Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Main => M.U.G.E.N WIP => Topic started by: kamekaze on August 29, 2007, 06:51:59 PM

Title: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 29, 2007, 06:51:59 PM
Edward Trusdale

Belmont Trusdale

these two were trained by snk and capcoms finest and their moves reflect it. however though they are brothers, they do not like each other at all. one reason being that Ed is good and Belmont has chosen the darker path. second is just plain sibling rivalry
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: Epic Win Man on August 29, 2007, 06:56:02 PM
they look excellent, but I have a few questions...
are they from anything, or are they original? and second, does Belmont have assasin's voice from SC2? if so, that is killer
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: OrwellianDawn on August 29, 2007, 07:15:18 PM
Kagure Yaro is the game from which they originate.
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 29, 2007, 09:18:06 PM
Kagure Yaro is the game from which they originate.

yes, bemont does have voices from the assasin from SC2 lol
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: BigJ on August 29, 2007, 09:37:20 PM
Awesome, I'm saving a spot for them. The play quality for the video was really bad (or maybe it's my cpu :-?? ) so I couldn't really enjoy its awesomeness.
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 29, 2007, 10:26:48 PM
well i had to reupload it due to another error. so it will be up within a few hours
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: ynn3k on August 29, 2007, 10:32:41 PM
ur continuing the kakuge yaro legacy i see... nice
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: SupaKMW on August 29, 2007, 11:15:32 PM
ur continuing the kakuge yaro legacy i see... nice

Yup continuing the fine line of Kakuge Yaro chars started by XCB and originated from Double S, and doing a fine a$$ job of it 8)!!

I know who Edward's trainers are, Terry and Charlie(Nash), Hells Yea this is Kick a$$ =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> 8)!!
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: ynn3k on August 29, 2007, 11:39:35 PM
ur continuing the kakuge yaro legacy i see... nice

Yup continuing the fine line of Kakuge Yaro chars started by XCB and originated from Double S, and doing a fine a$$ job of it 8)!!

I know who Edward's trainers are, Terry and Charlie(Nash), Hells Yea this is Kick a$$ =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> 8)!!
i've always wanted to use these sprites to make my own character.. my idea was to have this guy be an arch nemisis to terry almost a clone created to kill the bogard family
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 29, 2007, 11:59:01 PM
k the vids back up but the fight aginst Tetsu has horrid quality for some reason
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: TehDemon on August 30, 2007, 12:01:29 AM
So Kamekaze, may I ask what the status of them is?
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 12:03:09 AM
well eds at 98% and his bros at 87% which is why he has so few moves
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: TehDemon on August 30, 2007, 12:10:43 AM
well eds at 98% and his bros at 87% which is why he has so few moves

k cool. Your characters are pretty good so I'm glad you're working on them  ;D
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: ♦ßlôödÑinjå♦ on August 30, 2007, 12:28:20 AM
there awesome good luck  8)
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 01:43:58 AM
well dont forget, Vega(M. bison) also taught them a few things. mainly ed who uses his psycko crusher. but mainly use the psyco power on belmont to make him strong. and yes they also learned a few things from terry, rugal,blanka(trust me)and even Axel Stone(streets of rage) belmont uses his bare knuckle.
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: Akeme on August 30, 2007, 02:23:24 AM
Hmm, nice looking chars man. i like how your keeping the Kakuge Yaro legacy going. I can't wait to see the guys and add them to my roster. Keep it up and good luck man. ;)
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: SupaKMW on August 30, 2007, 05:53:13 AM
well dont forget, Vega(M. bison) also taught them a few things. mainly ed who uses his psycko crusher. but mainly use the psyco power on belmont to make him strong. and yes they also learned a few things from terry, rugal,blanka(trust me)and even Axel Stone(streets of rage) belmont uses his bare knuckle.

So was they soldiers of M. Bison at one time or something :o :o :o :o?
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 11:24:03 AM
yes, they have been everywhere and rremained unnoticed lol. (also i believe my friend is going to make the robot from that game too)
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: SupaKMW on August 30, 2007, 11:38:00 AM
Hmmmm, well I hope u have the story in their readme :-??

So Belmont, the evil twin decided to remain a soilder of Bison, and Edward found a way out?

