Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: SuperMajinGogeta4 on March 03, 2010, 05:38:49 PM

Title: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: SuperMajinGogeta4 on March 03, 2010, 05:38:49 PM

So I was wondering which Console did you like better. I was just wondering what people around here thought which one is better suited to your personal reasons.

I personally like the Playstation 3 better considering I grew up with Sony all my life & I love the games it has. I also love the controller. You also can't beat free online also. The Graphics are amazing too but that's not the reason why I got it. Blu-Ray came in handy too for movies & games.

Considering I learned blu-ray is much tougher then DVDs. The 2 big things I didn't like about 360 is b/c of the red ring of death & that the online isn't free for 360.

So what is your opinion on which console you like more?
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Swiziga on March 03, 2010, 06:18:13 PM
i like both consoles but chose the 360. me and my bro would have gotten a ps3 but we we went through 2 ps2 consoles because of laser lense problems. the red ring is a prob but i would hope it is finally dealt with.  the graphics are great for both console but i like 360 controller more because of  the triggers, i didn't like ps3 ones at all until dualshock3. though i have to pay for xboxlive i don't really see it as a big deal. the online experience is great and when i pay for the service i just get the months for whatever money i have at the time. 8 for a month, 20 for 3 months or 50 for 13months. i also don't think that a prob like psn going down would happen on xboxlive. i like both consoles but i prefer the 360 for the achievements, online, how the menus online and off are setup and i like the exclusives, mgs4 being the only game i cried about not being able to get :'(
the redring is the only prob i have with mine since its happened to me twice, but i would honestly prefer just having both consoles
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: UltimateBiosparkJ on March 03, 2010, 06:33:30 PM
I also, like SuperMajinGogeta4, grew up with the Playstation as a kid. Everything works for me best as far as the controller, the games, free online and best of all, the way things are setup. In a way, Playstation always reminded me of SNES back then. I have so many games for SNES and PS2 combined that its incredible. I know someday my consoles will be legendary considering what I have that goes to them each.

So me, personally, I've always been a Playstation guy. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: ATiC3 on March 03, 2010, 07:17:59 PM
XBOX360 of course... Purchased it late last year after they said the RROD error was pretty much done with.. just a few more here and there. I got the Winter Bundle. It came with Pure and Lego Batman... LOL!
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: SephirothX2004 on March 03, 2010, 07:36:13 PM
I dont prefer one over the other i like all the different consoles.
Every console has their own cool games thats why i have a Wii, XBox 360, PS3 and a DS
but i dont have a PSP yet.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on March 03, 2010, 07:45:35 PM
i am going with the 360 because the online experience is much greater than ps3 and i really didnt see anything on the ps3 that i would have to sell my soul for lol!! true the ps3 controller is a lot better than the xbox's goon stick, but i''m here on the 360 with almost all my friends instead of the five or six lonely on the ps3 online service.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 03, 2010, 09:01:43 PM

I want 2 games for the PS3, little big planet, and MGS4. But, I've never really been a ps fan, so I didn't really care. However, I will say I love the PS controller.

Control pad doesn't suck.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Nilakantha on March 03, 2010, 09:43:13 PM
Though I have all three, I will have to choose PS3.  There is only like five games that I thought were good on the 360.  Gears of War 1&2, Mass Effect 1&2, and Halo 3 (To an extent) as the rest seemed to be below average.  I found the PS3 to have better games and better quality on multiplat and if there are flaws then they get cleared up within the next few weeks or months like Bayonetta.  I don't play online that much, but if I do, I'd rather play for free.  Plus my PS3 is backward compatible as I have more than 200 PS2 and  300 PS1 games.  At first I was feeling the 360 when I brought the Trusty Bell 360 Bundle before buying a PS3 thinking that the 360 was a better console, but after paying all of the lame games on 360, I sort of fell off with them.  When I brought Ninja Gaiden 2 on the 360 I got my first RROD when I got to the title screen and since it was a Japanese system Microsoft had me on the phone 5 hours with people who didn't speak English (even the manager), in which they told me they couldn't fix my system.  I brought another 360, but never play Ninja Gaiden 2 due to the frustration and waited until Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma to come.

Though my 360 has caused so much problems and money, I'm still getting Mass Effect 2 since I love the first as well as buying Lost Planet 2, which will be the first time I buy a multiplat game on the 360, mainly due to Marcus Felix and Dominique Santiago appearing on the 360 version, I love Gears of War  :thumbsup:, plus I can do the best Marcus Felix impression ever  :DxDie.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: ATiC3 on March 03, 2010, 10:39:20 PM
I dont prefer one over the other i like all the different consoles.
Every console has their own cool games thats why i have a Wii, XBox 360, PS3 and a DS
but i dont have a PSP yet.
I would suggest actually not getting a PSP unless you're filthy rich or want to sell one of your other consoles... the game prices are fricken ridiculous. I haven't purchased any games since last November, I think..... plus once they get the software to hack v6.20 then it won't even matter for me anymore.. I'll keep the PSP for the emulators, but I regret not getting the DS...
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: SanjiSasuke on March 03, 2010, 11:43:32 PM
The "Xbox is a better online experience" is not true from what I have played. I have both and I prefer PSN over XBL. I highly enjoy all of the exclusives, controller, extra features, and just about everything about the PS3. With a 299.99 for a BR player, 120GB memory, FREE online service, and 1080p highest definition of graphics, and a ton of other stuff I don't have time to list (Sony does in every commercial) I have to say PS3 is better.

On the PSP: It is actually my favourite portable system ever. I have DSi and it is GREAT but not as good as a PSP, especially hacked.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: DARKTALBAIN on March 04, 2010, 12:13:20 AM
I rest my feet on my PS3 when I play my Xbox or Wii. If it's cold, I turn it on. A six hundred dollar foot warmer is nice!!!

I was once changing the rims on my GTO & I used the PS3 as a jack stand.

Everyone told me there was no use for that system.

PS2 the system of the future for Sony  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Random Regular on March 04, 2010, 12:35:42 AM
DARKTALBAIN = Troll. lol
You know that comments like this will end with a flamewar..

