Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => General Discussion => Topic started by: xPreatorianx on November 28, 2008, 03:32:07 PM

Title: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on November 28, 2008, 03:32:07 PM
Hey guys I was wondering is there anymore high-quality fansub groups that are working on naruto shippuden that are caught up to the latest episodes? if so please list them or there websites thanks.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: KPT25 on November 28, 2008, 05:28:59 PM
i doubt they will stop subbing shippuden...they tend to post something like that every time no episode is available  :-??
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Scar on November 28, 2008, 05:33:57 PM
Yeah, it seems like every year they say that. lol
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: AceWonder20 on November 28, 2008, 06:25:40 PM
Its total bullsh*t
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on November 28, 2008, 06:30:08 PM
well just to make sure does anyone know another group? So I can have them faved so that incase this does happen when they give the date Ill be prepared.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: AceWonder20 on November 28, 2008, 06:35:14 PM
well just to make sure does anyone know another group? So I can have them faved so that incase this does happen when they give the date Ill be prepared.
I havent seen any other english ones.  If u know how to read spanish there are some groups.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on November 28, 2008, 07:14:23 PM
Yea I have no idea how to read spanish. The only language I can read and speak is english.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: AceWonder20 on November 28, 2008, 07:22:58 PM
Yea I have no idea how to read spanish. The only language I can read and speak is english.
LOL  I can read some spanish.  If thy do drop it im sure another group will pick it up.  They(Dattebayo) picked up naruto after a group dropped it.  Dont worry about it.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on November 29, 2008, 06:42:37 PM
Yea well atleast you have some experience and knowledge when it comes to spanish.

Also I noticed dattebayo is taking ages to get the new EP of Naruto Shippuden out. Usually its up for download the next day.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: b.easy on November 29, 2008, 08:40:47 PM
there's no episode this week. it said so at the end of the last week's.  :(|)
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on November 29, 2008, 08:56:53 PM
WHAT!!!!??? I didnt catch that damn that really sucks... I was looking forward to this episode. Now I gotta wait till next week, really sucks.

EDIT: Yea I see that now .... Id never have known that because I never watch the preview for the next episode. So thanks for telling me guess I gotta wait then...
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Seiyuuki on November 29, 2008, 10:57:53 PM
i'm not really sure but what about anbuone or what ever that group was or t-v nihon idk if they sub anime but they sub japanese shows like kamen rider
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: [Asian-Jesus] on November 30, 2008, 06:10:24 PM
Taken from another forum.

Dattebayo to Drop Naruto Effective 1/15/2009

From: Here (

Welcome my friends, my enemies, and those whom I do not yet know.

Let's sit and talk for a while, you and me. We haven't talked in some time. Let's explore the past a little, and chat about the present and future.

Naruto has been around for a very long time now. When I started downloading fansubs in early 2003, Naruto was already past its 20th episode. I used to watch TW's releases. At that time, TW's releases got about 8,000 downloads per episode in a week, and TW released 5 weeks after airing in Japan.

By May 2004, with TW languishing, AONE had primarily taken over Naruto. Naruto's popularity had soared. AONE was releasing a week after airing in Japan, a schedule they would keep for a long time. They were averaging 60,000 downloads per episode after a week by episode 85.

When Anime-Heaven (the precursor to Dattebayo) started 6 weeks later, it got 60,000 downloads on its first release, a low-quality speed sub. At that time, because AONE was releasing a week after airing, there was room for other people to try to do it faster.

It was July 16, 2004 when the leader of Anime-Heaven approached me about typesetting their Naruto. I slapped some polish on their release, edited it, gave it karaoke and a nice looking font, and the era of higher quality speed subs began. Within a couple weeks, I had recruited a number of my friends to help with the show, all of whom still work on DB's staff. During the 12 weeks that A-H subbed Naruto, popularity grew from 60,000 to 120,000 downloads per episode after a week. We noticed that the earlier we released, the more downloads we'd get.

Now let me step back for a moment. There's lots of big numbers floating around up there. Part of it was about the number of people who were seeing it, but mostly we loved the show. We loved feeling like we were a part of the action, and we loved putting our own spin on things. The numbers showed us how much people liked what we were doing. It told us we were doing it right. We also brought on our Portuguese and French versions, both of which have developed over the years into wonderful groups in their own communities.

