Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => General Discussion => Topic started by: xPreatorianx on October 27, 2008, 09:31:53 PM

Title: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: xPreatorianx on October 27, 2008, 09:31:53 PM
Hey guys im back ive been away due to my network cards being FUBARd I got another network card so I have internet back. Also I may end up moving out of my dad's house. My step-mom is saying basically I need to get my butt a job or she is kicking me out because im almost 18. She has no idea how hard it is to get a job in today's society so basically she pisses me off enough and im gonna tell her to go f**k herself and leave and start living with my grandfather. This is ticking me off they cant even afford to pay for my meds every month and they are pressuring me to get a job. My damn step-mom needs to get off her butt and get her a job to help support my sisters and help my dad. But im done ranting ill see you guys tomarrow.

Food for thought : Do you guys think im taking this too bad? Does anyone agree with my step-mom? I agree I need a job theres no way around that but to say im gonna kick you out if you dont get a job soon is just BS dont you think? I know I would not do that to my kids or even step-kids. So why the hell is she doing this to me? Hell she even said if you dont get a job in a week you are losing your internet till you can pay for it yourself. If she does that... im moving simpl as. I dont give her crap on anything but this is ridiculous. Its so hard to get a job now-adays its not even funny and to send me ultimatums is just BS. As you can see me and ultimatums dont go very well together. It just infuriates me.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Vault-tec Rep Høröúßøí on October 27, 2008, 09:36:58 PM
sorry if anyone doesn't like this but...

your step-mom is a real f**k*** bee-otch   8=|
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on October 27, 2008, 09:42:18 PM
I think you're taking this just fine man.

My ex kept egging me on to get a job, she lives in Ohio. She has no idea how bad the economy is in Michigan, so I just couldn't take anymore of her mouthing.

Also if your step-mom is telling you to get a job, while she herself doesn't have one, you can always call her a hypocrite before you move to your granddads.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: juelz aka wolfi on October 27, 2008, 09:47:18 PM
i feel for you man i take it your not studyin at the mo?
you gud with computers rite?
there has to be data entry roles about?
or part time in a a fast food restaurant?
talk to ur dad bout it
get the whole family sitting down and talk about it
hope that helps
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on October 27, 2008, 09:57:17 PM
i feel for you man i take it your not studyin at the mo?
you gud with computers rite?
there has to be data entry roles about?
or part time in a a fast food restaurant?
talk to ur dad bout it
get the whole family sitting down and talk about it
hope that helps

If he lives near me, I doubt fast food restraunts will hire him.

I've applied to every fast food business around where I am. Nobody is hiring.  :-??

That's just how bad things have gotten.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Animeboy on October 27, 2008, 11:17:12 PM
Your telling me my dumb@$$ older brother keeps on telling me to find a job and to keep looking.He doesn't understand how difficult it is.He was Born 1977 I was born 1988.Things are completely different today than it was in his time.PPL of the older generation will never understand that not everything's the same as it was for them when they were growing up.I've been searching for a job for 3 years until I finally got one then got laid off not long after.So that stunk.I understand your pain man your step mom needs to get the F*CK OFF HER GODD@MN @$$ and Search herself and see if it's F*cking Easy.I searched through even fast food restaraunts and couldn't get any.I tried 4 MCdonald's, 2 Radioshacks 3 burgerkings and so many places.I've got such a huge list of jobs I searched it's freaking retarded.So I feel your pain man not being able to get a job.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Ohsky on October 28, 2008, 10:18:00 AM
With all due respect man, your step mom is a f**k*** retarded bunghole.

i think you are right on feeling how you do feel. Parents who love their sons don´t do such a nasty thing like that @$$ is doing to you you have my support on your choice then, i have lived through much harder things than those. XD||
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Acey on October 28, 2008, 10:41:40 AM
1) Everyone needs to stop swearing.

2) Anyone can find a job in the USA, anyone who says they can't get a job is lieing to themselves so they can just sit on their butt and do nothing. Go work fast food. Once you're done with High School go get a job!

3) Parent's have been kicking their kids out at age 18 for centries, job or no job. It's time to grow up and move out of mom and dad's basement. If you have no home then you'll find a job.

4) You need to show respect to your step mom. If you can't, you need to move out anyways. She has not obligation to let you live there once you're 18, it's her home afterall. I don't see you letting her live in your home. If she has problems, then be the better person, show respect and leave once you can.

