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IMT Discussions => Video Games => Topic started by: ADSplay101 on January 01, 2010, 06:43:37 PM

Title: Bayoneta
Post by: ADSplay101 on January 01, 2010, 06:43:37 PM (

This game looks to be promising, a nice gender revised Dante from Devils May Cry. Im looking forward to this game.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Nilakantha on January 01, 2010, 08:27:39 PM
It is good, probably the best action game this gen.  I beat it twice, though hard mode really is hard.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: KPT25 on January 02, 2010, 11:46:40 AM
i heard that the PS3 version was just a port of the Xbox 360 version,which appears to be the superior version
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 02, 2010, 12:47:33 PM
Yes PS3 version was a port. The 360 version rules. I 'bought' it 3 days ago along with darksiders.

Darksiders is a really good game to. But it has 2 issues. Horrible screen tearing on the 360 version and slight FPS drops. Other then that its amazing. Bayonetta is a really fun and addictive game as well.

*Now waits on DT to say he 'bought' it to*
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Whoblehwah on January 02, 2010, 04:29:21 PM
This game looks great, but I'ma wait and get it later. I just recently got the God of War Collection and my brothers getting Darksiders on monday. I think he's also getting Dante's Inferno. I'll get Bayonetta eventually. I'll probably wait until after I get Final Fantasy XIII.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 02, 2010, 06:10:26 PM
It's def worth it. I'm about a quarter of the way through the game I believe.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Nilakantha on January 02, 2010, 06:36:13 PM
Wait too you see Bayonetta's sweet dance at the end of the game.  I had the PS3 version, its not far behind the 360 version, only lighting and frame issues, other than that merely the same.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: .:K.I.N.G:. on January 02, 2010, 06:45:46 PM
ps3 version sucks compared 360 sadly.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Nilakantha on January 02, 2010, 07:08:46 PM
No it doesn't I play both and there isn't as much different other than the issues I mention.  People make big deals and want to start console wars which is all it is. :-??
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: .:K.I.N.G:. on January 02, 2010, 07:53:18 PM
No it doesn't I play both and there isn't as much different other than the issues I mention.  People make big deals and want to start console wars which is all it is. :-??
console war?!

check this video out (

i don 't have an x360, i'm a ps3 user but i've seen both in action and the ps3 version suffers from many issues compared to 360, even the developers blamed sega for it.

1-low quality textures (most of the textures details are removed)
2-frame rate is really bad (almost stuttering at times)
3-washed out blurry look
4-lower polygons count
5-ridiculous loading times
6-environments detail/objects cut down
7-bad lighting effect

this port is actually one of the many reasons why sony may drop the cell architecture in the future and not just that, most of mutiplatform games do look and preform better on 360, it's a fact.

even batman AA got the joker exclusive content in order to make up for the graphical cut downs they had to do for the ps3 version.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Nilakantha on January 02, 2010, 08:06:20 PM
Hmm, maybe I was too busy enjoying this game to noticed any of that, because I barely see any blur problems nor much faust in load times.  I mean how did this sell more on the PS3 than 360 in Japan if it is that bad and most people have both systems?  360 version is superior but not by much.  Developers, Famitsu and Dengeki has stated that.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: .:K.I.N.G:. on January 02, 2010, 08:23:30 PM
Hmm, maybe I was too busy enjoying this game to noticed any of that, because I barely see any blur problems nor much faust in load times.  I mean how did this sell more on the PS3 than 360 in Japan if it is that bad and most people have both systems?  360 version is superior but not by much.  Developers, Famitsu and Dengeki has stated that.
due to the fact that ps3 is more popular than x360 almost every multiplatform game sells better on ps3 so nothing is really new here, the developers blamed sega for the ps3 port yet again they want the game to sell on ps3 despite the problems, hence "360 version is superior but not by much"
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 02, 2010, 09:27:57 PM
Hmm, maybe I was too busy enjoying this game to noticed any of that, because I barely see any blur problems nor much faust in load times.  I mean how did this sell more on the PS3 than 360 in Japan if it is that bad and most people have both systems?  360 version is superior but not by much.  Developers, Famitsu and Dengeki has stated that.

lol thats funny man im gonna play my copy after i watch my dvd "9" movie.

I bought Bayonetta and Left 4 Dead 2 from chinatown today. So this is a good thing u cats giving the game good reviews.
Ill see whats up in an hour er so! :w00t:
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on January 02, 2010, 10:03:21 PM
Darksiders is a pretty good game and I suggest everyone check out the game when it officially comes out!!
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Substantial on January 03, 2010, 03:19:49 PM
My expectations were too high for this game :V
To me Dmc3 > Bayo
One playthrough of Bayo was enough for me, it was way too corny, and easy. o_O Wasn't much to enjoy for me, and I'm not attracted to Sarah Palin.

