
Author Topic: In Memory Of Bacchus  (Read 685 times)

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Offline Johnstir

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In Memory Of Bacchus
« on: July 24, 2017, 12:16:20 AM »
The Link for the Stage:

[-O< Ok, I know I am not too good at Mugen Stuff, but I did once ask how to make a custom Game Over Screen (Which btw, yes was gonna be the "Git Gud" Screen from FNAFB), so why not try to make my own stage?

Basically, I'm using the default Stage 0 as a template for this and kinda going from there. All I have done however, is set a different BGM and changed the Background of the Stage, I haven't gotten to changing the Stage's floor as of yet.

And as for the subject, Literally Yesterday I was informed that our family's pet cat, Bacchus, has died. He was ill beyond belief, and was in such bad shape that not only was the vet surprised that he lived as long as he did, but when they and the rest of the family decided to put him down, the sedative that is supposed to put him to sleep is what killed him, not the fact that one kidney is abnormally large and the other small, or the fact that his lungs were scar tissue, it was that combined with the heart attacks he's been getting. Combine that with how he's been my little buddy and-dare I say-A better brother than my actual brother-you might see how much of a bond we had, I mean, I even taught him how to play Hide & Seek and Tag.

Anyhow, I figured that since I have actual PC to use (Sort of, it's a laptop that'll power off if unplugged, rip.), and everything that I just mentioned, I figured I could give it a try. And as for why I am publishing this already, think of it as an Early Access kind of deal. I Publish and Update it when need be, and you guys give your opinions and such to me.

Also, yes I did just register earlier today, but it was originally for other reasons, before I actually had the idea basically.

PS: Please don't arrest me with the forum's rules, I didn't get to read them yet, but I will once I find it. so please refrain from doing this to my face  b-( Because there's already a part of my mind that'll do that for you.

From your's truly,

"People don't exist because someone or something says they do, they exist to the places they've been, the things, they've touched, and the people they've met, and nothing can ever change that, not you, or I." ~One of my OCs.

Offline Johnstir

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Re: In Memory Of Bacchus
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2017, 10:05:59 AM »
OK, I found the WIP Rules (Kinda berating myself now for not noticing them sooner) And now know I need to post screenshots of the stage or at least some sprites. So thus, I am gonna try to take care of that right now. Oh, and these screenshots were taken from in the MUGEN engine itself in case you're wondering.

Phew, anyhow, I hope this is acceptable.

Edit: Yes I am playing Akyuu. oddly enough though according to the log she's missing state 105 or something...Anyhow, yeah I'm playing as her, and she's an unconventional fighter, sue me.
"People don't exist because someone or something says they do, they exist to the places they've been, the things, they've touched, and the people they've met, and nothing can ever change that, not you, or I." ~One of my OCs.

Tags: RIP Pets Cat 

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