Infinity MUGEN Team

IMT Discussions => General Discussion => Topic started by: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!! LVL 16!! on August 19, 2007, 11:11:41 PM

Title: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!! LVL 16!! on August 19, 2007, 11:11:41 PM
Mine is the...

Rocky Horror Picture Show!

Still, I watched it till the end and the songs ARE catchy but its just...yeah.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Kev The Galaxybender on August 19, 2007, 11:13:38 PM
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: KPT25 on August 19, 2007, 11:28:09 PM the end when they kill michael keaton i stood on my feet and yelled "THEY KILLED BATMAN!!!!! THOSE BASTARDS KILLED BATMAN!!!!!!" and EVERYBODY WAS HOWLING! my friend peed a bit in his pants dying of laughter.


I`m not a disturbing movies(luckily)and i don`t have a film to quote...I might think of one right now if i remember one...but the don`t come up easily
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: TrunkJunky on August 19, 2007, 11:39:58 PM
For me it's a tie between 'Stephen King's: It' and 'Day of the Dead'.

Stephen King's: It

C'mon, it's about a f**ked up clown who goes around eating kids through plumbing and sewer pipes. :o

'Day of the Dead'

The gore effects were surprisingly well done considering it's an 80's movie. Damn, I lost my appetite (and almost my lunch) when the zombies ripped apart all the military dudes. :-X
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on August 19, 2007, 11:41:31 PM
For me I'd have to say House of 1000 corpses. The first time I watched that was on some cable channel before I went to sleep. I of course had nightmares since I was already half asleep when I was watching the movie. The part where they used those kids as some freak experiment, and then the part towards the end where they had those monsters, one was gushing blood out his mouth and was huge, then there was a monster with like all these needles that was operating on some guy like a doctor, man that poop was trippy.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Sub-Zero on August 19, 2007, 11:43:38 PM
crash.....not the new one the old one...nasty old one
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: ZBOY on August 20, 2007, 12:55:07 AM
I don't get scared easily with Horror Movies.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Red Venom on August 20, 2007, 01:15:23 AM
how about saw II or hostile
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on August 20, 2007, 01:32:08 AM
how about saw II or hostile
Saw isn't really that disturbing. It's just about a stupid coward doll telling people to dismember themselves so they can live. (Although in reality they'd die from bleeding anyways). Hostel, it's just sex and murder. Hostel, it was just about a madman torturing teenagers. Basically teenagers have sex and die. In the first movie supposedly the scene where that kid gets his heel chopped is the most disturbing scene. Compared to House of 1k corpses, that's nothing.

In house 1k, some kid gets turned into a human fish so that ha can be used as a wall ornament in Captain Spaulding's tourist attraction, and then well, the whole brain operating thing man.. Just nasty. The sequel Devil's Rejects though was more of a action movie then a Horror movie. >_>

.. Dude, I can't wait for Rob Zombie's Halloween.
This will probably be the most disturbing thing I've seen since H1k.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: yebbie on August 20, 2007, 01:53:38 AM

the american goverment is scary! afraid, very afraid!
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: b.easy on August 20, 2007, 10:40:10 AM
Some freaky Japanese movie about a guy who finds a mermaid in the sewer and decides to torture her but at the end it turns out to be a real person. I saw it at a friend's house 2 years ago and the images are burned into my coronas.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Hunter on August 20, 2007, 10:52:49 AM
Jeepers Creepers.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: XerXes on August 20, 2007, 11:53:55 AM
Elektra nough said  :'(
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: VSemperFi on August 20, 2007, 12:14:44 PM
Hostel? Seriously? I couldn't stop laughing. I left half way through the movie because it was that lame. Maybe I missed the good stuff, I don't know.

I don't watch much modern horror, I think its overrated by the kiddies, so I have to say the original Alien. First saw it when I was like 10 or 9 and it was pretty scary.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Barbary on August 20, 2007, 04:39:07 PM

James Cameron owned my face with that movie. When the Colonial Marines got ambushed at the beginning I think I screamed something incoherent.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: R.I.C.O - Teros on August 20, 2007, 04:41:32 PM
The last scene in Hostel 2... the rest of the movie was just dumb.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Barbary on August 20, 2007, 08:26:46 PM
They aint very scary though. They are more like action flicks not horror flicks. Wish I could have seen The Thing in theaters. That movie is pretty damn scary.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!! LVL 16!! on August 20, 2007, 10:41:17 PM
Some freaky Japanese movie about a guy who finds a mermaid in the sewer and decides to torture her but at the end it turns out to be a real person. I saw it at a friend's house 2 years ago and the images are burned into my coronas.