This game is probably worth the buy if you haven't played DMC3 though.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 03, 2010, 03:43:35 PM
due to the fact that ps3 is more popular than x360 almost every multiplatform game sells better on ps3 so nothing is really new here, the developers blamed sega for the ps3 port yet again they want the game to sell on ps3 despite the problems, hence "360 version is superior but not by much"

No offense but you have that backwards. Every NPD report has stated 360 out sells PS3 with multiplats. So either you are misinformed or it's a hidden fanboy comment :P.

PS3 sells more copies in japan because the console originates there. Japanese people absolutely love the PS3/PS2/PS1. So when a game comes out for that platform they go en mass to get it. Over here in the states multiplat games sell more on the 360 because a lot of 3rd party developers have no idea how to really program for the PS3 to make it shine. it's a multi threaded machine. It requires everything to be split into jobs and some stuff to be thrown from the GPU to the PSU. It shines when developers design it with it's strengths in minds. Give Naughty dog for example, have you seen the visuals on Uncharted 2? I know I have. That is a perfect example of what the PS3 can do in the right hands. Plus its fluid throughout the game no hiccups or anything. You know why? Naughty dog worked with sony to unlock it's hidden potential. They used the CPU/PSU for some of the graphics computation which resulted in less stress on the GPU which in return gave an amazing result.

It takes good coders to take full advantage of a machine. But when one machine is basically a watered down computer (360) why should anyone wanna take the extra time to develop a multi plat game in parallel? When all they gotta do is code on the PC and then make some changes to dump it on a 360, instead of almost completely re writing it for the PS3. It does not make sense in a business point of view because the PS3 is a bee-otch to code on. It can be done quite wonderfully but a lot of developers don't have the time or resources to do it. So thank them for crappy ports to the PS3. Not the machine itself.

Both PS3 and 360 are really good machines. But if you are a lazy butt developer you won't unlock the potential behind the PS3. So that's why sony puts more time/money/resources into there first party developers. They work hand in hand with sony and it shows for every release.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 03, 2010, 04:41:32 PM
yeh thats funny u said that cuz Capcom Complained They couldnt code the animation frames good enough for Marvel super Heroes and Xmen Vs SF for Ps1 back in the day. Marvel super Heroes Made it But XmenVs SF didnt.

In the end Team Neo Blood (arc systems) proved them wrong and brought forth Guilty Gear on Ps1 which was fluid as hell and fast.
Although Capcom shut all that down later with SF3 for Dreamcast (a better system at the time) it still proves your point true about how Lazy or how unambitious a company can be to not want to code a Game a certain way for a certain system cuz it was too difficult. So i agree man really.

I like both systems Ps3 and 360. I have a crap load of sony games import and US and for the new Gen i have only a Crap load of 360 games and no Ps3 yet. Why? not cuz the system is trash but because the push of titles from sony and exclusives arent strong enough in my opinion plus the online Fun is better on 360. Yeh yeh u have to pay but its much more fun. and yeh i friends who have both systems and say the same thing. Other than that PS3 is a hot system tho and i still love sony.


But back on Topic :rules:

The BaYonetta game is hot. I digg it. The boss battles are crazy of course just like DMC. and yeh it does remind me of DMC3 But! its better in its own way. The dodging is great. It Rivals DMC4 in its "own way" because of the Sick Demon Monster Triggers you use to officially kill off bosses which is hot. PLUS! shes a sexy Broad and every 10 secs shes half naked lol.

sorry i love sexy chicks with specs....(and no im not talkin bout Palin)

But love to see the DMC director do his version of Strider or Castlevania
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 03, 2010, 04:56:28 PM
hehe fully agreed. The reason why online side is better on the 360 goes back to the old saying. Nothing in life is free, and also Free is not always better. If you pay for something it goes back to the people to improve that product. Sony have PSn for free so they don't have to improve the service with dedicated servers and maintenance. M$ gets millions of dollars a year just by xbox live. So they have tons of dedicated servers to keep that online service top notch. Plus if they do decide to ever go free (which they won't) they still have tons of money from windows to help manage the servers anyways.

again Free is not always better. It may seem better because you are not spending doe but if you actually think about it, it is far inferior to a service you pay for, which in return shows.

But Bayonetta is an amzing game. I love it. Ive been playing that and darksiders a lot. Darksiders is like a modern and dark Zelda. The wide exploration is awesome!
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Nilakantha on January 03, 2010, 09:02:13 PM
Hmm...Maybe I'm the only one that has more PS3 games than 360, but then again I only have Japanese games.  For 360 I just have some lame games like Magna Carta 2, Lost Odyssey, Aqua Zone, Halo 3, Kingdom Under Fire and some others where PS3 I have more than thirty.  Mass Effect to me was the best game on the 360 then GOW 1&3.  I don't really play online that much.  I read the charts and it states that PS3 has won multi-plat sells for this year which is the first time.  06-08 360 sold more in multi-plats.