5) Everyone who puts down Preatorian's mom should be ashamed, you never even met her.

In summary, get a job, you CAN get a job. Go to all the fast food places on your block and interview, speak good English and show respect then you'll get a job. Work hard, and eventually you can get a better job. Get a job. Get a JOB. If you still have trouble go to your local Workforce Services building and have them help you find a job. If you are unemployeed in the USA it's your fault. Every County has job services to help people get employeed. Get a JOB!
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on October 28, 2008, 11:39:40 AM
1) Everyone needs to stop swearing.

2) Anyone can find a job in the USA, anyone who says they can't get a job is lieing to themselves so they can just sit on their butt and do nothing. Go work fast food. Once you're done with High School go get a job!

3) Parent's have been kicking their kids out at age 18 for centries, job or no job. It's time to grow up and move out of mom and dad's basement. If you have no home then you'll find a job.

4) You need to show respect to your step mom. If you can't, you need to move out anyways. She has not obligation to let you live there once you're 18, it's her home afterall. I don't see you letting her live in your home. If she has problems, then be the better person, show respect and leave once you can.

5) Everyone who puts down Preatorian's mom should be ashamed, you never even met her.

In summary, get a job, you CAN get a job. Go to all the fast food places on your block and interview, speak good English and show respect then you'll get a job. Work hard, and eventually you can get a better job. Get a job. Get a JOB. If you still have trouble go to your local Workforce Services building and have them help you find a job. If you are unemployeed in the USA it's your fault. Every County has job services to help people get employeed. Get a JOB!
Do you even know how bad the economy in Michigan is? o_O The economy in was bad in Mich way before it was bad in the entire country. (

and things have been getting a lot worse since 2007, the economy was so bad that the state actually shut down for a few hours.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: KPT25 on October 28, 2008, 12:00:31 PM
you could check at call centers instead of fast's slightly a better thing to do than fast food places,something i would never do
Maybe cashier at a super market,or maybe something related to the high school title you obtained(if there is one )
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: tremainekr on October 28, 2008, 12:55:57 PM
ok you are 18. life is just begining. its either work and keep progressing at that job, go to school for a trade or a career, or the army.  pick one.  i know how u feel.

tips for getting a job make a resume, dont have a criminal back round, and just have a good personality. come to the interveiw clean looking 

dont stress it ur parents just want to see you suceed. thats the worst thing in life to see all your friends past you by. im 25 i currently make 14.00 a hour doing school police, live by myself ,have a secondary job and planning to go back to school.the econmey in maryland is bad.
so dont worry everything will be ok at very least just try. its sad to say u need a high school diploma just to be a trashman

Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Ohsky on October 28, 2008, 01:36:44 PM
lol @ acey.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Vault-tec Rep Høröúßøí on October 28, 2008, 01:39:05 PM
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Nutty-Da-Kid on October 28, 2008, 01:46:45 PM
1) Everyone needs to stop swearing.

2) Anyone can find a job in the USA, anyone who says they can't get a job is lieing to themselves so they can just sit on their butt and do nothing. Go work fast food. Once you're done with High School go get a job!

3) Parent's have been kicking their kids out at age 18 for centries, job or no job. It's time to grow up and move out of mom and dad's basement. If you have no home then you'll find a job.

4) You need to show respect to your step mom. If you can't, you need to move out anyways. She has not obligation to let you live there once you're 18, it's her home afterall. I don't see you letting her live in your home. If she has problems, then be the better person, show respect and leave once you can.

5) Everyone who puts down Preatorian's mom should be ashamed, you never even met her.

In summary, get a job, you CAN get a job. Go to all the fast food places on your block and interview, speak good English and show respect then you'll get a job. Work hard, and eventually you can get a better job. Get a job. Get a JOB. If you still have trouble go to your local Workforce Services building and have them help you find a job. If you are unemployeed in the USA it's your fault. Every County has job services to help people get employeed. Get a JOB!

lol acey have u took a look at da economy? Do u know how long i been lookin for a job and cant get one..... And i dont giv a f**k wat his step mom is doing bottom line shes bein a little b!tch about it one thing that i hate the most is when ppl who dont have jobs tell other ppl to get a job it just makes them sound dum. Respect isint given its earned i hate when ppl say respect ur elders f**k dem if they aint given me no respect....
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Animeboy on October 28, 2008, 03:28:27 PM
1) Everyone needs to stop swearing.