Everyone told me there was no use for that system.

Haha, People on gaming forums would laugh so hard if you say that the Wii is better than the PS3, Yes the Wii has some memorable games but.....better?....Nooo :D

I have the feeling that you have only played those stupid PS3 launch games.
It's like people are living in 2006 ''Uh the PS3 has no games!!!!11 yeah lololol, We have Halo 3, and they will get KZ2 but that game will suck because the first part sucked too >:D"
Because most of the exclusive PS3 games after 2008 are really good,UC, MGS4, LBP, Resistance 2, KZ2, R&C, UC2, GoW3, MLB (Only if you are a fan though) Wipeout HD, Yakuza, GT5, Infamous and more... 
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 04, 2010, 12:40:12 AM
Im consdering an Xbox because of about 3 exclusives (own ps3, psp, wii and ds so far) ive played online at firends houses and i just dont see the advantages, sfiv was just as laggy and mw2 was just as good o_O, so im waiting for maybe 3 more exclusives and a version most users assure lasts for more than 3 years to go ahead and get the console so yeah im a guy who buys consoles for the games

ps3 triggers do suck though, these fixed it (

i will indeed back the fact that ps3 gives more services for less money, the lower initial price of the xbox is decieving
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: SuperMajinGogeta4 on March 04, 2010, 02:39:16 AM
Wow... I got a few famous infinity members on here & supporting the PS3. I'm...  :o Especially Dark & VYN  ^:)^

I have to say though. The PS3 controller is better. Honestly I cant stand the 360 controller. I mean I could if I had to live with it but its almost a knock off of Dreamcast controller. Compare the 2. You'll see what I mean. I never find 360 games to be all that good. Only of a good hand full I liked. Like Bioshock 1. But now that has changed, lol.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: juelz aka wolfi on March 04, 2010, 10:09:20 AM
well for me its the beautiful ps3
gameswise the xbox 360 neva appeal to me

ps3 exclusives
gow trilogy
gran turismo
heavy rain
uncharted 2
and others (etc)

blue ray player
upgradable HD (500gb)
gamesharing with other users (very important factor)

ps3 has raw power compared to xbox 360 has stated by some devs and experts

rememba google is your friend

but xbox 360 is also GOOD i had one i like the
halo series
gears of war
project gotham racing

and thats it

Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Yung Kratos on March 04, 2010, 10:22:25 AM
Ps3 you get more for your money

for one built in wifi (360 you gotta pay 100 $ )

bluray (i believe another hundred for that prehistoric hddvd addon)

you can use any bluetooth headset as a wireless headset and still use it with your cell phone or watever (360 you gotta pay $60 for their headset and it will only work on your 360 )

Ps3 = free online (as opposed to the $50 per year you gotta pay on 360)

PS3 contrary to popular belief actually has more exclusives and Halo is the only real 360 exclusive as you can play L4D, Gears, and Mass effect on your PC and 360 doesnt have that bright of a future regarding exclusives either

Whenever PS3 has to wait to get a game that 360 has usually its because the developers decided they wanted to actually complete the game before releasing it to ps3

More reliable hardware ( that new chip that supposedly doesnt crap out on the 360 does)

Web browser (posting from it right now)  

So if your really fond of Halo I say go for a 360
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Spidermew on March 04, 2010, 10:26:19 AM
I voted for the Wii  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Alexziq on March 04, 2010, 10:27:37 AM
Personally I dig the Colecovision


The interactive 2 player gameplay rules!

You havent gamed till you play Colecovision boxing! LOL
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 04, 2010, 11:44:17 AM
Maybe it's just me.

But Am I the only person here noting yet AGAIN that the PS3 fans talk and list the advantages more then fans of any other system.

I guess If your system isn't selling, you have to advertise it more.

Ugh. Stupid me. I'm going from knowledge before the price drop. They're almost at 360 level now.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on March 04, 2010, 11:49:31 AM
when are the votes locked?
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Alexziq on March 04, 2010, 11:53:03 AM
I don't know I honestly feel theres a lot of really annoying people that trash talk the PS3 that are pro X-Box. In fact I've even seen dudes throw punches at a guy at Best Buy. I am sure it goes both ways, but I feel the X-box crowd comes off a lot ruder, and cruder when they debate systems in these discussions. Of course PS3 fans are going to list the pro's of their system, theyre not going to say the X-Box is better.

Personally I don't have either, both interest me, but I did call those X-Box fans a couple of retards for swinging on the PS3 guy. It really painted a negative picture of X-box users for me.

Like I said though, I am sure it goes both ways
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 04, 2010, 11:56:09 AM

Ugh. Glad I'm a Nintendo guy then. (which isn't on this poll, BTW.)

I forgot about the players on halo that care to much. "ARG YOU SUCK GO DIE!"
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Alexziq on March 04, 2010, 12:02:30 PM
Me too, I just dont have time for a lot of video games, and between Smash Brothers, Sonic Racing, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom, Super Mario Brothers and Lego Batman, I barely have time to play those, let alone take on another system. I guess if I had to it would be the PS3 for the Blue Ray.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: DARKTALBAIN on March 04, 2010, 12:25:37 PM
I've said this before the Blue ray is in no way an advantage. Anyone who plays movies on the PS3 is nuts. Do you really want to trash your game system by playing movies on it? Dumb question, because a lot of people did by playing dvd movies on the PS2.

Anyway think about it. When the PS3 came out it was $600. Blue ray players were like $1200. So with the PS3 you were getting a gaming system ( I use that loosely ) among other things & a blue ray player for half the price of a blue ray player. How did sony pull that off? They were just nice & losing money on each system they sold, right? NOOOTTTTT!! They put cheap tawain drives in that thing just like they have in the past for every other system they made. Those drives are garbage & I wouldn't play movies on that system at all. If you do, sooner or later you will kill it.

Besides who cares about all that extra garbage. When I buy a game system, I am trying to get just that a GAME SYSTEM. I could care less if it plays movies, has blue tooth, answers my phone or goes & gets me a beer. It's all extra garbage that I could care less about & they are charging me for. If you recall the PS3 was $600 when it first came out.