Plus I still do not see the resemblance between Sarah Palin and Bayonetta.  I guess any chick with glasses is Sarah Palin. :-??
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Swiziga on January 03, 2010, 09:30:33 PM

they look alike to me :-??
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: .:K.I.N.G:. on January 03, 2010, 09:52:28 PM
@xPreatorianx, i was answering Nilakantha regarding why Bayoneta sold more on ps3 even tho the 360 version is much better, to me it doesn't make sense as well, i mean if had 360 i would go for the 360 version and skip the ps3 version, no fan boy :P

about 360 outselling ps3 in mutiplatform games, well i don't know much about reports but i've seen many ps3 versions outselling 360 versions even tho the 360 versions are running and looking better, like batman, Re5 and other games.

it's true that x360 is easier to code for and all but it's also a known fact the ps3's rsx gpu is weaker than x360's gpu, the ps3 being hard to code for is sony's fault not the developers, the developers have to learn/understand how to code for the ps3 architecture first unlike the 360 or pc, sony shouldn't be expecting much regarding that, learning a whole new coding architecture and perfecting it every time sony releases a console just to create ports for that one console is ridiculous, it's not about the developers being lazy cuz most of the gaming companies are falling behind when it comes to ps3 coding.

as a gamer if i have both consoles I'd surly go for the better version/gaming experience, but since i have ps3 only i'm disappointed in multiplatform games such as Bayoneta. *Iceman ThumbsDown!*

Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Swiziga on January 03, 2010, 10:05:12 PM
sounds like ps3 graphics power hurt it in multiplatform, but atleast it shines for its exclusive games.
back ontopic, how long would u say the gameplay hours is for this game? it looks amazing but i'm starting to get disappointed in how long games these days lasts and the lack of replay value :(
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Nilakantha on January 04, 2010, 12:41:25 AM

they look alike to me :-??

Hmph, still don't look alike to me, maybe you need to look again.  One of them looks good and the other looks disfigured.  
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 04, 2010, 01:03:05 PM

TBH m8, it does not matter because the hours you spend on the game are really enjoyable so it makes up for it if it is not really long. The game hardly ever lets up on the action from what I have played.

Also @ King yes the RSX is weaker then the 360's Xenon GPU, but it makes up for it because they can throw some of the graphics computation onto the Cell CPU. The cell is an amazing chip. It can do a lot of stuff. That's why they made the RSX weaker because the CPU can actually do graphics computation which for normal processors is not really good. CPU's are made to crunch numbers and GPU's are for graphics. So there are very little processors that can actually do both on one chip. But the  cell can and does it very good.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: R.I.C.O - Twon on January 04, 2010, 01:13:49 PM
No offense but you have that backwards. Every NPD report has stated 360 out sells PS3 with multiplats. So either you are misinformed or it's a hidden fanboy comment :P.
Well, NPD's only tracks sales for the U.S.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 04, 2010, 03:25:08 PM
Well, NPD's only tracks sales for the U.S.

Very true I should have said that. Thanks for correcting me. But in the US 360 outsells PS3. In the other parts of the world I haven't the foggiest clue because I only keep up with my country :P in respects to gaming.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 06, 2010, 03:17:46 PM

But Bayonetta is an amzing game. I love it. Ive been playing that and darksiders a lot. Darksiders is like a modern and dark Zelda. The wide exploration is awesome!

D@mn it! Though my mugen Creation, Left 4 dead 2 and Bayonetta is keeping me Occupied i still gotta get Darksiders and Army Of 2 II coming up. My friend reminded me yesterday about those games. I really wanna rock Darksiders. looks dope
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 06, 2010, 03:56:32 PM
Darksiders is just as good as Bayonetta if not better. I love playing or reading anything that has to do with the apocalypse or 4 horsemen. Only thing tho, is that the first hour of 2 depending on what difficulty you play on is a bit slow. After that tho it picks up and never lets up. it has the exact same dungeon system as zelda. So if you love zelda consider Darksiders a modern and dark zelda to tide you over till a true zelda sequel comes out.

Again the only 2 problems with darksiders is the screen tearing and slight FPS drops. The FPS drops are hardly noticeable and I think they stop once you get past the first dungeon. The screen tearing only seems to really happen during dungeons outside of them it hardly ever does it. but they are nit picks compared to the over all experience. Pick the game up bottom line. You will not regret it!