Sounds like you just saw some...

Corn-O-Graphy!!!  ;D
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Barbary on August 21, 2007, 12:07:09 AM
I saw some Japanese murder porn once. Talk about wanting to make you vomit. Im pretty strong of stomach but damn, when I see someone get the insides ripped out through their mouthes im out.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: yamblack on August 21, 2007, 12:10:07 AM
Wapanese people love that. I've seen a Wapanese adult film where the female has an alien hiding in her reproductive organ.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: adam on August 21, 2007, 09:37:10 PM
Some freaky Japanese movie about a guy who finds a mermaid in the sewer and decides to torture her but at the end it turns out to be a real person. I saw it at a friend's house 2 years ago and the images are burned into my coronas.

That sounds good if you think of the name let me know
and for me its

Fire in the Sky: The Travis Walton Story
Based on true events and that alien stuff creeps me out
Is it true false do you care
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: 1nonly on August 21, 2007, 09:48:03 PM
brokeback mountain (enough i havent but i saw a scene that i didnt need to see)
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on August 21, 2007, 10:04:56 PM
Wapanese people love that. I've seen a Wapanese adult film where the female has an alien hiding in her reproductive organ.
Not true, what he was talking about was necrophilia.
It's a mental disorder. In the H1K movie by Rob Zombie, one of the murder's is a necrophilia. Sh!ts disgusting. Also the Evil Dead movies are by Sam Raimi and in it, one of the girls gets raped by a tree. >_> Japanese films can be just as weird as USA films.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!! LVL 16!! on August 22, 2007, 01:34:18 AM
Wapanese people love that. I've seen a Wapanese adult film where the female has an alien hiding in her reproductive organ.
Not true, what he was talking about was necrophilia.
It's a mental disorder. In the H1K movie by Rob Zombie, one of the murder's is a necrophilia. Sh!ts disgusting. Also the Evil Dead movies are by Sam Raimi and in it, one of the girls gets raped by a tree. >_> Japanese films can be just as weird as USA films.
Evil Dead is a Classic!

the whole series is PWNAGE!!!

You'd know!!  ;D (Zombie boy)
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: R.I.C.O - Teros on August 22, 2007, 01:35:29 AM
Wapanese people love that. I've seen a Wapanese adult film where the female has an alien hiding in her reproductive organ.

Wapanese? I feel insulted.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Warcueid on August 22, 2007, 02:08:25 AM
Tetsuo the Iron Man, while tripping (it was a long time ago) I wasnt right for a couple weeks afterwards. :P

Is that the movie where his, uh, thing turns into a friggin drill?If so, I could not sit through that movie.
(That movie made me think twice about sex >_>)

For scary, The Exorcism of Emily Rose was creepy.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: evil1 on October 25, 2007, 11:08:45 PM
Phantasm was good but i didn't think it was that scary. When i was younger Stephen King's IT was damn scary. Exorcist was scary at times, someone mentioned that crabwalk, it was done by a contortionist (sp?). I think the Exorcist is probably the most scary though.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: .:K.I.N.G:. on October 26, 2007, 01:46:52 AM
i never got scared by any :-??
but these are some of the creepiest
the curse 1 and 2.
they are the prequels (to the grudge) jap movies.
what makes em cooler that they don't have that polished Hollywood graphical look..every movie is about 30 minutes long and it looks real. @-)
(tale of 2 sisters) is a great creepy movie as well

and btw the mermaid movie is called Guinea pig 4 (Za ginipiggu 4)
i think the guy was a painter who found a mermaid dieing in the sewers...her body was decaying so he started painting her portrait out of her decaying body or something
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on October 26, 2007, 02:16:05 AM
Disturbing? I'd have to say probably
Requiem for  A dream.
I am sorry, but that movie is MotherF@cking Trippy as hell. Especially the part where the fridge was moving and the people in the tv were talking to the old lady.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Jangles: The Moon Monkey on October 26, 2007, 08:05:34 AM
saw 3: the ankle breaking scene :-&
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Gore Whore on October 26, 2007, 12:51:08 PM

hostle is not disturbing at all, thats like the hollywood version of disturbing
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on October 26, 2007, 02:35:35 PM
saw 3: the ankle breaking scene :-&
I'm sorry but that didn't disturb me one bit. I mean, I've seen a lot more gruesome things in horror movies. That scene in  is just a kiddy scene compared too the scene in House of 1000 corpses, with all those peoples bodies being surgically fused with animals.  :-&
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Gore Whore on October 26, 2007, 04:15:06 PM
no offense but yall are talking bout some pretty weak movies.