(also i believe my friend is going to make the robot from that game too)

That sounds cool to me  8)!!!
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: vyn on August 30, 2007, 11:43:36 AM
hu? where are these guys coming from Kagure Yaro is the game right, what console is it for? anyone got a link so i can see all the chars in it? maybe a sprite source ? or some info kamekaze??

on topic: edwuard looks rly cool, he even knows rugal moves, cool, waiting for this fella

 XD|| so funny
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 11:46:59 AM
Belmont remained a solider because his plan was to assasinate Bison, but akuma killed bison and belmont escaped before akuma could get to him. meanwhile Edward learned Blank's Backflip role before finding his self in the world of snk where he met terry and rugal(i might change it to Rock because rugal was evil, however Ed knows reppuken so thats an open slot to suggestions) .

also there is no sprite resource page i pain stakingly ripped their sprites one by one as well as there effects
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: Laxxe23 on August 30, 2007, 11:54:52 AM
yes, they have been everywhere and rremained unnoticed lol. (also i believe my friend is going to make the robot from that game too)
geee i wonder who that is
*shifty eyes* XD
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: SupaKMW on August 30, 2007, 11:57:25 AM
Suggestion to Ed's storyline: I think that it should be Chalie(Nash) to teach Ed the Backflip and Cannon Roll attack,

because I really don't see how Blanka(Being on the edge of being more animal than human and can barely speak

english, if ANY) can teach Ed anything, unless he watched his battles and studied the move. Besides he does the

backflip just like Charlie(Nash) would. #:-S
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 12:21:48 PM
well guile also taught him his flash kick and summersualt strike
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 01:13:19 PM
well here's their story's

Edward is about 23 years old. He and his brother were originally trained under shadaloo. Edward suprised Bison when he learned and mastered Vega(M.bison)'s Psycho crusher without the need of Psycho Power. After he learned about Vega's true intentions he escaped and vowed to recue his brother. Unfortunetly Belmont was tested with the Psycho Power and became very powerfull along with loosing all of his good nature(so he says). When the Shadaloo was destroyed Belmont left as if nothing happend. When Edward Realized he was too late, he sought after his brother only to find him to be nothing of his former self. Belmont immediantly blamed Ed for the way he was now and tried to kill him using his new found powers. He used his Death dance and left Ed brutally beaten, Belmont left him to die there. Fortunetly Ed was discovered by Charlie and Guile. Ed asked to be trained to become stronger than his brother so he may one day "save" him from him self. Guile taught him his Flash kick and summersault Strike, while Charlie taught him his Backflip roll. Once Ed mastered these techniques he felt ready to confront his brother again. So he left to find him.

He found his self in the world of snk. He met various people but only one agreed to teach him, Terry Bogard. Edward was trained under him and eventually learned his "Burn knuckle". Terry told him how he also trained his Brother a month before, this angered him because the last thing he wanted was for his brother to become any stronger. So he thought he could become stronger if he to began to train under the darkside. He met rugal only to find his brother already there. Belmont told him his strength has tripled
since there last battle and that Ed was no where near ready for him. That didn't stop him from trying to do Belmont in. Belmont easilly subdued him and began to talk about how he likes the way he is now because of his power. Rugal felt sorry for ed and trained him for a time. Unfortunetly his training ended because Rugal defeated akuma and became God Rugal. Ed tried to stop him but was unable too. As rugal was about to perform his God end Belmont Struck down Rugal and killed him using Rugals own signature move which he named Kaiser End. He then called his brother weak and left again. This time Ed left on his own to focus and hone his skills. Belmont seeked after Ed this time because he wanted to kill him once and for all. However this battle turned out much differently when Ed used his Final Assualt and finnally defeated his brother. Belmont said that he will be back to
get his revenge before dissapearing.

And ever since they have been bitter rivals who fight every time they meet. Edward wants to prove that you don't need evil powers in order to be strong.

and of couse belmonts story

Belmont is about 24 years old. he is one year older than his brother Ed even though they look like twins. He and ed entered the army of the Shadaloo when Bison mislead them on what he was doing. He then began to train them under. When he found out how Ed was increasing in strength faster than him, he agreed to be enhanced with the Psycho Power which increased his power tenfold and gave him abilities that he belived made him several times stronger than his brother, however he lost all of his good nature in the process, his eyes turned to a shade of red and he also gained murderous intent. His Brother escaped when he learned that Bison was trying to conquer the world while Belmont decided he should stay to strike Bison down once he did. However Akuma interupeted his plans when he killed Bison with his Shun-Goku-Satsu. With the shadaloo destroyed he left and found him self in a city. He met Axel Stone and learned of Mr. X and his terror. He decided to fight along side Axel only if he was taught his bare knuckle. Axel agreed and they took down Mr. X. He was regarded as a hero even though he didnt care to be, but before he defeated Mr. X he was told about Rugal and so he left to seek his teachings. Before leaving he was attacked by his brother. Edward tried to put up a good fight but was quickly defeated. Belmont told him don't follow him or he will kill him.