EDIT: Also the game is more challenging on even normal then bayonetta. Some of the enemies hurt hard as hell and will drain your life in no time. Plus there are arena types of areas that you have to beat 6 of them to move on to a different area (it's a curse.) Those areas have time challenges and they throw tons of enemies at you. Starting from extremely weak to 2-3 tough dudes with about 10 weak dudes. So basically it turns into a dodge fest. It will get your adrenaline pumping like crazy in those areas.

For me I give the game a solid 9.5 It would have been a 10 if there were no screen tearing and some FPS drops. But the game may be crappier or better for other people. But I absolutely love it!
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: vyn on January 06, 2010, 04:10:18 PM
frikin mexican stores take forever to bring the games but ill get it one of these days

its pretty interesting that the xbox is better made when ps3 is more powerful but well i dont own an xbox so ill get the ps3 version and from the demo im sure ill love the game as the stuff that is better on the xbox seems  like you only notice if you try really hard to do so with the xception of the framerate probably as looks pale in action based games
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: ATiC3 on January 06, 2010, 04:49:29 PM
Hmph, still don't look alike to me, maybe you need to look again.  One of them looks good and the other looks disfigured.  
Probably because it's one of the worst pictures of Sarah Palin I've seen....
Bayonetta (
Sarah Palin (
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: xPreatorianx on January 06, 2010, 05:51:48 PM
frikin mexican stores take forever to bring the games but ill get it one of these days

its pretty interesting that the xbox is better made when ps3 is more powerful but well i dont own an xbox so ill get the ps3 version and from the demo im sure ill love the game as the stuff that is better on the xbox seems  like you only notice if you try really hard to do so with the xception of the framerate probably as looks pale in action based games

Actually Vyn 360 and PS3 are pretty much neck and neck m8. The 360 out powers it by very little. So TBH it really does not matter which is more powerful because the parts of the systems that are more powerful are only by a few MHZ to a GHZ.

The 360 has a more powerful GPU (can push more Shaders and has more pipelines.) but the PS3 has a slightly faster CPU if I remember correctly. But the PS3 can divide stuff on it's CPU. So really they are both literally neck and neck. So don't ever rely on which is more powerful. They are nearly identical in power.

So bottom line : where one suffers in raw performance on one area the other makes up for it and vice versa. So if you really take everything together they are 98% identical in power.
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: DEMONKAI on January 07, 2010, 11:04:42 PM
Actually Vyn 360 and PS3 are pretty much neck and neck m8. The 360 out powers it by very little. So TBH it really does not matter which is more powerful because the parts of the systems that are more powerful are only by a few MHZ to a GHZ.

The 360 has a more powerful GPU (can push more Shaders and has more pipelines.) but the PS3 has a slightly faster CPU if I remember correctly. But the PS3 can divide stuff on it's CPU. So really they are both literally neck and neck. So don't ever rely on which is more powerful. They are nearly identical in power.

So bottom line : where one suffers in raw performance on one area the other makes up for it and vice versa. So if you really take everything together they are 98% identical in power.

Very good break down man 8)

Totally right on that.

As for Bayonetta the game is halarious. I took a short break from Darksiders again to beat some bosses in Bayonetta and wow the Sexual content is crazy high man....the part where she fights her so called double  and the ligt shines..well uh u know where lol....
that took the cake along with the gesture the evil angel did.

Only point (1 point) i take away from the game is how stupid it is they got the mechanics on the same button between dodging (slow down time) and the Panther and Crow transformation. its a pain in the behind in a heated fight where you are surrounded. You try to dodge on key and then u transform gettin u hit. so now at this point i have to get an enemy or two alone and dodge just on low timing and combo. where as in the begining of the game i was hella vicious with the dodge cuz there were no panther and crow powers yet.

wish they coulda made it optional to have em on or off intirely. ...hmph unless theres something i missed in options...

anyway i still love the game. hella amusing along with the Huge Monster kills she dishes out
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: vyn on January 10, 2010, 09:00:07 PM
agreed on the shared button, its stupid, i wouldnt mind transforming via menu instead of this
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: Vault-tec Rep Høröúßøí on January 10, 2010, 09:11:22 PM
don't bother me >_>...... i just don't mash the button, instead i hit it before i get hit  ;D
(easy to say, hard as heck to do... but its wicked when i do)
Title: Re: Bayoneta
Post by: vyn on January 13, 2010, 12:40:54 PM
you dont even need to mash the button, ps3 triggers are extremely sensitive and a double tap comes out all the time

playing it some more lately, a really cool game, funny and all, though i kind of want a more "masterable" combat system, this is way too easy to use and it takes little practice to execute longass combos while taking no damage pretty much like gow, i was expecting a more dmc3/4 like system where timings and stuff get crazy, especially with jump cancel

my fault really as dmc1 was like this, small complaint really the game stll rocks and s close to beating lbp on my gfs best game ever list

oh and the little girl s so cute!! XD
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