Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => M.U.G.E.N Graphic Arts => Topic started by: Xenomic on September 06, 2008, 05:50:38 PM

Title: Xenomic's Hi-Res Touhou Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 06, 2008, 05:50:38 PM
Well, after one of my partners made a Midnight Bliss for one of the Touhou gals, I started looks really nice. Too bad that the original sprites of the characters aren't the right size and what they SHOULD look decided to do this little tiny project, though dunno how much I'll be doing these. So, I decided hell, let's do my favorite from Touhou ^^

I'll start putting my final sprites here now:

Komachi Onozuka



Reimu Hakurei



Remilia Scarlet



Sakuya Izayoi



Youmu Konpaku



Criticisms and comments are more than welcome. I'll probably do some more of the Touhou girls later on, starting with the ones that have sprites right now before doing the ones that don't have them. Next will probably be either Remilia or Youmu, depending on which one I feel like doing. ^^
Title: Re: Yay! First hi-res sprite..........and of one of my fave characters ^^
Post by: R.I.C.O - Twon on September 06, 2008, 05:58:27 PM
Very nice :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Yay! First hi-res sprite..........and of one of my fave characters ^^
Post by: Swiziga on September 06, 2008, 07:21:20 PM
looks really nice, just her upper body doesn't seem to match her lower body. it looks like she has tiny legs :-??
Title: Re: Yay! First hi-res sprite..........and of one of my fave characters ^^
Post by: Xenomic on September 06, 2008, 08:55:20 PM
I think the proportions are just fine. It's just more or less how the dress makes her look I guess.

Alright, worked a bit more on her after Ken's correction, and this is what I got:


What I fixed is the lower right of her skirt, and I also fixed the face. Doesn't look so manly now.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 08, 2008, 02:37:05 AM
Alright, so now I'm thinking of making this a project, since I'm enjoying this so much. And now....for my next sprite, which I know, still needs worked on,'s Remilia Scarlet for all of you folks:


And for comparison if you want, her in-game sprite:


Next will more than likely be Youmu, so keep an eye out! ^^ Comments and the like are always welcomed ^^
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 08, 2008, 03:42:27 PM
Updated sprite for Reimu


Moved the belt up. I didn't think it should go directly below her breasts, since in the artwork, it's not that high up on her. Also, fixed shading on the upper torso, slimmed the sleeve down, and fixed her breasts to actually look like they should.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 08, 2008, 11:35:23 PM
Next sprite, just got done today, Youmu Konpaku:


Granted, I like how it turned out, but it still needs some work done to it. First off, reason why she looks stubby, is due to how she's standing before anyone says anything. lol

Next, the things that I see wrong....

1) White frill on dress are still too big. Blech .-.
2) Back sword sheath looks fat .-.
3) Bottom of upper shirt could use more work on....hard to explain
4) Flower COULD use some more work, though flowers aren't my things. lol
5) Left leg could use a bit more work. Doesn't look right .-.

Original sprite for comparsion:

Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 09, 2008, 01:02:16 AM
And now, the more I look at Youmu's sprite, the more I feel disappointed by it. .-.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: ATiC3 on September 10, 2008, 01:27:05 AM
Your sprites are very good. I would say to update the 3rd one, and definitely fix the last one... it's good... but the char is small still... Other than that, they're great. :)
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 10, 2008, 02:10:20 AM
Gonna be working on Youmu for sure. Updated the first post with all the final sprites so far.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 10, 2008, 04:06:22 AM
And updated sprite for Youmu, which will still need more work done to:


Looks a LOT better compared to the old sprite. x_x

Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: SPOOKY77 on September 10, 2008, 12:39:51 PM
Very nice man  =D>
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 11, 2008, 01:28:05 AM
Sakuya Izayoi:


And original sprite for comparison if you need it:

Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 11, 2008, 03:56:41 PM
Preview so far:


All I've done so far is fix up the legs. I THINK that they're much better now, and tried out the line shading thing on her as well on both her arms and legs. I think it worked out fine. Also moved her left eye down (her left, our right. lol. So confusing). Also fixed her "diamond-esque" shoulder to be a bit more rounded out. Trying to think of what else I need to do on her....I know that her hat is my next thing to work on.....but other than that, not sure on what else.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 11, 2008, 11:22:16 PM
Here's what I got:

For Remilia:


Fixed the face, so that it doesn't look tiny anymore, and Gollum-ish (lol). And tried to fix the right hand (her left hand to her), but....that still needs worked on, and I don't know how to fix that right now. Also fixed up her wings to look better. ^^

For Sakuya:


Moved her legs over about 3 pixels to the left, due to someone mentioning that she looked like her body was broken in half (lawl). Will be working on her hat and face to make it look better as well later on.

