Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: DEMONKAI on May 26, 2010, 01:57:26 AM

Title: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: DEMONKAI on May 26, 2010, 01:57:26 AM
=D> :thumbsup: I looove a good survival horror game :cool

I just got it today. Took a nap first tho. man this game reminds me of the same feel as RE4 ;*))
Its like that meets Silent Hill er somethin. The atmosphere, The sound effects, the music, The special effects with the creepy blur to it. man this game ALRIGHT in my book. i like it dont care. The dodge sytem is on point and user easy ta do. Man the first things that came to my mind are:

-Wow it would be great if Left 4 dead 3 was like this!!! >:D.

-They should let more horror movie writers and novelists write survival horror games. Hell it worked for Call of duty 4 modern warfare :-??. The guy who did the screen play for Enemy at the gates did that game. And its a hit still till this day...

so imagine with horror games?

I love horror movies and i love silent hill (the last one "home coming" wasnt the best since it was U.S.). But This is a good ol American horror rival for that Japanese series Silent hill. I wanna see more American horror games like this :)
Title: Re: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: .:K.I.N.G:. on May 26, 2010, 01:18:25 PM
heard it was good, too bad the pc version got canceled, i was waiting for it cuz i don't have 360.
i'm a big silent hill fan btw.
Title: Re: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: DEMONKAI on May 26, 2010, 02:44:54 PM
heard it was good, too bad the pc version got canceled, i was waiting for it cuz i don't have 360.
i'm a big silent hill fan btw.

sucks with the pc situation but yeh man if u are a huge silent hill fan youre gonna love it :thumbsup:. I love horror movies n they did the game right on the mood that switches up in effects when the demons are coming. not gonna spoil it but lol youre gonna be like "wow they on point with the eerie vibes!" The sounds are crisp. A great HD tv makes all that a blast >:D

I almost slept on this game which is the funny part. wasnt paying it no mind dunno mind. im on xboxlive and i kept seeing the spot light alert till one day i said "lemme see what the heck this Alan wake is 8=|. Looks like a wanna be silent hill that might be trash (:|".

heeeeell no! /:O :D
Title: Re: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: Vitamin on May 26, 2010, 03:47:10 PM
I also wanted to play this game, but I don't own a 360, ps3, or a wii (not anymore). The PC market really does get the short end of the stick when it comes to videogames.
Title: Re: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: Leon S. K3nnedy on May 26, 2010, 05:21:15 PM
-Wow it would be great if Left 4 dead 3 was like this!!! >:D.
~X( In my opinion L4D &L4D2 couldn't be any more polar in terms of style, rush or gameplay from Alan Wake. L4D bases itself far less on atmosphere than Alan Wake, & 200% more on general split second tension driven moments, I.E
"Nooo, common infected on all sides. cAnT move. OoooohhHH G@W'D, Zoey just got pounced by a hunter and she's just barely out of view + Lewis is trying save her and... oh, he's being pulled by a*t... of which I can barely see it's tongue. Maybe I can shoot it's tongue- except 4 that I should really be worried about Zoey since hunters damage for like 3x as much as smokers... but then again she's only got 10 hp left. Even if I save her she'll be in-capped & of no use @ the moment. (Can always grab her from a survivor closet later  >:D ) :-SS Nooo, not u too Francis! (Francis Boomed on and now utterly useless). LEWIS HAS 63 hp, if I free him he can save her though and still do some good! Save Lewis, YES!  ;D ;D (3 seconds later) NOOOO, ca'nt get a shot while taking damage from all these commies with this handgun since I wasted all my smg on Lewis filled friendly fire  :( ! HAVE TO GET OuT...but what's that, my last beacon of hope, a Molotov in my forgotten inventory. One simple toss @ my feet will buy me enough time to get a good shot at the tongue holding Luis who now has 39 hp. (Molotov out). "Yes, self afflicted and fiery painful freadom!!! (takes shots) =D> =D> =D> (chime Tank music)...   >:P

<RAGE quit>
As opposed to Alan Wake...

"Oh my, lumberjack night-crafted woodman teleporting toward me with scissors... (and a Teen ESRB rateing). + actual narrative!
Oh, my..."

So yeah. My take. Far too different to merge. L4D has NO actual story besides the intro and dialogue.+ No explanations. No evil corp or mad scientists to blame.