2) Anyone can find a job in the USA, anyone who says they can't get a job is lieing to themselves so they can just sit on their butt and do nothing. Go work fast food. Once you're done with High School go get a job!

3) Parent's have been kicking their kids out at age 18 for centries, job or no job. It's time to grow up and move out of mom and dad's basement. If you have no home then you'll find a job.

4) You need to show respect to your step mom. If you can't, you need to move out anyways. She has not obligation to let you live there once you're 18, it's her home afterall. I don't see you letting her live in your home. If she has problems, then be the better person, show respect and leave once you can.

5) Everyone who puts down Preatorian's mom should be ashamed, you never even met her.

In summary, get a job, you CAN get a job. Go to all the fast food places on your block and interview, speak good English and show respect then you'll get a job. Work hard, and eventually you can get a better job. Get a job. Get a JOB. If you still have trouble go to your local Workforce Services building and have them help you find a job. If you are unemployeed in the USA it's your fault. Every County has job services to help people get employeed. Get a JOB!

Acey Judging by your reaction I'd say your above age 30 just like my brother.Things are different today then it was back at your time.It was plenty easy for you to get a job and same for my brother but us of the younger generation can't get one as easily as you guys seeing that you don't have to worry about getting a job since your someplace else.I had been searching for a job for 3 years and finally got one then got laid off my job.I went searching the past 9 months and couldn't get one.Florida's economy is Really horrible the USA's Economy is so horrible it's retarded.That's how bad it is.The Economy is so bad that not even fast food restaraunts are Hiring.That's how bad it is.I'd like to see you guys of the older generation go out and see if you can find a job so easily in this bad economy.But then again I don't expect ppl of the older generation to understand.

Secondly His mom is a straight up Jerkface threatening to kick him out of the house just because he's 18 and Jobless.I mean C'mon she should cut the man some slack times are extremely tough here in the United States and all that lady thinks about is herself you can't respect someone if their no good to you and don't say if it wasn't for this person you wouldn't be alive it's not like you Asked to be brought in you know.It annoys me to the Max of how you older ppl think it's so easy just because it was good for you.

No offence though Acey please don't take what I said personally it just annoys me to death when you guys keep saying get a job when it's Very VERY difficult to get one.I went searching for a LONG time Finally got one and got laid off.Now I'm currently still searching but I'm having no luck at all.And it really bugs me of how your not looking at his point of view it's tough for him to make it due to his step mom.He should just live with his grandfather and not his mean step mom.

Anyways Yeah I had to let that out Sorry Acey I know your head Admin and all but I just couldn't let this go by the wayside.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: b.easy on October 28, 2008, 04:01:11 PM
I didn't wanna reply to this topic but here goes..  :(|)

you guys are confusing a bad economy with a lack of jobs.
bad economy != less jobs.
Unless of course you're in VKM's case (I feel for ya bro, those car plant shutdowns did mess you guys up big time..). For the most part, it means things are going to cost more.

as far as fast food, I suggest going out and learning an actual skill. Can't get a college scholarship? better get into some vocational program or apprenticeship. the world will alway need electricians, plumbers, etc. recession or not.

Of course it's hard to find a job at first. It's hard for everybody. Most people come into the work force knowing basically nothing.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Animeboy on October 28, 2008, 06:23:10 PM
I didn't wanna reply to this topic but here goes..  :(|)

you guys are confusing a bad economy with a lack of jobs.
bad economy != less jobs.
Unless of course you're in VKM's case (I feel for ya bro, those car plant shutdowns did mess you guys up big time..). For the most part, it means things are going to cost more.

as far as fast food, I suggest going out and learning an actual skill. Can't get a college scholarship? better get into some vocational program or apprenticeship. the world will alway need electricians, plumbers, etc. recession or not.

Of course it's hard to find a job at first. It's hard for everybody. Most people come into the work force knowing basically nothing.

Your telling me I was searching for three years and finally got one.But then I had been laid off.