Another thing that makes the PS3 garbage is the fact that it WAS backwards compatible. Great I don't have to have my PS1 & PS2 out anymore. Well that was only the early models. Because once sony started lowering the price, they took that feature out. Rat Bast*rds!!!

The PS3 online play is free, just remember you get what you pay for. Xbox live is so much better!   

I do have a question since I got the PS3 the day it came out. I actually wasted 5 days of my life camping out for that worthless brick. Luckily I bought 2 & threw the one on ebay right away. The money I made selling the extra one made mine free. I don't feel so bad that it just collects dust now.

Anyway, my question is about the slim PS3 since I have never seen it outnthe box. Does that thing come with a power brick? Or is it still inside the system?
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Yung Kratos on March 04, 2010, 02:52:28 PM
@ DT it is still inside the system

You are right about the primary use of a gaming system is to play games (something thats very hard to do while its in for repair from the good ol red ring).
The main difference when choosing a console is what games are you going to play on it. XBOX Has few truly exclusive major franchises halo, project gotham, forza, and miscellaneous rare titles.

PS3 on the other hand has some astounding exclusive titles as well as major overhauls and exclusive content on games that 360 has.

regardless of how cheap you say the PS3 drive is remember how poorly designed the 360 one is. because ive never had to rebuy a PS3 game because my drive scratched it.

The bc on some models was poor on others it was costly removing it is really a non issue. As going back to your own point You buy a gaming system for just that gaming if playing PS2 is really that important to you why bother purchasing a PS3. this summer there releasing a 100% compatible bc emulation 360's emu wont be at 100% then
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 04, 2010, 03:03:44 PM
Haha whats with the hate. I own both a 80gb since 2006 and a slim since last year and out of MY experience instead of online reviews or online trolling i can say the following:

-Ive watched tons of movies (dvd and br, original and copies) in both and no problem at all, actually they sometimes play what i had alread clasified as screwed up. Also blue rays play a lot faster and smoother than any other blue ray player ive used.
-Half the time ive put into the first console is for ps2 games and no failure either (4 years of use so far).
-No ring of death :).
-Friendly with a lot of third party software.
-Beautiful multimedia on exclusives
-Somewhat friendly online comunity (didnt expect that)
-More actual exclusives as our buddy wisely posted many xbox "exclusives" are avaliable on pc as well or end up in the ps3 afer a year or so with extra crap yay.

-Lowsy menu planning
-Longass loadings (comparing with pc n xbox here)
-Longass install
-Controller triggers are very slippery
-Slim design is fugly  :cool
-Slow response to internet problems/exploits (not sure if its sony or the developers fault)
-God of War fanboys

"Extra garbage" can be an argument if all you want is games and online indeed and im with you on that one most of the time as i dont even know how the browser works, i cant buy stuff from the psn and the whole psn home doesnt work in mexico BUT for people who do care about all this then it comes down to money: if you have around 200 extra bucks you go for the xbox due to its supposed superior online if not you can save the 200 and get something pretty similar but not as good. Guys like me spend money on more games and go "well i wont use all that stuff too much but its nice to have it and its damn cheap". I have no complaints for the psn though, from day one it has been way better than i expected yet ive only used xbox in friends houses so i cant post disadvantages.

Maybe it's just me.

But Am I the only person here noting yet AGAIN that the PS3 fans talk and list the advantages more then fans of any other system.

Maybe theres just more to list before having to attack. Like politicians :).

Dont understand the power brick question otherwise i would gladly answer.

Will stop here as i hate text walls
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Random Regular on March 04, 2010, 03:20:16 PM
Blu Ray has no advantage?
Lets see:
Xbox 360 HD DVD: 
- 9GB
- Dual Layered
- 720p HD Ready, 1080i.

PS3 Blu Ray Disc:
50 GB (Sony is even working on making the capacity bigger without hardware changes) 
- 720p, 1080i, 1080p Full HD.
More capacity = More stuff you can include (MGS4 & GoW3 = 40GB)

Taiwan drives? wtflolbbq.
That's Bull....I play Blu Ray movies on that thing since 2006, And it still works like a charm, And I don't know where you look for Blu Ray players but here you paid 300 euro's for that (2006-2007)
And Sony has always been losing money, They still do (20 dollars for each PS3 they produce)

The 360's drives are the worst I've ever seen, I had to buy Gears Of War 3 freaking times, 3! (If I didn't love that franchise I sold my 360 right away)
MS had to release the 360 later because they've earned 750 euro's from me and my Xbox problems.

Online? Yeah it's definitely better on the 360, But why do I not seem to care?
The PSN for the PS3 is simple and free (For now) And that's how I like it.

Post Merge: March 04, 2010, 03:32:10 PM
I don' t care for bc, I have a PS2/PSX, + they sell PS1 games for 5-10 bucks (The price for 1 NES game on the Wii is 5,00 each, Seriously that's freaking expensive) And soon they will sell Neo Geo games on the PSN store. 
I have a PS3 to play PS3 games, If I want to play some PS2 games I just turn my dusty modded PS2 on.

It's not that I hate the PS3, No infact I used to have alot of fun with that monstah, But I hate people that say that the PS3 has no use, Know your facts first.
Btw: I'm not bashing anyone I'm just being honest even if I sound rude.

Also vyn reply pretty much tells the truth about the PS3 cons, And PSN.

Post Merge: March 04, 2010, 03:35:16 PM
It's not that I hate the Xbox 360, No infact I used to have alot of fun with that monstah
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 04, 2010, 04:18:51 PM
Maybe theres just more to list before having to attack. Like politicians :).

Dont understand the power brick question otherwise i would gladly answer.

Will stop here as i hate text walls

I just Find it funny that when ANYONE makes a statement like: I like the 360. or insult the PS3.

PS3 Fans go "lol 360" or run to protect their console.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Random Regular on March 04, 2010, 04:22:59 PM
I just Find it funny that when ANYONE makes a statement like: I like the 360. or insult the PS3.

PS3 Fans go "lol 360" or run to protect their console.