Right now, my main focus is on Remilia, so if anyone has any suggestions on what I should do to fix her, let me know (and yes, I did try anti-aliasing and line shading on Remilia's face and hands, as well as her wings somewhat. Dunno if the rest of her needs it or not).
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: ItalianStallion on September 12, 2008, 01:40:00 AM
Not only did you change them from chibi to normal size, but you also made them look from young to old ladies lol :D
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 12, 2008, 01:50:01 AM
Old? What do you mean old?
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: ItalianStallion on September 12, 2008, 01:54:34 AM
Old? What do you mean old?

I don't know theyre faces look like old women, grannys. Maybe the clothes they wear makes me them look like old women but for some reason in their chibi form they look like little girls.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 12, 2008, 01:58:30 AM

Where do you get the old look from??? I don't see anything old looking in their faces o.o

And the only one that I think would look old from clothing is Remilia but.....I still don't see how they look old o.o???
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 12, 2008, 09:17:21 PM
Update on Remilia:


Shrunk down the hair is all I did. Dunno if it looks good on her now or not. x_x

Also, does anyone have any suggestions on that bloody hand? That's like....the only real thing to fix up on her now. x_x
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 13, 2008, 03:31:25 PM
And now.....I'm at a stump as to what to do with far, that hand is still the only real thing left to do, but according to many people, the face still needs worked on.....somehow. If anyone wants to help me on that, please, let me know. Even though I'd like to be able to do these without that much help on the spriting part, there's just some things I can't do it seems .-.

Also, according to a couple people, I don't use antialiasing that much or something.....and apparently, my shading's not that good either, which I don't see being that bad, and that the curves are messed up (and I'm guessing they're referring to all 4 of my sprites at that). I'm just not getting it....what's so bad about the shading and curves? I thought they were just fine personally. .-.

Oh, and I'm sure someone might say this later on down the line, but I'm not going to use Alien Blow-Up to 2x Scale for simple reasons.....1) That would be a somewhat easy way out of this and 2) Sprites look terrible when bloated up in this manner (especially these). Example:



Double size:


Triple size:


Yeah....MIGHT help with details and whatnot somewhat.....but other than that.....not going to use it for making hi-res sprites any other way .-.

However, after playing with 2x Scale, I think it can help with details a bit more:

Original sprite:


Sprite from 2x Scale:


After using this, I realized.....damn.....her left hand (our right) has now I think I know how to fix it finally .-.

So yeah, might use 2x Scale to help with details if I need it....not too much though, but yeah......
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 14, 2008, 01:08:00 AM
Well! I think I can say that I like how this is now. I had help on the hands, since I could NOT for the life of me get them right, so if there's a problem with the hands, let me know (probably is. lol)


I smoothed out the edges that I saw needed them (curves, edges, whatever). Of course, I probably didn't get them all but....yeah. Also made her eyes bigger, and gave her a different mouth. Another guy did her hands, as stated before, and I included her waist sash thingie since there's a place to put it now.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 14, 2008, 04:53:34 AM
Should I feel discouraged after seeing these? Cuz I kinda do....but kinda don't in a way (

And yes, there is a page 2.

Reason I'm bringing this up: Granted, I thought my sprites were alright at best, maybe not the best, but not the worst. Then, after seeing these (I saw them long ago, when there were only 4 sprites there), I started to feel somewhat discouraged and down cuz they're just so much better than what I have......though I kinda like some of mine better than his (only one that I've made so far that I don't like more than his is Remilia, cuz his Remilia is really good .-.). Probably cuz I try to stick to them theirselves

Anyways, thought I'd share that. ^^:
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: ItalianStallion on September 15, 2008, 03:39:07 AM
Wow those sprites are amazing, specially this one:


you shouldn't feel discouraged about your work though.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Vault-tec Rep Høröúßøí on September 15, 2008, 03:44:42 AM
ya never feel discouraged about your work  ::salute:: atleast u can do sprite all I can do is use ps to make avy's for people... and I'm 50/50 at best... compared to most of the artist on this forum ;*))
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 15, 2008, 04:13:46 PM
Hehe Italian....I don't see anything of what you're referring too. lol ^^;

And yeah, I really shouldn't, and in all honesty, I like all the ones I've so far, except for Remilia, which in this case, I like his better. Though I guess I have something to look forward to to making better than his. Of course, beating out his Cirno and Meiling sprites are gonna be hard x_x. The rest shouldn't be too hard to do better than him. ^^
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 15, 2008, 05:29:41 PM

There! I think she's good enough now. ^^
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 15, 2008, 08:07:12 PM
And now, since I think Remilia's done now, here's what I've done so far to Youmu:


1) Added more shading to her face, and made her left eye bigger (right eye is still the same size due to her looking in that direction, and I didn't think it needed adjusting)
2) Toned down her breast size. I think it was too big for her. Minor thing methinks, but it's still something .-.
3) Adjusted where her bottom sword sheath was.
4) Shrunk the size of the frills at the bottom of her dress and rounded her dress out a bit more. Will work on this later on after the major stuff's taken care of
5) Redid her legs and spaced them out. Will probably make these closer together. Not sure yet.
6) Redid her back hand.