My older brother got a job just like that when he was 16 it was at MCdonald's.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Warcueid on October 28, 2008, 06:40:49 PM
Animugen, not personally attacking you, but you sound like a little kid.
Is it hard to get a job? Hell yes! but CAN you find one? Hell Yes! I recently lost my job a little over three months ago, just yesterday found a place and start tomorrow. What I'm saying is this: You can't find a job because of that horrible mind set of "its too hard." You need to get out there and look. And if you're wondering, I'm 20 years old. I used to think just like you, till I realized that I need to stop complaining and just look harder till I found something.

@xPreatorianx: You're on meds? Has your step mom always been like this? She might be a little frightened herself at the current situation the economy is in. Don't get me wrong, it doesn't justify her actions either. Talk to your dad and step mom and come to a compromise, set a period of time that they'll allow you to find a job. Who knows, you might find something you'll like. Moving to your grampa's won't stop anything except for maybe, hearing your parentals voices. Eventually you'll have to work. Just hang in there, times are tough but its not impossible to find a job.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Acey on October 28, 2008, 07:11:19 PM
Acey Judging by your reaction I'd say your above age 30 just like my brother.Things are different today then it was back at your time.It was plenty easy for you to get a job and same for my brother but us of the younger generation can't get one as easily as you guys seeing that you don't have to worry about getting a job since your someplace else.I had been searching for a job for 3 years and finally got one then got laid off my job.I went searching the past 9 months and couldn't get one.Florida's economy is Really horrible the USA's Economy is so horrible it's retarded.That's how bad it is.The Economy is so bad that not even fast food restaraunts are Hiring.That's how bad it is.I'd like to see you guys of the older generation go out and see if you can find a job so easily in this bad economy.But then again I don't expect ppl of the older generation to understand.

Secondly His mom is a straight up Jerkface threatening to kick him out of the house just because he's 18 and Jobless.I mean C'mon she should cut the man some slack times are extremely tough here in the United States and all that lady thinks about is herself you can't respect someone if their no good to you and don't say if it wasn't for this person you wouldn't be alive it's not like you Asked to be brought in you know.It annoys me to the Max of how you older ppl think it's so easy just because it was good for you.

No offence though Acey please don't take what I said personally it just annoys me to death when you guys keep saying get a job when it's Very VERY difficult to get one.I went searching for a LONG time Finally got one and got laid off.Now I'm currently still searching but I'm having no luck at all.And it really bugs me of how your not looking at his point of view it's tough for him to make it due to his step mom.He should just live with his grandfather and not his mean step mom.

Anyways Yeah I had to let that out Sorry Acey I know your head Admin and all but I just couldn't let this go by the wayside.

Just cus I'm the admin doesn't mean you can't say your word. Its totally cool. (Who wants to be an admin of a forum where no one can discuss anything anyways)

A little bit of personal information, I'm not over 30, sorry. I think I'm just practical. A person can't run a family, full time job, full time college, do constant church service, and have time for personal hoobies like band practice every week, continually reading new books, playing Rock Band and succeed in creating good mugen stuff without having the will to do so. I was out of work for a month last year and I know what it's like doing the job search.

I'm just being bold and I'm even probably making you guys like my less by stating what I think is the truth. You and I each pay way too many taxes to pay for social program to educate the uneducated and find jobs for the jobless so use those resources. Back a while ago I spent a year being an employeement specialist for my church and have been highly involved with the unemployeed. If you want a job, you can get one, a crappy one but it's still a job. If you want a better job then you make yourself better while still holding down a current job. It's very simple, if you won't get a job then you'll be living in someone's basement or worse, nowhere, and either one you'll be blamming everyone but yourself.