And vice versa (Even though 360 like to swear more IMO), Just buy the 2 damn consoles already and you get the best of both worlds, right?
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 04, 2010, 04:47:31 PM
I know. On this forum though it seems to mostly be the ps3 fans though.

at least you guys don't out right insult though. (Unlike someone...)

I wish I had enough money to get a ps3. Cause I really want to play MGS4 and little big planet.

I'm also looking foreward to that sequel to shadow of the collosus. (One of the best games on the ps2)

Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: DARKTALBAIN on March 04, 2010, 05:04:17 PM
@ DT it is still inside the system

So they still haven't taken care of the yellow light if death problem. In fact they may have made it worse by shrinking the system. I will get into that later 

You are right about the primary use of a gaming system is to play games (something thats very hard to do while its in for repair from the good ol red ring).

& here it is, every PS3 fans only defense, the " dreaded red ring ." yeah well at least microsoft extended the  warranty to three years. When all sony did was say send us $200 & your system, we will fix it. You may not recall this, but when metal gear came out & the PS3's that were being used as footstools finally started getting some use, sice a good game actually came out. Well the PS3's were getting a yellow light o the front & they wouldn't function anymore. Why? Because the piece of crap overheated. Why?  Because like idiots sony put the power brick inside the system instead of on the outside. That brick is used to convert the electricity from your wall into the proper voltage to run the system. Now where does that extra energy go? It escapes as heat. not bad when the brick is next to the entertainment center. But when it's in the system, friiiiiiiiiiiiiiied.     

The main difference when choosing a console is what games are you going to play on it. XBOX Has few truly exclusive major franchises halo, project gotham, forza, and miscellaneous rare titles.

I agree with this statement. It's all about what type of games you like when choosing a system. If you like metal gear, then buy a PS3. If you are a gamer that likes to play all kinds of games buy the 360. let me recap.

PS3 = metal gear
360 = great gaming experience

regardless of how cheap you say the PS3 drive is remember how poorly designed the 360 one is. because ive never had to rebuy a PS3 game because my drive scratched it.

Don't blame the stupidity of people on the system. The 360 pays Samsung, Hitachi, liteon & ben Q to make their drives. All noted cd/dvd rom manufacturers. I once had my system up on it's side & I had a wired controller hooked up. The dog came running by & caught the cord, knocked over the system, & that game was trashed. I didn't blame microsoft. I blamed my The d*mn system is not meant to sit standing up like that. There's a little lip that is supposed to hold the disc in place. What happens is it vibrates & grinds against the tray. Kind of a pointless issue to even bring up. because the PS2 used to do the same thing when people played it standing up. So yeah, not really a microsoft problem at all.   

The bc on some models was poor on others it was costly removing it is really a non issue. As going back to your own point You buy a gaming system for just that gaming if playing PS2 is really that important to you why bother purchasing a PS3. this summer there releasing a 100% compatible bc emulation 360's emu wont be at 100% then

Because if they advertise that it is backwards compatible, then it should stay that way. You point here is really not valid. Because PS2 games ARE indeed games. So i am still using it to game.

I have all 3 current systems , wii, 360, & PS3. Not to mention every other system that has come out over the years. PS3 is the worst system I own.

Post Merge: March 04, 2010, 05:08:07 PM
And vice versa (Even though 360 like to swear more IMO), Just buy the 2 damn consoles already and you get the best of both worlds, right?

I agree buy both cosoles for the best of boith worlds. this way you will be able to play games ( with the 360 ) & you will have something to rest your feet on whileplaying your 360 ( that would be sony's expensive )
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Alexziq on March 04, 2010, 05:11:07 PM
I'd like to play the Joker Mode on Arkham Asylum.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 04, 2010, 05:13:42 PM
Honestly if it wasnt for xbox ring of death and its 80% probability of happening during the first year of use (the whole scratching games is new to me) i would have bought one already because of some exclusives and no im not talking bout halo and gears of war but some rpgs like tales of silmeria and such (wtf with xbox getting rpgs, that thing is made for arcades).
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Random Regular on March 04, 2010, 05:16:57 PM
DT enjoys trolling PS3 fans.
You are mean :'(
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Worksa8 on March 04, 2010, 05:24:29 PM
If they gave the wii the same power of hardware, I bet we wouldn't even be having this discussion right now xD

But personally, I would say 360, since I have one. Though that is only if you can tolerate Microsofts terrible money whore ways- they will do anything for a buck.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 04, 2010, 05:29:19 PM
If i were to buy an xbox for:

-Playing games
-Playing them online

So i dont care about browser, dvd players, headsets, and w/e else. How much would it cost me???

DT should edit that poll to enrage us ps3 a bit cause trollin aint working properly so far XD.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Swiziga on March 04, 2010, 05:50:42 PM
 i like xbox for the games and online. when talking about consoles that's what i mainly focus on. free online and redring is the argument my friends and everyone else make when tlking about ps3 vs xbox360 i don't care much for paying for live the redring is the only thing that would upset me and om hoping it wont happen again. i don't really see the big deal for blueray or dvd i never watch them on my xbox i just do that on my bros laptop. i don't really like blueray either, call me crazy but it makes special effects movies look bad. i watched spiderman3 on a blueray player on a hdtv and everything looked sooooo fake :| anyone else noticed that it happens to movies like this
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Nilakantha on March 04, 2010, 06:03:06 PM
I cannot understand how folks can complain about install time...I mean seriously once it's done installing you do not have to install ever again.  I would be like complain about installing Microsoft Word or Adobe Flash Player saying "Why does the install take so long, I want to use Word right this life depends on it".  A lot of complaints I see for the PS3 are really stupid.  How about some real complaints like:

Why doesn't the PS3 have a custom soundtrack like 360?
Why isn't there a PS2 on Demand?
Why can't you transfer Hard Drives to another PS3 console?
Why won't certain save files transfer to USB?
Why can't youtube load faster so that I can whine some more?

These are the things I see as faults on the PS3.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 04, 2010, 06:18:43 PM
Long installs are only a valid argument when compared to something else rendering it inferior as for themselves indeed are unimportant. The mgs4 move to have an four installs midgame i did find annoying though but thats a one time.