go watch traces of death (NOT faces of death)  if youve seen faces of death.  traces of death makes faces of death look like nothing.

its  real true raw footage of horrible deaths to people even animals(pets).    the most fu*ked up one   is when it shows this guy getting eating alive
by a horde of lions while his family watches and tries to stop it.  but of coarse they cant.

traces of death is not for the faint of heart.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: fatalfreak on October 26, 2007, 07:23:04 PM
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the classic one)
Any movies that have rape scenes....
Ahh, disturbing  \-/o
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on October 27, 2007, 07:01:15 PM
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the classic one)
Any movies that have rape scenes....
Ahh, disturbing  \-/o
RLY? I have heard nothing but terrible things about the new TCM which is why I never saw it.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: fatalfreak on October 27, 2007, 11:35:41 PM
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the classic one)
Any movies that have rape scenes....
Ahh, disturbing  \-/o
RLY? I have heard nothing but terrible things about the new TCM which is why I never saw it.

Probably if you've watched a lot of scary movies, you are not going to be disturbed.  I usually don't watch scary movies. That's why I fliped out when I watched it (TCM) first time.   :(
I remember I watched Resident Evil while I was in high school, the movie also fliped me out  :D
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS!! LVL 16!! on October 28, 2007, 02:37:24 AM
Some would say that Grindhouse's Planet Terror was just Sick and unexpected!!! AND might make you you go . :-&
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Gigan X3 on October 28, 2007, 03:26:31 AM
brokeback mountain (enough i havent but i saw a scene that i didnt need to see)

I agree...In America!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the classic one)

Hahahaha that movie is sooooo Boring, Leatherface Has a freakin' Chainsaw and only manages to cut one leg-off On Screen. The part with the Crazy Old Ladies makes the movie EVEN more boring! It's a lame attempt at trying to feel disturbing but fails miserably.

Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: Violent Ken Masters on October 28, 2007, 04:31:39 AM
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the classic one)
Any movies that have rape scenes....
Ahh, disturbing  \-/o
RLY? I have heard nothing but terrible things about the new TCM which is why I never saw it.

Probably if you've watched a lot of scary movies, you are not going to be disturbed.  I usually don't watch scary movies. That's why I fliped out when I watched it (TCM) first time.   :(
I remember I watched Resident Evil while I was in high school, the movie also fliped me out  :D
Oh, that would be why. I watch horror movies like there's no tomorrow. I remember one time in school a few weeks ago, our counselor came up to us and asked what do we want to do when we get out of high school, I said either a film director, or a video game designer, then he asked what kind of movies do I want to direct, one of my friends jumped in and shouted horror movies, I was like, grr how the hell would you know?  >:( Then again, now that I think about it, I do watch a lot of horror movies then I do any other type of films.
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: fatalfreak on October 28, 2007, 05:38:44 PM
brokeback mountain (enough i havent but i saw a scene that i didnt need to see)

I agree...In America!

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the classic one)

Hahahaha that movie is sooooo Boring, Leatherface Has a freakin' Chainsaw and only manages to cut one leg-off On Screen. The part with the Crazy Old Ladies makes the movie EVEN more boring! It's a lame attempt at trying to feel disturbing but fails miserably.


Wow!  That's cool that you didn't get scared of watching TCM  :thumbsup:  I will never watch the movie again....
One more thing, I forgot about brockback mountain and I've heard about it.  The movie sounds sooooo  :-&
Title: Re: Most Disturbing movie you've seen!
Post by: fatalfreak on October 28, 2007, 05:43:17 PM
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the classic one)
Any movies that have rape scenes....
Ahh, disturbing  \-/o
RLY? I have heard nothing but terrible things about the new TCM which is why I never saw it.

Probably if you've watched a lot of scary movies, you are not going to be disturbed.  I usually don't watch scary movies. That's why I fliped out when I watched it (TCM) first time.   :(
I remember I watched Resident Evil while I was in high school, the movie also fliped me out  :D
Oh, that would be why. I watch horror movies like there's no tomorrow. I remember one time in school a few weeks ago, our counselor came up to us and asked what do we want to do when we get out of high school, I said either a film director, or a video game designer, then he asked what kind of movies do I want to direct, one of my friends jumped in and shouted horror movies, I was like, grr how the hell would you know?  >:( Then again, now that I think about it, I do watch a lot of horror movies then I do any other type of films.

So you wanna be a film director or a video game designer?  That's cool!! I remember I wanted to be a film director too.  btw, if people wanna be a comic book artist or cartoonist, I've heard that watching a lot movies help them to create a lot of stories....  No wonder why Toriyama (DBZ) used some ideas from movies.... ;D
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