I know I sound like I'm on a high horse but I was born in a trailer park. I grew with my dad in the military (although only war we had was Desert Storm) and my mom worked nights. I am who I am because neither of them was content in the basement and if I'm going to give my advice to you, it sure won't be to blame the economy, I'm going to encourage you that you can and will find a job if you're really trying.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Nutty-Da-Kid on October 28, 2008, 07:36:38 PM
ur right is som respects acey but ur race and where u come from kinda play a roll in weather u will get da job and ur appearance so for some its easy for some its not. Because i am black and come from a dangerous neighboorhood i can never get a job even though im educated and do interviews well.....
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: ExShadow on October 28, 2008, 07:46:20 PM
ur right is som respects acey but ur race and where u come from kinda play a roll in weather u will get da job and ur appearance so for some its easy for some its not. Because i am black and come from a dangerous neighboorhood i can never get a job even though im educated and do interviews well.....
that statement is actually true cause where i live there are hardly no jobs being said this neighborhood is like really ghetto "Detroit Michigan" u have to go out to the suburbs here to find a good one
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: R.I.C.O - Twon on October 28, 2008, 08:37:30 PM
race does play a role, but most of the time we gotta blame it on ourselves when we go out on an interview actin and dressin the same way we do everyday. You have to present urself right when it comes down to it. Im black and I would not hire another black person just cuz hes black if they cant talk right, cant dress right, cant show no respect, and cant show the qualifications.... and thats truth. And another thing with race, us African-Americans gotta stop blaming everything on race, thats why we really aint gettin nowhere. Once we get denied or rejected once, we go straight to blamin it on racism and all that ish and givin up.

And on economy, its really not as bad as they are puttin it out to be. We are not even close to any kind of depression. Michigan as a state economy isnt even that bad, its more Detroit and surrounding areas. There were alotta layoffs and other issues goin on w/ them as a city in general. But really, if you want a job that bad, u'll get one. If you want anything in life hard enough, u would not be on the internet complaining or somewhere talkin about all ur problems but ur butt would be out gettin what u want.

The gettin kicked out at 18 deal, on the real, like Acey said its been goin on for a looooooong time, its nothin new. Be glad she is at least pushin u to at least get a job, cuz a lotta parents would not even care and wait till ur birthday, u come home from school and have ur stuff sittin out the door. 

Life is gonna get hard at times, but how strong u are is gonna show on how u handle those situations. My mom for example i say was a pretty strong woman. Her mom died while she was young goin into college, so she had to give up college go get a job and take care of her younger sisters. In the end she turned out pretty good for herself, but she got done what she needed to get done. Everything in life is not gonna come how u want it man, but however things come up u gotta take it and control it and get through it.

I dont even know if I said everything right but I hope I did. Honestly, I pray you get through this man. Go talk wit ya stepmom and work things out. Anyways, that was a long reply
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Animeboy on October 28, 2008, 08:58:15 PM
Animugen, not personally attacking you, but you sound like a little kid.
Is it hard to get a job? Hell yes! but CAN you find one? Hell Yes! I recently lost my job a little over three months ago, just yesterday found a place and start tomorrow. What I'm saying is this: You can't find a job because of that horrible mind set of "its too hard." You need to get out there and look. And if you're wondering, I'm 20 years old. I used to think just like you, till I realized that I need to stop complaining and just look harder till I found something.

Like I said I'm still currently Searching.It's just it's a real downer when they say we're not hiring.But I still say the Economy is why I can't find one.I'd like to see you come down to florida and see for yourself of how difficult it is to get a job because Florida's economy is horrible and that's where I live.

ur right is som respects acey but ur race and where u come from kinda play a roll in weather u will get da job and ur appearance so for some its easy for some its not. Because i am black and come from a dangerous neighboorhood i can never get a job even though im educated and do interviews well.....

You are right about that one Nutpatch Race can have an impact especially if your black because they think just because your black they'd assume your not educated,you steal doesn't speak right etc.But I believe they should give you a chance.


I dress very properly when I go to a place to ask for an application.I got these tips when looking for a job.

1.Dress Properly
2.Carry a Pen
3.Be persistent
4.Speak properly
5.Do the Application at the Job site
6.Continuously come back asking did they have a look at your application.

I did those and if you ask me it makes no difference and don't say the lack of confidence because when I 1st went searching for a job I WAS confident but lost it after so many rejections then losing a job I finally found after a long time and now my confidence is so freakin down it's retarded.Sad truth is I've been staying home and my best friend is getting less hours on his job.He's got 0 hours this week and he worked only one day the past 7 months each week.But like I said since Florida's economy is that horrible it's no wonder why this is happening plus my mom and her sisters are getting less hours and I never hear of anyone getting overtime at this time.I've seen other ppl like me get laid off.So honestly I don't know what to do.Once when I went to Arby's they told me they were going to call me about an interview it never happened not to mention I even stopped by there and they ask me to fill out an application if you ask me sometimes I think their lying or they don't want to plain out hire me.

And don't say I sound like a kid because what I'm telling you is the truth come to florida and look for a job here and tell me if it's so easy.