Questions are rethorical im guessing but ill answer some as im bored XD. You can transfer all your info from one ps3 to another, i did and its pretty ez. Custom soundtrack as in playing your songs while playing?? yes that would be cool but i cant adress as a major issue. Non transfer save files have two reasons; one is so everyone has to go trough the game like ninja gaiden and others are to avoid people hacking and editing the files as it happened in borderlands, these decisions are completely up to the developer as sony makes em transferible by standard. Youtube sucks.

Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Nilakantha on March 04, 2010, 06:44:16 PM
Long installs are only a valid argument when compared to something else rendering it inferior as for themselves indeed are unimportant. The mgs4 move to have an four installs midgame i did find annoying though but thats a one time.

Questions are rethorical im guessing but ill answer some as im bored XD. You can transfer all your info from one ps3 to another, i did and its pretty ez. Custom soundtrack as in playing your songs while playing?? yes that would be cool but i cant adress as a major issue. Non transfer save files have two reasons; one is so everyone has to go trough the game like ninja gaiden and others are to avoid people hacking and editing the files as it happened in borderlands, these decisions are completely up to the developer as sony makes em transferible by standard. Youtube sucks.

Actually it didn't work, because my brother got a new PS3 and couldn't transfer his old hard drive to his new one.  A error pops up and ask if you want to format the hard drive.  So thats a fault there.  Memory transfer is also a fault, but I wont get into that.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 04, 2010, 07:22:35 PM
Actually thats the way it works, the ps3 is formated before transfering data, this is the official tutorial and what i used to transfer mine (

Since u couldnt pull it off b4 then i guess you have already new info n your ps3, play it smart and back that up in a flash memory. Hope it helps mate.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Nilakantha on March 04, 2010, 07:31:43 PM
So if you formated the hard drive, you still get to keep all of your stuff?

I just wish that all games could save on flash memory, like Wolfenstein won't allow save transfer.  My brother had the American version of Minna no Golf 5 and had unlocked all of the characters on the old hard drive and let me tell you...Minna no Golf 5 is the hardest fricking game on the planet  \-/o.  So yeah he's not playing that game anymore since his stuff is gone.  On my 360 I cannot even access my old save files for some odd reason.  I when to play Dead Rising and everything was gone, then noticed that pretty much everything that came in 05 and 06 was remove, yet if I check my console it still says that the file is in my profile.  The good thing is that I get to keep my achievements, but there was still more stuff I wanted to get in my old games. 
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Yung Kratos on March 05, 2010, 12:05:09 AM
@ dt i see alot of metal gear references have you even played your ps3 in the last two years

the red ring thing is not a defense its a fact

lemme tell you ive never had hardware failure with xbox 360 and right now im on my second PS3 so it does happen however when im on my second PS3 my younger brother is on his 3rd 360 my one unlce is on his 3rd set ( both my uncles buy 360's in pairs just in case one craps out) my other uncles gone through 7 and i can name only 2 friends that have never had hardware failure with 360 while im the only person i know whos ever had ps3 hardware failure
if ps3s hardware failure rate was half the 360's theyd have a similar plan remember until recently the warranty wasnt really that great

custom soundtracks is actually an issue with microsofts buisness practice of using their money and legal manipulations to monopolize markets products features etc essentially it has to do with an m$ patent
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Theendgamelv3 on March 05, 2010, 04:45:21 AM
This is gonna be a HUGE response so bare with me.

I've said this before the Blue ray is in no way an advantage. Anyone who plays movies on the PS3 is nuts. Do you really want to trash your game system by playing movies on it? Dumb question, because a lot of people did by playing dvd movies on the PS2.

How are they nuts? I bought a PS2 for that reason and I played games and movies on it. Does this mean I am nuts for playing movies and games on my comp, laptop or any other DVD/CD/Blu-Ray drive that does multiple things? It is MADE to put disks in. Of course it adds more wear and tear later on if you use it....A TON, but that can be said for any kind of machine. You say it is dumb yet the 360 does the same exact thing but with dvd movies. Obviously most of us by now how a regular dvd player (I don't, I use my PS3), but you have people who use a 360 as a dvd player. You trash the system due to OVERUSE and that isn't the PS3 fault, but the consumer who over used it and I don't know how many people who have overused their PS3s due playing MANY games and MANY movies, but in the end, it would be the consumer's fault. It isn't dumb to buy something that DOES IT ALL and does it all pretty well. Go ask the MILLIONS of PS3 owners who are satified with their blu-ray/game console and they will tell you they are happy with how it plays both and plays both well.

Anyway think about it. When the PS3 came out it was $600. Blue ray players were like $1200. So with the PS3 you were getting a gaming system ( I use that loosely ) among other things & a blue ray player for half the price of a blue ray player. How did sony pull that off? They were just nice & losing money on each system they sold, right? NOOOTTTTT!! They put cheap tawain drives in that thing just like they have in the past for every other system they made. Those drives are garbage & I wouldn't play movies on that system at all. If you do, sooner or later you will kill it.

It IS a game system. No ifs, ands or BUTS about it, not loosely or even anything less than that, it is primary a GAMING system. I guess the 360 is LOOSELY a gaming system as it can play movies, steam movies, play games AND music. Hmm that sounds like...THE PS3. Outside of a browser, the 360 and the PS3 do the SAME thing. I guess that browser, that ONE thing that it does over the 360 makes it "loosely" a gaming console. I guess netflix is just eye candy and is just there, something that NOONE uses right? As for your claim they didn't lose money, what source do you have to say other wise when MANY sites, said other wise. Hell alot of people were clowning the PS3 and Sony CAUSE it was losing money and saying how dumb Sony was. This is a legit attack on Sony yet you turn it on its head and say it used cheap parts and pocketed the cash. They must have gotten a good deal the hardware for the PS3 is pretty reliable. I would love to see a source, then I will post up many sources that say Sony did indeed lost money for years on the PS3.