He arrived in the world of snk(it's like a new world to him but its only one planet)only to find Terry Bogard. He was told that Rugal was evil and not to be trusted. Belmont asked to be trained by him. Terry taught him his crack shoot, which Belmont quickly mastered. However Terry learned that Belmont had intentions of joing rugal and told him to
leave his sight at once. Belmont told him he would regret that and tried to fight him. Terry defeated him using his "Buster Wolf" and forced him to retreat. He finnaly met rugal and agreed to become one of his henchmen. Belmont wanted to learn all he can about rugal but unfortunetly Ed returned and tried to fight him again. Belmont defeated Ed oncemore
and told him that he was stronger than last time. Rugal pittied Edward and trained him before Akuma interrupted again. Akuma was defeated and thus Rugal became God Rugal. Belmont saw his brother try to confront him. Belmont swiftly stoped G. Rugal from killing Ed(for reasons unknown) and faught G. Rugal. They fought for hours until Belmont caught him with his own form of Rugal's God End. After defeating Rugal he looked for his brother to finnally kill him. He found Ed and they fought. They were evenly matched until Ed caught Belmont with his Final Assault. Thus Belmont was defeated. Belmont swore his revenge and dissapeared. Belmont decided to train him self and enhance his own ability.

Now Belmont fights his brother evertime they meet to test his strength and doesn't think of it as rivalry. He considers his self the Stronger brother and wants cloak the world in darkness.
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: vyn on August 30, 2007, 03:35:43 PM
Belmont remained a solider because his plan was to assasinate Bison, but akuma killed bison and belmont escaped before akuma could get to him. meanwhile Edward learned Blank's Backflip role before finding his self in the world of snk where he met terry and rugal(i might change it to Rock because rugal was evil, however Ed knows reppuken so thats an open slot to suggestions) .

also there is no sprite resource page i pain stakingly ripped their sprites one by one as well as there effects

ok, what console is this game for, id like to give it a shot
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 03:43:07 PM
its for the ps1, i ripped it with screenshots and ms paint lol
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: Sasuke-kun on August 30, 2007, 04:02:11 PM
Good background story. 8)
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: SupaKMW on August 30, 2007, 04:16:27 PM
Good background story. 8)

Yes it is :) 8) :), so does this mean that Belmont stays Evil, will he ever join the side of good, or mearly becomes a warrior

looking for challenges to better hiself?
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 05:34:42 PM
well in the fight against Tetsu in his vid, it says he's looking for Silent storm, since i dont have him i cant code winquote for if
he actually finds him or not. "I expected Silent Storm, What I got was a dissapointment" and he has no good nature anymore so he couldnt be good if he wanted to. basically bison f'd his head up good
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: Akeme on August 30, 2007, 06:34:13 PM
Wow man i like the story very much really intresting. I can't wait to see these chars in motion man. P.S i have full respect for you just because your keeping the legacy alive and for pain stakingly ripping them man, good luck and keep up the work. ;)
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: Error Macro on August 30, 2007, 06:41:27 PM
This truly awesome Kamekaze!!!

Great storyline + Great ideas = Awesome!
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: OrwellianDawn on August 30, 2007, 06:45:43 PM
This truly awesome Kamekaze!!!

Great storyline + Great ideas = The Win!

What is this "win" business all about?
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: TehDemon on August 30, 2007, 06:58:14 PM
This truly awesome Kamekaze!!!

Great storyline + Great ideas = The Win!

What is this "win" business all about?

It is a form of internet slang, where when something sounds great or plays very well, they call it win.
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: Error Macro on August 30, 2007, 07:04:21 PM
This truly awesome Kamekaze!!!

Great storyline + Great ideas = The Win!

What is this "win" business all about?
better now?
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: OrwellianDawn on August 30, 2007, 07:05:39 PM
Yes. I apologize for digressing. Do proceed.
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: anjim on August 30, 2007, 07:11:21 PM
Edward Trusdale from yaguro kago look like edward elric on stenoids :D
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: kamekaze on August 30, 2007, 11:17:35 PM
thats what my brother said lol
Title: Re: Well i might at as well
Post by: SupaKMW on August 31, 2007, 03:29:49 AM
I swear it was only a matter of time before I said that :D :D :D :D :D :D
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