I have every right to blame the economy back in the 90's my parents told me the economy was excellent my older brother got a job at MCdonald's just like that my other brother got a job at Winn Dixie just like that.The Economy is horrible today I went searching for 3 years I found one and lost it due to the economy.Each place I go to they keep saying we're not hiring I would ask them why.They all told me the same thing it's the economy.Can you blame me for thinking this way?With the economy this bad and ppl only losing more jobs can you really blame me for lacking the strength to get back up and go out there?

Sorry if I sound childish but is it really my own downfall that I couldn't find a job?
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Nutty-Da-Kid on October 28, 2008, 09:04:53 PM
race does play a role, but most of the time we gotta blame it on ourselves when we go out on an interview actin and dressin the same way we do everyday. You have to present urself right when it comes down to it. Im black and I would not hire another black person just cuz hes black if they cant talk right, cant dress right, cant show no respect, and cant show the qualifications.... and thats truth. And another thing with race, us African-Americans gotta stop blaming everything on race, thats why we really aint gettin nowhere. Once we get denied or rejected once, we go straight to blamin it on racism and all that ish and givin up.

And on economy, its really not as bad as they are puttin it out to be. We are not even close to any kind of depression. Michigan as a state economy isnt even that bad, its more Detroit and surrounding areas. There were alotta layoffs and other issues goin on w/ them as a city in general. But really, if you want a job that bad, u'll get one. If you want anything in life hard enough, u would not be on the internet complaining or somewhere talkin about all ur problems but ur butt would be out gettin what u want.

The gettin kicked out at 18 deal, on the real, like Acey said its been goin on for a looooooong time, its nothin new. Be glad she is at least pushin u to at least get a job, cuz a lotta parents would not even care and wait till ur birthday, u come home from school and have ur stuff sittin out the door. 

Life is gonna get hard at times, but how strong u are is gonna show on how u handle those situations. My mom for example i say was a pretty strong woman. Her mom died while she was young goin into college, so she had to give up college go get a job and take care of her younger sisters. In the end she turned out pretty good for herself, but she got done what she needed to get done. Everything in life is not gonna come how u want it man, but however things come up u gotta take it and control it and get through it.

I dont even know if I said everything right but I hope I did. Honestly, I pray you get through this man. Go talk wit ya stepmom and work things out. Anyways, that was a long reply

i always dress up and look nice for my interviews and yes we can blame the economy ppl are losin jobs as we speak when u grew up in a good economy its different. Kinda a insult when ppl like myself are always lookin for jobs and stuff and when i dont get the jobs u place the blame on ourselves.... I mean i dress nice, i speak well, and i speak two languages and im taking college classes while still in high school and i dont get the job. I know its because where im from is a really dangerous neighboorhood and im still living in that same hood.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: R.I.C.O - Twon on October 28, 2008, 09:10:56 PM
i hope ur not only lookin at fastfood places... look at construction, taking care of kids, ups driver or packin or somethin bro... expand out the limit of just fast food and restaurants, cuz honestly there not always hiring cuz most ppl go to the places first off to get a job. I honestly dont know what to tell u, but to keep pushin

@ nutpatch
then clearly im not talkin to u personally, im talkin about all the ppl who dont present themselves right... and 1st off, cuz u actin like u know me sayin i grew up in a good economy. Im pretty sure I grew up in Detroit, one of the hardest places to make it out of.
I aint sayin gettin a job aint hard, all im sayin is if u work hard enough ull get a job, not immediately, but ull get it
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Nutty-Da-Kid on October 28, 2008, 09:15:11 PM
i hope ur not only lookin at fastfood places... look at construction, taking care of kids, ups driver or packin or somethin bro... expand out the limit of just fast food and restaurants, cuz honestly there not always hiring cuz most ppl go to the places first off to get a job. I honestly dont know what to tell u, but to keep pushin

@ nutpatch
then clearly im not talkin to u personally, im talkin about all the ppl who dont present themselves right... and 1st off, cuz u actin like u know me sayin i grew up in a good economy. Im pretty sure I grew up in Detroit, one of the hardest places to make it out of.
I aint sayin gettin a job aint hard, all im sayin is if u work hard enough ull get a job, not immediately, but ull get it

na i was talkin bout acey lol i always fill out multiple applications not just one.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: R.I.C.O - Twon on October 28, 2008, 09:19:21 PM
lol my bad but yeah man its gonna be hard, and really in the mean time its not gonna get any better... If you are like 16-young 18, u kinda really gotta be lucky to get a job, Cuz real talk there gonna hire older before younger. Also, start askin help from teachers and counselors and older ppl, theyll help u out.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Acey on October 28, 2008, 10:21:49 PM
Well, I think we all share the same basic sentiment...

