they put him in the game, you can actually fight him.

I Imagined his fight would be alot like the fear from MGS3, jumping around and keeping you guessing where he is.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: C.R.O.M. - Shadaloo Lives! on December 12, 2010, 12:43:42 AM
I Imagined he's fight alot like the fear from MGS3, jumping around and keeping you guessing where he is.
Yeah and zombies of people in Batman's life would attack you.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 14, 2010, 02:35:33 PM
Another concept would be that Scarecrow was indeed the one getting the crate and that now becoming a Titan in the darkness he has intensified his nightmares. This way his nightmares are longer and more heart-pumping, if you catch my drift. They should definitely be spookier for sure, but keep the old version as sort of a base. I like how you had to get to the light to escape his nightmare.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: -Whiplash- on December 15, 2010, 11:56:37 PM
I like how you had to get to the light to escape his nightmare.

You liked that? it was really boring a repetitive.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 16, 2010, 12:54:19 AM
It wasn't boring and repetitive.. wtf.. that whole thing made the game even more awesome.. and i like how you had to make it through without being seen but at the top you totally are seen and bam! you blast his chest out with that light! that was awesome!
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: -Whiplash- on December 16, 2010, 01:58:27 AM
It wasn't boring and repetitive.. wtf.. that whole thing made the game even more awesome.. and i like how you had to make it through without being seen but at the top you totally are seen and bam! you blast his chest out with that light! that was awesome!

It was boring and repetivie, you had sneak through it, just like everywhere else in the game, first time it was slightly neat but I still found it kinda lame, then after that it was just the same thing, followed by the same thing. To me, it was the worst part of the game.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 30, 2010, 11:59:22 PM
They updated their site to link directly to their facebook page. Some pics as well. ( (

Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: ATiC3 on December 31, 2010, 06:09:25 PM
nice! (

Multiplayer rumors surface: 12 player multiplayer? ( (

It's possible that you'll be able to be able to play as not only Batman but The Joker, Harley, Hugo Strange is a possibility, rumors are also surfacing that people have seen Nightwing, Huntress silhouette, Robin, and more!
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on December 31, 2010, 07:25:24 PM
12 person co-op?!

Well there's obviously Bats, Catwoman, Harley, maybe Joker, perhaps Nightwing

Hope you don't have a thug as an option. He'd be screwed
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on December 31, 2010, 07:55:38 PM
hmm 12 player co op. they could do a steath game where it's a free for all and all the characters fight and do takedowns.That would be awsome to see.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on January 19, 2011, 02:53:05 AM
IGN posted an article of whats known so far about Batman:AC (

What is Batman: Arkham City?
Sequel to the critically acclaimed Batman: Arkham Asylum, mixing hand-to-hand combat, exploration and puzzle-solving. You've heard of Batman, haven't you?

What's New?
According to developer Rocksteady, a whole lot is new.

•Five times the size of Arkham Asylum

•Improved combat


•Many new gadgets


The Story
A year after the events of the first game, Arkham's former warden Quincy Sharp is now mayor of Gotham. With Arkham destroyed, Sharp has turned Gotham's slums into a prison for Arkham's inmates. When Two-Face threatens to execute Catwoman, Batman must break into Arkham City and put a stop to the madness.

The focus remains the main campaign (it's unknown if it will include co-op play). The basics from the first game remain the same, but now players will need to identify enemies with information and avoid knocking them out in combat. The story is said to be darker and has more characters than in the first game, with the Boy Wonder among many believed to make an appearance.


See more images.

Nothing is known about multiplayer yet. It could be co-op, it could be competitive play. You might play as the villains of Akrham City or as Batman and Robin. Only Rocksteady knows for sure.

The list of characters continues to grow, but here are the main players we know about:


•Talia al Ghul


•Hugo Strange

•The Joker

•Harley Quinn

•Mr. Freeze

•The Riddler

•Mr. Zsasz

•Calendar Man

How's It Looking?
Sadly, we haven't seen Arkham City yet. We'll certainly let you know if it's turning out better than the original once we've seen it.

Similar Games
Batman: Arkham Asylum, Splinter Cell: Conviction

Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on February 01, 2011, 02:30:17 PM (
Hit the link to view the entire article.

Batman: Arkham Asylum seamlessly tied its subject matter and mechanics into a cohesive experience that ultimately showed how great a game could be based on a licensed property. For the sequel, Batman leaves the confines of the asylum and heads to the city where he'll have to deal with new threats in a much larger setting. We spoke with Sefton Hill, game director at Rocksteady Studios, to learn more about this new setting and how the Dark Knight will adapt.
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: Dead Phoenix on February 16, 2011, 01:29:06 AM
Batman:Arkham City will not have multiplayer? (

Batman: Arkham City will not feature an online multiplayer mode. In fact the game won't have any multiplayer or co-op modes and will only have a single-player experience. When designing the sequel to 2009's Batman: Arkham Asylum Rocksteady Studios Game Director, Sefton Hill told IGN, "If we use all of the energy that is required to create multiplayer and instead focus this on the single player, would that deliver a better overall game?"

Batman: Arkham City is now reaching its final stages of development. Hill is positive that Batman: AC wouldn't be the game they hoped to create if they had divided their efforts between both a single player and multiplayer experience.  According to Hill, multiplayer is a common and often unnecessary add-on to games. It can also extend a game's lifespan and add to replayability. Hill hopes gamers will see they made the right choice once they beat Arkham City.

In my opinion some games like BioShock 2 and even Uncharted 2 didn't need a multiplayer mode to be a complete gaming experience. Batman: Arkham Asylum was a fantastic game that did well critically despite not offering multiplayer gameplay. Do you think not adding multiplayer will help or hurt Batman: AC? Are you as crushed as I am there won't be a Batman and Robin co-op mode?

Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: HyperVoiceActing on February 16, 2011, 01:37:57 PM
While it would have been cool to see Nightwing in a co-op mode, I knew this was coming a mile away
Title: Re: Batman: Arkham City
Post by: -Whiplash- on February 16, 2011, 01:55:33 PM
It was more rumoured that you'd be able to play as Catwoman then Nightwing. (though I would liked playing as nightwing.)
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