Besides who cares about all that extra garbage. When I buy a game system, I am trying to get just that a GAME SYSTEM. I could care less if it plays movies, has blue tooth, answers my phone or goes & gets me a beer. It's all extra garbage that I could care less about & they are charging me for. If you recall the PS3 was $600 when it first came out. want me to list the stuff the 360 has that can be considered garbage? I guess facebook and netflix are just awsome non-garbage stuff. Home...I know you will bring this up and will say that Home is is the thing about Home IF you do bring it is OPTIONAL. You don't need it, it isn't shipped with the PS3. Again You are so blinded by hate to realize that the PS3 is a GAMING MACHINE or did you miss the fact that Uncharted 2 by many sites claimed it the game of the year last year on the "loosely" gaming machine. You're argument that it has garbage is off cause that means the 360 is garbage. I don't see how it is garbage when it uses a different media format to play games. Would you made this claim if HD DVD won? I bet you would go off how Blu-Ray failed and how HD-DVDs are great for gaming cause we all know if HD DVD won, there would be HD DVD games right now for the 360. M$ did the smart cautious approach where as Sony took a gamble and both came out winners as Blu-Ray is succeeding and the 360 is still using a very viable format in dvds.

Another thing that makes the PS3 garbage is the fact that it WAS backwards compatible. Great I don't have to have my PS1 & PS2 out anymore. Well that was only the early models. Because once sony started lowering the price, they took that feature out. Rat Bast*rds!!!

This.....this is the one thing I didn't like. Sony should have kept it backwards compatible. That doesn't make it garbage cause it doesn't have it. It has a solid line up on its own without the need of the PS2 library. Overall this was one of the dumbest moves Sony has done when it came to the PS3.

The PS3 online play is free, just remember you get what you pay for. Xbox live is so much better!

PS3 uses dedicated servers for the most part while the 360 uses P2P. This one advantage for the PS3.  Now the 360 does have more people and lots of people use mics. The mic deal for the 360 is probably M$ smartest move when it comes to multiplayer. With that said, Live ISN'T light years beyond PSN. There has been talk that PSN will at a small cost basically will have the same features as Live with cross game chat and invites from what I read (, BUT the cool thing about this, it is OPTIONAL and can be CHEAPER as it is infact tiered. You still get you standard stuff for free (which is everything that PSN has to offer right now), but if you want some extras Sony gives you a choice, while M$ gives more restriction. With M$ it is you pay or don't play online but, with Sony it is play for free and/or pay for any additional options you want. I like choice and I bet a ton of people do too. Really 50 bucks a year isn't justified for me to have those features and to play with more people. Will I be able to tell the difference between a million ppl playing and 100,000 people playing? 100k, hell 10k is more than enough people to play with online everyday. Not worth 50 bucks a year. I would rather buy a game  for PS3 or PC and play online for free cause in the end, that is all I care about, getting online and playing. I have played both and both gave me the same experience, I got online and played. Basically to me, go with the system that most of your friends have and will buy games on, but outside of the friends experience and many more people with mics it isn't that much better especially since Sony intends to add a few more features that Live has.

I do have a question since I got the PS3 the day it came out. I actually wasted 5 days of my life camping out for that worthless brick. Luckily I bought 2 & threw the one on ebay right away. The money I made selling the extra one made mine free. I don't feel so bad that it just collects dust now.

Anyway, my question is about the slim PS3 since I have never seen it outnthe box. Does that thing come with a power brick? Or is it still inside the system?

Here is the funny thing, you made your PS3 a "brick" when many 360 users, had no choice to make their system a brick due to RROD. You can bring up YOLD all you want, but there WAS a reason M$ extended its warranty. The failure rate of the PS3 has never reached the levels of the 360. Even after all these years. EVERYTHING has a failure rate it is just that the 360 failed so much that M$ had to do something drastic. You can say that the PS3 was made out of cheap crap, but many people went through multiple 360s. Hell I know 2-3 people who had to send their 360 in, and you have someone on here who HAD their PS3 screw up on them saying the PS3 is better hardware wise. Don't get me wrong, the 360 software wise, is PRETTY DAMN good. Could be argued that it has a better line up, but hardware, it doesn't EVEN come close to the PS3. Unlike you, I am opened minded and won't needlessly bash any console. The thing is, I have thought about getting a 360, but thought why, I DON'T want pay for it to play online. There aren't enough exclusives for me to buy and and some of those exclusives could come to the PC and many of the multiplats come on PS3 anyways.

Added this part cause I didn't see this til the next page

& here it is, every PS3 fans only defense, the " dreaded red ring ." yeah well at least microsoft extended the  warranty to three years. When all sony did was say send us $200 & your system, we will fix it. You may not recall this, but when metal gear came out & the PS3's that were being used as footstools finally started getting some use, sice a good game actually came out. Well the PS3's were getting a yellow light o the front & they wouldn't function anymore. Why? Because the piece of crap overheated. Why?  Because like idiots sony put the power brick inside the system instead of on the outside. That brick is used to convert the electricity from your wall into the proper voltage to run the system. Now where does that extra energy go? It escapes as heat. not bad when the brick is next to the entertainment center. But when it's in the system, friiiiiiiiiiiiiiied.      

It is also the BIGGEST defense. The PS3 hasn't failed enough for Sony to say "hey lets extend our warranty". It took a LAW SUIT for M$ to do this. Don't make it sound like M$ did this out of the kindness of their hearts and went "OMG these poor gamers 360s are breaking down on them, lets extend the warranty and pay for it". What you ALSO fail to mention in this is that you HAD to pay for 360 repairs initially before this, uh-oh ( . So don't go off on Sony having its users paying for repairs when 360 user initially did too. The difference is that the 360 fail SO BADLY that M$ HAD to do this while Sony still charges cause their system is alot more reliable. If the 360 didn't fail as much as it did, you will be playing M$ money to repair it. Your "$200 " claim is off cause it was/is 150 bucks and it is 180 bucks and that is for the launch systems, if I am correct it is 150 bucks for the newer slims ( PS3s can fail....not new, but to try to compare it to the failure rate of the 360 is laughable.

I agree with this statement. It's all about what type of games you like when choosing a system. If you like metal gear, then buy a PS3. If you are a gamer that likes to play all kinds of games buy the 360. let me recap.