For all friends and family out there playing the game and trying to make it in the world today, a little quote that says it perfectly, "please, you gotta keep your head up. " - Tupac
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Animeboy on October 28, 2008, 10:24:32 PM

I truthfully thought I was the only one that's having it difficult at this time.But it looks as if I'm not the only one.


I do what you did and I couldn't find a job either so your not the only one.But we got to hang in there man.I may complain I may lose confidence but I'm not giving up.I'll search once again as soon as I can get some new clothes since my old ones are getting worn out.

Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Warcueid on October 28, 2008, 11:42:28 PM
Animugen, when you say things like "people born 1977-whatever." Makes you sound kid-ish. I wasn't attacking you or anything. Since you just said that you aren't going to give up, thats the attitude you should always have. It sounds corny, but it'll get you a job. Heres good luck to you buddy, and all the people out there struglling  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: C.R.O.M. jodafro619 on October 29, 2008, 09:52:28 AM
Well I wish all of you who are looking for a job the best of luck. If you are in college there are jobs right under  your noses. Heck you can go for campus security and they'll help pay for school in one shot. For the guys and gals up here who are still in high school, if you got friends or family who are working, ASK THEM or go to work with them and nine out of ten you might get a job like that. Don't play the blame game on society or the economy either. Cuz the only mofos who are really hurting is the rich fagbots whose been stealing money on the grounds of doing their thing in a non regulated corporate world. Wether the economy is good or bad, we'll still be in the same boat that we're in, I promise you on that. I thought I was never gonna get a job after the Army cuz the whole thing about being in Aphganistan would scare a lot of employers off and I used to think they would see see this angry black man coming home from the war is not someone I want to hire as well, but I'm better than that and I hit the streets looking all day everyday. I used to walk from the Bronx to Brooklyn looking for work cuz my aunt or her girlfriend was too busy getting drunk and high to give me money to get on the train. But when I got thrown out and started living in a shelter, that was motivation enough to get my own thing started. Now I have been working at my job for about 3 years now and I got my own place, but I could do better. But when you guys get that first one, use it as a stepping stone to do better. Don't let being in the street be that motivation to get off your @s$ and get a job. Plus for those of you who are at that age were it's time for you to get your grown man or woman on, don't sit there and condone my man's action on ating someone you don't know cuz we don't all the whole story about duke getting handed that ultimatum about getting a job or getting out. That story may be one sided for all we know. I'm not trying to start anything, but if you get that age where you should be doing something with yourself and not being up under your parents, in most walks of life you will quickly find yourself out the door if you 're making any serious moves. If work doesn't come your way, go to school. Your resume looks hard body as a college student or graduate. But I ran my mouth too much so better be out. Good luck to you all :thumbsup: :) :) The worse thing than failure is failure by not trying. I know someone is like shet yo @$$ up man LOL!!!
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Nutty-Da-Kid on October 29, 2008, 10:27:56 AM
Well I wish all of you who are looking for a job the best of luck. If you are in college there are jobs right under  your noses. Heck you can go for campus security and they'll help pay for school in one shot. For the guys and gals up here who are still in high school, if you got friends or family who are working, ASK THEM or go to work with them and nine out of ten you might get a job like that. Don't play the blame game on society or the economy either. Cuz the only mofos who are really hurting is the rich fagbots whose been stealing money on the grounds of doing their thing in a non regulated corporate world. Wether the economy is good or bad, we'll still be in the same boat that we're in, I promise you on that. I thought I was never gonna get a job after the Army cuz the whole thing about being in Aphganistan would scare a lot of employers off and I used to think they would see see this angry black man coming home from the war is not someone I want to hire as well, but I'm better than that and I hit the streets looking all day everyday. I used to walk from the Bronx to Brooklyn looking for work cuz my aunt or her girlfriend was too busy getting drunk and high to give me money to get on the train. But when I got thrown out and started living in a shelter, that was motivation enough to get my own thing started. Now I have been working at my job for about 3 years now and I got my own place, but I could do better. But when you guys get that first one, use it as a stepping stone to do better. Don't let being in the street be that motivation to get off your @s$ and get a job. Plus for those of you who are at that age were it's time for you to get your grown man or woman on, don't sit there and condone my man's action on ating someone you don't know cuz we don't all the whole story about duke getting handed that ultimatum about getting a job or getting out. That story may be one sided for all we know. I'm not trying to start anything, but if you get that age where you should be doing something with yourself and not being up under your parents, in most walks of life you will quickly find yourself out the door if you 're making any serious moves. If work doesn't come your way, go to school. Your resume looks hard body as a college student or graduate. But I ran my mouth too much so better be out. Good luck to you all :thumbsup: :) :) The worse thing than failure is failure by not trying. I know someone is like shet yo @$$ up man LOL!!!