Another year goes by. It's now 2005. We subtitled Tsubasa Chronicles with Live-Evil, and that started a great long term relationship between the two groups. Naruto was up to 200 episodes, and got 200,000 downloads per episode after a week. We started subbing Bleach at the suggestion of someone at the fansubbing panel at Otakon. (I wonder if you, the person who asked that, are out there. )

It was somewhere around here, in the midst of the filler, that I stopped liking Naruto as a show. I stopped watching it. I still did some timing, and the karaoke. As the filler wore on, some of those karaoke got pretty lame. I apologize for that.

And you didn't like the filler either. Download numbers dropped. In October 2006, Naruto was getting about 175,000 downloads in the week after release. The staff hated subbing it.

Our own quality dropped because none of the staff really liked the show when Naruto was peeing on people. We kept doing it because fans kept telling us they liked it. They'd tell us how it brought their families together, how it guided them through rough times, how it was something to look forward to in their otherwise dreary lives. Every week on the same day, they had Naruto.

I know that sounds really corny, but that made a huge impact on me, as I think it did on the entire staff. It's what kept me working on the show for two years after I stopped watching it.

A year later, in October 2007, Dattebayo left behind its home at and moved over to Shippuuden was in full swing. People had forgotten about the fillers, and Shippuuden was getting a mind boggling 450,000 downloads within a week of release. It was around this time we released our most popular episode.

I hardly ever go to the Dattebayo website nowadays. I don't really have much involvement with Naruto or Bleach on a week-to-week basis. I still design the karaoke, but I honestly didn't even know that Bleach and Naruto had changed air dates a while back. Zarharva has taken over the role of Naruto's overall management, along with Bleach, and done a truly excellent job.

But there was one thing I'd still go to the website for, and that is to check to see how many downloads Shippuuden 20 had gotten.

For some reason I can't really understand, it is our most popular release. It started off normal enough, 384,000 after 7 days. Then about 500,000 after 20, 705,000 after 87, but after that, it started to pick up. As of the time this writing, it is 489 days old and has 976,405 downloads.

I'd always check because I wanted to make sure I didn't miss the million mark. It's just an arbitrary number, really, but I liked the idea that one in every 6000-something members of the human race will have seen it.

Think about that for a minute. There are 15,000 people in my town, and that means that, statistically, there's a significant chance that someone in my town, whom I have never met, has downloaded one of our releases, based on our download numbers alone. Never mind all the illegal DVDs, YouTube views, and people sharing it with each other. It means that we've affected the lives of a million people, probably more, and hopefully made them a little better. There aren't many groups of people who can say they've done that.

Sadly though, I don't think it will be on our website long enough to hit that mark.

When I spoke at Otakon this past summer, I talked about the steps that anime companies needed to take to compete with fansubs. I said how it would have to be available just as fast, and free.

And though I don't dare take credit for it, that's now happening. Viz, the US licensor of Naruto, will be offering streaming viewing of Naruto for free a week after it airs in Japan.

For some small fee, you can pay to see it the same day it airs in Japan over at Crunchyroll starting in January.

Why did Dattebayo start subbing Naruto? Because we loved it, and because we felt the fans deserved to see a good-quality subtitled version promptly after the Japanese release. And come January, you can do that legally for a small fee, or for free after a week. Viz's subtitling work on the show is respectable, though a little stiff. And sure, it's not the same having a nice AVI that you can watch on your TV or whatnot, but its going to have to do.

If we continued to sub Naruto, it would be a direct affront to Viz, a company that, for the most part, has been pretty amazing to us as fans. Sure, you can say that their dub sucks, or whatever other axe you have to grind, but never once did they ask us to stop subbing Naruto or Bleach, something that is well within their rights and power to do. We have episodes that have gotten almost a million downloads. We've had episodes that have gotten more downloads in their their first 24 hours than they had viewers when they showed on Cartoon Network.

I've often asked people I know in the anime industry why they think Viz never asked us to stop, and they say, "Well, Viz isn't really into the whole C&D thing, they just don't do that." That may be true to some extent, but I've always liked to think it was because we had a silent symbiotic relationship. We only did things that helped the popularity of their shows, and they turned a blind eye to us.