I think her legs still need to be worked on of course, which is what I'll be working on first. Also, I MIGHT shrink her head down, cuz she does have a relatively big head.....and I'd like to keep them as realistic as possible...what do you guys think?
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: ItalianStallion on September 15, 2008, 08:22:43 PM
Hehe Italian....I don't see anything of what you're referring too. lol ^^;

And yeah, I really shouldn't, and in all honesty, I like all the ones I've so far, except for Remilia, which in this case, I like his better. Though I guess I have something to look forward to to making better than his. Of course, beating out his Cirno and Meiling sprites are gonna be hard x_x. The rest shouldn't be too hard to do better than him. ^^

Haha lmao dont know why it didnt work with the websites link, well i fixed it so now you can see what I was talking about.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 15, 2008, 08:24:59 PM
Ah. Sakuya.....I dunno if I can make my sprite just as good or better than that one. That's another tough one I see beating. lol

And these 2 are the ones I think I'm going to have trouble topping, cuz they're just so good:



Definently gonna be hard to beat....and I know my Remilia sprite cannot beat this one:

Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 15, 2008, 11:01:31 PM
Alright, here's what I got (yay for triple posting ftl...):


Move her left leg over some (and I think her other leg), applied anti-aliasing to her, and also fixed her face up some, as well as her hair. Not sure on the shading of the arm yet...

Also, I'm out of ideas on what to do for Youmu, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 16, 2008, 03:47:15 PM
Yeah, I know.....this is pretty soon....


I think it looks much, much better now. There's.....really not much else I can do with her I'll probably gonna focus more on Youmu now, since she REALLY needs it.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Gore Whore on September 19, 2008, 01:18:53 PM
any hi res marvel chars on this topic????    or jus some girly cutesie anime crap that dont look like fighters at all.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: AdReNaLiNe on September 19, 2008, 01:22:49 PM
any hi res marvel chars on this topic????    or jus some girly cutesie anime crap that dont look like fighters at all.

LMFAO!!  :DxDie
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Sprites Thread
Post by: Gore Whore on September 19, 2008, 01:29:44 PM
any hi res marvel chars on this topic????    or jus some girly cutesie anime crap that dont look like fighters at all.

LMFAO!!  :DxDie

im not trying to be mean.....but yall kept my hopes up, i thought i was gonna see some cool hi res work but all i see is stuff.   change topic name to girly hi res chars. so u wont confuse people next time.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Touhou Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 20, 2008, 04:46:10 PM
Alright, after finally getting around to working on Youmu, here's what I got. Not TOO much things done, since I don't see that much needed to be done. Maybe shading still and the hair, but that's about it I think.....and maybe the fur thingie >.>


1) Tried to redo the entire flower.....dunno if it worked out or not.....since flowers are not my thing at all x_x.  I think it looks somewhat decent but.....meh....

2) Added that little red tape/decoration thing to her sheath that it was missing from before.....dunno how I missed that.

Aside from that, not much else has been done sadly......   .-.

I'll probably work on Sakuya now until someone comes up with something else for Youmu that needs fixed badly or whatnot.....or until I think of something myself, which is probably not going to happen considering I don't know what else to really do with her .-.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Touhou Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 20, 2008, 07:45:31 PM
Well, been working on Sakuya since I can't think of what to do for Youmu right now aside the flower and fur/feather of her sword, and I must say, I'm liking how she's coming out:


Basically, trimmed down her fat on her body, so she looks, you know, more like Sakuya and not a plump maid. Also tried to fix up her hair some, and reworked her face slightly. I'll be trying to figure out how to fix those darn knives, and I'll probably work on her hair, but other than that, don't think there's too much more to be done on her.
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Touhou Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on September 27, 2008, 02:09:18 AM
Next up, Komachi Onozuka. Still working on her, since there's some obvious things that need touched up on (or worked on more, like that damn scythe .V.):


I'll be working on her hair, face, and scythe the most, since I think just about everything else is fine.

And original sprite:

Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Touhou Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on November 15, 2008, 04:28:02 PM
I'll probably be getting back to this real soon eventually boys and gals, so keep in touch with this topic ^^
Title: Re: Xenomic's Hi-Res Touhou Sprites Thread
Post by: Xenomic on May 13, 2009, 10:58:14 PM
How long has this been dead? lol

Well, why am I bringing this back? Simple! I'm thinking of starting this project back up again! Why? Because I just have too much free time on my hands (even though I could be finishing MBs and getting those out of my life. lol....or go job hunting >.>; ). Anywho, I'll probably be updating those old sprites on the first page eventually (Sakuya, Youmu, and Komachi needs it the worst, since I think Reimu and Remilia are just fine the way they are to me, though it urks me that I made Remilia the same size as Youmu just about when she's one of the smallest characters x_x ).
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