LOL  :D :D i was dat one. Na i read everything u had to say sounds pretty good but i have been despretly lookin for a job i want a xbox 360 and i want to get sf4 and mk vs dc so im workin hard..
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: xPreatorianx on October 30, 2008, 03:57:36 PM
Sorry that I have not replied my comp is gone to hell and back. First my ethernet card then my LCD screen. Now im using an old CRT. But anyways Acey I understand where you are coming from but its not as easy as you say it is. I went to spotsy mall (I live in va in fredericksburg) and put in 10 applications (no joke 10) and have not gotten a single call from anyone. My dad is kinda on my side but mostly on my step-moms. He agrees I need a job bad. But he said if anyone is gonna tell me to leave its gonna be him and noone else. He says if and when the time comes he'll tell me I need to pack not my step-mom. My step-mom has threatened to take away my internet privladges and also kick me out. Im on wits end I dont wanna move but if I get kicked out I have no other choice.

I would love to get a job but its nowhere near that damn easy nowadays. I have filled out numerous applications and I cant get a job. Yes it does not help that im a highschool drop out. But on every app ive put going to get GED so they know im going for a degree. Which I am going for a GED so I have not lied. But to anyone that says get a job, get a job, get a job, its not that easy.

Hell I just went to a local gamepad store about 2 days ago and they said they cant accept me or hire me because they have slow business and they had to lay off 10 people. Jobs are not easy to find here in the US anymore. If you dont beleive me let me fax or put up every app I sent out and then give you a copy of the phone bill. Youll see noone has called asking for me or wanting if I wanted a job. Jobs are slim pickings nowadays.
Title: Re: Hey guys im back and came with a rant.
Post by: Animeboy on October 30, 2008, 07:12:40 PM
Sorry that I have not replied my comp is gone to hell and back. First my ethernet card then my LCD screen. Now im using an old CRT. But anyways Acey I understand where you are coming from but its not as easy as you say it is. I went to spotsy mall (I live in va in fredericksburg) and put in 10 applications (no joke 10) and have not gotten a single call from anyone. My dad is kinda on my side but mostly on my step-moms. He agrees I need a job bad. But he said if anyone is gonna tell me to leave its gonna be him and noone else. He says if and when the time comes he'll tell me I need to pack not my step-mom. My step-mom has threatened to take away my internet privladges and also kick me out. Im on wits end I dont wanna move but if I get kicked out I have no other choice.

I would love to get a job but its nowhere near that damn easy nowadays. I have filled out numerous applications and I cant get a job. Yes it does not help that im a highschool drop out. But on every app ive put going to get GED so they know im going for a degree. Which I am going for a GED so I have not lied. But to anyone that says get a job, get a job, get a job, its not that easy.

Hell I just went to a local gamepad store about 2 days ago and they said they cant accept me or hire me because they have slow business and they had to lay off 10 people. Jobs are not easy to find here in the US anymore. If you dont beleive me let me fax or put up every app I sent out and then give you a copy of the phone bill. Youll see noone has called asking for me or wanting if I wanted a job. Jobs are slim pickings nowadays.

Dude man I applied for way more than 40 jobs and not a single one called.No one can beat that.You and I are pretty much in the same boat plus Each time I go to a place they say they can't hire because of the economy slow business no money etc.So yeah it's not easy anymore that is.But keep in mind your not the only one with issues.I have my share of issues too.
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