PS3 = metal gear
360 = great gaming experience

Let me kinda fix this

360 = great gaming experience

PS3 = also great gaming experience with MGS 4 (Stealth Action), Uncharted Series (3rd person shooter), Ratchet and Clank series (platforming), Killzone 2 (FPS), Little Big Planet (2D platformer where you can make you own stages), God of War 3 (hack and slash) Heavy Rain (interactive action/drama game), imFamous (3rd person adventure/action), etc ALONG with many of the 3rd party games that the 360 gets even when they were "360 Only" *cough Bioshock, Star Ocean 4, etc cough*. If you bring up that Sony lost exclusives then you missed my point. BOTH are a great gaming experience.

Just because you might not like some of the PS3 exclusives doesn't mean overall it isn't a great gaming experience with all kinds of different games like I mentioned.

Don't blame the stupidity of people on the system. The 360 pays Samsung, Hitachi, liteon & ben Q to make their drives. All noted cd/dvd rom manufacturers. I once had my system up on it's side & I had a wired controller hooked up. The dog came running by & caught the cord, knocked over the system, & that game was trashed. I didn't blame microsoft. I blamed my dog...Laugh Out Loud The d*mn system is not meant to sit standing up like that. There's a little lip that is supposed to hold the disc in place. What happens is it vibrates & grinds against the tray. Kind of a pointless issue to even bring up. because the PS2 used to do the same thing when people played it standing up. So yeah, not really a microsoft problem at all

You mean it isn't made to be played vertically? If that is the case then M$ didn't get its own memo cause there are tons of pics, commercials of it on its side that were released by M$. If indeed it wasn't meant to be played that way, why would M$ have some of its advertising have it on its side suggesting to gamers it can do that. That is THEIR fault if that is the case. The thing is, it can play on its side, but it will scratch the disk if you move it from its side to the flat position or visa versa while playing from what I read.

Overall alot of what you are saying is SO bias it isn't even funny. I don't own a 360 and I can say good things about and I own a PS3 and I can say bad things about it. Yes the Sony really blundered in its launched and hell the video with the Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidge Raaacer and Giant Enemy Crab is funny. They messed up by removing the backwards compatibility, they made alot of mistakes. However now they have recovered very nicely and last year was their most successful year to date. With that said 360 has many good games, has a GREAT line up this year with Halo Reach, Alan Wake, possible Gears of War 3, Mass Effect 2 etc. but their hardware sucks, with its failures. They unlike Sony and Nintendo or any non-mmo PC games don't charge you to pay for online gaming which is dumb. If they were smart, they would make Silver free for playing online, I might jump and get a 360 and I bet there are more people like me who feel the same.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 05, 2010, 05:58:42 PM

Im goin to quote this part of your reply as i see people probably ignoring your wall of text (not me) and i consider it extremely important for this lil debate.


So put in a few words the psn will have many new features in the future and some of them will not be free. Everything we have for free now will remain FREE of charge so the money argument remains.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: SuperMajinGogeta4 on March 05, 2010, 06:36:33 PM
I was thinking about doing this but you did it for me. I hate it when ppl turn this into a war over something so stupid. Brainlessly bashing a console for no good reason. I read your whole post. I most of the time don't read a post that long. You stated a lot of good points. Sir, you deserve kudos for post.  XD||
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: wolviesam on March 05, 2010, 08:50:05 PM
Both playstation 3 and xbox 360 are great, two great games Metal gear and Gears of war.

Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on March 05, 2010, 09:52:02 PM
It's going to be close judging by the polls.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: SanjiSasuke on March 06, 2010, 12:43:39 PM
On a side note befor PS3 came out PS2 vs. Xbox discussions were everywhere. ;*)) I think this shows that if either Xbox or PS3 had a portable messiah built into them, we would still argue over them.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: BigJ on March 11, 2010, 02:56:01 AM
I have 360 and have played PS Triple on several occasions and I can't find a reason to ever buy a PS3. To me, it goes like this:

PS3: Casual gamers
360: Hardcore gamers
Wii: Casual gamers/Younger gamers
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Theendgamelv3 on March 11, 2010, 05:44:17 AM
I have 360 and have played PS Triple on several occasions and I can't find a reason to ever buy a PS3. To me, it goes like this:

PS3: Casual gamers
360: Hardcore gamers
Wii: Casual gamers/Younger gamers

How is the PS3 just for casual gamers? I mean all those systems can be for hardcore or casual gamers. The PS3 and 360 share so many multiplats that outside of 1st party exclusives and the rare 3rd party exclusive they almost the same. The Wii.....well it does have some hardcore games, just not many.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Random Regular on March 11, 2010, 08:23:40 AM
I have 360 and have played PS Triple on several occasions and I can't find a reason to ever buy a PS3. To me, it goes like this:

PS3: Casual gamers
360: Hardcore gamers
Wii: Casual gamers/Younger gamers

Hahahahaha :DxDie
Play Resistance 2, Or better God Of War III when it's out, And you will get that 'casual' stuff you are looking for  ;*))
I lol'd.

What's so hardcore about Gears and Halo? Because I can't find 360 EXCLUSIVES that are for 'Hardcore' gamers.
If you mean with Hardcore gamers underaged kids playing Halo then you're right (It's true, when I used to play Halo 3 with a friend I heard a lot of them)

Explain it to me pl0x, The 360 and PS3 share 70% of it's games.
Having played the PS3 on several occasions ain't enough if you think that console is for casual gamers.
The Xbox and PS3 are just the same, You just need to pick the one to your likings.

(Sends Xbox 360 to Microsoft for repairs... :( For the 3rd time)
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 11, 2010, 01:50:58 PM
Ya ill have to agree there, i dont consider xbox360 a hardcore console and ps3 a casual console but to be fair i dont see ps3 as a hardcore console either, if they are to be judged by their exclusives then most on ps3 are shooters or hack and slash games. Rpgs are usually the "hardcore" genre due to the amount of time they require and the way they are played but none of them is truly strong in that aspect either, if any the xbox has about 2 or 3 more exclusives there like tales of vesperia and infinite undiscovery? so... ya not quite the argument.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: BigJ on March 11, 2010, 04:08:34 PM
How is the PS3 just for casual gamers? I mean all those systems can be for hardcore or casual gamers. The PS3 and 360 share so many multiplats that outside of 1st party exclusives and the rare 3rd party exclusive they almost the same. The Wii.....well it does have some hardcore games, just not many.