But yeah, I agree with you on everything else! Wake owns! Reminds me of reading a Stephen King novel.
Title: Re: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: DEMONKAI on May 26, 2010, 05:48:56 PM
@Leon S. K3nnedy

The whole L4D2 is whole other element. its a run gun, frantic arcadish kinda vibe there. Its no sittin and thinkin. Just panic. I think sometimes people hack the game to win because there are a lot of instances where things shouldnt be going down a certain way. Which i am aware that 2 people have to be playing and one not but hacking in order for the hacks to work. If u are good at playing its actually fun to play and easy to get away as long as your partners arent trash. if they are then youre all toast. Thats why they have the forum and mutation test every week to see what they have to fix, add new and adjust for the fans. Which is a huge plus from Valve. i dont know of any other game company that does that listening to the fans hardcore. but back in the hacking bit. i saw a hack where the Tank spawns (in versus) way in the begining stage "Dead center". Not supposed to happen. Also theres a hack for way more infected than usual in versus. The most recent annoying hacks i saw while playin are how the super Infected can spawn in early and break the door down and come up stairs while you are preparing on the "Dead center" roof. Thats not supposed to happen like that unless people leave the roof coming down stairs. Im aware of all that. But i do think they should come up with a leader board or sorta rank thing for points rep on how much you assisted your partners (infected or not), How fast you killed a person, evaded, or how fast the team one. That cuts out all the rage quttin and idiots joining your team screwing up on prupose. The more you dont help the more your rank goes back down and all thats placed on the leader board. Stuff like that Valve should do and plus block hacking cuz its obvious it be happening. and its lame

But what i meant if L4D3 was like Alan wake was "Graphics" & Movement and dodging. Cuz id love to dodge out of the way of a charger in Matrix style lol. Cuz honestly the graphics in The L4D games arent top notch but their CG intros are hella solid movie material.
Title: Re: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: Leon S. K3nnedy on May 28, 2010, 06:29:35 AM
Heck YES! (& sorry; didn't realize that was what you meant) To be perfectly honest I think that would be phenomenal if there were some kind of a ranking system-- particularly given there are far too many grief'rs in my opinion- and unfortunately friendly fire/obnoxiously over the top and deliberately counter productive behavior isn't tracked and can in many cases can become seriously game ruining .

-And heck yeah. I could just see the camera pulling out for a split second in semi-slow mo to give you an epic taste of successful charger or tank dodging win!
My personal fantasy would be if they could not only incorporate dodges, but in certain extreme and rare cases offer reverse executions.  :-j :-j :-j

(I.E)  :2
Hunter pounces @ Coach only to be precisely evaded through mere inches and then owned with a point blank head shot from Coach's auto shotty and an obscenely comical one liner as the camera pivots 360 around the awesome spectacle.
& yeah, nothing is more agitating than realizing that the enemy team is aggresively glitching. I can remember back when the original L4D came out and a lot of jerks was glitching HARD with Modio. I can still remember the 1st time me and my team survived the no mercy finale only to find 20 or so witches camping in front of the helecopter.
 :-SS :-SS
1/10th of me had to laugh. It was funny. The other 9/10 however was just infuriated.  >:P

+ It would be nice if they found a way to filter player lobby's by achievements or exp so that you would'nt end up with a lobby of guys with 95-100% achievement completion and 140 hours of game-play against a team of  chappies with maybe 30% & 5 hours. lol.
Title: Re: ALAN WAKE: whos got it and playing it?
Post by: DEMONKAI on May 28, 2010, 03:59:26 PM
yeh exactly on a ranking system is definitely somethin to vote on in L4d. As far as counters it would be cool as an infected to be able to maul em down as long as you want But" you can also get off em and flee away to safety. Im speaking on super infected like the HUnter & jokey. I hate being the hunter or jockey knowing that the person im tearing up is gettin help soon and i have a chance to run away but i cant :-w This is anoother great option just in case your team isnt that good on assists. With the surivor i wish u can use two Uzi's. I mean c'mon its modern day people im sure they can use 2 guns at one time especially if there small arm fire and not just two hand guns :-??

But anyway Back on topic:

Alan Wake is Grrreeeat!. Wow /:O

Im on episode 3 now. Game is pretty long and intense. A friend stopped by and we were both in there buggin like it was a movie. Game is about as intense as when i first played Silent hill, Resident Evil 4 long ago and Dead space. A lot of thrills. lil details to graphics is crazy too.
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