
Author Topic: westen vs eastern  (Read 592 times)

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westen vs eastern
« on: March 11, 2012, 06:57:23 AM »
I really want to know what the Diference is. After having read both comics and manga, and having watched anime and cartoons all my life... I can't tell. At all.

So yeah, can someone explain in a way that isn't:

-"American comics are nothing but buff superheroes"
- "manga is flashy and point-eyed kids drivel"

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Re: westen vs eastern
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2012, 10:21:32 AM »
Without going into the history of eastern animation and Disney and early pulp fiction from the west influnenced it....

I would say the major differnce is more about how each protray morals and norms to its target audence.
Eastern animation tends to allow more searious or even adult themes be told to a young audence, even allowing nudity.
Its because of cutural hang ups being differnt over there then here.

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Re: westen vs eastern
« Reply #2 on: March 11, 2012, 11:06:12 PM »
Well i think both are the same, history, art, styles..... cartoons after all.... the important thing is the message that they leave for all the people around the planet who read or watch the comic-manga stuff.

I love Mazinger z but i love at the same time the x-men.

U know what i mean?  ;)

There's no diference... but is just my opinion dude..


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Re: westen vs eastern
« Reply #3 on: March 13, 2012, 10:14:16 PM »
I really want to know what the Diference is. After having read both comics and manga, and having watched anime and cartoons all my life... I can't tell. At all.

So yeah, can someone explain in a way that isn't:

-"American comics are nothing but buff superheroes"
- "manga is flashy and point-eyed kids drivel"

I wish I could answer this question fully but my knowledge of American comics and Japanese manga is quite limited from my perspective. However, I note that some of the driving factors that separate manga from comics was the cultural differences that surround the two. Pretty much what SpiderMew said, but in a different way.

I find that the Japanese tend to induce a spice of philosophy in their manga and anime. Much of the quotes I remember from anime characters I know, love, and respect are literal, but also significant to Japanese culture and even American culture alike in some way. This is even apparent, but more faintly, in today's manga, of which I find to be very perverse beyond moral standards (this could probably be a second driving factor, since comics seem to give women a more fair and equal role to male superheroes. Although Manga does this, manga seems to sexualize women more than comics due to the "moe" factor as well for the exposure given to fictional women.)

Comics seem to take on a more serious tone, and from whatever comics I've read, there is a unique amount of depth put within the main character. Once you can get to know the hero, you can find any way to form a sentimental connection to he/she. Spider Man is an incredible example, especially since Andrew Garfield, the current Amazing Spiderman Actor, can relate to this character quite well. This is something I find quite lacking in manga. But Comics are more prone to stereotypes than manga, since in manga, a main character doesn't need to be dressing in super hero costumes to be the hero more better. We can take an example from this one...let's say Kamui Shiro from X/1999. Not a lot of us read CLAMP, but this will have to do.

I feel there can be much disagreement from this and I am also not satisfied with what I have currently now, so please feel free to correct me If there should be more points to be made. Indeed there are similarities between comics and manga; however, standards do change over time much like the art style of an artist. I would probably have to make something that shows the differences between comics and manga over time and the similarities too.

Other than that, cultural differences seem to count so far.

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Re: westen vs eastern
« Reply #4 on: March 15, 2012, 11:08:59 AM »
ah ha! somethin thwe Lando knows about . lol

well for me being a humogous fan of both comcis and mangas. there are differences and yet similarities depending on the writers, the artists and what like Silvern says "philosophy " as a core to getting the story told in their unique way.  Both sides take from each other and introduce those things borrowed in their way. I have now seen the western world adapting alot more Manga/anime styles in thier products and vice versa with japanese doing it as well but in their flashy flair way.  Take the anime Wolverine for example. Loved it! they did something with him that i havent seen in motion western wise and perform what i only read in comics.  The perversion ways of what some of  the manga/anime culture has is because they values and maybe morales when coming to content displayed and written is different than here. and so it should be.  to do another comparioson, take both versions of Witchblade.  both exibit sesual content . neither one more than the other. depending on how the veiwer looks at it is what makes the solid difference. examples.:
Witchblade western
(click to show/hide)

Witchblade eastern
(click to show/hide)

both are just so yummy! lol.

when viewing the comics/cartoon and mang/anime versions of sexual content and the display of the female gender they both glorify them in a manner that , really, most women there and here dont look like them on any average. but we lose track of the male side cause most males dopnt be built like them either. That is the artists styles at work of the genders looks. Now when getting into the more porn side, yeah we dont have that in western comics , there are a few out there for adults . over there , i believe its almost the same but maybe not. any kid here can pick up a book or find one with such content off the street unless you frequent a such shop that doesnt allow for under age consumer buy . the laws there are believe are more strict now.

western and eastern comics/cartoons and manga /anime both have great fan bases and i am glad there are both formats around for me to choose which i wanna buy and read and watch. It is always up to the consumers decision if they want to purchase what sides product for their enjoyment, but i surely wouldnt bash/downplay either one. they both contribute to alot of what we have, see and do sometimes professionally, artistcally, leisurely and as a casual hobbie of fandome. Expand your minds.  ::salute:: :thumbsup:

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