I didn't mean that every PS3 gamer is casual, or every Xbox gamer is hardcore. I'm just stating my opinion, thats all. Didn't mean for anyone to get offended. :D

Hahahahaha :DxDie
Play Resistance 2, Or better God Of War III when it's out, And you will get that 'casual' stuff you are looking for  ;*))
I lol'd.

What's so hardcore about Gears and Halo? Because I can't find 360 EXCLUSIVES that are for 'Hardcore' gamers.
If you mean with Hardcore gamers underaged kids playing Halo then you're right (It's true, when I used to play Halo 3 with a friend I heard a lot of them)

Explain it to me pl0x, The 360 and PS3 share 70% of it's games.
Having played the PS3 on several occasions ain't enough if you think that console is for casual gamers.
The Xbox and PS3 are just the same, You just need to pick the one to your likings.

(Sends Xbox 360 to Microsoft for repairs... :( For the 3rd time)

I guess I meant to say that there seems to be more competitive gamers on 360 in the first place. :/ But again, thats just my opinion. I've only sent my Xbox for repairs once btw and have had it for a couple of years now. I'm not even sure why you brought that up... That was very trollish of you.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 11, 2010, 04:16:35 PM
I'm confused, what's you're Defenition of "Casual"

from what I've seen, CASUAL games are games like tetris, or Bejeweled, or something.

I Didn't know halo wasn't Hardcore, I mean, what, they only have the LARGEST competitive scene in the world followed by Super Smash Bros.

I guess those people that play professional are all super casj.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Random Regular on March 11, 2010, 04:26:50 PM
why you brought that up... That was very trollish of you.

lol Didn't ment to...... seriously, but while we were at it I just typed that in :p It's true, It had a Laser faillure.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Theendgamelv3 on March 11, 2010, 04:29:58 PM
I am not offended,  but that opinion is't based on much. I don't see how you can say there are more competitive ppl on the 360. You have to understand that there are more 360s than PS3s, so there would be more ppl and due to this, it might seem that way. The PS3's target audience is exactly the same as the 360s. Basically why do you think there are more casual gamers on the PS3 when the target audience is the same as the 360 and when they share alot of the hardcore games and while Sony itself is making hardcore games like God of War 3 and Killzone 2. Wouldn't they make more casual games for their many casual gamers?
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 11, 2010, 06:58:08 PM
I'm confused, what's you're Defenition of "Casual"

from what I've seen, CASUAL games are games like tetris, or Bejeweled, or something.

I Didn't know halo wasn't Hardcore, I mean, what, they only have the LARGEST competitive scene in the world followed by Super Smash Bros.

I guess those people that play professional are all super casj.

No quite what hardcore or casual stand for, market wise hardcore are people whose main form of entertainment are videogames and are capable of easily putting 100 hours into a game and/or 3-4 hours of game a day. Casual would be peeps who only see videogames as an alternative to their many other forms of entertainment and put a couple of hours a week or so AND, very importantly,  play mostly very comercial very known and very simple games, because of this the more massive a game is the less hardcore; so ya thats halo, gow, gears of war, uncharted, mario, rockband/hero/whatever; all are massively played and simple for anyone unfamiliar with videogames to just pick and play.

YET even these games have hardcore players as you correctly mention but hey how else can we explain things if we dont generalize.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 11, 2010, 07:59:53 PM
Okaaay then.

So I guess I'm "Hardcore" then. No surprise really.... However, I don't think I've ever played a game that took me 100 hours to beat.

edited, nevermind.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 11, 2010, 08:04:59 PM
No game has taken me 100 hours to beat either but to get to 100% hell yes, valkyirie profile just took me like 130, damn perfect relases...
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: -Whiplash- on March 11, 2010, 08:10:20 PM
the longest it's ever takin me to get 100% on an RPG was kotor, which took me about 48 hours.

of course, if you include all my other play throughs, (Over several years) I've easily played for over 200 hours, took me a while to get it right.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Yung Kratos on March 11, 2010, 10:51:39 PM
ive put about 500 hours between different characters on oblivion(360 version might i add) little known fact aswell call of duty is actually a casual title
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: vyn on March 11, 2010, 11:29:46 PM
nah, any shooter is casual, and the most popular of the arcades certainly is

Final fantasy is a casual game now though, thats a bit of a shocker maybe
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: Nilakantha on March 12, 2010, 01:49:42 AM
I wouldn't put Final Fantasy as casual unless you are referring to the handheld Final Fantasys.  Final Fantasys are not pick up and play games that children can play.  Casual games to me would be games that do not require much thinking or effort at all.  Games that you play with the family.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: ratmon on March 12, 2010, 02:08:11 PM
I really like the xbox 360. So that one gets my vote. But really I find playing mario kart with my buds wayyy better then playing any racing game on the ps3 or the xbox.
Title: Re: Playstation 3 or XBox 360
Post by: DEMONKAI on March 12, 2010, 05:35:31 PM
For now the 360 is doing it for me. It seems they have more exclusives and games that keep dropping and are hardly pushed back at all. The only games that caught my attention on ps3 were GOW3. metal gear solid 4 and demons souls. Ive Been a sony fan since ps1 and still have my ps2 and still get imports for it. i have more sony games than 360 and thats a lot of 360 games.

360s online experience is way more fun. too many people & too many friends. i have a lot of friends who have both and they always play the 360 more and have less games for the ps3. I only have one friend who loves ps3 and the only games hes crazy for is call of duty and the upcoming Gow3. Thats not a lot.

I mean to each their own but at the end of the day The ps3 has the better essentials like the controller (for fighting games) and its FREE. But the 360 "In my opinion" has the the better hardcore experience in "gamer fun".

,,,,,and for the record they "both" have failure issues. My hardcore sony friend took his back 3 times thats my two cents :-??
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