But like any symbiosis, you have to know when its time to move on. That time has come. Viz and Crunchyroll have gotten their acts together and are trying something new, with one of the most popular shows in anime today. I, and the rest of the staff, know that if we continue to subtitle it, they will have to ask us to stop. That's something they probably don't want to have to do, because it will most likely make all of you very mad at them. That's something they really don't deserve.

While I wish some things about the situation were different, a lot of things are being done right. Who knows, perhaps even more will be done right in the future.

So with that being said, Dattebayo will be dropping Naruto Shippuuden permanently on 1/15/2009, which, interestingly enough, will probably be around episode 91. This is not a joke or a troll. The staff voted in favor of it, and I've notified the international groups.

I know the FAQ says that if we dropped Naruto for real, there would be no announcement, but I don't think that would be very cool. You deserve more, and we deserve more.

For now nothing changes. Enjoy what time we have left with Naruto. Those of us on staff certainly will. Download the episodes now. Though I'm not planning to remove the torrents yet, I'm not sure exactly when it will happen.

We'll still keep subbing Bleach, and perhaps the extra time will allow us to get some other work done (though that is unlikely).

I think the thing I will miss most about Naruto will be designing the karaoke. Even though I don't do much work on our main shows anymore, I still have had a hand in every one we've ever done. Every six months, I have to come up with a new karaoke style. I usually lament it, but when I download it after release day and see it encoded, I remember why I love fansubbing so much - because its just really cool, and I can make it look how I wanted.

Thanks Naruto, for bringing me from Episode 91, to Episode 91.



For those who don't know the deal with VIZ and TV Tokio: Click Here (

And confirmation: Here. (
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: KPT25 on November 30, 2008, 06:33:32 PM that Naruto will be aired subbed online and with official sub,it's understandable for Dattebayo to stop subbing them,even though Viz will start from Ep 1
At least they will keep subbing Bleach  :-??
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Sub-Zero on November 30, 2008, 06:49:21 PM
yea isnt this the 5th f'ing time they have said this
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: [Asian-Jesus] on November 30, 2008, 06:55:01 PM that Naruto will be aired subbed online and with official sub,it's understandable for Dattebayo to stop subbing them,even though Viz will start from Ep 1
At least they will keep subbing Bleach  :-??

Actually, they're going to be streaming the latest episode after it airs. Not episode 1.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Jelux Da Casual on November 30, 2008, 07:45:27 PM
Actually, they're going to be streaming the latest episode after it airs. Not episode 1.

Exactly. You can either wait a week and see it for free, or pay $5 for their service and see it the next day after release.

Either way, since this is happening, there is no reason for Dattebayo to continue and then take heat from Viz, seeing as how they're known about their existance and have left them alone to this point.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on November 30, 2008, 11:35:46 PM
Retracted my idiot self didnt read the whole thread sorry about that. Ok if they sub the current ep each week then itll be worth it ... ill probably have the money to watch it every week. But I want downloadable stuff not just streaming. I dont wanna spend money on crap that I cant own.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Theendgamelv3 on December 01, 2008, 01:46:13 AM
Damn Viz....GOOD JOB! Dattebayo is doing the right thing by stepping aside.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Scar on December 01, 2008, 02:58:01 AM (
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: AceWonder20 on December 01, 2008, 11:29:11 AM
I hope they sub it like dattebayo(with the karyoke on the openings and the technique translations as well as the profanity).
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on December 01, 2008, 12:38:30 PM
Yea agreed thanks for the site Scar. But my comment still stands they better have it for Direct download, or im not gonna pay that extra $5 probably to watch it on the day of the release. unless I can have a hardcoded Avi,WMV, or MKV.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Scar on December 01, 2008, 12:46:11 PM
I hope they sub it like dattebayo(with the karyoke on the openings and the technique translations as well as the profanity).

I guess you dint bother checking out the intro at the site i posted above you..

If we do get to download it, were gonna have to wait an extra week to watch it.

So while the new episode comes out in japan, were barely watching last weeks episode dubbed by viz.

Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on December 01, 2008, 01:48:10 PM
I guess you dint bother checking out the intro at the site i posted above you..

If we do get to download it, were gonna have to wait an extra week to watch it.

So while the new episode comes out in japan, were barely watching last weeks episode dubbed by viz.

On that I have to disagree with you Scar, dattebayo seem to pull it off well. They sub the whole episode wether it be a special or what not and then release it to the public within a day of the actual Japanese release.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Scar on December 01, 2008, 04:02:44 PM
Viz Media has also announced that it will begin streaming free English subtitled Naruto Shippuuden episodes a week after airing via their official site

Thats from the same site.. Come on now!!
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on December 01, 2008, 04:44:19 PM
Yea u misunderstood me... you can also get the streamed download the same day it airs in japan and I was saying that dattebayo let u actually download it not just stream it on there website. So I was saying Viz could actually pull off what dattebayo was doing. But I think if they do they could add like $2-$5 extra for the download ontop of the streaming price.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: Theendgamelv3 on December 01, 2008, 04:45:08 PM
I have to agree with xPreatorianx , if there isn't a downloadable for the people who pay to watch it "early" it isn't worth paying for. Nothing on the site from what I have seen suggests that the eps will be downloadable. If however it is downloadable, I don't see how they can't make it downloadable within a day of the Japanese air date.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on December 01, 2008, 04:46:59 PM
Thank you :) that was my whole point im not gonna waste money when I cant own a solid 200 MB of information stored on my harddrive to open whenever I feel like. Thats just saying hey u can watch this but u cant have it. Im not paying money for that. ITs like renting something but not actually getting the thing u rented.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: AceWonder20 on December 02, 2008, 05:22:20 PM
I guess you dint bother checking out the intro at the site i posted above you..

If we do get to download it, were gonna have to wait an extra week to watch it.

So while the new episode comes out in japan, were barely watching last weeks episode dubbed by viz.

Sorry, the site wouldnt load for me at the time.  Is it just me or does it seem like dattebayo was kinda muscled out of doing subs.  I mean,  dattebayo did it for free.  Viz is tryin to make a quick buck off of this.  Im not paying for this at all. 

Thank you :) that was my whole point im not gonna waste money when I cant own a solid 200 MB of information stored on my harddrive to open whenever I feel like. Thats just saying hey u can watch this but u cant have it. Im not paying money for that. ITs like renting something but not actually getting the thing u rented.
Im with u on that man.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: [Asian-Jesus] on December 02, 2008, 07:29:04 PM
If you read what I posted, then you'd see that DB and Viz have had a silent symbiotic relationship. DB subs the stuff, which generates interest for Viz. Thus, Viz makes more money. When you really look at it, Viz could've stopped DB at anytime because subbing the show now would be illegal as it's already licensed in the US. And DB closing had nothing to do with being squashed by Viz or anything, they did it on their own, knowing now that Viz and Crunchyroll are taking a step in the right direction by bringing the show to the fans, just as they [DB] have done before.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: AceWonder20 on December 02, 2008, 07:40:58 PM
If you read what I posted, then you'd see that DB and Viz have had a silent symbiotic relationship. DB subs the stuff, which generates interest for Viz. Thus, Viz makes more money. When you really look at it, Viz could've stopped DB at anytime because subbing the show now would be illegal as it's already licensed in the US. And DB closing had nothing to do with being squashed by Viz or anything, they did it on their own, knowing now that Viz and Crunchyroll are taking a step in the right direction by bringing the show to the fans, just as they [DB] have done before.
Yeah I did.  I kinda seemed like when a CEO gets in trouble the company asks him to gracefully bow out to avoid embarrasment and keep away unwanted attention.  Eh who cares.  As long as we get episodes im good.
Title: Re: Dattebayo stopping fansub of naruto shippuden is they anymore fansubs?
Post by: xPreatorianx on December 02, 2008, 08:20:32 PM
Well we all know Viz and DB had a symbiotic relationship. Everyone knew that but my point is if Viz subs it the day that it airs in japan. They can also make it downloadable. DB has done it a day afterwards for god knows how long. So im sure with alittle more man power that I know viz has they can have it downloadable the day it airs in japan.
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